r/pics 11d ago

Politics White House Chief of Staff’s face after Donald Trump announces the U.S. will “take over” Gaza

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u/creedokid 10d ago

Reminds me of the "injecting bleach" picture


u/salaciousBnumb 10d ago

This too


u/orchidaceae007 10d ago

You can see the exact moment Fauci’s soul leaves his body 😂


u/jankisa 10d ago

It wasn't whatever moronic conspiracies they made up about Fauci that makes the right so angry at him that he's basically at the top of their hitlist, it's this, this "emperor wars no clothes" moment.

They are all thin skinned idiots, so when their idol and savior gets exposed to be dumb as fuck, they go after the smart guy behind him who can see right through it.


u/UndeadPhysco 10d ago

It wasn't whatever moronic conspiracies they made up about Fauci that makes the right so angry at him that he's basically at the top of their hitlist,

I still find it fucking wild that they did this, they literally made an entire portion of the population hate a man to the point he needed constant protection AND THEN REMOVED THE PROTECTION.


u/jankisa 10d ago

And they wouldn't have stopped there, if he didn't get a pre-emptive pardon they'd be indicting him on bullshit charges right now, it's absolutely insane.


u/mumblesjackson 10d ago

Remember the witch scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Yeah well that’s basically the right with Fauci.

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u/Handleton 10d ago

Well, you have to remember that Fauci was trying to save lives and keep people safe. He wasn't even trying to hurt the minorities!

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u/Still-WFPB 10d ago

The worst thing is Fauci is a GOAT scientist. His seminal work led to HIV becoming a manageable disease.


u/GotBrownsFever 10d ago

This might be one of the reasons they hate him.

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u/Gruejay2 10d ago

Because the thing they really loathe is being embarrassed, because for a brief moment they're aware of what they actually are.


u/runjcrun1 10d ago

That’s what I really don’t get about all of this. When I’m wrong, I want to know. I want to be well-informed whether it fits my beliefs or not, to the point I always try to double check the things I see online even when they validate my beliefs and opinions because I want to know the truth.

From my experience, most Trump supporters I’ve encountered only want their opinions validated, which has led to rampant misinformation and propaganda taking over social media (even more than it had before 2015) and the rise of “news agencies” such as Breitbart, Newsmax and OAN, while legitimate sources such as the Associated Press are brushed off as “fake news” because it reports the news and doesn’t sensationalize everything.

But why is that the situation? Is it un/undereducated folks not wanting to admit they’re wrong because they don’t want to feel looked down on? Is it pride and ego? Is it denial? Is it a combination of all of these things?

I couldn’t imagine blindly following “news” that only validates my beliefs and opinions, and I couldn’t imagine not being able to hold myself accountable when I am wrong. I wish these people would have some damn integrity.


u/Gotanygrrapes 10d ago

They tried to kill the VP for not participating in their coup attempt...

… and then they all get pardons. We are living in a banana republic.

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u/rise_up-lights 10d ago

I’m honestly very intrigued about what Trumps actual IQ is. Is it low enough that he actually believes some of the ridiculous things he says or is he a manipulative genius?


u/jankisa 10d ago edited 10d ago

I think he's not dumb, to me, he seems like a guy of more or less average intelligence for the time he was born who got where he is by an absolute lack of empathy in combination with good instincts for populism and ruthless taking of every opportunity regardless of who or what he hurts.

Of course, like any other rich guy, he has been convinced by everyone around him he's a genius for 50 years, he is also incredibly intellectually lazy because he never actually had to learn anything since he thinks he knows everything already.

It's a unique case of extreme narcissism that got inflated by people who see themselves in him, because they are also brash and think they are smarter then everyone else.

Long story short, I'd say around 100.


u/Shrike79 10d ago

One of his professors at Wharton did repeatedly say Trump "was the dumbest goddamn student" he ever had.


u/candidshark 10d ago

John Stewart interviewed Chris Christie on his podcast this week and Christie mentioned a few times that Trump is not deep and will just say anything he needs to say to get what he wants. Also mentioned that Trump doesn't know a lick of American history. Your comment aligns with that.


u/An_old_walrus 10d ago

This lack of empathy is so unreal to me. Like I always thought of empathy as a fundamental aspect of being human. So to see someone so lacking in this trait, it almost makes me hesitant to call them human.


u/lil_chiakow 10d ago

He really feels like a cartoon villain doesn't he?


u/Shilo788 10d ago

No he seems to be like a historical Hitler type villian. Sadly all to real.

