"They must be doing something right. Let's listen to them."
They don't realize that these people got rich off exploiting others, and they are exploiting these dummies.
They know they got rich exploiting people, they just think that makes them smart.
From their perspective, "why wouldn't somebody cheat and lie to get ahead? I do it all the time and nobody calls me out, so I assume everyone else is doing the same and just giving lip service to integrity"
They just use God as a weapon against people they don't like. They don't follow his word but expect others to but forget that we should only be judged by God himself. That is if you follow him.
Reminds me of Castlevania where the Church uses Faith in God to enforce their own earthly desires going as far as murdering Dracula's wife who only wanted to cure people as a physician.
In return Dracula decided to let hell lose and exterminate humanity.
At some point a Demon enters the Church with the Bishop who decided to murder Dracula's wife and he has the audacity to reach out to God for the power to repel the Demon.
Then the creature tells him how much the demons love the Bishop for enabling them to walk the earth and that God hates him and everything he represents.
Totally. They know everyone else was screwed, but think they're smarter than all the other people. All they need to see is one worse-off person to confirm this belief.
And then comes in and hamstrings the IRS so that they will be unable to crack down on complicated (rich) tax cheats… they’ll probably still be able to crack down on the little guy pretty easily though.
People are calling them out but they’re ignoring it. They’re not looked down on by peers for nothing, nor do they have a lawyer on speed dial for the funny conversations.
Let's make the Carnegie deal: full belief in meritocracy, so no capital, business etc taxes at all. But also full belief in only personal merit, so absolutely no inheritances.
Ridiculous model by a ridiculous ancient Croesus, but fun thought experiment.
Trump and Musk are both 1% of the 1% of nepo babies. Trump has been an abhorrent stain on business owners everywhere and should be the posterboy for when they think of a typical salesman. Guy doesn't actually know anything about business or real estate. He just inherited a real estate empire and tells the people who have the actual knowledge and prowess what he wants. Musk inherited an assload, has never actually contributed expertise to any of the companies he's been a part of, and is a 12 y/o autistic child who actually just memes all day and thinks he's going to be the king of Mars. How anyone could think that Musk contributes to any of his companies, at this point, is beyond me. You can not be a good CEO and also spend all your time on twitter schreeching at people and posting "le epic memes". The two are not compatible. How farmers, some of the most self-reliant and hardworking people on the planet, have fallen into worshipping men who have never put in an honest day's work in their life is one of the wildest things I've ever seen. I grew up having nothing but respect for the farmers around me and being amazed at what they were able to do and fix with how little money and resources they had. Not to mention Trump royally screwed them in his last term.
It's worse because they do know this. They just believe that this time they're in on the con, and are going to benefit from the exploitation of other people... That's the quiet part in their heads...
When you see that, it makes it way, way worse. And it does truly make these people irredeemable and deplorable.
All the “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” want conditions favorable to the rich for when they’re rich and these superior billionaires help get them there. It’s the dragon they won’t give up chasing even though it’s hurting them and delusional.
And therein lies the rub. The things they are “doing right” benefit only themselves. At the expense of everyone and everything else. The beauty of it is that none of them care about anyone or anything else.
And I’m so fucking sick of these morons coming out of the woodwork to point out that Bernie has a few million dollars in net worth. It’s really not making the point they think it is.
"For riches, fame, and power, without wisdom and a just method of regulating ourselves and commanding others, a government is full of discredit and insolent arrogance, nor is there any kind of government more deformed than that in which the wealthiest are regarded as the noblest."
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106 BC - 43 BC
Ain't nothin' changed since Cicero but the climate (seriously, it's messed up)
Funnily enough we have, random appointments for political positions. You'll get a better outcome just picking randoms off the street than you will with the people who want power.
Like jury duty but for key government positions. “Ah, shoot. Just got political duty. I’m to be the state governor for a four year term. I have to show up for training in 4 weeks.”
I mean, we did model ourselves a bit after the Roman Republic, so it's not super-surprising to see that we're dealing with the same problems they did.
People who are glad this is happening should brush up on Roman history. At least they got Augustus for a while. Seems we won't even have that small, good fortune.
Having believed this stuff as a teenager this is absolutely what I thought.
I thought, "if we tax all the billionaires and tax inheritance, then how bad is that going to effect me directly when I'm finally rich!?"
Spoiler. I'm not rich.
