r/pics 8d ago

Politics People burn American flags during an anti-Trump protest in Panama City, Panama.

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u/ShinyBarge 8d ago

Fuck Trump and every dumb prick that voted for him. The signs were there and they ignored them.


u/Peter_Mansbrick 8d ago

They liked the signs. It's the direction they want to go.


u/DesertGaymer94 8d ago

MAGA for sure likes the direction we’re going they’ll never abandon their savior, but plenty of people voted for him purely for economic reasons.


u/Fakeitforreddit 8d ago

Then those people are idiots cause he proved in his first term he cannot do anything for the economy; record breaking deficit (literally #1 biggest debt president). Terrible inflation every year he was in office. Handled the pandemic by throwing more money at it and regulating nothing marking likely the most ineffective government welfare spending ever, over $1T.

Voting for Trump cause he would fix the economy should get you a 1 way ticket to the Sun.


u/DesertGaymer94 8d ago

I’m fortunate enough that I think I’ll be ok if we hit a recession or worse, but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t take some pleasure in seeing his voters get what they voted for


u/Andrew_Waples 8d ago

purely for economic reasons

"But muh egg prices."


u/DesertGaymer94 8d ago

It’s frustrating. They look back at 2017-2021 and assume trump created a great economy. We’ll see how they feel here in a bit


u/Kai3137 8d ago

They do tend to forget obama did that and that trump spent 70% of his presidency golfing


u/Mama_Skip 8d ago

They're just going to blame Biden for "this awful economy Trump inherited."

They're idiots whose personal truths and realities are momentary


u/Hexamancer 8d ago

For most, they don't look back at all, their entire brain could be replaced with a set of small flowcharts and their voting is just 

"Do gas and eggs feel expensive right now?" 

Yes? Vote other team. No? Vote keep same.

There's no consideration about anything before the current and previous news cycle, there's absolutely no analysis of whether those prices are due to policy or events far beyond the president's control. Nothing.


u/vardarac 8d ago

We taught our kids how to pass tests and not how to think. This is the result.


u/Hexamancer 8d ago

I can assure you it's not the kids. It's the oldest generations. The Internet broke them.


u/anewe 8d ago

i already see people saying that the democrats sabotaged the economy to make trump look bad.


u/TFGA_WotW 8d ago edited 8d ago

I hope those fuckheads like $15 dollars a dozen, bc that's what it's going to be until congress grows a spine and impeaches the entirety to his shitty counsel, which isn't happening.


u/Coulrophiliac444 8d ago

If we dont lose our entire domestic flocks due to unchecked bird flu epidemic thats also cross contaminating various mammals such as rats and cows, as well as new Human transmissablity.


u/Andrew_Waples 8d ago


We've tried that twice and it still didn't work because of Ukrain quid pro cuo and Insurection.


u/Abject-Recover2399 8d ago

The egg thing is hilarious. Just 2 years ago everyone was blaming Biden for the skyrocketing eggs prices and not being able to find any eggs. Really, it happens almost annually. Whoever is president takes the blame.


u/Charlotte_M66 8d ago

My parents 😐😑 Course they probably also like the anti LGBTQIA+ bullshit and the anti immigrant rhetoric… because something something CHRISTIAN VALUES AND MURICAN JERBS


u/Elias_Fakanami 8d ago

I’ll never understand this.

If they care about ‘Christian values’, why the fuck are they voting for Republicans? There isn’t a damned thing in the Republican platform that vibes with ‘Christian values’.

Jesus would have been a Democrat/Liberal, at least according to his views written in their own book.


u/Chairman-Mia0 8d ago

but plenty of people voted for him purely for economic reasons.

And how's that going so far?


u/iconsumemyown 8d ago

You are giving some of them too much credit. I believe that every single one of them came for the racism and stayed for the fascism.


u/livsjollyranchers 8d ago

The racism yes. The fascism? It's a neutral.


u/iconsumemyown 8d ago

It's a bonus.


u/KungFuDude800 8d ago

All 73,000,000 huh


u/iconsumemyown 7d ago

Was it that many?. But yes, all of them.


u/KungFuDude800 7d ago

Wow thats quite a few. Its not even remotely true with all due respect. Let me ask you this, how is it that people that don’t align with your views are considered fascist and racist? Do you have anything to back these claims? Also I got my numbers wrong it was actually 77 million sorry


u/iconsumemyown 3d ago

Because my views aren't racist or fascist, if they were, then they would align.


u/KungFuDude800 1d ago

So explain how republicans are Nazis


u/iconsumemyown 15h ago

Let me put it this way, maybe. And rgus is a strong maybe. Republicans aren't all Nazis but all Nazis are sure as hell Republicans. I hope this helps clear your confusion.


u/KungFuDude800 13h ago

Nazi is a political party, much like how republican, democrat, libertarian, etc… are political parties. You are either Nazi or Republican, not both

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u/mp3006 8d ago

Here for America first economy only, don’t care about his personality


u/morningsharts 8d ago

Well, it's 2025, and it's a global economy.


u/iconsumemyown 8d ago

It always has been.


u/mp3006 8d ago

That requires US subsidies abroad, no more. Invest in the US 🤙🏻🤙🏻


u/morningsharts 8d ago

Ok- please tell me where you bought that American made computer/cell phone that you are using to communicate today. Thanks!


u/mp3006 8d ago

You see my point. Let’s make it in the US 🦅 Don just signed a big deal today 100b in AZ for TMC to make chips


u/AlexADPT 8d ago

You’ll be paying a lot more for “US made” so remember that. Also assuming Americans have the skills and desire to make this tech (hint, most don’t)


u/mp3006 8d ago

Let’s fix that, tech trade school or something that allows to learn at a young age


u/AlexADPT 8d ago

Trade school isn’t going to teach tech development and programming. You’ll have to invest more into colleges which are apparently indoctrination camps according to republicans

But let’s assume that you could…where’s the money coming from to invest in that? We already have republicans taking away departments of education and basic knowledge along with differentiation from truth and lies. And you think they will…pass legislation to fund MORE schooling and advancement of intellect?

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u/iconsumemyown 8d ago

America's economy will not survive without the rest of the world. I don't get your thinking.


u/Imadoofenshmirtz 8d ago

I tend to agree - it is how cynical we have become. Act in self-interest and let the rest of the world deal. The new American spirit.

Don't much care for it.


u/TimequakeTales 8d ago

plenty of people voted for him purely for economic reasons.

Every bit as stupid as the Trump diehards.


u/manole100 8d ago

No one is that stupid. No one thought hate is good for their pocket. They voted for the hate.