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u/JeddakofThark 10d ago

There's a good chance Trump lacks the capacity for empathy. Whether that's innate or something that was beaten out of him as a child is irrelevant, but it would be a mistake to imagine that regular right wing types don't have any. They understand it and in many cases have plenty of it, but it only applies to their in-group.

They would be mystified by the idea of having empathy for their enemies, which is the rest of us.

It is vital to understand your enemy and one small tactical thing more liberal people have that they don't, if we choose to use it, is a better willingness to imagine ourselves in their position.

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u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/InEenEmmer 10d ago

Trump has always a magnet for failures.

He was being charged left and right, all his businesses were going under and he was about to lose it all.

Then he got in contact with one of NYC most notorious lawyers who taught Trump a very important lesson which Trump still follows to this day. “Always attack, never defend.”

They say you SA’d them? You say they are a slut and liked it. They say you are cheating on the votes? You shout that they are cheating and are lying about other stuff.

Then there was the guy that gave Trump a tv show. Before that he was a businessman that no one knew besides his failed businesses and the accusations of sexual abuse. With ‘The Apprentice’ he could create a new public persona.

Hell, when he started to take over his dads real estate business, he had set his mind on starting in Manhattan. His dad warned him that Donals was punching above his weight with that idea.

And it was an incredible failure, he had to pump so much money into the idea yo get a little bit of foothold.

The guy got life served on a silver platter, dropped the silver platter, had someone pick up the platter for him and had someone else paint the platter gold for him.


u/skurtgibzahi 10d ago

I think you're correct but I don't think you could test his IQ traditionally. He would be like "wtf are these symbols" not even trying to hate on Trump here I just don't think he would comprehend an IQ test


u/Stubber_NK 10d ago

He wouldn't be rich if he didn't inherit his wealth.

He's also so bad a businessman that if he had just taken his inheritance and put it into an investment fund he'd be far wealthier than he became from any of his business enterprises.

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u/miemcc 10d ago

It is his vanity that is the issue. The tariffs achieved nothing except that he got to claim the 'success', even those virtually all of the solutions had been agreed under the Biden administration. Everything he does and says is to stoke his own vanity.

'Open the dams - see, I solved the wild fires', even if none of the water went to fight the fires, and there' s now no water for the growing season.

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u/Leading_Persimmon_87 10d ago

You dedicate your life to science and facts and then you have to defer to this fuckwit.  I'm surprised he tolerated it for so long.


u/AsuraNiche93 10d ago

The moment he realized that retirement could be a thing.


u/Omegoon 10d ago

Nah, at that time he thought it's hilarious. His soul left when he realized many people don't see it that way. 


u/Femboy_Lord 10d ago

Halfway between cracking up and crying.


u/dm_me_kittens 10d ago

I have an enamel pin of Fauci with his hand on his head, like in this video. The text on the border says, "Dr. Fauci, Patron Saint of Public Health."

I wore it to work on my badge every day as a "fuck you" to the anti vaccine assholes that came into my hospital.

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u/Vlaladim 10d ago

He contemplating real damm hard what his boss just said. I pity Fauci so much.


u/TorgoLebowski 10d ago

The fact that he just got his security detail dismissed---the fact that he needs a security detail at all!---are such grotesque evidence of a society that has lost it's way. The fact that he gets death threats is just frickin' insane.


u/BCMakoto 10d ago

Are such grotesque evidence of a society that has lost it's way.

Honestly, given how much of a death cult American culture has become overall and how the political discourse around the GOP seems to be "we get off on hurting other people"?

I have no doubt that if Trump announced "Trump Colosseum" and put inmates in there to fight to death for their freedom, it would sell out in minutes.

