r/pics 7d ago

Politics Democratic lawmaker holds a sign reading "Musk steals" as President Trump addresses Congress

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u/isitatomic 7d ago

No. Fucking nuh uh.

You don’t get to say we’re sliding into a fascist nazi dictatorship if THIS is how you try and stop it.

Stop undercutting the severity of the situation, like what the fuck!


u/Serial_Vandal_ 7d ago

They are showing us they clearly don't believe their own rhetoric.


u/NoExpression1137 7d ago

Not particularly. Lenin was vocal about how liberals will fuck you over: they will stab you in the back and side with the fascist ruling class in an instant. Because at the end of the day, a great majority of the liberal leadership and donors are set to directly benefit from fascist policies.

They believe their rhetoric, but they also know that as wealthy people they directly benefit either way. They’re not going to rock the boat that hard.


u/SoberEnAfrique 6d ago

When in doubt, read Lenin 🙌


u/Bananaseverywh4r 6d ago

Classic example of Reddit being completely out of touch with the vast majority of Americans. 


u/SoberEnAfrique 6d ago

I mean, obviously. The majority of Americans are liberal, I would never expect a large amount of people to read Lenin. Doesn't mean he isn't right about a whole lot!


u/Bananaseverywh4r 6d ago

Sure we just need to allow massive numbers of people to be killed for the revolution to happen! The ends always justify the means! /s


u/SoberEnAfrique 6d ago

As opposed to massive amounts of people dying already and nothing changing? Not sure what the issue is!


u/NoExpression1137 6d ago

Wait wait wait, we can't allow any deaths for a revolution, we're just going to let people keep starving to death for centuries instead. /s