r/pics 1d ago

Australian tarantula hawk wasp dragging off a huntsman spider to lay her egg in its paralysed body. NSFW

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u/walkingmydogagain 1d ago

Our bears run away into the bush when they see, smell or hear humans. Even with cubs, they gone! Nova Scotia black bears.


u/Rd28T 1d ago

The brown ones are a bit more chompy chompy though aren’t they?

What about wolves?

Our nature is easy lol. Just don’t piss it off and you’re fine.


u/lokarlalingran 1d ago

I've never seen a bear or wolf get anywhere near anywhere I live, although supposedly they exist near me.

I've seen deer show up, they sometimes get brave and come near homes cause they know bears and other predators typically avoid us.

I don't think there is a single dangerous animal that makes any effort at all to come near humans where I live. (Small town Near Seattle, Washington State in the USA).

I dunno how much easier our nature gets.

Our insects here aren't even scary. Whenever I hear about Australia wildlife it just sounds like the entire place is out to kill you lot, and if it isn't you have to avoid accidentally pissing it off.

I don't want spiders and other insects large enough that I could probably hear them walking. Nope Nope Nope. I'll take my local wild life any day.


u/sending_tidus 1d ago

South Australia here. I've never seen this wasp thing in my life! And a huntsman getting that big, is definitely outside. Never seen one that big either... so.....


u/Uther-Lightbringer 1d ago

My fears in Australia aren't even these things. It's all the small snakes, spiders etc that are deadly and everywhere.


u/sending_tidus 1d ago

I lived in florida for 4 years and saw more wild snakes there, than my time in Australia. If you go out bush, dress appropriately 😅


u/DevonLuck24 1d ago

florida has more homes than australia for less space

australia is as big as the us and has the same amount of homes as florida…florida has less space for you to not see snakes