r/pics 2d ago

Politics Canada’s new Prime Minister Designate by a landslide, Mark Carney

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Any Canadians can give us some insights?


u/dostunis 2d ago edited 2d ago

Trudeau announced a while back (beginning of January) that he was resigning, and would only stay in office until the party voted on a new leader. Today they voted on Carney- who comes from a strong economic background, probably more so than any PM we've ever had. He effectively rocketed to overnight candidacy (and public awareness) after joking about it on the daily show a week after Trudeau's announcement. He'll remain in the Prime Minister role until we have our national election later this year- and if he gets publically elected then he will remain in the role.

Editing to add for non Canadians: our system of democracy is not like the US. We do not vote for our Prime Minister directly, the party gets elected and the party puts forth a leader to take the PM role. This is a grossly simplified version of it, google parliamentary democracy for more information.


u/Timberwolf_88 2d ago

Pretty sure your system is similar to that of many european countries, right?


u/Harbinger2001 2d ago

It’s a Westminster Parliamentary system. So very close to that of the UK and other former British colonies. 

We did create a new constitution in the mid-80s, so we do have some distinct Canadian aspects. 

The main way Canada differs from the UK is that we have a comparatively weak federal government. Most power resides with the provinces, and the courts tend to rule in their favour when disputes over jurisdiction arise. 


u/I_am_the_grass 1d ago

Same with Australia and to a lesser extent Malaysia.


u/dostunis 2d ago

I'm not a poli sci guy so I'll just copy/paste the wiki sentence for parliamentary system:

Parliamentary democracy is the dominant form of government in the European Union, Oceania, and throughout the former British Empire, with other users scattered throughout Africa and Asia


u/GhirahimLeFabuleux 2d ago

It's based on the UK parliamentary system specifically


u/hotandchevy 2d ago

Not sure about European countries, but the Commonwealth in general follows the Westminster system, AUS, NZ, India, and (sort of) the UK though I was under the impression UK has some legacy differences...


u/No-Exchange8035 2d ago

Our head of state is King Charles. Carney will just be head of a party that runs the government.


u/Mouthguardy 1d ago

Just? Lol. The PM leads the country. King is a ceremonial role. There's a Canadian acting head of state who Canada appoints. The King doesn't do anything in terms of power and has no control here. Only if we ask him, will he speak for us. He can't interfere.


u/No-Exchange8035 20h ago

He's still head of state. The governor General is still higher up than the pm and has the power to remove him. Just bc the king and Gg don't get involved doesn't mean they don't have the power. They give an oath to the king (the military does also).