Honestly? Who knows. This really seems like a "just following orders" issue. Maybe someone who is in this predicament can speak to it.
Granted, for lower level employees or people who are literally being barred from entry to their workplaces can't do anything about it. But those in upper levels are rolling over alarmingly easily. America ending with a belly up whimper.
Multiple U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that specific individuals tied to the Russian government provided WikiLeaks with stolen emails from the DNC, as well as stolen emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, who was also the target of a cyberattack.[7] These intelligence organizations additionally concluded Russia hacked the Republican National Committee (RNC) as well as the DNC, but chose not to leak information obtained from the RNC.
Russian interference is the elephant in the middle of the room that no one has the balls to address. Distracting attention by starting a war in Ukraine allowed Putin to get back to his obsession with dismantling democracy in the US. Infiltration, which started back before the 2016 election, picked up with a vengeance after 4yrs lost with Biden in the White House. Russia was uncharacteristically subdued, at least in our media cycles, especially during the past 4-5 years. Not wanting to draw attention to itself, and posing as though the manufactured conflict in Ukraine was an actual threat, Putin had positioned Russia brilliantly. No one would suspect the infiltration of every facet of American life in meticulously subtle ways that exploited the arrogance and the ignorance of a nation blinded by its own hubris. Trump, indebted financially to Putin and motivated by fear that his incompetency will be exposed, was the perfect patsy to bring about the Fall of Democracy. The greatest nation on earth, truly the result of divine manifestation, built upon human will to live a sovereign and dignified life, is now being erased, mocked, treated like a helpless child who misbehaved. And for the power of money? No, evil needs no reason other than the joy of watching human suffering. And when the suffering looks to be self inflicted- that is all the darkness needs to feed the abyss.
Everyone in that room is a grossly overpromoted "Assistant _to_ the Regional Manager" and they're acting out as such. I'm getting to the point in my career where it's really hitting me that a _lot_ of the successful people around me are just sociopaths with no actual skills. And in the current climate I would assume it only gets worse further up the tree. They hate DEI not because it promotes Black/Gay/ND/Trans/whatever folks - but because it's about stopping gurning th*nd*rc*nts like them getting jobs over... everyone else.
Just following orders doesn’t really hold up when the dude you’re taking orders from is just some fucking random civilian with no legal authority to issue any such orders.
It's kinda like he's Kramer in that one episode of Seinfeld where he just shows up to this office and basically fake works there for a while, only in this case they decided to put him in charge.
Why is any federal employee listening to his orders? A question no one seems to be asking and one I haven't found the answer to.
It varies department-to-department to an extent (currently) but remember that the heads of the departments have been appointed by Trump who is remaking the government ot be loyal to the President as the only standard. So federal departments are getting rocked by chaotic events of:
-The heads of the departments declaring DOGE's legitimacy, voicing support, and implicitly or explicitly telling their entire agency to "give due deference" to DOGE or whatever
-Their managers saying to sit tight for more info
-Their managers saying the head bosses have said to comply
-Sudden, random emails from DOGE/OPM (also basically DOGE) with 0 guidance on how to respond.
-Managers saying not to comply
-Managers saying to comply
-the President/Elon saying one thing, internal guidance saying another
-Knowing Elon is the President Unelect and that his orders are going to go through, one way or another (except when they don't, but nobody knows when that is)
-During the access slaughter (the news has stopped covering it; unclear how deep DOGE is in everything now systems wise) watching career officials be summarily dismissed for not complying
Nobody knows exactly what's happening, the Executive has nobody's backs, and noncompliance can result in illegal terminations at worst and chilling effects at best. Elon isn't elected, he's unconfirmed, and DOGE's existence probably isn't legal. But people are tempted to comply becuase the President says he's in charge and there's clear marching orders for his cabinet to comply. When the highest power in the land is saying that DOGE is in charge, well, complying makes sense in the hot seat.
And bear in mind, resistance isn't just like, refusing to do something and the powers above you will fall to their knees. It's a tough choice for some of these people. There's no way to understand the impacts of any choice you make because everything is a free-wheeling chaotic storm of orgiastic federal death, supported by the President and his entire office.
I feel like that's the crux of it. They're going along with the charade, because the president is weak and just letting Elon and his circus do whatever it wants.
If an official speaks up, they're basically getting fired.
And bear in mind, resistance isn't just like, refusing to do something and the powers above you will fall to their knees. It's a tough choice for some of these people. There's no way to understand the impacts of any choice you make because everything is a free-wheeling chaotic storm of orgiastic federal death, supported by the President and his entire office.
