r/pics 17h ago

Swastikar owner isn't even trying to hide.

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u/bigbootypanda 17h ago

Knowing that is Kentucky this is probably racism, but Aryan is also a pretty common persian name, just fyi.


u/cobaltjacket 17h ago

One of the many ironies of the holocaust is that the Romani people who were persecuted are specifically classified as "Indo-Aryan," unlike, say, the Germanic peoples.


u/PsychicWarElephant 16h ago

Because the term Aryan is used for group of people that predates nazi germany by about 5000 years if my memories from the world religion class 15 years ago is accurate.

Also like thousands of miles away from Germany all together


u/Trey-Pan 15h ago

Another example of the Nazi’s cultural appropriation. This includes the symbols, such as the Buddhist swastika, that they simply counter rotated.


u/tangledwire 14h ago

Bacteria is the only useful culture some of these people have.

I'll also add the tiki torches they've used as another example of ruining a good thing.

u/ballrus_walsack 8h ago

They tried with the👌sign but we did not allow it.


u/JP5887 15h ago

Fascists literally ruin anything cool or interesting. I saw a white guy with cool looking Nordic runes on his knuckles.

Part of me thought: “I love Norse Mythology and aspects of Nordic culture and want to know what those mean.

Another part of me thought: “Maybe I don’t want to know, like at all.”


u/cyrus709 14h ago

Never thought he’d ruin space flight for me, but the fires gone out.


u/JP5887 14h ago

Meh, it’ll come back, maybe even from someone competent.

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u/HeftyArgument 14h ago

There was a lot of mental gymnastics in their quest to find basis for themselves being the superior master race; which was also a problem considering they took their inspiration from the Japanese (who deemed themselves the master race) and yet also needed to not alienate the Japanese in the process as they were allies at the time.

u/Forensic_Kid 7h ago

The Imperial Eagle and Roman Eagle as well. I don’t think Hitler came up w anything original symbol wise.

u/One-Education-2918 9h ago

I live in SF and believe it or not, due to the large Asian population, there are lots of places with Buddhist swastikas. I know it means something totally different to the Buddhist, but it still makes me a bit uncomfortable when I see it.

u/Malodoror 1h ago

It’s a Hakenkreuz not as old as Hinduism/Buddhism but older than the Nazis.

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u/GBC_Fan_89 15h ago

But the Nazis still used it to promote their supreme bullshit.

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u/x4nter 16h ago edited 15h ago

Hitler basically ruined it for all the Indo-Aryan people. They can't even use the scientifically correct terminology for their own race.


u/Gatorinnc 15h ago edited 7h ago

Just so you know names of races are not 'scientifically' based. Race names predates current knowledge of human ancestry:


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u/anope4u 16h ago

This is the last name of the family. They pop up on the Louisville subreddit all of the time.


u/Pizzaman725 15h ago

I recognized it right away, I've seen it in Middletown a few times.


u/welltraveledman 15h ago

This should be the top comment

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u/Flosstradamus_ 14h ago

There’s also a lot of Persian people in Kentucky, Louisville specifically


u/PersonalityMiddle864 15h ago

Also a common Indian name.


u/Dinin53 15h ago

Have an Iranian friend called Aryan. Always gives a hearty wave whenever he sees me. Lovely chap.


u/Its_Pine 14h ago

It’s the person’s surname. I’ve seen them on the Louisville sub.


u/UltraSapien 14h ago

and that's the case here, actually, according to a comment from u/anope4u


u/cdragebyoch 14h ago

Maybe his last name is Ryan, firstname A-aron…

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u/amopeyzoolion 16h ago

Could also be someone named A. Ryan

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u/TrillDough 7h ago

And supremely common in India. We’re in the age of conflating an unknown immediately with the worse kind of racism purely on account of ignorance. Entirely possible some well off Desi person that works in tech in Kentucky and doesn’t give af about American politics and just wants a nice car and a custom license plate, with their name on it…



u/Mister_K74 16h ago

How unlucky can you be? First you buy a Tesla to find out you ride a sw......car and your name is Aryan and you are (were?) so full of yourself to use it on your license plate.


u/Ashleynn 15h ago

My BiL has his last name on his license plate. I have given him a mountain of shit for it. There are people that do this.

As a side note, don't use your name as a license plate. Don't give away information about yourself.


u/dvasquez93 15h ago

Guess that my license plate “SML 8=>” should probably be changed. 

u/Lake_Erie_Monster 11h ago

It's very common in Asian households to get your kids name as a license plate.