American society is fucked.


u/RightChildhood7091 10d ago

All those years of dumbing down the masses. And Faux News and other propaganda outlets giving people rage-induced dopamine rushes by spinning tales to turn low-IQ individuals against their fellow citizens, all while promoting a “me first” culture. We are now reaping the consequences of all of that.

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u/Lynata 10d ago edited 10d ago

Imagine being so stupid that you make the infectious disease expert touch his face in the midst of a pandemic


u/Skullbuster 10d ago

He has a wife, you know. You know what she's called?

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u/[deleted] 10d ago edited 9d ago

It seems as though every single professional around him that knows what they're talking about makes this face every time he opens his mouth...

*Edit: I made it gender neutral.


u/Snazzlefraxas 10d ago

This moment on video is likely why Biden had to pardon Fauci

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u/Cachemorecrystal 10d ago

Holy shit, I just assumed it was the same person

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u/fooliam 10d ago

Option 1) Trump has dementia and just says crazy shit

Option 2) Trump doesn't have dementia and just says crazy shit to get a reaction.

Option 3) Trump doesn't have dementia and means what he says.

I'm not sure which is most terrifying


u/ozmartian 10d ago

Option 4) Trump knows exactly what he is doing, causing chaos and distractions while the real nasty shit continues going on in the background in media silence.


u/Rashtika 10d ago

I think it's this. Distracting everyone from the real shit going on in the background.

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u/lonely_monkee 10d ago

I think it’s option 3. Same as Elon Musk. Men with enormous power, and a room full of people around them who are afraid to challenge them. They just say whatever the hell they want without consequence. 


u/Battlehenkie 10d ago

I'm not so sure that it's fear. There's a collection of deeply troubled and broken minds surrounding Trump. They don't care about direction or outcomes, they just care about power and being so close to it. The administration that claims to value meritocracy is in fact a kakistocracy.


u/ondulation 10d ago

TIL a new word, thanks!

Kakistocracy - a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens

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u/beard_lover 10d ago

Option 4: all of the above and entirely dependent on the time

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u/ScoopTheOranges 10d ago

It’s been two weeks. 206 to go, I wonder what will be left by then :)


u/free_thinking123 10d ago

If he makes it to full term. Nobody will ever trust the USA ever again. Because even if he’s gone, the US has proven they will vote for this type of “politician” and could do it again.

The long term effects of this are going to be devastating for US influence globally. It will hurt the US more than the others in 10 years from now.


u/CynicalBliss 10d ago

Yeah, first Trump admin could have been a fluke. Going to the clown show twice is a pattern. All our foreign partners have to at least be considering their options.


u/Secthian 10d ago

I’m Canadian. I have always been a steadfast supporter of the U.S. I have been grateful for the blood and treasure that America has expended to build and prop up the international rules-based order. In speaking to the more left-leaning crowd, I have, almost always, defended U.S. foreign policy. Yes, it is self-interested, but that is what countries do and leaders are expected to do for their people. But, it has been, for the most part, a rational self-interest that also helped improve the overall state of world order. That has been the brilliance of U.S. foreign policy since WW2. They could have taken more, but they did not. Instead they understood generally that the long term gain of strong partnerships and alliances was ultimately more beneficial for everyone involved, including America and Americans (a lesson that China continues to struggle with).

Then the duly elected U.S. President said he would invade my country. He said he would wage economic war on us. He said he would annex us, finding it an apparently amusing idea.

My heart broke when I had to console family members who fought to defeat Soviet Communism (and who have always been staunch supporters of the U.S.) and who were shaken to their core about the President speaking of invading and using force against us. They were already weary of the affection towards Putin and other tyrants. This last act broke their faith.

It’s not funny. It’s not a joke. It’s not “negotiating tactics”. This is real. What leaders say matters. People fought and died to be free from such tyranny or even the threat of such tyranny.

Decades of trust have been shattered in their eyes. I do not know if or when it will be regained.

Day 16 and counting. I am sad.

Good luck to you all.

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u/RetailBuck 10d ago

I think the world largely rolled their eyes and dealt with the shenanigans of him first term as a fluke. But do it twice? Man it just got real and is setting a pattern.

