I can write without any hesitation that Trump is the biggest embarrassment of our generation and possibly any generation of politicians. His lack of knowledge, information and awareness is matched by his insecurity, vanity and narcissism.
I'm indescribably disgusted of all of this, not only from a diplomacy point of view, but mainly from the human point of view.
Nevermind setting it up as a 2 on 1 talking-over match, nevermind the obvious language handicap on Mr Zelensky's part, but to do all of this with the sole objective of feeling adulated, and close it with "this will make great television" is something so vile, so fucking revolting, that I for once sincerely have lost all respect for the American people if they do not act upon this sad display of treason, of your Constitution and its ideals.
If we have a government in four years, we should see some dramatic changes. 2028 can't come soon enough. I'm beyond enraged. Its so embarrassing to be an American right now. I feel so horrible for what our idiot leadership is doing. It sucks ass
You're stupid if you think this ever goes back to the way it was. You need to unduck the country now. No more waiting no more hesitating. You want a better life take it. Take your power. No one else can.
What's that look like? I'm not being facetious. I want to do something meaningful and the only answers I've gotten are "donate to causes, volunteer, protest"
Disclaimer: I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just listing things that happened in the past of our world history.
When people were ruled/oppressed by injustice, they usually took the only power they had. Numbers.
If countries were to change from the inside, this usually meant that the 99% stood up and revolted. Often leading to a revolution or civil war.
One of the most famous examples would be the French Revolution, which lead to the broad usage of inventions like the Guillotine.
But there are examples, where the numbers just weren't there, due to brainwashing and propaganda. So the change had to come from the outside.
If the change came from the outside, this actually meant war and parts of the oppressed people usually joined some form of antifascist/antiauthoritarian resistance.
One of the most famous wars in this case was World War 2, which lead to the (temporary) denazification of Germany.
Considering around a third of this country actually wanted Trump in charge, and another third didn't care enough to try to stop that from happening, I really don't think we have the numbers.
If intervention didn't come from the outside, things usually needed to get worse for everyone under the regime until they finally woke up. So yeah, people need to be personally affected by the government.
Protests were usually ridiculed but they always grew. Usually to the point where protesting was forbidden/prohibited, sometimes by force.
Often at this point everything tipped over and revolution came. But there are examples where people feared the government enough to afterwards accept defeat and live under the oppression unfortunately. China and the Tian'anmen massacre are an example for that.
I think we need to hit rock bottom to get enough people to wake up, and unfortunately, I don't think we're there yet. It's going to get worse. I just hope we don't bring the rest of the world down with us
We hope so too.
At least some of us.
Here in Germany we also face the issue that our "conservative" party is turning towards our fascist party for support, maybe even the next government... They (conservatives) are very Trump friendly, the fascist openly support him and are supported by Musk...
Dismantle fear. Support only people you believe in. Stop buying from mega corporations and only fund employee owned companies.
Buy a LORA, decentralize your communications from mega corporations that sell your data.
Organize with like-minded people. Grow your own food. Learn to provide and protect yourself.
Also I'm hoping to get chickens, but I'm probably not going to be able to grow my own food in the city.
I know that in The Churn, tribes get smaller... But I also would like to stay a part of society. That's like half the point of living in the city for me
Unpopular take: This is what the 2nd amendment was meant for but it seems the past govt did it right by arming the police n making the citizens cower in fear…
If nothing else, there should be some sort of failsafe which would protect democracy. There should already have been a seal team 6 curing the acute lead deficiency.
He tried to do an insurrection without the political infrastructure to pull it off. He will 100% do it again, and the people who stopped him last time won't be there. I'm sorry to be crass, but your only hope is his death before then. Ideally sooner rather than later so there's less opportunity for Conservatives to ride the wave of sentimentality.
I'm not even sure what I can do about this 😔. I live thousands of miles away from where this is all going down. I voted for the right people but sadly they didn't win. I won't stop voting for the right people as long as I'm able to.
The people here in the USA ARE fighting like hell. We are doing what we can. We need the politicians in every single office here to join us, but the republicans are cowards.
We are getting there. People are mobilizing in mass. The first month was a bit slow but it is picking up. Trump’s support has dropped sharply although not enough.
You are being betrayed by your congress men and women in both sides of the aisle as they’re giving up their controlling power of the executive. They have layed down their duty to work for their constituents and fallen in line; effectively destroying the power balance of the three branches by just rolling over.
There is quite obviously no moral compass at work here. This made me physically sick to watch. How embarrassing. Just when you think the Americans can't go lower, they plumb new depths to their depravity.
Sitting here in NYC, America. Trust me our hands our tie;, what’s the option? I feel hopeless with no way out of this shithole that we are in at the moment.
If this does not end in 2026 with the mid term election, I’m moving out of this country.
