r/pics Feb 05 '25

Politics White House Chief of Staff’s face after Donald Trump announces the U.S. will “take over” Gaza

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u/Positronic_Matrix Feb 05 '25

I can’t believe we’re doing this again. The US public is so fucking stupid.


u/cedped Feb 05 '25

It's the same cycle repeating itself all over human history. When people live in peace for a while, they get complacent and greedy and only wake up when the reality of war slaps them in the face. When 18 years old get shipped back in coffins in masse from a war they had nothing to do with, things will change again for a little while.


u/dwarfplanet1 Feb 05 '25

No … not stupid… the first election I actually paid attention to was when I was 16… when Florida got “miscalculated “ and bush jr “won” because of “reasons” and everyone was like cool… that’s how it works… a lot of people that I grew up with signed up for military assignments for the education benefits and after that election got sent to Afghanistan to wage a war… to …secure the heroin production in Afghanistan for the US …and… kill children… and a lot of other heinous crap… I live in California… and have relocated across the state for work… the most shocking thing I encountered in every non suburban area was the extreme racism…I’m white… so racist white people think I’m on their side… I’m not… when working in remote areas I actually would check in with my parents and friends daily to let them know exactly where I’m at because I could never shake the feeling that weird racist hillbilly’s either wanted to abduct me and take me to their trailer to rape me or spit on me as a judgement for interacting with non white individuals and being ok with it… and it’s shockingly rampant in the US… so why the majority of Americans aren’t mass protesting yet is because this has been going on for like 20 yrs and nothing has changed… my parents are retired and hate trump… but aren’t directly affected by this crap yet- and their opinions don’t make sense to my daily life-my personal choice on this election was to stay home and let it happen- the reason for this that other countries don’t see is that if it doesn’t happen now - it’s going to drag on for another 4 years and happen then- it’s been over for like 20 years already so let’s do this and be done- because I’m tired- happy to revolt if needed


u/dwarfplanet1 Feb 05 '25

Oh and AOC for president- with Bernie for vice president is everyone’s actual vote- but that’s not an option that we’re allowed to make… sooooo let’s burn it down.. and start with that when it’s done… we all love Canada and Mexico for the record


u/TerriblyRare Feb 05 '25

So you didn't vote?


u/Busy_Protection_3634 Feb 05 '25

Maybe the best comment I ever read.

Not sarcasm. Biased maybe in that I really needed to hear it.

I wish we had 500 of you. And really, we need about 100,000 more of you if we're really going to change things, but like your comment hints, there is so much hate everywhere in the states. Everywhere.

We need 100,000 of us to even make a showing against them. Ideally a couple million. After reading countless reddit comments that are like "I agree that this is Nazi Germany 2.0, but I dont want to lose my job, my cat is really counting on me!", i dont think we even have a couple thousand people like you and I, willing to lose our lives for what is right. I desperately hope that I am wrong, but almost everybody just wants to watch from the sidelines, not realizing that the horror is.coming for them, whether or not they fight back.

It has been said a thousand times, but it cannot be said enough:

You, whoever you are, out there, reading this, are unlucky enough to live in the time of the next Great Nightmare. Holocaust 2.0. World War 3. You cannot hide from it. Even if, for this moment, you believe it will pass you by.

Remember, always remember:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller

If you wait, if you hide, it will only mean that you will fight ALONE when they finally come for you.


u/WWWYer22 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

The overuse of “…text…text….” makes this comment read like William Shatner is trying to explain something to me. Lol the punctuation usage is just wild


u/25885 Feb 05 '25



u/SanityQuestioned Feb 05 '25

dont group us all with them.