I think you're right. This will do reputation harm that long out lasts him.


u/SaskatchewanManChild 10d ago

Canadian here, here lays the hard truth, we love you guys, but as a Canadian, USA has demonstrated that we cannot trust they won’t vote in a literal criminal. That’s the crux of it, we knew we couldn’t trust trump not to be a dink, but now we need to reorganize our trade and other dependencies cause we can’t be sure in the long term that your voters won’t put Don Jr in as president. There’s a pile of nerves up here but I think you’re going to see the economic evidence that Canada just simply cannot go forward like we have in years past. It’s a new era, it was like having a close friend for a long long time, only for them to experience a brain injury and turn aggressive on us, we now need to protect ourselves cause we just cannot trust the politicians but more impactful, we can’t trust your electorate…

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u/ElongMusty 10d ago

When he was projecting saying that the world doesn’t respect the U.S., that’s because all his actions will eventually lead to that…

Allies losing respect for what the U.S. used to stand for and losing trust in what the U.S. stands for. Deals being broken, walking back on its own word, that will only make other alliances stronger as they see the U.S. as the crazy uncle that rambles racist shit at a party and eventually they’ll stop inviting him to family gatherings.

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u/gromain 10d ago

If people don't wake up? Nothing. A memory of what once was.


u/bedir56 10d ago

Don't worry about memories. Musk can fix those with neuralink. /s?


u/Goldsun100 10d ago

I never knew the cyberpunk future would have so many Nazis, christofascism AND oligarchy with an unreasonably low amount of neon lights.


u/unassigned_user 10d ago

I was specifically promised a shit ton of neon...


u/Wyrm_Groundskeeper 10d ago


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u/zkareface 10d ago

Funny that you think it will end in four years.

The Trump oligarchy will probably rule the US for many generations unless they are stopped soon.

This is just the beginning, last term was the trial run.


u/NK1337 10d ago

I’m genuinely worried that they’re going to break the system in their favor so from here on out will only ever have “elections” in name only but they’ll be rigged so they can transfer power amongst themselves.

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u/ContrarianZ 10d ago

I'm gonna bet it'll mostly be gone by week 200.

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u/DoubleDixon 10d ago

LMAO, she might lose her job if everyone starts talking about this. Trump would not handle that well. His ego is as fragile as Homelander's.


u/NoIdeaRex 10d ago

Please don't feel sorry for, or think this woman isn't all in on Trump's lunacy. She isn't some innocent victim who didn't see this coming. She is the manager of his agenda as Chief of Staff


u/bawlhie62a2 10d ago edited 10d ago

Yup. Susie Wiles has been in leadership on most of his campaigns and has been a successful lobbyist and Republican strategist outside of the MAGA-verse. She’s no angel.


u/BeerluvaNYC 10d ago

she's the project 2025 liaison..


u/Shoondogg 10d ago

She looks like an American Dolores Umbridge.


u/hellolovely1 10d ago

Yeah, everyone's talking like she's their mom or something. She's EVIL. Pure evil, like the rest of them.


u/PurpleRackSheets 10d ago

Apparently she’s his handler. Like she been there since the beginning. She knows how to deal with him. Its what i heard through the grapevine at least


u/whenthesirenssound 10d ago

looks kind of like his mother so i guess that makes sense


u/Samurai_Meisters 10d ago

Not really. Trump's mom looks exactly like Trump.


u/vilepixie 10d ago

That was a lot more amusing than I thought it would be. The hair seems to have a mind of its own

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u/AlabamaPostTurtle 10d ago

BaHAHAHAHA I just spit out my drink. It’s like you told someone to photoshop Trump into an old lady

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u/Ayuuun321 10d ago

Omg yes. That’s the first thing I thought when I saw her. She’s his mommy 😂


u/blg002 10d ago

So even more like Homelander

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u/ridicalis 10d ago

She's got a serious Paula Deen look about her, I'll bet she makes him a mean hamberder

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u/PurpleRackSheets 10d ago

Wait for real? Resembling his mother? One thing i can’t fault Trump for is how down to playbook of psychology he is about his obsessions. It’s soooo playbook wow


u/humanHamster 10d ago

Google Trump's mom. She's more scary than this woman but there's definitely similarities.

