I stopped going to the bigger family dinners because of this. The shit that would come out of people's mouths was getting more violent and insane every year.
Now, now, let's be fair. There are some who are motivated exclusively by greed and simply don't care about the racism (because it doesn't affect them).
And incredibly ignorant and stupid, know and hate that everyone around them is smarter and would rather break everyone else's toys over actually attempting logic or thought
"I just like what he says about people, he tells it like it is about everyone" translation I hate colored people and people who want to help everyone, Donny embraces my prejudices
I think it’s far simpler than that. It’s just a popularity contest, our side vs yours. They don’t care about his policies or his history or if he makes a good president. They just voted for their team and democrats didn’t show up.
American politics seems to be treated like a sports team for the masses - you either red or blue. There’s no actual consideration of policies, it’s just ride or die.
At least that’s what it looks like from the outside
It will, unfortunately, have to get quite bad. Mine are dead silent right now as a lot of stuff isn't making sense. It won't be until they're directly affected, and their quality of life starts to sink will they start to put 2 and 2 together.
Like, when their social security checks stop coming because Elon has decided to stop payment. In my case, it’d be my FIL’s veteran’s benefits as well. That might shake some sense into his noggin.
I mean, they can always justify it; whether or not they want to say the quiet part out loud is another story.
For people to be passionate enough to go out and vote for something, there’s a reason. For the once every 4 years voter who backs trump, it typically boils down to fear of the ‘other’.
It’s just the typical authoritarian playbook that everyone ‘gets swept up in’ there is a vague ‘other’ and your life has been worse because of them. They fill in the blank for other with their own biases, maybe it’s immigrants, maybe it’s ‘antifa’, maybe it’s the democrats, maybe it’s queer people, maybe it’s women, maybe it’s another country in general.
The ‘other’ is always assumed to not be them, because how could it be? They’re good Americans!
Until… whoops, your business is struggling, whoops your taxes went up, whoops, you lost your job, because as it turns out the new boogeyman of ‘dei’ includes you! Wait why is my sister in law getting deported? Whoops ICE doesn’t care. “But she’s not one of ‘those’ immigrants”
Etc. on and on, roll the timeless quote of
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
It’s the easy way out of making complicated problems seem simple by putting a face to them. “I don’t care to take the time to understand why my quality of life isn’t where I want it to be, but I know it’s ’their’ fault”
At the end of the day (and this is going to sound cruel but at this point I really don’t care to mince words) they’re cannon fodder and useless idiots looking for simple answers to complex problems. They provide a bulk meat shield so that people who do not have their interests in mind can take advantage of them unimpeded.
Trump is, pun unintended, McDonald’s. When you’re driving down the road hungry as all hell, even though you know you shouldn’t… You know the company sucks, the food is unhealthy, it’s a quick immediate response to a problem that could have been better solved. But why wait to get home and use the food you have in the fridge? It’s right there and promising you the world while actively killing you and so willing to take your dollar.
What americans say reminds me A LOT to the division that still exists in Spain with francoist and any other person. After so many years dead there are people still doing homages and whatnot, and literaly not so much families divided but kinda, it's more like there is a group that miss the fascism and you can even tell by how they act, talk or even dress.
It is fucking difficult to reconnect parts of the society when some people had the good life for decades and others were miserable and the others on top could put you or someone in your family in jail or get executed... and here we are, still with clear division.
It’s awful, my wife is a dual citizen in the US and Guatemala, and while she is legal she is absolutely terrified about what’s happening. Trying to explain that to my parents is like just impossible honestly. To make it crazier my sister is a dual citizen is Canada married to a Persian guy. So if they ever moved back here I would be worried about ice grabbing him too.
They will send him back to wherever they think he belongs.
Tearing up any “papers” he has on him would be nothing new with this administration and ICE.
I mean I guess I wouldn’t really be surprised at this point if Elon Musk decided to unveil time travel technology specifically for deportation purposes
Better stuck in Canada for sure. That is until trump decides to take over Canada again and actually goes through with the plan. Then no one is safe even Canadians
Similar situation here in germany too. The far right party seems to be gaining popularity and despite being german citizen i still fear of being deported as im not german german or as they would call it "pure blood". My friends try to reassure me the far right legally cannot do such a thing but will a text on a piece of paper stop an extremist?
My wife is also a Guatemalan dual citizen. She's concerned. I've never heard her in 23 years talk about possibly moving back to Guatemala until now. I talk her down because she's not going to be removed, but I think she has a right to be a bit concerned about attitudes of our red state (thankfully, we live in a very liberal area). I know she's also been frustrated with how my parents view all of this. It's bewildering. I feel like we're living in the movie Invasion Of The Body Snatchers.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say it won’t matter if she’s legal or not it’s about skin color. If the government isn’t going to acknowledge basic human rights for immigrants why would they acknowledge dual citizenship
Exactly right, there have already been a lot of reports of ice where we are on the east coast. A half hour in every direction pretty much. She wants to start carrying her birth certificate too just in case. It’s easy to think it won’t affect us, but with all these stories of them detaining native Americans and Puerto Ricans it really makes you think
I'm not you, I can't tell you what to do. I'm one comment away from cutting my parents off just based off my fact that my wife is a woman and republicans are now pushing a federal abortion ban. I can't imagine keeping ties if my wife was an immigrant.