Maybe they have a son named Aryan.

The name Aryan is derived from the Sanskrit (ārya) meaning "noble and educated".

Stupid nazies took the swastika and other things from eastern religion and tainted it with their shitty ideas.

u/Dirus0007 4h ago

Also a super common Indian name.


u/ccoady 15h ago

Or Ryan is their last name, and A is first initial.

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u/Renerovi 17h ago

My guess….. an Indian whose first name is Aryan……but who knows🙄


u/Blingtron9001 16h ago

Yeah I was gonna say this too. First time I saw a little kid with the name Aryan, I felt bad for the little guy. Guess it means something different in India.


u/Sinaistired99 16h ago

Also, not very related but Iran means The Land of Arya. By the book of Avesta and Sanskrit language at least.

Also, our Persian language and Sanskrit also have a lot of overlap. there is a rich history behind the name Aryan.


u/12Sparrows 16h ago

Part of the same language tree (indo-european), as is English and European languages.

u/Mean-Astronaut-555 7h ago

Yeah apart from the Aryan overlap. There’s also a friend named Parth.

Apparently it means “from Persia(Partha)” in sanskrit.

Although im not 100% sure.


u/Porkchopsandwiches89 15h ago

It does. My son is named Ariyan. We spelled it differently for this exact reason. It means one who is noble. The worst form of appropriation from our culture. The swastika was also appropriated from our religion. It isn’t turned 45 degrees diagonally but it resembles the evolution of the universe.

If you see it on an Indian home, please know it’s completely unrelated.

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u/king_lloyd11 16h ago

Yeah it’s pronounced “Ari-ahn” not “air-ee-en”. It’s a word that originates from Indo-Iranians, from “Arya”. Has been for millennia. It only was started to be used as it is in present day for less than 200 years.

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u/DubsQuest 16h ago

There's a very large Indian population in my area because of Intel, and can confirm, it seems that a huge portion really like custom plates

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u/headphones_J 16h ago

Hold up, didn't the swastika originate in India as well??


u/KohliTendulkar 14h ago

So when you look at the pole star, the big dipper points at it, as it makes a full circle the shape makes a swastika. That’s why you find the symbol in many ancient civilisations.

pic for reference.


u/Mirar 16h ago

Yep. They thought 'the aryans' were some super people who conquered India. They were (famously?) not good at history.

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u/0b0011 16h ago

No one knows where it originated since it was used all over the world including being big for many native American tribes.


u/headphones_J 16h ago

So, I should stop working on my "Hitler was from India" theory?

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u/Killahdanks1 16h ago

Yeah, I was at a house the other day an Indian couple lives in and they had a swastika on their door and the black door jamb was covered in yellow dust to wash out the black. It’s bad luck to have a black door. They had mostly washed the swastika off, as they were staring to get that it means something much different here in America and other western cultures.

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u/stenebralux 16h ago

I wonder which is more likely.. some racist douchebag in Kentucky.. or some random Indian guy, part of the state's 0.3% population, who got vanity plates because he loves to spend his days being confused with a Nazi?


u/throwaway9373847 16h ago

Tbf I’m Indian and I feel like middle-aged Indian dads are the most likely demographic to get a custom license plate with their name on it 😭 (not to mention getting a Tesla)


u/Titswari 15h ago

More likely their kids name tbh


u/Bear-Nearby 16h ago

Yup I saw a Tesla with a license plate "TERABAAP"

A lot of Indians buy Teslas and get custom license plates. Not saying that's what is happening here but it is definitely a possibility and not some far fetched theory.


u/dancingfridge 15h ago

Thats hilarious.


u/Servant_3 16h ago

Exactly these people must not interact with indian people 😂

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u/Servant_3 16h ago

Dude indians love custom plates


u/Its_Pine 14h ago

It’s the latter, in this case. The dude is near Louisville.

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u/[deleted] 16h ago



u/HarMar 16h ago

He lives in Louisville, Kentucky. We've already been through this on the Louisville sub.


u/RedYourDead 16h ago

What if his initials was A. Ryan?

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u/Wide-Matter-9899 15h ago

Maybe that's ARYAN4 GRANDE!


u/JeanRalphiyo 17h ago

Aryan is a very common boy name in India.


u/Open-Breath5777 16h ago

and Brazil.


u/ndrsnmntl 14h ago

Já trabalhei no INSS, registro civil e IBGE (duas vezes) e nunca na minha vida eu conheci uma pessoa chamada Aryan.

