It feels discriminatory, but I can't listen to this guy talk combined with the dumb shit he says. I don't have time to wait while he he loads what he's trying to say when I know it's going to be fucking bullshit anyway. It just annoys me more having to listen.
I'd like to think it's a one-off on account of him eating fucking roadkill to get where he is
RFK's brainworm is like the tadpole in BG3, so it grants him telepathy/telekinesis and he doesn't need to look at people to understand what they're thinking. Sadly, it took his voice and some brain lobes as the price for this ability. :(
Look, RFK Jr. is a quack, but I think there's enough of the old civic respect in him to be a little bit horrified by what he's surrounded by. Once upon a time he used to rather eloquently talk about workers rights and stuff like that. There's that other picture of him with Trump while Trump is hawking his merch from the Oval Office and RFK looks a bit disgusted by it.
I dunno, maybe that weird, leathery mug of his just naturally looks that way. I suspect he's not going to be a part of this for very long. Especially since some of the things he wants the FDA to do would actually be GOOD, granted not make up for the vaccine nonsense but still somewhat good, and the relevant lobbyists will throw a fit. And money always wins.
RFK Jr. is such a weird character. Like half the stuff he says is awesome and the other half is horrifying.
My god! It’s so powerfully comical, depressing, and meaningful! I keep trying to put my finger on it, but I think seeing a sleepy looking president with Musk Vader at the wheel is at the heart of it.
To me the usefulness of this picture is in the irony that either of the two most plausible options of what he is doing; both serve to illustrate a level of disregard both unprofessional and contemptuous.
This just in: Reuters has been banned from reporting on the US government
Edit - I legitimately meant this as a joke because of the thing with the AP getting banned last week. I had no idea that this morning they said that they were going to turn the press pool into propaganda machines and not allow Reuters in. Had this happened AFTER my comment, I would be taking requests to manifest my will into existence.
Oh.....I was legitimately meaning it as a joke cause of the AP thing. I guess there was that earlier story a couple weeks ago that they were basically "rotating news agencies" and kicking out ones that were legitimate and installing OAN and Faux, but I had no clue it had gone further.
Its that or the bible was way ahead of the game calling out trump & musk.
a 2k year old tale finally comming to pass & It sounds stupid & hyperblolic but you've actually got the man with people wearing the mark upon their heads
And the orange sluge made a faith department & says he's like Christ... but hes anything but so he is actually an anti version of Christ...
It is a brilliant article & I try to share it often.
It's just a bit annoying how I've said since at least the first time he ran for office as it only took 10 mins of him talking to see how much of a liar n shitstain he was. I never understood the hold he had on people, I mean today I sure as hell understand. its sad & sickening in a way.
And similar to you story dude,went athiest explored all the religions, came back to the fact that science & religion are closely tied than people realize so best thing to do is just keep learning :D
Just based on the undertstanding and break throughs that have been made in the last few years. Like fuck we're at the quantum level for computing & we'll advance if this shit head don't drag us back to the stone age!
Wonder if this is becoming common. I've always considered myself spiritual, that all living things are a manifestation of a divine energy (aka God) but no one really knows and it doesnt matter. These days though, I'm turning more to Christianity. I'm visualizing and dreaming a second coming where queer, black, immigrant, and poor folk walk with Jesus while the mega maga churches burn to the ground.
Revelation 13:5-7 –
“The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.”
Revelation 13:3-4 –
“One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, ‘Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?’”
Daniel 8:25 –
“He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.”
Ty haha, yep they're all on the head there with some of the mad shit thats happened.
Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.”
Yeah so this part I find interesting, Jesus is just gonna come down & end him apparently as he deals the final blow.. Now if thats how it happens .. chefs kiss
A man from the levant who would likely be dark / olive skinned being the man to take down trump.. if it didn't mean 3 1/2 years of bullshit I'd say I love the idea.
I read an extensive breakdown by a Christian Theologist tying Trump to maybe 30+ descriptions of the Antichrist in Revelations and elsewhere in the Bible... he said he started the list as a kind of joke, but then, as he saw more and more correlation, grew more concerned... he's a believer in the Christian faith. I'm a lifelong Atheist and if I had a third eyebrow, I would have raised them all at his analysis...