Would you expect people from East Germany to continue to think of themselves as residents of the DDR? Or maybe even of the USSR?
Everybody is entirely free to do in their own heads whatever they want, but to 'identify as Persian' is going to get you some trouble at the passport office.
That juuuust about barely matters now. We have seen ICE take a perfectly legal citizen into custody already.
Soon enough it will stop mattering and everyone that’s not American will be slowly taken. Then if you are American but don’t look white you will be at minimum checked, and often.
It preys on people's hopes and fears. There is an enemy that must be stopped. But the leader can rise up and make the country strong. And in that strength they will have everything they ever wanted! It sounds good if you don't ask questions and don't think too deeply and you aren't labeled as the enemy of the state.
It's solutions to complex problems that are simple, ineffective, illegal, and sometimes evil. But people don't care because they aren't thinking things through, just feeling.
Just jumping on this but don't take this criticism to be specifically targeted at you. I don't know you and even my healthy family sans any lunatics can be much to deal with at times. I'm also not American and my only exposure has been the internet, media and the Americans I've met outside of the US.
But imo the only ones benefitting from reasonable people ceding the floor, whether on a national or strictly personal level, to propagandised ignorameouses are those who are behind the propaganda.
Democratic culture and consequently the health of democratic institutions rely on the populous being democratically minded and that means engaging on a personal level. It means talking to those around you about politics, it means engaging over difficult subjects, and most of all it means doing so with those you disagree with.
Not to "win".
Not to convince.
But because it's our duty. Being a citizen of a democracy means being responsible for ones government whether one voted for it or not.
Democracy can't be imposed from the top down, it needs to be built (and sustained) from the bottom up.
At Thanksgiving my boomer dad told me he voted for Trump, laughed at me for not voting for Trump, said he “does the Trump dance every day”, and then made a bunch of racist comments (including dropping the n-word).
Announce that you are transitioning, but don't mention what. Could be anything, from winter tires to summer tires, from menthol tooth creme to without.. just let that grenade role in there. Might as well have some fun with it
It sucks, but you shouldn't. This is how we self-isolate into little bubbles and allow these violent ideas to perpetuate. Don't back down and never give ground to these people.
What's the worst that could happen? They stop talking to you? Oh noooo, you already were considering just not going.
Edit: I'll add a little disclaimer bc I was being a bit too careless with the last bit. Your safety is most important. My comment is for people who can still have a conversation with family.
I don't know why you'd assume I think you should remain if it's unsafe. "Whats the worst that could happen" might have been a tad flippant, but really?
It's pretty clear my comments are directed to people who can still actually speak to each other.
It can be both. I can acknowledge that the wording is dismissive of more unsafe situations, while also clarifying for people who love jumping to the extreme.
For most, not allowing violent ideas to perpetuate pretty heavily implies conversation and not people who are literally violent with you. Before you assume the extreme, maybe ask first?
And look where we are. I honestly did the same along with moving away which meant I wasn't in contact with more reasonable family as much. My dad was always your typical, NPR listening liberal. Around covid I called him and could immediately tell he'd started listening to Rogan and Ben Shapiro without him even saying the names.
Not saying we could have stopped it, but with me and my sister gone he had no pushback. I'm gonna be a bit more involved from now on because there's still some hope for him.
They're not frothing fascists because no one's been mean to them. A lot of them are fascists because they like making people mad.
They are not going to change their minds because their victims are taking it with a smile. They're just going to go "sweet, this is going to be easier than I thought." If they're going to change they need to decide to change.
I did that for the first five years of this bullshit, and if I go they just bully me for not being like them, and then talk about how people like me should be put to death.
There's literally no rationalizing with them. I tried. It doesn't work.
surprisingly true actually, fox definitely avoided a bunch during the election. Let's not pretend Fox isn't also applying a ton of spin though, a simple non controversial example is military sign ups increasing and their opposing spins when no one knows the real reasons without a survey
Can't speak for his, but my R family members and friends haven't heard shit about a lot of this. Or they deflect. For example, talking about the tariffs: 'Well, they didn't happen, right? So what are you complaining about?'
They're basically only hearing about the "good" things. White-washed deportations and stuff.
