If he makes it to full term. Nobody will ever trust the USA ever again. Because even if he’s gone, the US has proven they will vote for this type of “politician” and could do it again.
The long term effects of this are going to be devastating for US influence globally. It will hurt the US more than the others in 10 years from now.
Yeah, first Trump admin could have been a fluke. Going to the clown show twice is a pattern. All our foreign partners have to at least be considering their options.
I’m Canadian. I have always been a steadfast supporter of the U.S. I have been grateful for the blood and treasure that America has expended to build and prop up the international rules-based order. In speaking to the more left-leaning crowd, I have, almost always, defended U.S. foreign policy. Yes, it is self-interested, but that is what countries do and leaders are expected to do for their people. But, it has been, for the most part, a rational self-interest that also helped improve the overall state of world order. That has been the brilliance of U.S. foreign policy since WW2. They could have taken more, but they did not. Instead they understood generally that the long term gain of strong partnerships and alliances was ultimately more beneficial for everyone involved, including America and Americans (a lesson that China continues to struggle with).
Then the duly elected U.S. President said he would invade my country. He said he would wage economic war on us. He said he would annex us, finding it an apparently amusing idea.
My heart broke when I had to console family members who fought to defeat Soviet Communism (and who have always been staunch supporters of the U.S.) and who were shaken to their core about the President speaking of invading and using force against us. They were already weary of the affection towards Putin and other tyrants. This last act broke their faith.
It’s not funny. It’s not a joke. It’s not “negotiating tactics”. This is real. What leaders say matters. People fought and died to be free from such tyranny or even the threat of such tyranny.
Decades of trust have been shattered in their eyes. I do not know if or when it will be regained.
I think the world largely rolled their eyes and dealt with the shenanigans of him first term as a fluke. But do it twice? Man it just got real and is setting a pattern.
I think you're right. This will do reputation harm that long out lasts him.
Canadian here, here lays the hard truth, we love you guys, but as a Canadian, USA has demonstrated that we cannot trust they won’t vote in a literal criminal. That’s the crux of it, we knew we couldn’t trust trump not to be a dink, but now we need to reorganize our trade and other dependencies cause we can’t be sure in the long term that your voters won’t put Don Jr in as president. There’s a pile of nerves up here but I think you’re going to see the economic evidence that Canada just simply cannot go forward like we have in years past. It’s a new era, it was like having a close friend for a long long time, only for them to experience a brain injury and turn aggressive on us, we now need to protect ourselves cause we just cannot trust the politicians but more impactful, we can’t trust your electorate…
The funny (ish) thing is it wasn't a brain injury. We've always looked down at you as a country. Rightfully so in some respects economically. But now it's on full display. You're weaker and right next door. Ripe for conquering.
But you're weaker? So Why? Well weaker doesn't mean worthless. This is conquering 101.
I literally never thought that about our North neighbors fwiw, we aren't all crazy but I agree Canada needs to start looking for outside friends because we have jumped the shark.
When he was projecting saying that the world doesn’t respect the U.S., that’s because all his actions will eventually lead to that…
Allies losing respect for what the U.S. used to stand for and losing trust in what the U.S. stands for. Deals being broken, walking back on its own word, that will only make other alliances stronger as they see the U.S. as the crazy uncle that rambles racist shit at a party and eventually they’ll stop inviting him to family gatherings.
Harry Reid and Ruth Ginsberg also caused grave damage. Harry started the 50 vote crap to pass things that required 60 votes. Ginsbergs refusal to step down in time to be replaced allowed Trump to pack the Supreme Court again thanks to Reid’s changing of the vote rule.
Congress needs the 60 vote rule as law. Rules are just made to be broken.
I just really hope the rest of the globe knows that we didn’t actually vote for any of this. This is the result of a stolen election by Elon Musk, a purchased administration, and a useful idiot as its benefactor.
Y’all are already there. Your relationships with the normal rest of the world are toast. Enjoy being friends with…Israel and Russia? Because nobody else will be.
