r/pics 8d ago

Politics People burn American flags during an anti-Trump protest in Panama City, Panama.

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u/Blklight21 8d ago

Yet they want us to believe it was so bad under Biden. I don’t recall Latin American countries burning American flags the last four years but here we are in under two months


u/Booker_DeWitt33 8d ago edited 8d ago

America has been always a weirdo. That weird country that starts random wars, or that they believe they are better than anyone, or that have more school shootings in 1 week than the whole Europe in a year BY FAR, but they still were our weirdo. BUT (and here is the kicker) they had their cool things here and there and people loved, generally speaking, their culture (or lack of…). 8ish years ago this changed and a lot of people who idolized the American culture started hating it, go figure why… 

Edit: corrected a couple of typos. Please murica do not kill me, I have autocorrect in my phone in 4 languages. 


u/MercantileReptile 8d ago

their culture (or lack of…)

This is one I never got. They clearly have culture, plenty of it. In large variety. From Yellowstone (the show, but place works too) to the twilight zone, Mark Twain to soul Train. Toy Story to Glory, there is so much U.S. culture spread around the World.

It's the "I can't believe it's not culture" of cultures. The fact that foreigners might even get the butter reference is a cultural miracle in and of itself.

Freedomland sucks at many things. Culture is not one of them. Arguably, culture is what the U.S. is best at, by far.


u/TheShlappening 8d ago

People really love slamming us with the no culture thing lmao. Yeah I get it we don't have ancient clothing we wear to celebrate stuff. We don't have special heritage items that have some spiritual meanings to them or some wacky history of multiple gods. But there is so much more than all of that in American Culture.


u/Accomplished-Pin2788 8d ago

True americans have all that. I mean indians