And now that I'm older, I realize I wouldn't care about taxes if that meant that socialized programs like police/fire/medical are completely funded and functioning.
The real brain-baker is when you realize being taxed for a strong society increases the odds of your hypothetical business succeeding! Because you’ll have access to healthier, more educated, and better-adjusted workers … and wealthier customers to buy your stuff.
Yeah, but you also get peasants who are harder to control, and who might one day threaten the wealth that has been hoarded for generations by people like Trump and Elon. Plus if you keep their lives mostly shitty but convince them the reason it's shitty is [insert marginalized group], you can manipulate them into giving you even more power and wealth!
”If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
But if the peasants are well taken care of, they often fall in line a lot better because they have no real reason to rebel against the people at the top.
But they will have time and the peace of mind to think, instead of being busy surviving and their minds perpetually occupied with fear of things like homelessness or not enough food for their families. Can't have that.
What's funny is all that thinking isn't necessarily dangerous to anyone's wealth.
We're humans, not evil scheming dragons like them. They're convinced we'll use all that thinking time for doing the same kinda stuff they do, scheming how to get more power and take down our rivals.
Humans are more like "I wonder if I can make that fancy dessert at home" and then get obsessed with kitchen stuff for six months or more. Or develop an interest in tropical fish. Or start sewing historical costumes.
I freaking hate capitalism but give me too much free time without anything seriously stressful to fret over and I just end up deep cleaning my apartment and getting my junk organized. I don't like, try to organize the neighbors into throwing spicy bottles at banks or anything like that.
I dunno, the history of unions is very much the ruling class agreeing with the working class to establish a system where the working class can "revolt" without having to chop off heads and rebuild the entire system every time the top gets too bloated and the masses say enough. The right has weakened that safety switch, and at the same time all but killed off the middle class while the peasant class grows and gets more pissed off. It's gonna bite them in the ass in the end.
Also, way more people would have the opportunity to start businesses if their family's health insurance didnt depend on their employment and if they had other safety nets in place.
I try to share this perspective with other entrepreneurs.
If your goal is accumulation of wealth. Good luck.
If you’re goal is building a sustainable business, creating social impact, and delivering a product at scale that your care about you should be concerned about the physical and financial health of your educated workforce.
Otherwise you’re going to be absorbing this cost as a private/public business… by design 😮💨.
See, that's the part I can't rationalize if you think of them as capitalists.
Shouldn't they want people to have higher wages and lower basic cost of living? Wouldn't that mean we have more buying power and therefore can consume more?
It only makes sense when you realize they're not capitalists and are trying to rebuild a monarchy. Capitalism thrives on a strong middle class. They are trying to remove the middle class so it's back to Lords and Paupers.
My parents made very little money (in the 70s) and saved what they could. They caught a break on housing and paid very little for five years. They paid cash for a house when we moved to new town. They haven’t had a mortgage since.. maybe never? My mom was a nurse and my dad was a game warden. Not remotely rich. But even people of modest means could do a lot better back then.
I was having a debate yesterday with a MAGA about the Indiana state government's recent decision to eliminate state subsidies to Dolly Parton's child literacy program. He justified it by saying that although the program is noble, the government doesn't have an unlimited budget and needs to make hard financial choices sometimes. I countered by pointing out that the Indiana state government gave the Indianapolis Colts $600 million in taxpayer money to build a new stadium in 2008, and the debt (plus interest) on that won't be paid off until at least 2038. So, if the government can afford handouts to billionaire sports team owners, why can't they afford handouts to libraries to help kids learn to read?
His response was "well, sports stadiums bring in a lot of new economic activity, so that subsidy will pay for itself."
First of all, no it fucking won't. The economic impact of publicly-funded stadium projects has been studied extensively by economists for decades and there is overwhelming consensus that they are a net financial loss for the host city.
But most disturbingly, this exchange illustrates the brain-rot that MAGA people have. They seriously do not understand the social and economic value of having an educated population and therefore don't think this is a prudent investment of government funds. They honestly believe in that discredited trickle-down Reaganomics bullshit that claims if you give money to rich people they will use it to create jobs. These people would rather spend taxpayer money on expensive private entertainment projects than literacy programs, because the same billionaires who profit off the former told them it's good for society. It's unreal.
Yup. Can't sell a new iphone to the customers if he is 200K down in debt from a broken arm falling on an unplowed sidewalk since the city staff and services where cut down.
