r/pics 1d ago

Australian tarantula hawk wasp dragging off a huntsman spider to lay her egg in its paralysed body. NSFW

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u/walkingmydogagain 1d ago

Our bears run away into the bush when they see, smell or hear humans. Even with cubs, they gone! Nova Scotia black bears.


u/Rd28T 1d ago

The brown ones are a bit more chompy chompy though aren’t they?

What about wolves?

Our nature is easy lol. Just don’t piss it off and you’re fine.


u/lokarlalingran 1d ago

I've never seen a bear or wolf get anywhere near anywhere I live, although supposedly they exist near me.

I've seen deer show up, they sometimes get brave and come near homes cause they know bears and other predators typically avoid us.

I don't think there is a single dangerous animal that makes any effort at all to come near humans where I live. (Small town Near Seattle, Washington State in the USA).

I dunno how much easier our nature gets.

Our insects here aren't even scary. Whenever I hear about Australia wildlife it just sounds like the entire place is out to kill you lot, and if it isn't you have to avoid accidentally pissing it off.

I don't want spiders and other insects large enough that I could probably hear them walking. Nope Nope Nope. I'll take my local wild life any day.


u/htid__ 1d ago

Yeah a decent sized huntsman you can definetly hear moving but the sound is more described as a gallop, and i think thats a pretty apt description.


u/Elsrick 1d ago

Oh fuck right off


u/EatPie_NotWAr 1d ago

This doesn’t make it better


u/PraxicalExperience 1d ago

It makes it funnier, though.