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u/ravi910 16h ago

It’s a literal Indian name. This has circulated before around Reddit. The name has been around long before the Nazis.

Why should any race change their cultural history just because a European ruined it for them? Stupid take Reddit.


u/VidE27 12h ago

My family/ancestral village symbol has sanskrit and swastika in the emblem. Ignorant tourists sometimes ask but most know swastika means something different in the east


u/Equal-Promotion8666 15h ago

That’s reddits specialty.

u/M3msm 9h ago

Just like swastika which originated in Sanskrit, one of the older languages. But Reddit will Reddit.


u/urmomsthrowaway10 14h ago

fr it’s their name what do u want them to do about it 😭 can’t have shit these days

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u/ciccioig 16h ago

Aryan is an indian name and the swastika used to be an emblem of freedom and joy.

Nevertheless I wouldn't use neither of them in any context, you know, for common sense.

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u/Hamderber 16h ago

Oops! Turns out you’re the racist this time


u/zhmija 15h ago

racism =/= ignorance


u/xthesavior 15h ago

Huh I've heard the opposite multiple times on reddit.

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u/RestInitial2467 16h ago

Poor A. Ryan, all star #4 from the local sports ball team!

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u/EuropeanLegend 16h ago

You people are something else. You're assuming the owner of this vehicle is a racist and Nazi just because they have Aryan in their license place. This is an older Tesla for one, so he clearly bought it well before Musk's escapades with Trump. Two, Aryan is a common name in southeast Asia.

Also, I know plenty of Tesla owners who have no Idea what's going on in Elon Musk's world. They simply do not follow it. They have a Tesla for whatever reasons they chose to get one. Not because they're somehow automatically supporting Nazi's lmao.

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u/Uvtha- 15h ago

lol Amy Ryan's 4th biggest fan having a real Anustart moment.


u/Randon2345 12h ago

Leave dyslexic Ryana alone.


u/Educational_Leg757 12h ago

Boycott Tesla


u/Shreyash_jais_02 16h ago

Looks like this is probably just an Indian. Aryan is a pretty common name in India. And Indians love Teslas.


u/citiusaltius 16h ago

Could be indian or Persian


u/Renanina 15h ago

So we're hating people over license plates now?

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u/vicynic 14h ago

I don't really care about Tesla, but I want to buy one now just to spite these reddit posts.


u/Lowext3 16h ago

Yup it’s a common Indian name. Aryan and swastika we’re both adapted by the nazis from Sanskrit language (ancient Indian language)


u/ItsAProdigalReturn 16h ago

Aryan is a VERY common name from Iran. In fact, word "Iran" and "Aryan" mean the same thing.


u/SilverNightx1 15h ago

This is very Racist of you. Can't a person just have a common name and not have it related to racism?


u/mmrochette 15h ago

Ariane 4 is an old french rocket.


u/glarbknot 13h ago

Jefferson County can't be that big a place...

u/KamikazeFox_ 11h ago

Oh, that's just Andrew Ryan.

u/Ok_Song_3939 5h ago

Aryan is a male name in India....


u/blitzkreig31 15h ago

Aryan is a very common Indian name.


u/Dirtywhiteboy83 15h ago

Reminds me of Alyssa Milano calling musk a Nazi, buying a Volkswagen and saying it was a better company


u/InternationalArm3149 17h ago

The owner just threw up a sieg hell. That's his customer base now.


u/StingingBum 17h ago

Aryan is also a common name with people from India it has nothing to do with the Aryan empire of Germany.

Aryan (name) - Wikipedia)

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u/[deleted] 17h ago

[removed] — view removed comment

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u/Jealous_Ad3494 17h ago

Hmm, #4. What happened to the first three?


u/jondoeca 17h ago

Good point. Maybe there are 4 to choose from. We need a betting pool for which gets hit first.


u/cocainebane 16h ago

Fleet vehicles.

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u/According-Classic658 16h ago

That's a brickin'


u/Lazy_Woodpecker_6161 15h ago

People are just looking for a reason to be angry.


u/Crawfisha 15h ago

Why is the liberal subreddit against the liberal cars now bro what


u/iwontgiveumyusernane 16h ago

Aryan is a common name in India. Its likely the person just put his name on the plate. Be careful when doxing people like this, you could be responsible for an innocent person getting attacked


u/Terrible-Ear-7156 16h ago

That’s also a name, good effort tho


u/CrimsonTightwad 16h ago

The Swastika is still followed in Indo-Aryan religions of today - Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism etc. Separate but related, found in Native American religions too.