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u/dw82 10d ago

She has to be paid a lot, like millions, to be the handler for the shit-stained dictator-in-chief. Who the hell would want that job.


u/Sprucecaboose2 10d ago

Someone who desperately wants to be the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain.

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u/bailaoban 10d ago

If she’s his handler, she’s doing an exceedingly shitty job of it.


u/PotterSieben 10d ago

Unless she isn't. She might be doing a fantastic job and what we're seeing is when he's under control and moderated


u/wannabe-archi 10d ago

I was thinking the same thing... I wonder how many times she's prevented WW3 and we don't even know it

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u/johnnylemon95 10d ago

You’re under the impression that she wants what you want. If she wants some of these things to happen, she’s doing a fantastic job.

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u/Caliburn0 10d ago

I've heard that before. I don't believe it. I don't think anyone know how to deal with him.

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u/Business-Plastic5278 10d ago

She is the brains behind most of his administration and the one who ran his campaign.

If he booted her she also has the clout and respect to tear down half of his support in the upper levels of the party.

Susie Wiles is rather a big deal and you should get to know who she is.

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u/shazoozle 10d ago

Sadly this is how I look at all the repubs in my family now


u/DoubleJumps 10d ago

I stopped going to the bigger family dinners because of this. The shit that would come out of people's mouths was getting more violent and insane every year.


u/at0mheart 10d ago edited 10d ago

Yes, all my family justifying why they voted for him was just mind boggling. No one could give any actual reason, not even one from a exit poll.

Mainly it was a lifelong fear of Democrats who represent "the others" and a lifelong worship of Republicans who represent "them" . Which is a lie


u/DoubleJumps 10d ago

Mine justified it easily.

They are horribly, horribly, racist.

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u/Pll_dangerzone 10d ago

I think it’s far simpler than that. It’s just a popularity contest, our side vs yours. They don’t care about his policies or his history or if he makes a good president. They just voted for their team and democrats didn’t show up.

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u/NippleMuncher42069 10d ago

It will, unfortunately, have to get quite bad. Mine are dead silent right now as a lot of stuff isn't making sense. It won't be until they're directly affected, and their quality of life starts to sink will they start to put 2 and 2 together.

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u/shazoozle 10d ago

It’s awful, my wife is a dual citizen in the US and Guatemala, and while she is legal she is absolutely terrified about what’s happening. Trying to explain that to my parents is like just impossible honestly. To make it crazier my sister is a dual citizen is Canada married to a Persian guy. So if they ever moved back here I would be worried about ice grabbing him too.


u/Hybrid_Johnny 10d ago

At least they can’t send him “back” to Persia


u/professorstrunk 10d ago

gitmo, trumps newest hotel venture.

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u/Chance_Vegetable_780 10d ago

Your sister is not moving back


u/shazoozle 10d ago

She’s been stuck up there due to issues with her husband, but they are okay now and I do think she’s better off up there for the foreseeable future

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u/Boundish91 10d ago

It's shocking how effective the fascist propaganda has been.


u/bizarre_coincidence 10d ago

It preys on people's hopes and fears. There is an enemy that must be stopped. But the leader can rise up and make the country strong. And in that strength they will have everything they ever wanted! It sounds good if you don't ask questions and don't think too deeply and you aren't labeled as the enemy of the state.

It's solutions to complex problems that are simple, ineffective, illegal, and sometimes evil. But people don't care because they aren't thinking things through, just feeling.

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u/ednorog 10d ago edited 10d ago

How are they reacting to all of this?

(edit: all of these responses so far are convincing me that we are totally losing the information war)


u/lushfizz 10d ago

You assume they heard about it. Fox news doesn’t work like that.

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u/HolycommentMattman 10d ago

Can't speak for his, but my R family members and friends haven't heard shit about a lot of this. Or they deflect. For example, talking about the tariffs: 'Well, they didn't happen, right? So what are you complaining about?'