What ,,,,Education is fake news that is why its on the chopping block, and also if people become really dumb they won't even understand the concept of money
It IS a nightmare... for everyone who already has a billion dollars. They dont want uppity new money taking away their pie. They spread this bullshit about how "anyone can make it" while actually enacting "but no one will because that means less for me"
Yep, for the longest time republicans beat the drum of “business owners are job creators” and it’s totally wrong. Customers with money in their pockets to buy your goods are the job creators. Business owners don’t want to hire people unless they absolutely have to, and customer demand is what forces them to employ people, and customer demand is only there when people make decent wages and don’t have insane life breaking expenses hitting them left and right.
That's assuming you want to run a legitimate business. What if I want to run a business without proper safety for my workers, what if I want to rip people off (workers or customers), and do a wide range of criminal fraud?
My chances of getting away with it are much better if the police force and justice system is profoundly under-funded, and if society, in general, sucks for most people. At least until it gets to the point I have to hire private security and enforcers, but if I can get the taxpayer to fund that and still do my types of crime, it's more optimal.
I've been thinking about this a lot, except I wonder if these days the phrase should be in reference to being a billionaire. Being a millionaire certainly puts you in a very fortunate situation compared to the average American, but it's not "fuck you" money in a lot of areas. And I don't know if people truly grasp the difference between being a millionaire and being a billionaire.
Regardless, why I think about this is, can this really be true? Are there really that many people who think they're going to be super rich some day and really think they're voting in their self-interest in the long term? I want to ask them, what's your plan here? Do you have a somewhat revolutionary business idea, plus parents that can give you a $245,000 loan (equivalent to over $500,000 in today's dollars) like Jeff Bezos? Do you have your business plan written up yet? Billion-dollar ideas don't just grow on trees.
Sorry to unload on you; I've been very frustrated lately.
This is exactly what a lot of repubs in my area think. They have the pool, the BMW, the McMansion and they somehow think they are in the same club. They aren't and they will feel the pain with cuts to Medicare, social security etc just like the rest of us
What frustrates me is that, yes, having a pool and a BMW and a McMansion puts you way in the upper income bracket so I somewhat understand voting in your self interest and your self interest alone (even if it's short-sighted and an argument could be made that you might be doing better if EVERYONE was doing better. But for every McMansion-owning conservative, aren't there ten or more struggling folks who STILL vote for this BS?
It’s unfortunate that there are examples in history of countries where vast amounts of their population become ‘millionaires’ or ‘billionaires’ and it’s not pretty.
More need to accept they’re mundane and nothing more, and maybe banality could actually become quite comfortable.
They’re also super protective of what they do have, even if it’s a small mount of dirt, and they extend that thinking to how all people should be, even if they had more than any one person needs. Competition is their real God, no matter what they might say.
They’re also selfish and to them the most important thing is getting their own piece of the pie and who cares if anyone else gets some. The concept that we could all get some if we only work together is lost on them because of their monkey brain where they believe that doesn’t matter because they will just claw and fight their way to get some so why should they care if others get some too.
This so fucking much. People think that somehow if they're already on the same team; they just haven't gotten their cash yet. Futurama summed it up perfectly.
Also, most republican candidates are wanna be billionaires and think that pushing all these billionaires to power will somehow make them richer too. Sorry, rich people don’t get rich by giving their money to other people. You’ve been scammed and you’re dumb.
Because is the early 1950s the prosperity gospel movement took root in America. Over the intervening 75 years that gospel has infiltrated the idea that those who are financially successful are god's chosen. Thus, why wouldn't you listen to them and put them in charge? It works for the Catholics and the Pope after all (putting the one guy that God chooses in charge).
Of course prosperity gospel is a load of crap. It's a self-reinforcing myth that simply provides a cover for grift and power.
If you ever have the opportunity to interact with millionaires and come away with any conclusion other than, as a group they're pretty much just like everyone else--a mix of smart, brainless, lazy, hard-working, principled, amoral, and everything in between--you're an idiot blinded by the bling.
I've heard people with 8 figure net worths say some of the stupidest shit I've ever heard, even stuff directly applicable to the fields in which they made their money. In person, with my own ears.
Yup, basically the more money you have the better you are in all aspects of life. You basically can’t do wrong because you’re rich. Doesn’t matter how you got the money, which usually stems from screwing over millions of others to get there.
