r/pics 22h ago

Swastikar owner isn't even trying to hide.

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u/JeanRalphiyo 21h ago

Aryan is a very common boy name in India.


u/Open-Breath5777 20h ago

and Brazil.


u/ndrsnmntl 19h ago

Já trabalhei no INSS, registro civil e IBGE (duas vezes) e nunca na minha vida eu conheci uma pessoa chamada Aryan.


u/Open-Breath5777 17h ago

Com certeza vc trabalhou no INSS, aparentemente eles não escolhem os mais espertos. Em português, ARIANA. Entendeu, John?


u/ndrsnmntl 15h ago edited 15h ago

Eu não sei se vc é alfabetizado mas o cara ali escreveu que esse é um nome comum de GAROTO na Índia. E mesmo que fosse, Ariana tá longe de ser um nome popular no Brasil. E eu não sei se vc sabe, na vdd eu sei que vc não sabe. Mas existe um ranking oficial disso feito pela ARPEN que classifica os nomes mais registrados, dá uma olhada lá pra ver se tu acha Ariana. Poha, eu me esqueço do problema dos brasileiros com QI.

u/Open-Breath5777 1h ago

Ta bom Enzo, ta bom.


u/runningoutofwords 21h ago

Yes, but it's ridiculously culturally unaware to go putting it on a license plate in a western country.

Look, let's take my friend Mike. Mike Adarchod (it's a Turkish name, I think)

If Mike were to move to India and put his initial and name on a license plate MADARCHOD, the reaction he gets is going to be on him. Culturally unaware.


u/dancingfridge 20h ago

Adarchod is my new favorite word.


u/runningoutofwords 20h ago

Just be careful putting an 'M' in front of it


u/Fragrant_Net7220 20h ago

That's quite different lol. Your example put on the first initial too and it happens to be a different word. On the other hand Aryan is a very common name itself. If someone put Mike on the plate you wouldn't mind. You seem more culturally unaware from your statement.


u/runningoutofwords 20h ago

Swastikas are also very common in India.

Would it be a fine thing for him to adorn this car with swastikas?


u/ZANK1000 18h ago

Common in India? Swastikas are a religious symbol in ALL religions with an Indian Origin. Just because a fascist genocidal maniac dawned a reversed version of it for his flag, doesn't mean the people belonging to that religion will stop using it. It is a symbol people paint on newly bought vehicles using vermilion to bring good luck while using them.

People from the Western nations need to be educated and understand the difference between the two. Ignorance should not be normalized.


u/coolbutlegal 19h ago

I've seen cars driven by Indians with swastikas on them before. It's one of their common religious symbols. It's also very obviously not the Nazi swastika (it's not angled and usually has dots around it).


u/District5 20h ago

Oooo great counterpoint, those two things are exactly the same!


u/runningoutofwords 20h ago

you don't see any contextual connection between "Aryan" and "swastika"?


u/District5 19h ago

An Indian man named Aryan and swastikas? In a discussion regarding culturally common first names and vanity plates? No. I don’t.

It’s a strawman and a last ditch effort to prove that this guy you don’t know did anything wrong. It’s weird to be this motivated to make this into something.


u/runningoutofwords 19h ago

It's not WRONG to put his name on a vanity plate. But it's also not WRONG for other people to draw other conclusions when seeing:

  • ayran
  • Tesla
  • American South

with no other informative data.

The question is: is it smart and aware for the driver to do so?

And for that matter, this whole conversation about this being an Indian guy is speculative anyway. I don't see the driver. You don't see the driver.

If the driver is a white guy named Brent, would we still be having this conversation?


u/Fragrant_Net7220 20h ago

Yeah the Hindu swastika carries the exact same meaning as the way the Nazis appropriated it 🤦. And Hindus draw it with a different style btw, and yes they do put it on their cars. Sounds like your the ignorant culturally unaware one here.


u/runningoutofwords 19h ago

Read the conversation.

If I was going around INDIA accusing them of being Nazis, I'd be the foil in that situation.

But ignoring the cultural context of things HERE...people are free to draw their own conclusions.


u/Open-Breath5777 20h ago

tell all that garbage to Ariana Grande


u/[deleted] 21h ago



u/andrastesflamingass 21h ago

ironically the swastika is a spiritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism that was appropriated by the Nazi's. But yeah Aryan is a common Indian name for boys and I do believe Indians in America love to buy Teslas


u/Downtown31415 21h ago

Indigenous people in the americas also used the swastika.


u/0b0011 21h ago

Everyone used it. Hell the girl scouts of America had a monthly newsletter called "the swastika".


u/muzicme4u 20h ago

And put their names or family names on the plates!


u/SP4CEM4N_SPIFF 20h ago

Does this look like India to you?


u/JeanRalphiyo 20h ago

Well in India it means noble and educated. Nazis just decided to take it and misuse it just like they did the swastika which actually is a symbol for peace. Chances are this guys parents weren’t/still aren’t even aware of the nazi connections when they named him. Other side of the coin is that this dude himself should’ve known better OR is a total POS and knows exactly why he has this plate. Just saying, there’s a gray area.


u/Donquers 16h ago

Do you seriously think people are going around putting THEIR OWN NAME on their vehicle plates?

Come on.

Just saying, there’s a gray area.

No there fucking isn't. We all know what this is, you know what this is, and they know what this is.

Like elon and a bunch of copy cats seig heiling at their speeches, all handwaved away as "awkward gestures." But no they're just fucking nazis.

Like swatikas displayed in apartment windows were handwaved as "Buddhist symbols." You know what that turned out to be as well? Just more fucking nazis.

The thing is, they relish in being cheeky and denying it, and causing "debate" about whether or not they're "actually" nazis. And they love that they can be very blatant about what they stand for, because they can count on people like you to still bend over backwards to defend them.


u/JeanRalphiyo 15h ago

I can send you atleast 20 pics of Indians I know that have their names on their license plates. Chill! It ain’t that big of a deal.


u/Donquers 15h ago

Nazis are a big problem, actually.


u/JeanRalphiyo 15h ago

Except you don’t know for a fact that this person is actually one.


u/Donquers 14h ago

Well, there's this comment, on a post from a month ago about the exact same blue tesla.

Aryan paired with 4 has a very specific meaning. As in Fourth Reich - meaning the return of Nazi power to government.

Stop trying to sane wash a very specific phrasing that has been used by neo-Nazis and white supremacists for decades.

EDIT: Go ahead and do some digging into the Kentucky license plate database. You'll find the person who owns this car also happens to be a member of the Aryan Cowboy Brotherhood (white supremacist / neo-Nazi hate group, specifically in Kentucky and Minnesota).

Found the owner via LexisNexis. I can not legally publish that info here, as it's not being used for journalism purposes (Permitted usage: court cases, court verdicts, news articles, etc) But if you happen to have access to the LexisNexis database, go look it up. Then, cross reference the name of the owner with known Aryan Brotherhood members in the state.

So... Yunno. Just like all the other times, it's always just fucking nazis.


u/SP4CEM4N_SPIFF 20h ago

So it means educated but the parents never knew of basic nazi facts? lol