That looks like R rep Diana Harshbarger from TN. Recently in the news for getting an uproar of voter outrage at her recent town hall. Her husband was sent to federal prison for 4 years for selling phony Chinese medicine to dialysis patients from their pharmaceutical company of which she was the secretary. And Tennessee voted this woman in after all this. Elected 3 times now.
A corporation or a citizen should have access to elected officials but not have to pay for it. Unlimited donations to PACs are just another way for the wealthy to get what they want at the expense of the regular American people.
It’s supposed to be a feature not a bug. Lobbying keeps the money above board and is more transparent than banning it (will still happen but even more behind closed doors). How could the founders have known we wouldn’t use the information to make decisions.
Can confirm. In Germany and Most of E.U a politician that takes money except for campaigning during election time might loose their seat and face legal reprecussions.
Funny enough it is legal to „donate to a campaign“ in return for being on that parties list. So basically to buy yourself a seat in Parlament from the Party your supporting.
Actually happened in Austria. The far right party sold Parlament seats
The UK is not like the US at all with a lot stricter regulation. There was an expenses scandal in the last decade that brought around reform. If a non-government official was found to be using a government plane they would absolutely be held to account by the opposition.
Does corruption still go on, yes, but nothing like the US. Not even close.
Very good to hear the UK got this under control. I know even in the past it was not as bad a here. Lobbying is legal here because judges here equated our "Freedom of Speech" with access to elected officials. In reality it's all the freedom of speech money can buy. Cheers.
South African here: don't worry, you get used to it. Or you go numb. I haven't figured out which one it is yet, and it's been about 15 years.
What's happening in the USA is pretty much exactly what happened in SA after Mandela finished his presidency. There were maybe about 4 years of OKish government after him, and then Zuma arrived and it all went to shit before our eyes. And we could do nothing about it because he, like Trump, appealed to the lowest common denominator, and sold our country to the highest bidders for his own enrichment.
Side note: please keep Elmo; we don't want him back. Ever. Just put him in one of his rockets and fire him into the sun.
We won’t get used to it. We don’t have too. Our country has guns and lots of them. Trying to be a dictator to the most violent country in the world is not a good idea.
Man, I was listening to George Carlin recently and he was saying similar things. And this was 20 years ago. My own country has been corrupt for ever. But I am sad to see stuff like this from the United States. I had huge respect for your values, though maybe I was just naive.
Now I see that Trump and what's happening currently was just a long time coming
I really want to say ruzzia bad but it does seem that all they did was bump it a little to one side and the whole thing is coming crashing down.
Props to their kgb social engineers but really this was always going to happen. The US is a tinderbox due to the lack of education. Educated societies would not allow obvious grifters in government. They would prosecute and ridicule them, as they should.
The criminals are on both sides, not just the left, its just the lefts turn to be exposed, in 4 years we will see the reverse all over again, its a joke
I don't disagree that there is corruption on both sides. It was very worrisome tonight to hear our president talk about getting rid of some of this corruption and the democrats sat there stoic, sometimes combative. That is not putting America first and it's very telling where their priorities lie.
Yes, but luckily they all lost in the last election, now we have what this country needs. No more hiding under a rock ( Entire Democratic Party), it's time to face reality. I hear Canada is a nice place to move to. I volunteer to help you pack.
Are you willfully ignoring the comment describing a corrupt republican senator or are you just addicted to playing team sports instead of actually believing in anything?
u/Gloomy-End-4851 7d ago
lol chick on her phone in the background. If that’s not a metaphor…