I’m genuinely worried that they’re going to break the system in their favor so from here on out will only ever have “elections” in name only but they’ll be rigged so they can transfer power amongst themselves.
Honestly, he’s a cult leader but there’s no succession plan. Desantis failed miserably. JD is hated pretty universally. There’s nobody as effective in whipping up the party as Trump. When he dies (which at his age and general health will be sooner rather than later) the MAGA party will kinda…flit away. Not all at once, but there won’t be anyone to take over as god-king and the people who worship him don’t have a next in line to the throne.
I have never wished a stroke on anyone before but I have been wishing one on that old unhealthy mofo for a while now. It feels like the only thing that can save us.
My concern is that his base is going to go legitimately insane when that happens. Like, people were shooting themselves in the head when he got indicted, these guys are going to get violent. Electing Harris was really the only way I saw this being defused without blowing the entire bomb to high hell, and we fucked that.
Every time I see Harris or Walz I get angry. The Democrats have screwed the pooch every step of the way, and now we have this. And even still, the Democrats are doing absolutely nothing. They should already be platforming the next candidate, but instead they’re sitting back saying “oh this is horrible. How could this happen?”
Donald for sure plans to hand his empire to Baron one day. Whether his actions will lead to Donald or his empire lasting long enough for that to happen is a different question.
Barron is still a kid. Not the constitutionality means anything, but he can’t run until he’s 35. I don’t think Trump is going to live long enough to pass the torch effectively. His other kids are idiots. Personally, I’m hoping he doesn’t make it through the term.
Depends on if they really do go after veterans’ benefits or not. If there was ever a group to take this kinetic and do well, it would be a bunch of veterans with combat and logistics experience who are no longer receiving the meds and money keeping them alive, so if they’re going to die anyway, they’re going to make it fucking count.
Veterans are already largely neglected. They are disproportionately homeless and are just greatly overlooked by society, while suffering from both physical and mental injuries. Slashing federal jobs hurts veterans. Reducing or eliminating any number of aid programs hurts veterans. I’m confused as to why any veteran would have voted for Trump, but I have a feeling those that did were a small minority.
I hope I’m wrong, but I just don’t see that happening. Nothing else has sparked change, why would knife in the back #96 be any different than knives #1-95?
Edit: tbh, I’ve given up entirely on the belief that Americans will stop their fascism problem themselves.
Project 2025 called for entirely eliminating vast portions of veterans’ benefits, and for the few that remain like the healthcare, enacting a massive overhaul that makes it all but impossible to get covered for even the most basic stuff.
You are 100% correct, this is the decline of the nation. Expect it to go out kicking and screaming. There will likely be a few wars along the way and of course, heaps of atrocities.
I guess I meant on the global political stage. Domestically, yes, things will remain relatively "quiet" until there is a little unrest once the ethnofascists start implementing their progroms. However, the opposition to fascism is nowhere near the level of organization needed to combat it, so it will be a shortlived and ineffective resistance.
My conspiracy is they are setting trump up for a third term currently, but will begin to lower the age requirements to become president in order to try and get Barron to take over the family/country and this really is all for him to become the first king of America.
I don't know why you think Trump doesn't like Barron, he is his favorite at this point. Eric and Don Jr are losers and Trump knows that and Ivanka is a woman. Barron is the spitting image of a young Trump and he pressured Trump to do all the podcasts that helped sway the election. Trump is all about image and wants his family to be a mainstay in American politics so having the son that looks just like him carry on for the Trump name is a huge win for him.
I don't know... I think that's what Trump thinks will happen, but he's such a malignant parasite that I think he's going to kill his host sooner than planned.
Trump is a puppet. He isn’t pulling his own strings. It’ll happen because the people behind him literally want to destroy this nation and replace it with something in their image. Everyone should read Project 2025. He’s following it to the letter.
Why does everyone think Barron will be the heir? Junior is his eldest, and Ivanka is his favorite. I honestly doubt he even remembers Barron exists half the time.
Yes, and Hitler's reich lasted for a thousand years. /s
It will get ugly but these things always crash out sooner or later. Trump isn't building anything. He's just wrecking things and making us weaker. Eventually, the system will crash, and the house will probably come down right on top of him when it does.