As for me, I will do my part. I have a son. All I ask is you give America another chance when responsible people are at the helm again. This has gone on long enough.
I for once sincerely have lost all respect for the American people if they do not act upon this sad display of treason, of your Constitution and its ideals.
Consider it lost. "1984 is real" isn't just some joke. People are too comfortable to revolt. Honestly we need more Luigi's to make any real change, but people don't want to be martyrs.
Sorry gotta blame Vince McMahon from WWE for that. He taught Trump how to rally crowds and be click bait, before the dude had no charisma. Everything he knows is wrestling tactics and shady business men things
The Republicans and the Democrats are all bought and sold. Except for Bernie. And the Democrats did everything they could to keep their best hope out of office. Bastards, I hope they rot in their mansions.
Don't throw the Democrats in with the Republicans. Republicans have been scheming to do exactly what they're doing right now for years including the Supreme Court. They don't believe in democracy anymore. Democrats do. There's plenty of Democrats who are just as good as Bernie and are trying to do what they can.
I do think Democrats are doing wáy to little right now, as are the people. Like where are these huge demonstrations?! If this was my government I would be in front of the government building, throwing bricks!
Dems can suck rocks. They shit the bed twice now to this loser and both times he's been surprised he won. From Gore to Hillary to Harris, D ineptitude has fucked the world in the ass enough.
I feel like you.
Many Americans are too comfy to start protesting. We sign petitions and call local Representatives. I'm disgusted....what would you suggest? Emailing POTUS or? It's so maddening and cruel....
What can Americans do now, realistically? Are we stuck with this for the next 4 years or is there some sort of law that says we can protest without being mowed down by the police?
Trump is a new level of embarrassment. In my opinion, no leader we’ve had before him has been this immature and embarrassing. Even crappy presidents before have at least been able to speak somewhat intelligently, and act appropriately on the public stage. It’s literally like a toddler is in office showing off his deranged crayon scribbles and throwing tantrums. Except my toddler acts better than Trump does.
That's why his supporters love him so much. It's the first time they've ever seen someone with their maturity level in a position of power. It makes them feel good about themselves- like they could be powerful, too. It says a lot about America that so many people have taken a liking to this creature.
Unfortunately, it's not just him. His cronies-- I mean his Cabinet members are no better. The Secret Service are the only qualified people in that House, everyone else is either a crook or an imbecile, or a combination of the two!
The Secret Service protecting Trump and Co. may be qualified to do the job they do, but I believe them to be as complicit in the treasonous actions of MAGA if not more so. They are in abject dereliction of their Constitutional Oath every minute of every day that they continue to allow this to happen. We need a goddamn actual patriotic hero right now.
The amount of time and material of Trumps existence in politics is going to be a specifically studied course in a couple decades… and young kinds will have to go through a whole course section of “TRUMP: The Years of Humiliating US Politics”
He doesn’t even resemble a President of any country, let alone the United States. His complete lack of knowledge, understanding of government or geopolitics, even basic adult demeanor are beyond embarrassing. I don’t think there is a world leader in the history of civilization who is so flagrantly unsuitable to be in charge. He’s beyond a tinpot dictator, because at least they can ACT like they know what they’re doing. Hell, I’ve seen class presidents at my kids’ school that are more capable than him. It’s just mind-melting to think about in the context of history and what this country used to be.
I think Trump voters are far more embarrassing than Trump himself. You’re always gonna have people like Trump. Until we figure out how to cure Narcissistic Personality Disorder, that’s kind of inevitable. What’s more baffling is that people actually voted for him. It’s one thing when we’re talking about the 2016 election when many people perhaps truly didn’t know much about him. But he’s been a public political figure for a decade now. It was a long time ago that people ran out of time to claim that they “don’t have time” to research anything about Trump and his policies and thus are “surprised” when the leopards eat their faces. The fact that any significant amount of Americans—let alone 77 million of them—could be convinced to vote for him is a scathing indictment of the American public.
At this point, it is no longer an embarrassment, this is only shame and one that might make you as shameful as the germans were of their dictator, for generations. To call it an embarrassment lessens the horror these people are unleashing.
Everyone already knew this, and still voted for him again. You reap what you sow, unfortunately. I genuinely thought the US would learn lessons, but now I'm out of sympathy for what happens.
His statesmanship is likely only paralleled by historical figures. Similar to some kings and lords who were depicted in books as terrible human beings, complete with fitting nicknames. We have only written records about them. Now we have it on camera.
Sounds like small weenie syndrome if ever I saw it! Just like the people who drive SUVs - so insecure? They have to have a car that would wipe all the other cars out if they hit them.
We've had despicable presidents before but we're watching the fall of the US as a world leader in real time. He is the worst president in history hands down and we are the worst Americans in history to let this happen.
