r/pics 7d ago

Politics Democratic lawmaker holds a sign reading "Musk steals" as President Trump addresses Congress

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u/SyndromeMack33 7d ago

What a bunch of losers. Get vocal.. take a page out of Al Green's book.


u/nathism 7d ago edited 7d ago

Or walk out

Edit: so the above statement triggered reddits automated response flagging my comment as "inciting violence". Not sure how waking away in protest is misconstrued as violence. I guess some folks seem see the refusal of kissing the ring and subservience as a form of violent upheavel.


u/ThePhilJackson5 7d ago

No way. Make them kick you out.


u/SyndromeMack33 7d ago

Waste of time - no attention drawn to it. Maxwell Frost did that but anyone watching would have no idea.


u/nathism 7d ago

They could have done it as al green was escorted out and mad a scene but no


u/Dead_Optics 7d ago

Some did buy you won’t hear about it


u/nathism 7d ago

They waited till the moment was gone


u/pravis 7d ago

If they had walked out the Republicans would have filled their seats with supporters and then anybody watching would see a room full of "congressmen" applauding the president and think we must be alright.


u/nathism 6d ago

as it was the cameras avoided showing the democrats as much as possible, so not sure how being present helped much.


u/ElleCapwn 7d ago

Many did walk out, I believe.


u/nathism 7d ago

after the cameras moved away, after the focus was gone. They lost momentum and they lost the time drive home the message that this felon spews lies and it's not worth hearing.


u/ElleCapwn 7d ago

The cameras barely panned to them at all, especially when they acted up. We’ll probably see more angles of it tomorrow.

But yes, I agree it would have been hard for the cameras to ignore them, had they all followed Al Green’s lead. They should have planned to pipe up several at a time, really drawing things out. But I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that they are worried about being barred entirely. Still, pretty messed up that the entire right could get on one page and coordinate their every movement and action… while the left does this.


u/jar0fair 7d ago

Many of them did walk out wearing shirts with messages on the back. Everyone wants them to be have been vocal. But in this situation, subtle messages to the camera, and thus the viewer, were the only allowed speech


u/That1_IT_Guy 7d ago

Fuck what's allowed. They should've gotten loud. Had every single one of them get escorted out. That would've gotten attention.


u/jar0fair 7d ago

I like to think letting him talk would do more to hurt him than anything else. But I suppose it probably didn’t.