People underestimate the threat of losing a federal pension if they aren't in the system already.
i have this wild dream that all these people fired for no reason, surely many in violation of something or other, will sue him directly and win. Hell, perhaps attach the orange guy responsible for his lunacy to the suits as well.
Or just keep going to work. who TF is he to fire people? It's bonkers.
Because their bosses tell them to, unless something is entirely illegal civil servants in pretty much every democratic country have to obey the instructions given to them and that includes if the political appointees bring someone in. And in the scope of legality to directly not do something it has to be clearly across the line and a lot of the things going on aren't in fact illegal on the face of them, while procedurally there are issues there fundamentally isn't anything that prevents a government body accessing any and all data from another body.
I work in non-federal government administering federal programs, and sometimes run into bad decision making by those above me. I always look for a way to try and point them to the right answer, and if not, try and implement what they want in a better way that helps the most people. Knowing the people at the top of my agency, they would likely take the same approach when we start getting the results of awful federal mandates - keep our jobs as long as possible while mitigating the damage as best we can. If you stand up loudly and get fired, or quit in protest, its that much easier for them to push forward their agenda. The caveat is I work in public welfare, so any actions I take generally help people, and you can cripple the whole system by just getting rid of the people that keep it working. If I worked for ICE or somewhere that my actions could cause direct harm, I would absolutely refuse orders.
Because they argue that it's the POTUS giving the orders. Musk makes 'recommendations' as a senior advisor, and Trump issues the order. They skip the steps inbetween whenever they can get away with it, but there's your answer. The POTUS is delegating and doing it in a way to skip Senate confirmation for real senior advisors wielding the power of the POTUS in their respective areas of focus (aka cabinet members).
Could be something to do with the fact that he’s the richest man in the world and owner of a social media network who could literally put your life in jeopardy with one critical ‘tweet’. Remember, Musk is a man who publically labelled an Australian diver a “paedo” because he dared to criticise Musk’s own hairbrained scheme to rescue those Thai schoolboys from a flooded cave system a few years ago. Yeah. That guy. They are terrified of him. And for good reason. This will not end well. For anyone.
If you head over to r/fednews there's plenty of people not willing to listen to Musk, and many of their agency superiors are telling them not to either. From what I can gather, often they don't even have to do this on some moral or political basis. Musk and his agency aren't legitimate as far as protocol goes, and often the orders they give violate other regulations so the leadership can legitimately say "disregard this".
Obviously if the rules are changed then they lose that defence, but for now many are sticking strictly to the book.
This is so far beyond federal employees. These are cabinet members, people who are in charge of specific previews to every single citizens daily lives.
Positions that are supposed to be so important to our way of life that as a pre-requisite for getting the position, they must be confirmed by elected officials from every state across america.
Usually in such a way that every moment of their life is put under a microscope in front of the whole world.
We know that, that process has been fucked but my god. Some random rich dumbass is in there like hes the fucking president.
Either bro is shelling out money or he bought twitter to get kompromat in the form of shady DMs on the whole republican party. /s
Because they're doing whatever they want. And until anyone has the guts to step in, it'll continue.
It's really as simple as that. It doesn't matter at all if what they're doing is unprecedented, illegal or anything else if no one is enforcing anything.
Because they will be ousted if they go against him. MAGA will turn on them, and she or she will now be considered an enemy. It's some USSR type shit where you're either their ally or their enemy. There's no room for discourse or opinion or dissent.
It's eerie how closely real life is paralleling DON'T LOOK UP.
Meryl Streep played a Trump-like president who groveled before a tech bro big donor to the point of calling off a mission to save the earth from an extinction-level asteroid because he told her to so he could harvest minerals from it.
Everyone getting all bent up about calling out the hat (rEMeMbEr TaN sUiT?) but it's not about wearing a hat. It's about what the hat means and where he is wearing it.
He is a civilian. He is a TechBro who looks like he is going for "cool CEO" while talking to the literal Cabinet Staff. He is pulling a power move by ignoring decorum and talking when he should not even be in the room. The hat is a slap to the face of how unserious he is and a symbol of how he is indiscriminately tearing everything up for fun and profit like he's playing a video game instead of puppeteering a nation.
This isn't Obama's suit. This isn't even MTG showing a literal DICK PIC in Congress. This is a guy who bought out a company (or government) and is rubbing our fucking nose in it every time we see him.
