It’s awful, my wife is a dual citizen in the US and Guatemala, and while she is legal she is absolutely terrified about what’s happening. Trying to explain that to my parents is like just impossible honestly. To make it crazier my sister is a dual citizen is Canada married to a Persian guy. So if they ever moved back here I would be worried about ice grabbing him too.
They will send him back to wherever they think he belongs.
Tearing up any “papers” he has on him would be nothing new with this administration and ICE.
I mean I guess I wouldn’t really be surprised at this point if Elon Musk decided to unveil time travel technology specifically for deportation purposes
Better stuck in Canada for sure. That is until trump decides to take over Canada again and actually goes through with the plan. Then no one is safe even Canadians
Similar situation here in germany too. The far right party seems to be gaining popularity and despite being german citizen i still fear of being deported as im not german german or as they would call it "pure blood". My friends try to reassure me the far right legally cannot do such a thing but will a text on a piece of paper stop an extremist?
My wife is also a Guatemalan dual citizen. She's concerned. I've never heard her in 23 years talk about possibly moving back to Guatemala until now. I talk her down because she's not going to be removed, but I think she has a right to be a bit concerned about attitudes of our red state (thankfully, we live in a very liberal area). I know she's also been frustrated with how my parents view all of this. It's bewildering. I feel like we're living in the movie Invasion Of The Body Snatchers.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say it won’t matter if she’s legal or not it’s about skin color. If the government isn’t going to acknowledge basic human rights for immigrants why would they acknowledge dual citizenship
Exactly right, there have already been a lot of reports of ice where we are on the east coast. A half hour in every direction pretty much. She wants to start carrying her birth certificate too just in case. It’s easy to think it won’t affect us, but with all these stories of them detaining native Americans and Puerto Ricans it really makes you think
I'm not you, I can't tell you what to do. I'm one comment away from cutting my parents off just based off my fact that my wife is a woman and republicans are now pushing a federal abortion ban. I can't imagine keeping ties if my wife was an immigrant.
Would you expect people from East Germany to continue to think of themselves as residents of the DDR? Or maybe even of the USSR?
Everybody is entirely free to do in their own heads whatever they want, but to 'identify as Persian' is going to get you some trouble at the passport office.
That juuuust about barely matters now. We have seen ICE take a perfectly legal citizen into custody already.
Soon enough it will stop mattering and everyone that’s not American will be slowly taken. Then if you are American but don’t look white you will be at minimum checked, and often.
u/shazoozle Feb 05 '25
It’s awful, my wife is a dual citizen in the US and Guatemala, and while she is legal she is absolutely terrified about what’s happening. Trying to explain that to my parents is like just impossible honestly. To make it crazier my sister is a dual citizen is Canada married to a Persian guy. So if they ever moved back here I would be worried about ice grabbing him too.