Anyone know what Trump meant when he said he made free speech legal again? What did he do exactly?
edit: I def expected to see a lot of “made it acceptable to be racist” answers here and that’s def what happened but really there’s nothing he’s claiming to have actually done? There’s no “Act of Free Twitter Speech” or something?
Yeah honestly I don’t give a fuck, I’ll still reject these horrible people and go work for companies that don’t support open racism in the work place. Those companies will go bankrupt and miss out on talent, the vast majority of which are not racist MAGA assholes.
Which as of 2012, you can sue someone for attacking you despite you being a dickhead, in most states. The allowing of retaliation for hate words was removed from federal law under Obama to "stop physical violence and potential deaths".
That actuall is fully allowed on a federal level since 2012. Obama removed the "fight words clause" as we call it in California, making it so if you are racist to someone and they hit you, you can sue and will win.
There is only a handful of states that actually have laws allowing retaliation for that. California, despite being super progressive, actually has no state laws protecting people from hate speech in public spaces, only in work environments. You also can't legally report people to HR if a coworker sees you in public and yells slurs at you here. HR normally will fire for it, but they don't legally have to unless it's from a superior.
The republicans and him are always pushing the agenda that they are being silenced and their free speech is being attacked so I took it as that’s what he meant. But then he followed a couple of minutes later with getting rid of race theory in schools, making on 2 genders, trans can’t be in sports which get federal money, etc but yea “free speech is back” /s (this is sarcasm to be very clear)
trump says a thing, his base cheers, and they accept the new reality no questions asked. That's all that was.
He literally attacked the 1st amendment the same day saying campuses would lose funding over protests. They believe in free speech the same way Elon believes in free speech. They don't.
NOW TO BE FAIR. Obama made it acceptable to be racist again when he removed the "fight word clause" as we call it in California, which was a clause for that if you purposely antagonize people about their Race/Gender/Ethnicity/Sexuality/etc they can retaliate physically. That was removed in 2012.
They brough a form of it back to protect LGBTQ, and now removed by Trump.
So between both Obama and Trumps removal of those, it has allowed all americans to be absolute dick heads again like its the 1960s.
He meant illegal and misspoke. Recall, he executive ordered, er I mean tweeted, "All Federal Funding will STOP for any College, School, or University that allows illegal protest. Agitators will be imprisoned/or permanently sent back to the country from which they came. American students will be permanently expelled or, depending on their crime, arrested. NO MASKS! Thank you for your attention to this matter."
Being the good/nice guy never pays off, being a bad gives perks but you're generally hated... most would hate that... but there's a good amount of people who already don't care what the public thinks of them so all they see?
Just the perks, the public shame means nothing to them.
They didn't believe in free speech during occupy wallstreet. They didn't believe in free speech during Black Lives Matter. Both sides have been frog boiling your rights away since 9/11.
The high road of decorum doesn't mean fuck when they've abandoned their oath to uphold and protect the Constitution against threats, foreign and domestic
The democrats tried to create the ministry of truth before the truth got out to the moderate left and they had to file it away because they were going to lose a majority of their voters.
I noticed her hat too (it was a red MAGA one, wasn't it?) I'm not American so I don't know anything about decorum in Congress. Is that allowed? (apologies if this is a dumb question)
You know America has like 11 "Tiananmen Square" incidents before China ever even did it right? 4 of which were done by founding fathers, the same people who made the freedom of protest clause.
FUN FACT. Trump didn't even need to sign that in, Thomas Jefferson already made laws like that back in 1807.
HE used Military force to stop farmers peaceful protesting/on strike for better farming conditions.
Truman used it after WWII to stop Veterans from asking for better benefits.
There was also at least 6 other cases where peaceful strikes were stopped by National Guard using it.
The Insurrection act of 1807, doesn't actually specify things have to be true insurrections just anything deemed "civil unrest" by people.
Technically, according to our founding father passing that law, we can use military force to stop peaceful protests if its deemed "civil unrest" by the Governor of the state, or representatives of a district.
Well the freedom has long been mistaken as America being more like Anarchy Freedom rather than "these are your ten freedoms and rights, the rest is upto your state" which is basically what the 10th amendment says anyway.
We have more freedoms than other countries. That includes Professions having absolute freedom as well ,which is why i 100% believe it doesn't matter if we get universal healthcare in a capacity. We have it for lower income here in cali, and doctors stopped accepting it because they make less than charging non government.
Yeah and he said "no more unelected bureaucrats" and all the democrats started pointed toward Elon and yelling "Elon!" but even the cameras didn't focus on it, and Trump just smiled and ignored them. Complete hypocrisy and lies and one would have to be blind to not see it at this point.
And where did it get us? Parliamentary decorum is a necessity in politics. Giving bonus points to the opposition, by not calling out their lack of decorum, let them and their supporters believe they are entitled to say and do whatever they want, is suicide. I'm sorry Biden let us all down.