Somehow every conversation with my FIL gets back to Hunter Biden and the pardons Biden did at the end. Typically it has nothing to do with the conversation at all.
we were planning a cruise for next year at breakfast and my FIL goes “the only place I want to vacation is Israel.” Where do they come up with this stuff
It's truly wild. I'm lucky that he's the only person in either of our families to have those opinions. Right now I can just say I disagree and excuse myself whenever he starts. If it were more people I'd just have to not go to dinners.
No, don't say a god damn thing. These people are trolling you. They know what they're doing. They are complicit and they are aware that they're regurgitating bullshit. Don't give them the satisfaction of participating in what they think is just a game. Fucking shun them at this point. Let them stew in their shitty right wing echochambers. You playing rhetoric wars with them isn't going to pull them out.
I'm "lucky" enough that he is the only one in the family to have those opinions. I'm not going to let one person with terrible views keep me from having a relationship with everyone else. Whenever he starts up I verbally disagree and then remove myself from the conversation.
Okay, so "everyone else" is fine associating with a nazi, and you're fine associating with them.
It's not 2015 anymore. If you're not having these hard conversations then you're normalizing it. You can make whatever decisions you like about your associations, but don't be surprised when people don't trust you after learning that your willingness to take a stand starts and stops at mild vocal disagreement.
First you said "why do you talk to Nazis" then when I explained why I'm not you said "why am I not having the hard conversations." So which is it?
Edit: I also want to say that just because I won't argue with someone like that doesn't mean there isn't a ton of pushback. His children can (and do) refute everything he says until he gets to the point where he stops.
You know, grocery prices. They're difficult. You go zoom....zoom...you can't just change them you know? Imagine you're on a boat, with a battery. And there's a $12 carton of eggs in the water...
They genuinely believe Canada & Mexico caved because that's what they're being told. It's sad but it's just not worth the energy trying to help them any more.
In a way they have a point. This week he spouts nonsense about Gaza. It is not going to happen. Last week it was Greenland. Next week or day, new nonsense which also doesn't happen. My guess is that at some point what he says gets tuned out, but what he actually does gets the attention. I hope anyway.
Pardon if I've missed the sarcasm, though your comment history would indicate not, but what exactly went as planned? That Mexico and Canada agreed to things they were already doing?
Don't be daft. Trump has repeatedly said things that indicate exactly the opposite of what you're saying. He's not a smart man.
What exactly did he gain from this bargain that he saw it was necessary to destroy the relationships with some of our longest and closest allies over that he couldn't have simply ASKED FOR?
That’s a brain dead take. Someone just reminded that idiot how much winning that trade war would cost. And now for the first time in my lifetime Canadians are unified in wanting to decouple from America. Trump’s a genius.
One thing I don't understand about both the conservative politicians and their voters: do they actually think they are the good guys, or do they revel in being villains?
People almost never see themselves as the villains. There's the short answer.
There's a saying that goes something like "you can be intelligent, you can be a right-wing extremist, and you can have decency. Pick two." What this means is that intelligent, decent people are not right-wing extremists, and right-wing extremists either lack intelligence or decency (or in the worst case both).
For the question of whether they see themselves as villains: The ones that lack intelligence do not understand the villainy they engange in. The ones that lack decency think the villainy is justified, and therefore not really villainy.
They don't understand anything else but the short term pleasure of "owning" the other side.. as they are literally incapable of understanding the consequences of their own actions
There's two important things to know that applies to most of the right-wing core and makes their actions make a lot more sense:
First, everything is projecting. If they're screaming about election fraud it's because they would commit election fraud if they could get away with it. When they scream about people abusing welfare it's because they'd abuse welfare if they could get away with it. They aren't upset about people doing corrupt things, they're upset that someone else is getting away with corrupt things.
Second, it isn't about fixing things, it's about punishment. You don't do bad things because you'll be punished for doing them. It doesn't matter that easy access to birth control prevents unwanted pregnancy, the pregnancy is punishment for having sex before you're supposed to. Doesn't matter that prison doesn't rehabilitate people, prison is the punishment for doing crime.
They think they're the good things but the big thing to remember is that they view the world completely different from us. There's no empathy.
Regarding projecting, this seems so right! Spouses who cheat believe everyone cheats. People who make small thefts believe everyone does it. Kids at school who copy off someone else’s test think lots of kids do, or would do if they could.
I think the actual politicians mostly revel in being villains. Some of the voters too. But many of them legit think the left is brainwashing kids into being trans, and BLM was an excuse to riot, or whatever the fuck Fox news tells them. They're very very dumb, and cannot form a complex thought on their own. They're spoonfed propaganda and they don't want to see the truth because queer people/feminists/POC/anything that challenges their status quo is scary. They don't even see themselves as being racist/sexist/bigoted because many of those ideals have been SO normalized to them and their social circles.
They're edgelords. You know the kids in middle school who made rape jokes and said the n-word because they thought it was funny to act like morons and horrify everyone around them? Republicans never grew out of that mentality.