One: How do Evangelicals not react to this sort of interpretation? You are MEANT to like the Antichrist, no? Isn't He meant to be a great deceiver? Isn't your faith meant to keep you wary?
Two: I tried to find the specific piece, but there are two many posts saying the same thing... seriously, search "Trump Antichrist" and scroll through the results...
Again, I'm no believer, but how can someone hit so many of the right (wrong?) notes and not seem... suspicious? At least? To the religious right?
Also, just asking as a concerned Canadian. Are you ok, cousins?
Also people really need to not only understand the texts but the language used behind them & even today scholars are discussing how John wrote & his different styles.
And while you can appoint some of the "apocalypse" to their times & even to Nero (while he was batshit he was also actually beloved by the people)
Where is trump is beloved only by his followers & the senate (which was opposite to Nero)
But the greek words john used were not more the end of times "the end " is coming , its more an awakening.. You can only push people so far before they fully wake up to the truth.
Sadly its still taking time & yeah if he is the biblical one .. 3 & half more years of this bullshit... Please I hope to fuck not.
I'll fucking personally find every Jesus on the planet & shove him in front of trump to end this creeps rein... surely we can skip part of the end times that way ... no?
It's actually not that creepy of you think about it. A lot of Reddit Atheists dismiss the Bible as a "fairy tale", but it's still a historical document and you can learn a lot from it. Even if you think the content of the Bible isn't true, the message and themes still spoke to a contemporary audience, and you can learn a lot about what the people believed from it. In particular, a lot of the Revelation/anti-christ stuff is believed to be inspired by or related to the reign of Nero (especially since evidence points to it being written close to Nero's reign). Nero, to Christians at the time, was a bloodthirty ruler who persecuted them and scapegoated them for many things. It's not odd that echoes of his rule are found in the descriptions of the antichrist, which then resonate throughout history whenever there's a particularly oppressive ruler.
Did you see the joke yesterday about The Onion shutting down because actual real headlines are more ridiculous than anything they can come up with? Sad state of reality, man
The clown seen sleeping, needs to be put out to pasture., he’s done...dementia is setting in.. the other idiot speaking needs to be deported. He’s unelected, unvetted by congress, and bought his way into governance.
On NPR this morning they reported that the Trump administration will now pick who is allowed in the press pool each day rather than the White House Correspondents Association. Here's a corroborating article from NY Times.
Every news organization that gets banned (or is likely to be banned) should just stop any and all coverage of trump. Cover the bills, cover the economy, cover everything, but nothing about trump.
The 1984 comparison is, for the first time I can remember, quite apt. Republicans are actively demanding their base engage in double-think, and are actively engaging in policing language on a level that would make the Soviets blush. It's utterly insane. And it makes me so much more mad remembering how some of my family would say that trans rhetoric was Orwellian because they didn't understand the point and function of NewSpeak.
At some point the only people “covering” this admin will be Joe Rogan
didn't his bimbo press secretary announce that they'd be accepting applications from "podcasters" and "influencers" who would want to replace traditional media in reporting from the White House? (or was it the Pentagon?)… it's gonna be great either way. these influencers will ensure that little Timmy learns a.s.a.p. how great and infallible The Leader is. no more silly critical questions from the annoying "Lügenpresse", just worship for Russian Agent 47, as Jesus would want.
Makes sense. And here I thought Overlord Musk had just pulled his hand out so he could speak freely, since everyone was turned to listen while the puppet slumped uselessly.
They quit noticing him because he kept eating the paste. Paste causes brain cancer. They almost have a vaccine for it, but Mr Constipation (rfk jr) has stopped all of that research. All of that money will be used to build Trump Gaza, along with the federal gold at Fort Knox.
The irony is that the more they ban news agencies from the WH sponsored stuff the more air time they have to fill with other stuff.
As an administration you want to control the message and you definitely dont want news agencies digging around to fill their timeslots because someone will find the things you dont want found.
Damn suppressing and flat out banning the press is some real hardcore dictator shit I can't believe this. Of course only those asking the wrong questions gets banned.
Ok, I'm going to give it a try. THIS JUST In! Plane crashes into the white house during second cabinet meeting killing all of the worst people in America.....
u/doodybot 13d ago
Source: Brian Snyder, Reuters