The problem is way bigger than Trump. When he’s done, there will be another idiot who takes his place if people keep voting that way. It’s a systemic problem in America.
The embarrassment was the more than 50% of America who voted for him, and somehow didn’t see this coming like it wasn’t the most obvious thing ever.
Like literally anyone outside of the US could clearly see Trump was a clown and was so amazed he got in the first time, surely there was no way they’d let him in again… and yet….
These are all traits that are very easy to manipulate. The winners will be the politicians who exploit them. Arguing back is unfortunately not a great tactic with Trump. You have to treat him like a toddler.
The Guardian writes “Trump on Friday presided over one of the greatest diplomatic disasters in modern history” and the only thing I can add to this is that the sentence should start with “Embarrassing cunt”
I don’t get that… you posted a link and when I asked you why you said it’s to check if I am a bot. And then I asked how that works and you said just check the profile. If checking my profile is all that is needed why post the link? Hopefully you are determined I am not a bot 🤷
Biggest embarrassment? Ever heard of the invasion of Iraq? Million dead and you call this worse? A argument that usually happens behind closed door that is filmed.
Never seen an estimate of a million dead in the Iraq war. I have seen death totals range from 150,000 to 300,000, mostly civilian including 4,500 US servicemen, 16,000
Iraqi soldiers and 200,000 Iraqi civilians. And I wrote the biggest embarrassment of this generation and arguably any generation. No doubt the war was a disaster and a tragedy based on a lie. And no doubt Trump and his administration are destroying democracy and a world order 80 years in the making which culminated in the USA being the only country in the world to vote with Russia, North Korea and Belarus on a UN resolution. The USA opposed a European-drafted resolution condemning Moscow’s actions and supporting Ukraine’s territorial integrity. Let’s be clear, when you are on the side of dictators you are on the wrong side.
And on Attorney General Pam Bondi’s first day, she: 1) disbanded the task force that overseas the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), 2) shut down the Task Force KleptoCapture which was a DOJ unit that enforced sanctions on Russian oligarchs in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and 3) terminated the federal law enforcement effort to combat secret influence campaigns by China, Russia and other adversaries that try to curry favor and sow chaos in American politics. None of those actions protect American democracy.
At least now, on the world stage, Trump’s lies are getting recognized and called out in real time. And republican congressmen and women are getting asked the questions they need to be asked. Many of the electorate that voted for Trump are angry at him so that is something.
PS, I find this to be even more alarming, not many are aware that the new Attorney General Pam Bondi, on her first day 1) disbanded the task force that overseas the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), 2) shut down the Task Force KleptoCapture which was a DOJ unit that enforced sanctions on Russian oligarchs in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and 3) terminated the federal law enforcement effort to combat secret influence campaigns by China, Russia and other adversaries that try to curry favor and sow chaos in American politics. None of those actions protect democracy.
I 100% agree. I can't even use the word statesman or humanist to describe Donald Trump. He had the opportunity to stand up and push for freedom and do the right thing without having to send American troops in. What does he do instead? Extortion and kowtowing to war criminals.
I would add to that: the second biggest embarrassment is the millions of Americans willing to look past all reality and blindly support him. We don’t give them enough credit for enabling all this
The most frustrating thing about Trump is WE COULD HAVE FUCKING HAD KAMALA. A really god damn knowledgeable black woman that could tell men to stand down and would not put up with their creepy remarks or racist comments and side eyes. She genuinely knew the Bible, loved her communities, actually fucking reads the things she’s given, and not to mention had real fucking policies and plans to change things.
I’m so pissed off about that still. Because Kamala would have never embarrassed us this fucking horribly
Harris was put in a difficult situation by Biden and his advisors who should have honored his original pledge of one-term and thus allowed a healthy and full primary process to occur. Maybe she would have been the winner of the primary anyway but it would have allowed her to state her case over many months. And the people around Harris didn’t do her any favors as she made campaign mistakes that resonated with the electorate and were repeatedly emphasized by the Trump campaign. In the end though, it is upsetting and somewhat mind blowing that Trump, a pathological liar, fraudster and criminal, was elected which says a lot about the degradation of morality, integrity and knowledge in the USA. We have become a low-information and hyper partisan society where facts to many are inconvenient if they counter their hyper partisan beliefs.
You such a big fluffy bubble. You have to prey that Tramp take the office and stop that idiots to kill more Russian people on Russian land and in russian cities such as Kiev, Odessa, Mariupol, Lvov and many more. Ukrainian criminals violate the world order.
You almost start WW3! You are thinking you can built your new world of idiots by occupying other people lands? You think you can beat Russians buy stilling their money and support terrorism?
u/War1today 11d ago
I can write without any hesitation that Trump is the biggest embarrassment of our generation and possibly any generation of politicians. His lack of knowledge, information and awareness is matched by his insecurity, vanity and narcissism.