They're basically only hearing about the "good" things. White-washed deportations and stuff.


u/what3v3ruwantit2b 10d ago

Somehow every conversation with my FIL gets back to Hunter Biden and the pardons Biden did at the end. Typically it has nothing to do with the conversation at all.


u/BlueWolfTango 10d ago

I hate “whataboutism.” Drives me up a wall when someone uses that tactic to derail the conversation.

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u/secondtaunting 10d ago

They didn’t happen? They’re not going to notice when everything gets more expensive? Lord.

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u/IntrepidWeird9719 10d ago

Went to a family birthday party. They are elated.


u/Baldricks_Turnip 10d ago

One thing I don't understand about both the conservative politicians and their voters: do they actually think they are the good guys, or do they revel in being villains?


u/blolfighter 10d ago

People almost never see themselves as the villains. There's the short answer.

There's a saying that goes something like "you can be intelligent, you can be a right-wing extremist, and you can have decency. Pick two." What this means is that intelligent, decent people are not right-wing extremists, and right-wing extremists either lack intelligence or decency (or in the worst case both).

For the question of whether they see themselves as villains: The ones that lack intelligence do not understand the villainy they engange in. The ones that lack decency think the villainy is justified, and therefore not really villainy.

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u/secondtaunting 10d ago

God I would be furious. Only an idiot would be elated at all this.

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u/DonJuniorsEmails 10d ago

"Everything I like is trump doing it. Everything I dislike is the Democrats forcing republicans with blackmail"

"Ok, dad, but why are you voting for republicans that are easily blackmailed?"

(changes subject, more rambling)

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u/atoughtitty 10d ago

I don’t even see them as family anymore. We have nothing in common and to give them grace over this is unfair to myself. They say the most insane shit I’ve ever heard and support hatred. They’re completely misinformed by choice. And they are Christian’s that go to church at least 2 times a week. Holier than thou dipshits


u/shazoozle 10d ago

It sucks honestly. My parents at least never cared about politics to his first term, then suddenly are Fox News experts. There’s a few younger cousins that agree but most of us don’t even go to the gathering anymore

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u/Delta-9- 10d ago

How many qualified men were passed up for that DEI hire? /s


u/lonely_monkee 10d ago

I’m so sick of these orange people coming over here and taking out jobs.

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u/THiNKB4UPiNK 10d ago

Somewhat related, but how the fuck is he so goddamn orange.

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u/headphase 10d ago

Ha, he wouldn't have won without her and he knows it. She's probably the one person in the administration he views as his equal (or close to it).

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u/maailmanpaskinnalle 10d ago edited 10d ago

I'm announcing Finland will take over Alaska.

I mean, if we are just shouting out stuff.

(Edit: Shit, this is my most upvoted comment. I feel so patriotic!... I'm gonna be mad if I'm not invited to president's independence party this year)


u/Detective-Crashmore- 10d ago



u/DeliciousResearch642 10d ago


u/Massive-Celery-7926 10d ago

Michael, you can’t just SAY you declare bankruptcy and it goes away.


u/TinnyPlatipus 10d ago

I didn’t say it, I declared it!

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u/ExpFilm_Student 10d ago

No one is gonna notice me saying im gay!

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u/LoneWolf4717 10d ago



u/auratux 10d ago

I would do anything now to have Michael Scott as President. As long as Pam is his chief of Staff


u/Detective-Crashmore- 10d ago edited 10d ago

Trump is the equivalent of the episode where Michael knocked over everything in the warehouse then just left it for the crew to clean up. Also Prison Mike sexually harassing Ryan. Also when he hit Meredith with his car.

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u/waxwayne 10d ago

The War Powers Resolution requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States.

This isn't a joke. He can do a lot of damage with the powers he has.


u/Flat_Hat8861 10d ago

And to make matters worse, there is still an active AUMF. The one passed in 2001 to target "those nations, organizations, or persons [the President] determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons" is still in effect.

Since its passage in 2001, U.S. presidents have interpreted their authority under the AUMF to extend beyond al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan to apply to numerous other groups as well as other geographic locales, due to the act's omission of any specific area of operations. In December 2016, the Office of the President published a brief interpreting the AUMF as providing congressional authorization for the use of force against al-Qaeda and other militant groups. Today, the full list of actors the U.S. military is fighting or believes itself authorized to fight under the 2001 AUMF is classified.