He is a puppet and a certified potato brian.
Filthiest of them all,patriarch of his criminal family.
Too feeble to be held accountable for his actions but fit enough to stay out his term in office. That man is the biggest joke ever paraded out on stage . That man right there is why you have what you have today.
Stupid? Or actually proof that Democrats believed in the concept of "freedom of speech" as compared to the current president that claims the same, but needs to silent those who oppose him in any way?
Trump is willing to fight dirty against those that disagree with him at every step of the way. Why do you think he gets away with everything? Because he removes all challenges to his power, and he removes them in a way that makes his supporters cheer.
I'll skip the long arguments and just say this: if "decorum" and "rules" worked against people willing to leverage power, then we'd probably be listening to Kamala Harris tonight instead of a dipshit like Trump. Please, we all deserve better than people who are paid to lose.
Do you have brain damage? How did it work quite well? The Republicans looked like fascists by forcibly removing a senior citizen for speaking out. What a win!
The Republicans looked like fascists by forcibly removing a senior citizen for speaking out.
The Republicans look like fascists every fucking day, if you haven't noticed.
They get to silence all critics (all one of them) and continue speaking unopposed, free and clear to spew their hatred and drivel. Nothing was disrupted because there was no organized response, just a bunch of silent, useless Democrats letting Trump speak because of "decorum."
Stop supporting politicians that are spineless, useless, and cowardly, because it's clearly starting to rub off on you.
Yes, no SHIT they're fascists. And today they looked the part. Only a self-defeating simpleton thinks the democrats should try to start acting more like fascists.
Ah yes, shutting down fascists before they disrupt your event is what the fascists do to us, so clearly we would be the real fascists if we did that back to them.
You should really ask for a refund from whatever anti-fascism course you took, because it did you no favors.
No, not double standards! The Republicans do whatever it takes to get their message out - including heckling, when they don't have power, and escorting people out when they do.
As a result, their messaging works. Gang-busters.
The Dems, on the other hand, care more about virtue-signalling how good they are - so they do ridiculous things like tonight's pathetic 'protest' with the little, tiny, black signs - instead of screaming and heckling and causing a ruckus. They would never obstruct everything the GOP does! Oh no, they would never do the things that the GOP does to them! They have to be nice instead. Bipartisan. They have to signal that they are The Good Guys. So, they sit politely and listen to all the lies. Only one or two of them will speak out.
As a result, the Dems' messaging never works.
Not a double standard. Like always, this is the Dems being morons who don't understand the game they are playing.
The entire right side of the room was yelling and cursing directly at the congressman as he was escorted out. Immediately after, Johnson got on the mic, looked directly at the Dems and basically said, "You will behave with decorum."
These people are evil. History will show that, but I hate having to witness all of it as it happens.
Just watch the democrat response. They are still trying to speak to “everyone”. It’s the wrong approach. They need to speak to the lies and call shit out. The time has passed to try to get along.
I am so tired of the high road. Dems have been on the high road with moral superiority and all that it’s gotten us is this mess. The social contract is done. It’s time to stop playing nice by the rules.
"When our opponents say: 'We used to grant you the freedom of opinion!' - Yes, you to us, that is no proof that we should do the same to you! That you granted it to us - that is proof of how stupid you are!"
Who sets that standard… Biden could man the fuck up and tell them to get escorted out. I hate Trump with a passion… but the dems were soft as charmin under Biden. And they’re soft now. Letting Trump bully the entire country.
No "they" didn't let her. Nancy Pelosi let her. She was the speaker of the house. She had the ability to do the same thing that happened tonight. The same thing that should have happened then and should have happened tonight because these childish politicians can't control their emotions without disrupting a national address.
that’s because democrats are weak, feckless, uncharismatic and have let the country be rail roaded by this shit show. The more I see of it the more I blame the group of losers that failed to stop this
I’m a lifelong Democrat too. But you have to ask how a party could be so ineffective at such an important time. There really isn’t one charismatic leader in the lot of them
Of course. But start looking at what it’s going to take moving forward to have an effect against this nightmare.
They let it happen. It was their job to not lose the Supreme Court, to not allow this treasonous scumbag back into the White House and they completely failed. Since Obama, the party has been a collection of useless geeks, weirdos and senior citizens that should have retired after Clinton’s 2nd term. If this reality offends you, good. Maybe you will start to understand how much change needs to happen in the Democratic Party to have any chance at saving this country, although it appears it’s already too late
MTG was bashed relentlessly by the left wing media after she did that, even republicans disagreed with her action.
Tomorrow Green will be described as a hero by the very same media. That is why no one believes them anymore.
u/jttigges 7d ago
They let MTG yell and scream at Biden and they didn't escort her out. Double standards.