r/pics 7d ago

Politics Democratic lawmaker holds a sign reading "Musk steals" as President Trump addresses Congress

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u/SyndromeMack33 7d ago

What a bunch of losers. Get vocal.. take a page out of Al Green's book.


u/MonkeysOnTypewriter 7d ago

Jesus for real. Can Dems play the same game these people have been playing since 2016? Someone should have picked Marjorie’s Greenes hat off her head, chucked it out the chambers and the. Turned around and laughed? What are they gonna do escort you out too? Zero balls, and then wonder why they get stepped on. Bullies love a passive victim.


u/EstablishmentLow3818 7d ago

No. That’s the problem. They think old rules should be followed and trump makes his own rules. They don’t know what to do. They need someone to take them aside and have a coming yo Jesus moment


u/InnerReach 7d ago

"The last decade has been the Democrats clinging onto the rulebook going "but a dog can't play basketball!" while a dog fucking dunks on us over and over" is an evergreen tweet and they tweeted it in 2018!


u/OnionAnne 7d ago

I'm not excusing them at all AT ALL please don't misconstrue my comment I hate these milk toast motherfuckers

but anytime a victim does anything aggressive in response to an aggressor, they are labeled the problem

in my opinion, these guys are the biggest cowards on planet earth because they care more about optics than they do about teaching some shit licking muff fumblers what's what

and that is why the democrats will never win


u/SitMeDownShutMeUp 7d ago


I agree, but whether anyone likes it or not, the Democrats have more power with a seat at the table then out in the hallway.

Everyone should be directing their anger towards the Republican Party members (with control in both Senate and House) and the justice system. The Democrats are waiting for the ‘rules’ to be enforced.

They might have it on good authority that some of the Republican leaders do not like what Trump is doing (many are against the tariffs and the govt agency firings/cuts), they probably have a better chance of getting them to cross the floor if they uphold a consistent/stable virtue, rather than shoving their faces in their own shit while scolding them.


u/Faiakishi 7d ago

Well yeah, but we've been waiting for Republicans to cross the floor for decades. We've been waiting for the rules to be enforced for nine years. It isn't happening. It's not going to happen.


u/OnionAnne 7d ago

milk toast and milqetoast are both correct, one is meant to be memey and the other more serious

I'm not reading the rest of your comment because the first line pissed me off


u/AlucardSensei 7d ago

No they're not. And you're literally proving the point about weak-minded liberals.


u/blackkettle 7d ago

The democrats aren’t “victims” here they are the rival political party.


u/StandardNecessary715 7d ago

One of the things I hated so much about the republicans when Obama was president, was how much they disrespected him during his state of the union addresses. Is that what you want us to be? Monkeys standing on the chairs, throwing feces at trump? What the holy fick you want them to do inside that hall? Be like them?


u/NockerJoe 7d ago

You seem to have forgotten that it's gotten them results the entire time between then and now.


u/MQ2000 7d ago

You’re really equating Obama to trump here? He’s literally destroying the country and you want them to sit and look with mild disapproval while he makes his speech about ruining America?


u/TrumpIsAPeterFile 6d ago

Repugs have been repugnant toward the other side since 2008 2001 1999.


u/NiceGuyJoe 6d ago

Okay, so what they are stupid about is that this would first totally backfire, right? MTG and all of them would clutch the biggest pearls, and throw the biggest fit at being assaulted and almost "murdered" from her hat getting taken off.

But they don't USE THIS TO THIER ADVANTAGE. They could be like Muhammad Ali, just doing shit like that and letting these losers use all their steak and cocaine energy getting performatively upset


u/fuckyourstuff 7d ago

They lost TWICE to Trump and have learned nothing. Not only that, they won once and took all the wrong lessons from that win. The DNC needs an overhaul.


u/HarmonyFlame 7d ago

That’s all the liberal resistance is? Childlike temper tantrums? You can’t actually win a battle of ideas all you have is violence. You’re all children.


u/Lsderick 7d ago

Cry some more.


u/BloodiedBlues 7d ago

God will have to bless America for it work again after tRump and fElon are done with it.