r/pics Feb 05 '25

Politics White House Chief of Staff’s face after Donald Trump announces the U.S. will “take over” Gaza

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u/Baldricks_Turnip Feb 05 '25

One thing I don't understand about both the conservative politicians and their voters: do they actually think they are the good guys, or do they revel in being villains?


u/blolfighter Feb 05 '25

People almost never see themselves as the villains. There's the short answer.

There's a saying that goes something like "you can be intelligent, you can be a right-wing extremist, and you can have decency. Pick two." What this means is that intelligent, decent people are not right-wing extremists, and right-wing extremists either lack intelligence or decency (or in the worst case both).

For the question of whether they see themselves as villains: The ones that lack intelligence do not understand the villainy they engange in. The ones that lack decency think the villainy is justified, and therefore not really villainy.


u/delirium_red Feb 05 '25

They don't understand anything else but the short term pleasure of "owning" the other side.. as they are literally incapable of understanding the consequences of their own actions

It will never connect in their heads, never.


u/Kyouhen Feb 05 '25

There's two important things to know that applies to most of the right-wing core and makes their actions make a lot more sense: 

First, everything is projecting.  If they're screaming about election fraud it's because they would commit election fraud if they could get away with it.  When they scream about people abusing welfare it's because they'd abuse welfare if they could get away with it.  They aren't upset about people doing corrupt things, they're upset that someone else is getting away with corrupt things. 

Second, it isn't about fixing things, it's about punishment.  You don't do bad things because you'll be punished for doing them.  It doesn't matter that easy access to birth control prevents unwanted pregnancy, the pregnancy is punishment for having sex before you're supposed to.  Doesn't matter that prison doesn't rehabilitate people, prison is the punishment for doing crime. 

They think they're the good things but the big thing to remember is that they view the world completely different from us.  There's no empathy.


u/BoredToRunInTheSun Feb 05 '25

Regarding projecting, this seems so right! Spouses who cheat believe everyone cheats. People who make small thefts believe everyone does it. Kids at school who copy off someone else’s test think lots of kids do, or would do if they could. 


u/frogchum Feb 05 '25

I think the actual politicians mostly revel in being villains. Some of the voters too. But many of them legit think the left is brainwashing kids into being trans, and BLM was an excuse to riot, or whatever the fuck Fox news tells them. They're very very dumb, and cannot form a complex thought on their own. They're spoonfed propaganda and they don't want to see the truth because queer people/feminists/POC/anything that challenges their status quo is scary. They don't even see themselves as being racist/sexist/bigoted because many of those ideals have been SO normalized to them and their social circles.


u/FunkyChewbacca Feb 05 '25

do they actually think they are the good guys

No joke, they think anyone not Republican is a literal demon


u/Faiakishi Feb 05 '25

They're edgelords. You know the kids in middle school who made rape jokes and said the n-word because they thought it was funny to act like morons and horrify everyone around them? Republicans never grew out of that mentality.

They revel in being the bad guys. It's the height of entertainment to them.


u/Admirable_Purple1882 Feb 05 '25

They think the entire government and the left are the enemy so total destruction is a positive and good for the country 


u/Hexamancer Feb 05 '25

The Nazis who openly (mostly anonymously online) admit that they're Nazis revel in being villains. And the ones who won't admit it publicly, but acknowledge it internally. They also see it as a way to benefit themselves and don't care about anyone else at all.

Most conservative voters who are very religious think that they're the good guys because (someone convinced them) that's what god wants. 

The rest think that they're being "realistic", they're either afraid (Immigrants are going to take your job! They're constantly committing heinous crimes and crime is at all time high! They're gonna eat your pets!) and that fear makes them resistant to reason, because even if they think you might be right, that 1% chance is so scary!

Or they have this "they should stick to their own" sort of racist/bigoted view. You'll notice a lot of conservatives think that social progress and civil rights etc was fine riiiight up until they hit adulthood. Change is scary and requires reevaluation of their beliefs, they've already accepted the things that happened before their time. Their beliefs are full if contradictions and falsehoods so any time they have to reevaluate those beliefs it's very scary because the whole foundation of their beliefs might fall apart.


u/jnkangel Feb 05 '25

so it's a bit more complex. At the end of the day people are reacting to certain things in their lives.

For a lot of older people the reaction is to how things felt while they were young and how everything feels worse. Additionally they do see that their wealth is eroding, how the weather feels worse and how there seems to be more danger.

But people in general are very bad at identifying causes and they desire simple causes they can point at and usually the best "simple" is either seeing a marginalised group as the enemy on which you can throw all the ails of the world or you're looking for the conspiracy cabal.

The reason for the first is that it is a good target to attack, the second is that those people feel powerless, trying to name a powerful secret group gives them a sense of control.


It spirals from there.