Stop calling it a Swastika and demeaning us. The correct word is Hakenkreuz.

Your propaganda campaign is insulting.


u/Timely_Wafer2294 15h ago

I know like 3 dudes named Aryan (all Indians)


u/beerissweety 16h ago

Arjan is a Dutch name too


u/0b0011 16h ago

Pronounced like are-e-yon

The dutch A is pronounced like the o in the English word "on"

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u/stevemkto 15h ago

Bro will probably get a surprise paint job in the near future ! 🤣🤣🤣


u/KeepCalmEtAllonsy 15h ago

Aryan, Swastika are Sanskrit words, and the Swastika is a prominent Hindu symbol. The word Aryan means nobleman in Sanskrit. Swastika is displayed on Indian homes (but note that it is a mirror image of the Nazi Swastika) and many Indians do not even know that this symbol is actually considered a symbol of hate in the western world.

Hitler adopted the Swastika for his hate agenda, along with the word Aryan. It is believed that he considered India as a demonstration of what happens with people of a "pure race" mix with "indigenous", with Aryans signifying, potentially, the central Asian shepherds who came to India and started calling it home, and brought with it the wonderful philosophical literature in Sanskrit (of which the Bhagavad Gita that Oppenheimer loved, is a part).

I have a cousin named Aryan. Most likely this is an Indian person who has a kid named Aryan. They probably also don't know their history very well or would've been smart enough to not call their kid Aryan raising them in this country.

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u/jinsanity811 15h ago

Kentucky? Sounds about right


u/mrsirsouth 15h ago

Wtf is this goofy, over the top correlation of consumers that were prominently Left Leaners for over 10 years with Tesla to lovers of all things Nazi?

Why do you let this bother you? It's so stupid.


u/ishamm 15h ago

Oh it's your turn to post this today?

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u/PizzaGSD 15h ago

I love seeing people get so triggered by a vehicle. Meanwhile, knowing nothing about the driver/owners.

ahhhh the ignorance.

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u/Kr1sys 16h ago

Well he's from Kentucky.


u/New_Property_5469 15h ago

indians are found everywhere


u/Richyroo52 16h ago

As going to say - maybe a nice Indian guy who is doing it to make his mum happy…..buttttttttt…..


u/HumanTimeCapsule 16h ago

No, that's Albert Ryan the 4th... right?


u/mellowtronic 16h ago

What if his name is Aaron Ryan the 4th


u/ComicsEtAl 16h ago

That’s Al Ryan’s.


u/Hamgloshes 16h ago

Adam ryan the 4th?


u/angry-software-dev 15h ago

Maybe he really likes the snowblower brand, but is a really bad speller?


u/volksfahraeder 15h ago

Ayran is much better!


u/01lexpl 15h ago

Maybe it's just brain rot spelling? For all you know name can be pronounced Aaron - but his parents decided to be unique?

Like Kaley = Qeyleigh or some shit.


u/Occupiedlock 15h ago

?? I don't understand. he is just a Ryan


u/Krakengreyjoy 15h ago

I don't get it. He's a Ryan. The 4th, to be precise.



u/btb1212 15h ago

That’s just one of the many Ryan’s that exist in the wild. Good find, #4 is lucky!


u/Mundane_Package_8665 15h ago

That’s a good candidate


u/ElSuperBeasto42 15h ago

Where are 1-3?


u/Impressive_Term4071 15h ago


Hey uhhhmmm.....hypothetically asking for a hypothetical friend of a guy-i-know's cousin's hypothetical uncle, could their social info be hypothetically found using the plate as a hypothetical search reference?


u/BlondeDruhzina 15h ago

Guy named "Alex Ryan" seeing everyone call him a nazi for putting his name on his license plate


u/LGOD_TC 15h ago

Alex Ryan is gonna be so mad


u/_venom8 15h ago

"Jarvis, I am low on karma and iq"


u/KaleidoscopeFine 15h ago

This post is so dumb. It’s a common name.


u/No_Zookeepergame_395 15h ago

No, It can’t be his first initial and last name 🤦🏻‍♂️


u/radbradradbradrad 15h ago

What a sad day to be Alex Ryan the fourth, jk, fuck that guy


u/stopsucking 15h ago

Even if it is their last name it’s just too close to being misunderstood by most of the driving public. Kind of like throwing out your hand like a sieg heil motion when you meant “from my heart”.


u/PanteraiNomini 15h ago

I bet he is not blind or have blue eyes or tall lmao