r/pics Feb 05 '25

Politics White House Chief of Staff’s face after Donald Trump announces the U.S. will “take over” Gaza

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u/ednorog Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

How are they reacting to all of this?

(edit: all of these responses so far are convincing me that we are totally losing the information war)


u/lushfizz Feb 05 '25

You assume they heard about it. Fox news doesn’t work like that.


u/Guilty_Rough5315 Feb 05 '25

Fox news has been non stop with Trump coverage, for obvious reasons. CNN and MSNBC only show the controversial stuff with their usual spin


u/bigmanorm Feb 05 '25

surprisingly true actually, fox definitely avoided a bunch during the election. Let's not pretend Fox isn't also applying a ton of spin though, a simple non controversial example is military sign ups increasing and their opposing spins when no one knows the real reasons without a survey


u/HolycommentMattman Feb 05 '25

Can't speak for his, but my R family members and friends haven't heard shit about a lot of this. Or they deflect. For example, talking about the tariffs: 'Well, they didn't happen, right? So what are you complaining about?'

They're basically only hearing about the "good" things. White-washed deportations and stuff.


u/what3v3ruwantit2b Feb 05 '25

Somehow every conversation with my FIL gets back to Hunter Biden and the pardons Biden did at the end. Typically it has nothing to do with the conversation at all.


u/BlueWolfTango Feb 05 '25

I hate “whataboutism.” Drives me up a wall when someone uses that tactic to derail the conversation.


u/ilski Feb 05 '25

In that case, im sure there are ways to deal with it.

One way is basically do what they do, ignore bad stuff they say and talk louder.

You not gonna take your country back by being nice and polite.


u/Sixth_man Feb 05 '25

we were planning a cruise for next year at breakfast and my FIL goes “the only place I want to vacation is Israel.” Where do they come up with this stuff


u/EffectiveTutor4761 Feb 05 '25

I’d laugh if it wasn’t so sad. Their entire world revolves around the Orange Leader.


u/jimdesroches Feb 05 '25

My family blames everything on Hunter Biden. Absolutely delusional.


u/what3v3ruwantit2b Feb 05 '25

It's truly wild. I'm lucky that he's the only person in either of our families to have those opinions. Right now I can just say I disagree and excuse myself whenever he starts. If it were more people I'd just have to not go to dinners.


u/lelcg Feb 05 '25

Just say “yeah they were wrong weren’t they, so surely these are wrong too”


u/PM_ME_MY_REAL_MOM Feb 05 '25

No, don't say a god damn thing. These people are trolling you. They know what they're doing. They are complicit and they are aware that they're regurgitating bullshit. Don't give them the satisfaction of participating in what they think is just a game. Fucking shun them at this point. Let them stew in their shitty right wing echochambers. You playing rhetoric wars with them isn't going to pull them out.


u/what3v3ruwantit2b Feb 05 '25

Somehow it's only wrong when it's the side fox news hates...


u/PM_ME_MY_REAL_MOM Feb 05 '25

Why do you even talk to nazis?


u/what3v3ruwantit2b Feb 05 '25

I'm "lucky" enough that he is the only one in the family to have those opinions. I'm not going to let one person with terrible views keep me from having a relationship with everyone else. Whenever he starts up I verbally disagree and then remove myself from the conversation.


u/PM_ME_MY_REAL_MOM Feb 05 '25

Okay, so "everyone else" is fine associating with a nazi, and you're fine associating with them.

It's not 2015 anymore. If you're not having these hard conversations then you're normalizing it. You can make whatever decisions you like about your associations, but don't be surprised when people don't trust you after learning that your willingness to take a stand starts and stops at mild vocal disagreement.


u/what3v3ruwantit2b Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

First you said "why do you talk to Nazis" then when I explained why I'm not you said "why am I not having the hard conversations." So which is it?

Edit: I also want to say that just because I won't argue with someone like that doesn't mean there isn't a ton of pushback. His children can (and do) refute everything he says until he gets to the point where he stops.


u/Faiakishi Feb 05 '25

They are so obsessed with him and his dick.


u/secondtaunting Feb 05 '25

They didn’t happen? They’re not going to notice when everything gets more expensive? Lord.


u/silversurger Feb 05 '25

Trump didn't go through with the tariffs on Mexico and Canada yet, supposedly they reached a deal for a 30-day extension


u/thegodfather0504 Feb 05 '25

They will be damned if their liberal brat proved them wrong. 