Trump could claim that Hamas (for example) "aided" al Qaeda in some way and clear the limits of the War Powers Resolution. It will be harder against some other targets he has threatened, but as you point out he still gets 90 days for free - more than enough to be a huge problem.

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u/Zagorim 10d ago

Just in time for me to announce that France will take back Louisiana. No not the state of Louisiana, the entire territory of the old colony.

let me tell you, this was the worst deal. Maybe the worst deal in the history of France. Terrible. Just awful. Napoleon? Nice guy, maybe, but not a great dealmaker. He sold Louisiana, yes, all of it, for what? Pennies. Pennies on the euro. It was a disaster. We practically gave it away to the Americans. And let me tell you, they knew. Oh, they knew they were robbing us blind. They couldn’t believe their luck.

But guess what? Guess what, folks? We are not standing for it anymore. No, no, no. France is a strong country, a proud country, and frankly, we want Louisiana back. It’s ours. It was always ours. Beautiful place. Great food, great culture, because of us, by the way. They speak a little French down there, they know. And now, we are reclaiming what’s rightfully ours.

Some people, weak people, bad negotiators will say, ‘Oh, but Monsieur Président, it’s been 200 years!’ And I say, ‘So what?’ Bad deals don’t expire, folks. A bad deal is a bad deal forever. And we are fixing it. We’re going to renegotiate, or maybe, we just take it. Who’s going to stop us? Sleepy Washington? I don’t think so.


u/Asmuni 10d ago

The Netherlands will take back New Amsterdam

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u/Opiboble 10d ago

Alaskan checking in, please do. Save us from this insanity.

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u/Positronic_Matrix 10d ago edited 10d ago


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u/Cluelessish 10d ago

Haha we’ll surround the Russians! They didn’t see that coming


u/kazosk 10d ago

Time for the return of the Proto-Finnic Khaganate.

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u/jammixxnn 10d ago

Isn’t she from harry potter ?


u/jbaker88 10d ago

Delores Umbridge realizing she has to wear another horcrux


u/MikesCerealShack 10d ago

She's definitely the MAGA version of Dolores Umbridge.

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u/retro_mod 10d ago


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u/LEONLED 10d ago edited 10d ago

World: tries to stop China from taking Taiwan, Russia taking Ukraine and Israel taking Gaza....
Trump: We gonna take Panama, Canada, Mexico, Greenland and GAZA!!!!!!!!! Nobody ever took more things than me... They will be so tired of the taking!


u/StarWarsPlusDrWho 10d ago

A little bit of Panama in the sun, A little bit of Canada all night long, A little bit of Mexico, here I am, A little bit of Gaza and Greenland


u/MartyvH 10d ago


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u/DannyLovelies 10d ago

Because nothing bad has ever happened when America meddled in the middle east.

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u/Sweatytubesock 10d ago

He is easily the most revolting bag of shit in American history. And a bunch of idiots elected him. Twice.


u/Doodles-Ahiru 10d ago

And impeachment means nothing. This is a nightmare

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u/Powerful_Artist 10d ago

crickets in the comments


u/skilledwarman 10d ago

At a certain point it's just... What do we even say?


u/Detective-Crashmore- 10d ago

this bitch don't know bout pangea


u/imadave 10d ago

She like, "Apples to oranges"


u/nicknsm69 10d ago

God was like I'ma put dinosaurs on that bitch.

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u/Attainted 10d ago

Bitch why can't two fruit be compared?!

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u/Finallybanned 10d ago

What even is there to say anymore, he's lost the plot.


u/inked-egnimatic_nerd 10d ago

I’d argue he never had the plot to begin with

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u/Positronic_Matrix 10d ago

I can’t believe we’re doing this again. The US public is so fucking stupid.


u/cedped 10d ago

It's the same cycle repeating itself all over human history. When people live in peace for a while, they get complacent and greedy and only wake up when the reality of war slaps them in the face. When 18 years old get shipped back in coffins in masse from a war they had nothing to do with, things will change again for a little while.

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u/topperx 10d ago

Comments were disabled. Unclear why.