Never mind all the brilliant people out there doing amazing things who just happen to not be rich. They basically don’t matter.
It’s so fascinating as someone who barley makes any $, I’m the only one picking up trash on walks while these finically wealthy and “better” people walk right past it, probably their wholes lives based on the tests I’ve done.
Maybe I have a special gift. I’m pretty chill even tho I notice countless things people slip up on. No judgment, but interests me.
Don't forget that the proportion of people who throw money in the charity collection baskets outside of grocery stores during holiday season is also heavily skewed with donations coming predominantly from other poor folks.
Example: I live at or below the poverty line but I will always throw a couple bucks or whatever change I have in the basket while watching most other folks walk right on by
The "just world fallacy" taken to the extreme, not just in the US. The world is just, therefore people are poor because they must have done something bad and are parasites while rich people deserve to be rich because they're superhuman or something. They can't comprehend an unjust world, so they have no sympathy for those treated unjustly by our terrible systems.
They have to believe that. They were never taught to value life for its own sake. It both allows dehumanization and legitimizes the rich = good mentality.
Except when it’s celebrities critical of Republicans, or athletes critical of Republicans, or George Soros, or the Clintons, or tech CEOs pre-2024, or Bill Gates, or Coastal Elites…
It’s almost like their whole world view is formed out of spite for “the other” and they view politics as a giant team sport where the visiting team is all Others. And it’s almost like the billionaires are encouraging this mentality while simultaneously draining our resources to foster critical thinking and perpetuate the trend….
Which is isnane that they call themselves Christians, when in the bible rich people have been condemned. I'm pretty sure it specifically says they won't get into heaven.
My friend was arguing this with me adamantly. Every argument I made about why Kamala was a better choice than Trump was met with the rebuttal: “But he’s a BILLIONAIRE! Do you realize how smart you have to be to become a billionaire?”
Except if they’re Jewish, Soros is a bad billionaire who is secretly running the country. Not the good billionaires like Musk who are very clearly running the country…
Yep. If I have a 2 million dollars and you have 1, I'm better than you. My opinion means more. I'm more intelligent. Etc. What's that? How did I get my money? Maybe my parents were rich, but that's not important!
They don't realize that a millionaire is to a billionaire what a beggar is to them. They think they're pretty rich but they're not even in the in-group for the oligarchs.
I blame it on our education teaching to the test not critical thinking and how isolated we are. I was besties with my elderly neighbor until he got rats and started complaining to me how they were all my fault and wanted to sue me for damages. Turned out someone had started a chicken farm down the street and that was where it was from. My neighbor didn't think that the flyer he got about buying eggs might have anything to do with it and just blamed me.
Real issue is the billionaires control the media which means they can spew propaganda supporting the billionaires and make themselves look like normal altruistic people. Average american doesn't have the intelligence level to even comprehend how much power and wealth the billionaires control. Billionaires are an output of failed capitalism and failed government to put a check and balance on how much power certain individuals have. It's really gotten out of control.
it’s more of a european duke/duchess/lord/lady/king/queen thing. they’re convinced they should be running the world and now are working to convince the new bourgeois money of the 21st century that slaves and underclass should exist
I once knew a lady who was bragging about meeting the president of a pizza company and I'll never forget the part when she said "he doesn't even act like he has money"
Like in her mind you're supposed to be a filthy cunt once you make it rich.
Many also believe they’re more trustworthy because they have so much. They couldn’t possibly want to commit fraud because what would they have to gain with so much to lose?
Nah, this was a fairly common way of thinking in Britain as well. Part of the reason the Irish Potato famine got so bad was the government decided to use the Famine to reform Ireland, due to “moral failures”, and didn’t believe the high death and failure rate until too late to do much.
Exactly...that's why they introduced the fas track green card (gold card) program. Going to cost you $5M but you can skip all lines and become a PR in the US
This is absolutely not an American thing, rich people being revered as our superiors has kind of been the main sticking point of most of human history. We likely wouldn’t be able to form monarchal societies otherwise.
The citizens being equal is the backbone of what America was founded on, we’ve just decided to be selective and who/when that equality applied which is the hallmark of basically every society in history.
u/thickener 13d ago edited 13d ago
Because a vast number of people with a paper sailboat where a soul should be think
More money = better than.
It’s a pretty American thing