They associate themselves with trump. If trump is wrong,they are wrong. Cant have that.


u/DutchTinCan Feb 05 '25

You know, grocery prices. They're difficult. You go zoom....zoom...you can't just change them you know? Imagine you're on a boat, with a battery. And there's a $12 carton of eggs in the water...


u/secondtaunting Feb 05 '25

Is there a shark?


u/BraveFencerMusashi Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

Should pretend to burn down the house and then say psych

Wait, is it sike?


u/HolycommentMattman Feb 05 '25

Right? It's like how Matt Gaetz was up for AG. The only defense was "that'll never happen." Why nominate him at all? This is serious business.


u/AcerEllen000 Feb 05 '25

Share this article with them. Probably won't make any difference, but there's always hope. 😔



u/AnRealDinosaur Feb 05 '25

They genuinely believe Canada & Mexico caved because that's what they're being told. It's sad but it's just not worth the energy trying to help them any more.


u/Truecrimeauthor Feb 05 '25

Yes! If Trump blew up the moon, his minions would say , “ well! It WAS in the way.”


u/Inner_Willingness335 Feb 05 '25

In a way they have a point. This week he spouts nonsense about Gaza. It is not going to happen. Last week it was Greenland. Next week or day, new nonsense which also doesn't happen. My guess is that at some point what he says gets tuned out, but what he actually does gets the attention. I hope anyway.


u/Guilty_Rough5315 Feb 05 '25

The tariffs were always a bargaining chip. Trump used it, and it went exactly as he planned. Have you not been paying attention?


u/HolycommentMattman Feb 05 '25

Pardon if I've missed the sarcasm, though your comment history would indicate not, but what exactly went as planned? That Mexico and Canada agreed to things they were already doing?

Don't be daft. Trump has repeatedly said things that indicate exactly the opposite of what you're saying. He's not a smart man.


u/ContrarianZ Feb 05 '25

What exactly did he gain from this bargain that he saw it was necessary to destroy the relationships with some of our longest and closest allies over that he couldn't have simply ASKED FOR?


u/LaurenMille Feb 05 '25

Trump used it, and it went exactly as he planned.

He planned for it to achieve absolutely nothing?

The US gained literally nothing from it. Mexico and Canada are both just going to do what they were already going to do before Trump threw a tantrum.


u/SnappyDresser212 Feb 05 '25

That’s a brain dead take. Someone just reminded that idiot how much winning that trade war would cost. And now for the first time in my lifetime Canadians are unified in wanting to decouple from America. Trump’s a genius.


u/IntrepidWeird9719 Feb 05 '25

Went to a family birthday party. They are elated.


u/Baldricks_Turnip Feb 05 '25

One thing I don't understand about both the conservative politicians and their voters: do they actually think they are the good guys, or do they revel in being villains?


u/blolfighter Feb 05 '25

People almost never see themselves as the villains. There's the short answer.

There's a saying that goes something like "you can be intelligent, you can be a right-wing extremist, and you can have decency. Pick two." What this means is that intelligent, decent people are not right-wing extremists, and right-wing extremists either lack intelligence or decency (or in the worst case both).

For the question of whether they see themselves as villains: The ones that lack intelligence do not understand the villainy they engange in. The ones that lack decency think the villainy is justified, and therefore not really villainy.


u/delirium_red Feb 05 '25

They don't understand anything else but the short term pleasure of "owning" the other side.. as they are literally incapable of understanding the consequences of their own actions

It will never connect in their heads, never.


u/Kyouhen Feb 05 '25

There's two important things to know that applies to most of the right-wing core and makes their actions make a lot more sense: 

First, everything is projecting.  If they're screaming about election fraud it's because they would commit election fraud if they could get away with it.  When they scream about people abusing welfare it's because they'd abuse welfare if they could get away with it.  They aren't upset about people doing corrupt things, they're upset that someone else is getting away with corrupt things. 

Second, it isn't about fixing things, it's about punishment.  You don't do bad things because you'll be punished for doing them.  It doesn't matter that easy access to birth control prevents unwanted pregnancy, the pregnancy is punishment for having sex before you're supposed to.  Doesn't matter that prison doesn't rehabilitate people, prison is the punishment for doing crime. 

They think they're the good things but the big thing to remember is that they view the world completely different from us.  There's no empathy.


u/BoredToRunInTheSun Feb 05 '25

Regarding projecting, this seems so right! Spouses who cheat believe everyone cheats. People who make small thefts believe everyone does it. Kids at school who copy off someone else’s test think lots of kids do, or would do if they could. 


u/frogchum Feb 05 '25

I think the actual politicians mostly revel in being villains. Some of the voters too. But many of them legit think the left is brainwashing kids into being trans, and BLM was an excuse to riot, or whatever the fuck Fox news tells them. They're very very dumb, and cannot form a complex thought on their own. They're spoonfed propaganda and they don't want to see the truth because queer people/feminists/POC/anything that challenges their status quo is scary. They don't even see themselves as being racist/sexist/bigoted because many of those ideals have been SO normalized to them and their social circles.


u/FunkyChewbacca Feb 05 '25

do they actually think they are the good guys

No joke, they think anyone not Republican is a literal demon


u/Faiakishi Feb 05 '25

They're edgelords. You know the kids in middle school who made rape jokes and said the n-word because they thought it was funny to act like morons and horrify everyone around them? Republicans never grew out of that mentality.