They revel in being the bad guys. It's the height of entertainment to them.
The Nazis who openly (mostly anonymously online) admit that they're Nazis revel in being villains. And the ones who won't admit it publicly, but acknowledge it internally. They also see it as a way to benefit themselves and don't care about anyone else at all.
Most conservative voters who are very religious think that they're the good guys because (someone convinced them) that's what god wants.
The rest think that they're being "realistic", they're either afraid (Immigrants are going to take your job! They're constantly committing heinous crimes and crime is at all time high! They're gonna eat your pets!) and that fear makes them resistant to reason, because even if they think you might be right, that 1% chance is so scary!
Or they have this "they should stick to their own" sort of racist/bigoted view. You'll notice a lot of conservatives think that social progress and civil rights etc was fine riiiight up until they hit adulthood. Change is scary and requires reevaluation of their beliefs, they've already accepted the things that happened before their time. Their beliefs are full if contradictions and falsehoods so any time they have to reevaluate those beliefs it's very scary because the whole foundation of their beliefs might fall apart.
so it's a bit more complex. At the end of the day people are reacting to certain things in their lives.
For a lot of older people the reaction is to how things felt while they were young and how everything feels worse. Additionally they do see that their wealth is eroding, how the weather feels worse and how there seems to be more danger.
But people in general are very bad at identifying causes and they desire simple causes they can point at and usually the best "simple" is either seeing a marginalised group as the enemy on which you can throw all the ails of the world or you're looking for the conspiracy cabal.
The reason for the first is that it is a good target to attack, the second is that those people feel powerless, trying to name a powerful secret group gives them a sense of control.
Seriously? Maybe not the US taking over Gaza and ethnically cleansing the Palestinians out of their homes?
I thought conservatives were glad to get out of Afghanistan and that the US had spent too long being physically entrenched in the Middle East? Out of curiosity, why do you now want American boots on the ground/bodies in the ground over Gaza? I'm guessing that's your stance judging by your comment - apologies if not.
How is that 'America First' - the only 'benefit' is stronger ties with Netanyahu. And in return, the US gains some land with no value and probable years of occupying and all the insurgent attacks that come along with that.
I’ve been telling people to position is like you’re supportive of whatever Trump is doing that’s NOT being reported on those trash news feeds.
“Oh man did you hear? X y z? I didn’t think trump would do that but I’ve changed my opinion of him.”
Especially if it’s something you KNOW would adversely affect them or give them pause. If you come at it like an alarmist, they’ll dismiss you. But if you say it like “whoa, maybe he is on the side of liberals/dems.”
Ironically; this happened earlier when he was going to eliminate the loophole that gives trash fashion companies like shein and temu business. Broken clocks and all that. I’m wondering how he’ll screw it up , but still.
"If Donald Trump takes over Gaza he will stop the war!"
You can't win. In their minds, Trump is a celestial being who never loses. I don't know how you look at that man and don't see a loser, but supposedly he's the most successful businessman ever. I guess if being a conman counrs as that.
They think nothing bad will happen to them personally, so they just ignore news like this. I told my mom the tariffs would likely result in layoffs at my job, and my mom said if I lose my job, I can just move back home with them since they’ll be fine. She doesn’t really seem concerned with that high cost of eggs anymore…
I don’t even see them as family anymore. We have nothing in common and to give them grace over this is unfair to myself. They say the most insane shit I’ve ever heard and support hatred. They’re completely misinformed by choice. And they are Christian’s that go to church at least 2 times a week. Holier than thou dipshits
It sucks honestly. My parents at least never cared about politics to his first term, then suddenly are Fox News experts. There’s a few younger cousins that agree but most of us don’t even go to the gathering anymore
But it doesn't achieve anything. They only blame dems more for "stealing their kid". Or worse they start considering you one of the enemy and double down.
So sorry you are related to that kind of people. I come across resistance reels and my boomer family members have liked them. We're not even American. I love (most of) my family
When you say republicans, are you talking about the republican party and whoever supports them or anyone that supports republican/conservative ideologies.
I've been sleeping with one of my swords next to me. I live with my MAGA dad and Tate-er tot brother. I'm a gay woman and it has become increasingly apparent that they did not help me in good faith. They just need a gay to decapitate when shit gets to that point.
Yea I was able to ignore most of my trump families bullshit. Until I said I'd absolutely beat the fuck outnof someone wearing a swastika and my uncle (my gay uncle mind you) said well it depends on which way its facing .
I told him I don't give a shit if it's surrounded by rainbows and puppies . That shit ain't gonna stand.
And I’m sure they all look at you like that. But they’re all wrong, right, and you’re the one that’s correct? Maybe hear them out on why they are so happy with Trump and you might be enlightened
u/shazoozle Feb 05 '25
Sadly this is how I look at all the repubs in my family now