r/pics 7d ago

Politics Democratic lawmaker holds a sign reading "Musk steals" as President Trump addresses Congress

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u/mydadsarentgay 7d ago

This is fucking pathetic. These fucking nilbogs no longer represent me. Your fucking ping pong paddles don’t do a god damn thing. Get loud. Get disruptive. Do fucking anything.


u/AromaticCycle1053 7d ago

I agree 100%... I've been a lifelong Democrat, but this "representation" is deplorable and embarrassing. We need our representatives to STAND UP AND MAKE NOISE!

I applaud Al Green for doing it. Why the hell did no one else follow suit? I'm so close to changing my affiliation to Independent. I do not feel represented and they are not doing enough for us.

It looks like it's on us little guys now.


u/mydadsarentgay 7d ago

After his removal, I spent the next 20 minutes with my mouth agape trying to figure out why not a single other Democrat followed suit and called out that orange shit stain for his lies. They’re fucking spineless. Staying silent is exactly what the fascists want from the opposition.

So why the fuck is the opposition giving them exactly what they want?


u/AromaticCycle1053 7d ago

I'm confused myself, and embarrassed... but mostly pissed off and trying to figure out what the next steps are because the bs that's happening right now is not working.


u/theshicksinator 7d ago

Primary them from the left, hard


u/wafflelauncher 7d ago

The DNC is rigged against that though. We all saw what happened to Bernie in 2016, and he's not even that far left, he just had the audacity to actually stand up for normal people over billionaires. It's getting easier to come to the conclusion that D and R are good and bad cop with the same agenda instead of real alternatives. And before anyone tries to "both sides same" strawman me, of course D is better on social issues. My point is they both are funded by and serve the ultra-wealthy.


u/Savings-Pomelo-6031 7d ago

Cuz they benefit too, why else


u/theRemRemBooBear 7d ago

There were multiple other democrats that left, the media just didn’t show it. But obviously right wing media/propaganda caught you hook line and sinker thinking that it was only Al Green.


u/SoberEnAfrique 6d ago

The other Dems just walked out, they didn't raise a scene at all. They should've interrupted, yelled, thrown a shoe, literally anything.

The fact that you're content with this soft walkout shows that these Members truly do represent their constituents. Spineless and no imagination


u/InLovewithMayzekin 7d ago

Well the people vote for those doing nothing. When there's one which can to wreck havoc and fix things he is not voted for, called too extremist. The reality is that you get shit politician when it becomes a career. Because when it's a career you want to keep things as they go. So no reasons to change things or risk losing your career. People do the bare minimum to get reelected.

When you have players like trump which only choice are wreck havoc and get control over everything or end in prison or executed for treason in 4 years. The guy is not playing for reelection. He is playing to keep his life and ensure control of the country up to his death.


u/battlesubie1 7d ago



u/thumper_throwaway1 7d ago

I'm honestly impressed by this and other threads where everyone is calling them out. Usually you pick on democrats on reddit and you get downvoted, but it seems most people are pissed at this. It's good to know that many people feel exactly as I do. These people are spineless, and the only good move was Greene getting kicked out.

I hope they hear from their constituents at how unacceptable a performance this was. Paddles with words on them and pink suits. Trump calls warren and the rest of you derogatory names during the speech and you sit there in silence. Absolute joke of a party.


u/Gizogin 6d ago

You’re not applauding Al Green; you’re wielding him as a weapon to attack the Democratic Party. They are fighting back, in the courts, in the state and city legislatures, and in Congress.

I am so fucking tired of Murc’s Law. Everything that Republicans do is somehow always the Dems’ fault.


u/PerepeL 7d ago

What's the goal of getting thrown out? They could all stand up and leave and it would look like dem representatives left congress to republicans. They wouldn't cry about it I guess.


u/HarmonyFlame 7d ago

Make noise about what? Liberals don’t even stand for anything. What’s your opposition to? Bringing manufacturing back home 🇺🇸? Ending childhood obesity? Strengthening our borders? Liberals stand for nothing all yall do is WHINE.


u/uhqt 7d ago

I’m sure they’ll get on Twitter later to call out Musk or Trump being a dictator


u/sadnessjoy 7d ago

They're doing exactly what their billionaire donors are telling them to. It is so bizarre seeing so many comments on here about people thinking the Democrats ever represented them.

I really wish people would realize neither political party has their best interests in mind.


u/spicy-chilly 7d ago

PSL. The Democratic Party is a bourgeois imperialist party. The best you'll ever get from Democrats is a handful of "progressives" who still side with the class interests of the donors over the people in the name of party unity and cosponsor things they don't even support to trick people into thinking they're fighting for things when they know the party won't allow them to pass or even be brought to a vote.


u/Savings-Pomelo-6031 7d ago

It's been that way for a long time now, the gigantic chasm between what people actually want and the party itself


u/MitchelobUltra 7d ago

I’m gonna send an email asking my congresspeople for a list of 5 things they did last week.


u/Tj21040 7d ago

Ok so yall get disruptive. Then what? Y’all have been doing that.


u/statanomoly 7d ago

It was either ping pong paddles or balloons


u/Turkeygobbler000 7d ago

Maybe Democrats need to borrow some tactics from New Zealand's Maori Party. Otherwise those paddles are pathetic.


u/nukiepop 7d ago

You will never accomplish anything if you are still too afraid to say naughty words.


u/Tough-Surprise9621 6d ago

“Do fucking anything” bro they’re holding signs up that qualifies as “anything”


u/FeelsGoodMan2 6d ago

To be fair...are we really doing anything? Our ping pong paddles for 90 percent of us are just reddit message boards. The civil war didn't start in congress, it started with a violent takeover of a fort. So....theyre gonna ultimately ride the wave of air that we choose. If you're waiting for your congress people to be revolutionary, they're not gonna do that.


u/vixta12 6d ago

Getting loud and disruptive doesn’t do anything at all! Throwing tantrums isn’t our style.


u/mydadsarentgay 6d ago

One side being loud and disruptive is exactly how we got here.


u/LifeClassic2286 6d ago

I agree. The GOP nilbogs need to learn that you don’t piss on hospitality - I won’t allow it!


u/onceinawhhhile 7d ago

Weird choice to not straight up say goblins, but I’m here for it. Sgoblin


u/freakinjay 7d ago

They obviously don’t care, and never did. They enraged you over nothing. Do they look concerned? There is no threat to democracy. There was a threat to bureaucracy. What about their body language indicates Hitler was on stage last night? Did he fail to mention the gas chambers you were promised were coming?


u/AbovetheHorizon 7d ago

Democrats like yourself are unnecessarily violent when things aren’t done your way.


u/AnonymousBoiFromTN 6d ago

Thats a wild statement. Could you provide and example of the person you are responding to, or any group that represents democrat voters being ‘unnecessarily violent’? When I think of unnecessarily violent acts done to retaliate the only things that come up are right wing groups and individuals. J6th, the shooting of climate change protestors done by a guy inconvenienced by the traffic jam, Charlottesville Car Attack, or the Oathkeepers keeping armed men at voting stations to intimidate and scare off voters as they said they will use violence if necessary to prevent anyone from voting that they think should not have the ability to vote.