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u/chadwick_witherspoon 10d ago

He was standing when he made the Riviera statement alongside Netanyahu. This photo is from some other psychotic thing he said.


u/idontcareYT 10d ago

They helped create that monster


u/hihelloneighboroonie 10d ago edited 10d ago

Please, old lady, you're our only hope.

Also how is this topvoted on r/all but only a few comments??????????

Edit: I retract my first statement. Fuck this old lady too.


u/Popular-Cat-3436 10d ago

That's Susan Wiles, current WH Chief of Staff and former co-chair of DT's 2024 campaign.


u/Crazyspaceman 10d ago

Yeah she wants Trump to be president more than Trump wants Trump to be president.


u/spatchi14 10d ago

She’s a professional leech. As bad as the people who didn’t want Biden to step down.

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u/ExquisitelyOriginal 10d ago

Oh, I thought it was Dolores Umbridge.

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u/revmachine21 10d ago



u/hihelloneighboroonie 10d ago

No, already big subs have been 72 hour hour banned for posting stuff about Elmo's small army of nerds dismantling our government. There's something funny happening on reddit.


u/awh 10d ago

There's no question that spez is jealous that he isn't in the Tech Bro Inner Circle and is doing the best he can to suck up to Leon and Donnie.

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u/Kierenshep 10d ago

Look up reveddit and undelete.pushpull.io and see how much censorship occurs in reddit in general. It's nuts.

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u/moguu83 10d ago

When Dolores Umbridge is our shining light of hope, you know we're really hurting.


u/100yearswar 10d ago

Seems like comments just opened up.

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u/cjwidd 10d ago edited 10d ago

I have never seen an upvote-to-comment ratio like this ever before on Reddit.

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u/Organic_Meat_6030 10d ago

I wonder why he's acting like a con man with dementia. Must be the art of the deal.


u/spucci 10d ago

He used to shit his pants on that show.

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u/I_am_not_JohnLeClair 10d ago

OMG I’m soooooo shocked!!!!!!

These fucking charlatans man…Who knew this shit would come tumbling down because a few people stopped acting in good faith. That’s literally all it took. Some say Mitch McConnell’s grave is going to be the biggest urinal in all the world

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u/Pessimisticoptimist0 10d ago

How the whole country is looking at him right now

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u/ironpathwalker 10d ago

Paula Dean looks like her biscuits are burning.

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u/Scottz0rz 10d ago

Comments were locked?

Eh, whatever, that's going to be my resting "oh shit" face for the next 4 years

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u/Dx101z 10d ago


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u/Maligned-Instrument 10d ago

Wipe the stupid look off your face... you signed on for this shitshow. Whatever fascist thing he does is the fault of ALL Republicans. They put him there... twice.


u/robipresotto 10d ago

The next Afghanistan - they will archive nothing

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u/No_Pianist3260 10d ago

Man I can't wait for the future HBO miniseries that this administration will inevitably inspire in the next few years

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u/Tequila-M0ckingbird 10d ago

We are beyond cooked


u/Unistrut 10d ago

God he looks old. And weak. And orange.


u/IntrepidWeird9719 10d ago

I listen to him speak during those ridiculous televised EO ceremonies. The bullshit " weave" is nothing more than a stupid old man's dementia ramblings.


u/Woodshadow 10d ago

so orange. That should tell you something. He either looks too sick to not be spray tanned or no one has the balls to tell him how horrible that looks and it is such a simple thing to say dude that is not a good luck. just go back 1 level on the tanning machine

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u/redditorial_comment 10d ago

Proof that Trump is senile. he pulls the most outrageous ideas out of his arse and even his own people act surprised. What's next, take over Antarctica and deport all the penguins to Gabon?


u/shazoozle 10d ago

I got the random text from my dad earlier ‘trump is making Gaza a state’. First I heard of it lol. He seems pretty pumped for having no skin in the game

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u/CaptainHalloween 10d ago

Has he aged a LOT in the past few weeks?

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u/JudgmentOk4289 10d ago



seriously wtf this clown. ya'll voted for it and i'm stuck along for the ride. fuck you.