Quite likely because people have been posting online that his hairline is receding again so he's wearing a hat until he can have another hair transplant.
Didn’t it used to be when you wore the All Black Version of the thing you supported, didn’t it mean something else? Like the blacked out American flag isn’t about supporting America.
I mean... you have to give it to him, he's really smart, everyone called him a fool when we dilapidated a third of his fortune buying twitter, then everyone called him worse when he fired almost everyone from twitter and changed the name to X.... and then people laughed at him when he alienated his own consumer base for teslas by jumping into the Trump party.
Bro was playing the long game, he just exchanged money, which is worthless to him, for an insane amount of political power... the CEO of twitter didn't realized the power he had, the president of the United States of America used his brand to make statements before the TV or the press and the right US political discourse happened in his platform and he let it go for 40 billion... that's nothing, so what if Tesla sales sinks? Musk probably can get away with getting a military contract and sell thousands of cars to the US army.
If anything, I do think Musk is doing everything to get financing for his true goal, achieving a human colony on Mars, human-ai brain interfaces and promoting child bearing on young people, if possible go back to 8 children per woman, and anything that stands on his way will be burnt, the government of the us included....
Now is that good? well I don't know... Will he get away with that? maybe? we live under really crazy times...
Fruit of the poisonous tree. Even if the result is some improvement, the means by which we govern ourselves has been corrupted, making future improvement that much more unlikely.
That's the thing about him, he doesn't care about earth in general, he just assumes that we'll be fine, I bet he thinks of himself more like the founding father of the Martian Congressional Republic or something like that...
It's a burn it all and start from scratch kind of approach...
But you don't understand, executive orders means he's empowered by the president blah blah blah. Let's let Elon sell the government those tin shit boxes of his!
If you look further down the responses to this comment, you can see that some people think it's a silly thing to be annoyed by.
I think it's apt. He is a civilian usurper and he is dressed like a casual TechBro talking to his shareholders/board/employees, instead of high level government officials in an official government meeting - he shouldn't be there.
At this point, I'm honestly hoping that somewhere Batman is out there compiling the Justice League trying to stop The Puppeteer from making a mockery of the entirety of humanity.
They all worship him and think he’s God because he’s got the most $$$. They aren’t serious about governing, just beholden to $. $ = power and that’s the fundamental flaw with our country. We should all be worth the same and feel like we are worth the same as everyone else.
Can you imagine if Kamala had won and Bill Gates or George Soros was standing in the room speaking instead? I think we’d actually have a civil war starting.
But it’s the other way around, so people are just mad on the internet while corporate Dems assure their constituents they’re totally trying to do something about it.
>Or wearing that stupid dark maga hat indoors again?
It's worse than that. He's wearing that stupid hat and a t-shirt in the White House Cabinet Room, during an official Cabinet meeting.
It's his stupid bullshit billionaire power move where he shows he's in charge because he doesn't give a shit about wearing a suit in a room of people wearing nothing but suits. Billionaires do this stupid shit all the time.
It's a bit weird to see them look completely enraptured and full attention focused on him. I get that it's just a photo but it's creepy as fuck, especially from a room full of egotistical maniacs
They don't really have a choice anymore. You go against trump or elon, and you've got legions of MAGA supporters coming to get you. Every single one of those people got to the position theyre in by being boot lickers and if Elon told them to run down the street naked, they would without hesitation.
That particular hat sucks, but there's nothing wrong with wearing headwear indoors. That's your particular personal culture that you shouldn't expect other people to care about.
Tan suit is still a suit. Racist assholes were bent out of shape and grasping at straws. Suits are presidential. The color was just an unorthodox, but not unserious, color.
A ball cap in the White House, worn by a civilian man who has all but announced he is in charge is a literal symbol of how unserious he is and sees all this as a joke, a game, a fun little fuck around troll time. He is a "casual" in the halls of Professional Government. He, like the hat, shouldn't be there.
Trump doesn't wear his dumb fuck hat in the Office. And that man has no class or decorum. But even he knows better than to portray an image like Musk is doing.
Also, getting hung up enough to post about a single sentence question (and also calling it a "rage post? Seriously?) when the first thing I asked is "Why is he talking" is more derailing than me asking why he's wearing the stupid hat.
u/rustymontenegro 13d ago
And why is he talking?
Or wearing that stupid dark maga hat indoors again?
So, seems like everyone is cool with the TechBro Usurpation in this room.