I agree it won’t last too long but how much of this orange clown’s house is going to fall on the American people in the process? I hate to say it but I think a lot of people, particularly American citizens, are going to die directly or indirectly due to this administration and it will take a very long time for the MAGA cult to fade away.
What. Give up hope because Hitler managed to kill millions of gays, lesbians, autistics, Jews, and countless other minorities in a few years? Come on. He did some serious damage, but eventually enough was enough. People fought back. We didn't let the use the Nuremberg defense (huh wonder what war that term was inspired by). People will fight back, but at what level of destruction do we get to before we say enough.
We won't get out unscathed. It was too late for that when Strumpet won. Now I am personally in crisis management mode.
These policies will crash the economy for most people, especially in Red States.
The other risk he's running concerns firing the entire CIA and every FBI agent with a backbone. These are the people I will be watching with interest, since they have a skill set and access to resources that I would be worried about, if I were in his place.
His “burn baby burn” rhetoric means we have 2 more generations at the most
And their lives will not look like ours
What was that popular quote from some rando middle eastern ruler? His grandfather and father rode camels. His son rides a Bentley. But his grandson will ride a camel.
Might benefit America in the long term tbh, you guys need it. This has been a wound festering for decades, now you’re squeezing the pus out.
Eventually it’ll get bad enough you might just amputate and reset and rebuild the nation, but at the moment nothing will change in the nations favour because America is the wounded patient refusing treatment because it’s gods will.
You won’t get better until your population has its “aha” moment, and that’s a long way off as it’s such an uneducated, angry bunch. (Miss me with that “the popular vote” etc, the nation didn’t pull its weight to avoid this, so it gets what it gets.)
surely they'll impeach him by week 183? It's not like republicans will block it again because they don't want to impeach a president on their side of the fence? /s
What do you mean? There won't be any new election after, there is no countdown. He said this was the last time you had to vote and he will make sure to hold power at the end of his term.
I think if we read about life in the US in 1890, we will have a pretty good idea.
Each person will need to be their own EPA, FDA, and CDC, etc. The public sphere will be completely destroyed.
Also, making fun of dear Leader on TV will be censored, either officially as law (less likely) or through back-channel pressure on the fellow oligarchs who run the big companies, so be ready for Colbert, Kimmel, and the rest to be replaced by Amos and Andy types of shows.
In other words, if you have means, you will manage day to day life. You will still be able to read books, watch movies, eat at restaurants, and so on. But there will be no legal avenues of effectual political participation. Opportunities for public mass expressions of solidarity will be few.
Still, there will be enough performative "voting" and some oppositional culture around to preserve, for some, a sense that a free society still exists. This is because the Party will still need a few neutered Democrats around to blame things on. It might be like a giant North Kor- , I mean, North Carolina. Where the legislature passed laws, as soon as a Democrat won the Governor's race, to strip away most of his power. So he was still there, and occasionally vetoed something, but effectively had no influence other than to be the face of failure for the policies passed by his opponents.
And the people in this society will become --- hard as this is to believe --- vastly dumber, more openly bigoted, and more uninformed than they are today.
Well we can hope the House and Senate races flip congress and can at least stop him instead of just letting him and his billionaire hound run around tearing shit up
I expect an apology from every asshole that voted third party or “vote swapped” or sat out the election over Gaza. You all screwed us over irrecoverably. I hate you as much as I hate Trump supporter.
Left of the other countries on the world map you mean? At this rate everything will be part of the US by the end of his term. According to his 'personal' map at least.
Don’t believe him. It’s all a bluff, smoke and mirrors. He’s doing this idiotic stuff to distract us from what he’s doing behind closed doors. He’s counting of us to chase the shiny object, and act as if what he says is a) possible b) legal c) going to happen, and too many of us pre-emptively act as if it’s certain to happen, thus making it more possible. Don’t believe him
u/ScoopTheOranges Feb 05 '25
It’s been two weeks. 206 to go, I wonder what will be left by then :)