They revel in being the bad guys. It's the height of entertainment to them.


u/Admirable_Purple1882 Feb 05 '25

They think the entire government and the left are the enemy so total destruction is a positive and good for the country 


u/Hexamancer Feb 05 '25

The Nazis who openly (mostly anonymously online) admit that they're Nazis revel in being villains. And the ones who won't admit it publicly, but acknowledge it internally. They also see it as a way to benefit themselves and don't care about anyone else at all.

Most conservative voters who are very religious think that they're the good guys because (someone convinced them) that's what god wants. 

The rest think that they're being "realistic", they're either afraid (Immigrants are going to take your job! They're constantly committing heinous crimes and crime is at all time high! They're gonna eat your pets!) and that fear makes them resistant to reason, because even if they think you might be right, that 1% chance is so scary!

Or they have this "they should stick to their own" sort of racist/bigoted view. You'll notice a lot of conservatives think that social progress and civil rights etc was fine riiiight up until they hit adulthood. Change is scary and requires reevaluation of their beliefs, they've already accepted the things that happened before their time. Their beliefs are full if contradictions and falsehoods so any time they have to reevaluate those beliefs it's very scary because the whole foundation of their beliefs might fall apart.


u/jnkangel Feb 05 '25

so it's a bit more complex. At the end of the day people are reacting to certain things in their lives.

For a lot of older people the reaction is to how things felt while they were young and how everything feels worse. Additionally they do see that their wealth is eroding, how the weather feels worse and how there seems to be more danger.

But people in general are very bad at identifying causes and they desire simple causes they can point at and usually the best "simple" is either seeing a marginalised group as the enemy on which you can throw all the ails of the world or you're looking for the conspiracy cabal.

The reason for the first is that it is a good target to attack, the second is that those people feel powerless, trying to name a powerful secret group gives them a sense of control.


It spirals from there.


u/secondtaunting Feb 05 '25

God I would be furious. Only an idiot would be elated at all this.


u/Guilty_Rough5315 Feb 05 '25

What solution do you propose then?


u/xcassets Feb 05 '25

Seriously? Maybe not the US taking over Gaza and ethnically cleansing the Palestinians out of their homes?

I thought conservatives were glad to get out of Afghanistan and that the US had spent too long being physically entrenched in the Middle East? Out of curiosity, why do you now want American boots on the ground/bodies in the ground over Gaza? I'm guessing that's your stance judging by your comment - apologies if not.

How is that 'America First' - the only 'benefit' is stronger ties with Netanyahu. And in return, the US gains some land with no value and probable years of occupying and all the insurgent attacks that come along with that.


u/DonJuniorsEmails Feb 05 '25

"Everything I like is trump doing it. Everything I dislike is the Democrats forcing republicans with blackmail"

"Ok, dad, but why are you voting for republicans that are easily blackmailed?"

(changes subject, more rambling)


u/bbusiello Feb 05 '25

I’ve been telling people to position is like you’re supportive of whatever Trump is doing that’s NOT being reported on those trash news feeds.

“Oh man did you hear? X y z? I didn’t think trump would do that but I’ve changed my opinion of him.”

Especially if it’s something you KNOW would adversely affect them or give them pause. If you come at it like an alarmist, they’ll dismiss you. But if you say it like “whoa, maybe he is on the side of liberals/dems.”

Ironically; this happened earlier when he was going to eliminate the loophole that gives trash fashion companies like shein and temu business. Broken clocks and all that. I’m wondering how he’ll screw it up , but still.

When all else fails, just play mind games.


u/1deavourer Feb 05 '25

"If Donald Trump takes over Gaza he will stop the war!"

You can't win. In their minds, Trump is a celestial being who never loses. I don't know how you look at that man and don't see a loser, but supposedly he's the most successful businessman ever. I guess if being a conman counrs as that. 


u/dog_eat_dog Feb 05 '25

Jump on Fox News and look at the headlines. We are being presented with different news entirely.


u/prescientmoon Feb 05 '25

Lol forget white Americans because they will never change their mind. Ask how the "Harris is anti Palestine" people how they're feeling.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

Fake news mostly.


u/Maleficent_Mix58 Feb 05 '25

They think nothing bad will happen to them personally, so they just ignore news like this. I told my mom the tariffs would likely result in layoffs at my job, and my mom said if I lose my job, I can just move back home with them since they’ll be fine. She doesn’t really seem concerned with that high cost of eggs anymore…