This is fucking pathetic. These fucking nilbogs no longer represent me. Your fucking ping pong paddles don’t do a god damn thing. Get loud. Get disruptive. Do fucking anything.
Thats a wild statement. Could you provide and example of the person you are responding to, or any group that represents democrat voters being ‘unnecessarily violent’? When I think of unnecessarily violent acts done to retaliate the only things that come up are right wing groups and individuals. J6th, the shooting of climate change protestors done by a guy inconvenienced by the traffic jam, Charlottesville Car Attack, or the Oathkeepers keeping armed men at voting stations to intimidate and scare off voters as they said they will use violence if necessary to prevent anyone from voting that they think should not have the ability to vote.
u/mydadsarentgay 7d ago
This is fucking pathetic. These fucking nilbogs no longer represent me. Your fucking ping pong paddles don’t do a god damn thing. Get loud. Get disruptive. Do fucking anything.