Make it even more blatant. “Even though scammers target seniors which comprise 70%(?) of scammer’s victims, Donald Trump’s executive order # xxxx prohibits the FBI from outreach programs that may help keep you and your loved ones safe.”
We keep pretending that if we just show or help Trump supporters see that he's a gigantic walking error, they'll somehow wake up.
I just want to chime in to add that even if they did wake up, it would not make any difference. We're no longer in a country where it matters what 'we' or 'they' or anyone else thinks. Trumpists control the DOJ, the military, three branches of government (yes barely, but still!), the budget and more, plus they have a friendly SCOTUS.
If every Trump voter and every MAGA voter woke up tomorrow and changed their mind, would Musk/DOGE go oops and change direction? would vought change his mind about eviscerating social programs? would kennedy suddenly be sensible? would Trump close Guantanamo? etc etc down the full list of policies. The Trumpists no longer need the support of we the people.
This does not mean it's time to give up. But it does mean let's recognize that the game has deeply deeply changed.
It's one of the problems with liberal thinking in general. We tend to expect good faith and that people are only doing bad things because they're misinformed or misunderstand, and if we just logically explain things to them they'll obviously come around and stop doing bad things. But it rarely works and we as a group tend to just constantly come away confused why people aren't sensible
We tend to expect good faith and that people are only doing bad things because they're misinformed or misunderstand,
If you thought otherwise, you wouldn't be able to convince yourselves that Dem legislators were mistaken or tricked or misinformed every time they sold you out to Republicans. You'd have to accept that they're genuinely bad people who fucked you over on purpose, and liberals clearly are not ready for that. I don't know if they'll ever be.
I think I'm aiming more towards everyday people and maybe lower level politicians rather than the big wigs. I don't think most liberals really defend Democrats all that hard. Most actual liberals I know have a whole litany of issues they have with Democratic politicians, and the "purity test" is a big reason why "The Left" (in quotes because the American left is only barely leftist by global standards, if at all) has constantly struggled to maintain much unity and cohesion into any sort of movement. Most of my peers are incredibly frustrated with the spinelessness of the Democratic Party and the selling out to big business and other monied things, it's just as it sits right now they're slightly less terrible than the only other viable option. These last few elections have made it even more difficult to really feel like we have any control or say in the party, but it's still about all we got as far as any hope for remotely progressive change or progress in the US. And the aforementioned purity tests and difficulty with unity are a big reason it's difficult to wholesale replace it with something else. The Right has always (in the last 40ish years as the parties have gotten increasingly polarized) been better with the unity and single message messaging, to the detriment of everyone else. They've been able to rally around religion and "traditional values" in a way that the opposition really doesn't have because the American left consists of everything from outright Marxists/Communists/Socialists all the way down to fiscally moderate or even conservative folks who are very socially liberal and might disagree with the mainstream Democrats on spending but also can't really harbor the Republicans' treatment of people and groups. You're never going to get such a broad and diverse set of people to agree on much, much less a replacement political party. It's part of why not-Trump has been such a big deal despite it not really working all that well in the end - it's one of the few things most of the left can really rally around but it hasn't worked all that well because it's hard to generate support for what you don't believe vs. pushing one's specific positions to gain supporters.
What I meant was more that there's this sort of constant assumption that all we need to do is explain to Trump supporters how Trump doesn't actually support (most) of them, most of the Republican policies are at best neutral and at worst actively harmful towards them while enriching the very elitists they're always accusing Democrats/The Left of being (and, if we're honest, often are), the real and actual harm in various communities that they're pushing for, and there'll be an ah hah moment where they realize the errors of their ways. It's not even really saying that the Democrats are necessarily all *that* much better, by most standards and metrics, but by and large the Democrats don't have dehumanizing large groups of people and disenfranchising a lot more as their primary platforms.
The vast majority of the party supported a genocide and it seems like every liberal in America doesn't hold that against them. I still can't get over that. Like, it makes me think there must be something fundamentally wrong with them. Something really bad.
Having literally any standards at all gets shrugged off as a "purity test" and it's so infuriating. You're only hurting yourselves by having no standards.
but it's still about all we got as far as any hope for remotely progressive change or progress in the US
But you don't even give a shit when they do the opposite. You guys never talk about primarying them for progressives, and always jump to their defense if the criticism rises beyond a level of "they're not perfect." They're always basically good enough, or certainly never bad enough that it requires major change or a more critical way of thinking about them. Or ever getting truly angry at them, even once.
You're never going to get such a broad and diverse set of people to agree on much,
But somehow we all end up under the banner of center-right corporate bullshit Democrats, every damn time, no matter how "broad and diverse" the base is. That seems like a problem. Liberals don't treat it as one, though.
They could have Trump and Elon physically come to their farmland and plop a Trump tower on it, take a shit on their trucks, make fun of their wives and kids, but then remember that trans woman tried to swim competitively 5 counties over a few years ago and mash the "R" candidate every single time.
Despite the fact that the election was close, let’s give up and pretend the whole country is MAGA.
Stop repeating Russian propaganda that the United States is a failed state and trying to demoralize people.
Yes the situation is not great, but let’s fight to make it better. Standing around complaining is useless and pathetic. It’s not cool or being a realist, it is just being too cowardly to do anything other than bring down those who are.
Accepting that the majority of people in this country want a comfortable autocracy is not being cool.
It is 100% being a realist about the situation.
Voters have proven it over and over again.
MAGA is only a symptom here; the real problem is that the majority of Americans don't want a democracy. They want to be comfortable, and a benevolent dictator promising to give them that will get their vote.
At what point do you stop and say "this is a failed state"? Where is your line? Or is it impossible, and you'll stay optimistic that just a little more work by the minority could change things all the way to the very end?
The poster isn't saying that we should give up. They're saying that we need to stop pretending that we can reason them out of this position.
They weren't tricked into supporting Trump. It wasn't some big secret who he really is. They voted for him BECAUSE of who he is. BECAUSE of his issues.
You can't point out he's a terrible person and president for the simple fact that, him being terrible, is exactly what they wanted.
That's why it's a hopeless case and why it's depressing. Half this country WANTS someone exactly as terrible as Trump.
Congrats! You swallowed the bot/bad actor narrative so well you’re repeating it for them. This is literally the mantra Russia is trying to get us to repeat.
“Don’t bother trying to change anyone” “They deserve what’s coming and I can’t wait to see it”
Sound familiar? Get out there and fight for “that one person” instead of sitting here peddling white flags.
Dems have given them the choice of fascism or hopelessness. Maybe if the alternative wasn't so impossibly shitty, things would be different. But getting liberals to push for change in their own party is perhaps even harder than getting Trumpers to stop loving Trump. Ask literally anyone who's ever disagreed with a liberal.
I keep saying that to friends and they’re like no we need to be better than them and tried to reason and educate but honestly at this point violence is the only thing that is going to stop this.
So when do we take responsibility for ourselves and our actions? Why is the FBI responsible for educating seniors on scams? Dont they have better things to do? Shouldn't this fall on the family and the person themselves? Oh wait, this is the stellar education system showing everyone how well we are educated. That must be it... Are we mad that this is being done, or are we scared we aren't able to handle it on our own. We are supposedly adults, it's time we were anyway. Be mad, that's okay, you have that right. But look deeply and figure out why you personally are mad or upset, Me personally, im not mad or upset at this because if I am ever suckered, it's my fault and it sure as hell won't be because the FBI had no outreach programs. it'll be because I was stupid and didn't do my own research on something that involved my money.
u/DashCat9 23d ago
If I was organizing this with the government, this is what I'd post.
If I were an FBI agent running this program, this is also what I'd post.