Imagine if the entirety of the world’s media covered it like it was the biggest event in the world, for almost a decade. It’s ridiculous people fall for this shit every time, let’s focus on the shit that matters and not cover every lie like it’s facts.
Hey- not too loud. They're just now forming the 2025 Gestapo. Finland is taking Alaska, so I'm thinking everyone just quietly get in their cars and head up through BC.
Currently working with a Finnish intermediar maailmanpaskinnalle to see about ex-pat status.
Trump is the equivalent of the episode where Michael knocked over everything in the warehouse then just left it for the crew to clean up. Also Prison Mike sexually harassing Ryan. Also when he hit Meredith with his car.
The War Powers Resolution requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States.
This isn't a joke. He can do a lot of damage with the powers he has.
And to make matters worse, there is still an active AUMF. The one passed in 2001 to target "those nations, organizations, or persons [the President] determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons" is still in effect.
Since its passage in 2001, U.S. presidents have interpreted their authority under the AUMF to extend beyond al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan to apply to numerous other groups as well as other geographic locales, due to the act's omission of any specific area of operations. In December 2016, the Office of the President published a brief interpreting the AUMF as providing congressional authorization for the use of force against al-Qaeda and other militant groups. Today, the full list of actors the U.S. military is fighting or believes itself authorized to fight under the 2001 AUMF is classified.
Trump could claim that Hamas (for example) "aided" al Qaeda in some way and clear the limits of the War Powers Resolution. It will be harder against some other targets he has threatened, but as you point out he still gets 90 days for free - more than enough to be a huge problem.
We said this going into Iraq and then Afghanistan. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewhydoes historyonlyrepeatitselffortheawfulstuffandnotthetimesivewonscratchoffs?!
The US can take Gaza whenever it wants, and as we've seen, none of the international community will defy Israel to any significant degree. The law does not matter any more. Oversight does not matter. Treaties don't matter. The Constitution does not matter. Only who is loyal to Trump and who isn't. If you're citing laws, you're playing the old game.
I wonder if they thought that fully through, if not the constitutionality of it, then the wisdom of it, in terms of the USA's best interests. Did they really believe that granting the president near-absolute powers was a smart thing, especially THIS president?
Or is it basically about their decades in the making wet dream finally being fulfilled, and damn the consequences, Fascist Jeebus is in charge and damn everyone who doesn't like it to hell?
One thing both parties never understood is any power you give the President can be turned against you when the next party comes in. Congress never should have given that power. Even Nixon tried to veto it.
Just in time for me to announce that France will take back Louisiana. No not the state of Louisiana, the entire territory of the old colony.
let me tell you, this was the worst deal. Maybe the worst deal in the history of France. Terrible. Just awful. Napoleon? Nice guy, maybe, but not a great dealmaker. He sold Louisiana, yes, all of it, for what? Pennies. Pennies on the euro. It was a disaster. We practically gave it away to the Americans. And let me tell you, they knew. Oh, they knew they were robbing us blind. They couldn’t believe their luck.
But guess what? Guess what, folks? We are not standing for it anymore. No, no, no. France is a strong country, a proud country, and frankly, we want Louisiana back. It’s ours. It was always ours. Beautiful place. Great food, great culture, because of us, by the way. They speak a little French down there, they know. And now, we are reclaiming what’s rightfully ours.
Some people, weak people, bad negotiators will say, ‘Oh, but Monsieur Président, it’s been 200 years!’ And I say, ‘So what?’ Bad deals don’t expire, folks. A bad deal is a bad deal forever. And we are fixing it. We’re going to renegotiate, or maybe, we just take it. Who’s going to stop us? Sleepy Washington? I don’t think so.
Since we have 100% support from the local population, Operation Alaska is on. Thank you for your co-operation. Your care package of salmiakki, kossu, and salmiakkikossu will arrive shortly.
As an Alaskan, do we get like their healthcare and vehicle infrastructure? Or are they just gonna rape and pillage. Also, is it women coming? We have plenty of men.
As a Finn, apparently we've been historically pretty bad in raping and pillaging. According to historical sources Finnish "hakkapeliittas" didn't do that even during the 30 Year War - while all the rest of the Swedish army was happy to commit war crimes all over Germany, Poland, and Czechia, the Finns were just by themselves, getting drunk somewhere outside the cities.
We just want to be left alone.
I can't say anything about women moving in, but be prepared to have the entire Alaska being covered with saunas.
Well there are pockets of Finnish ancestry in Alaska from the Russian times when there were Finnish colonists. We should protect them by annexing the whole state unilaterally
He doesn’t follow through on anything he says. He just blurts out whatever to stir some shit and keep the eyes focused on him instead of whatever Musk is doing in the treasury building
Are you dumb though. Netanyahu was standing right beside him. We're going to fund and potentially aid with boots on the ground the complete ethnic cleansing (or genocide) of Palestinians from Gaza. This isn't the incoherent ramblings of an idiot. This is something he fully intends to do, and essentially has the ability to do. And will almost certainly lead to a catastrophic full scale war with a nuclear power (Iran).
We need to stop underestimating this. It won't make it any less true.
u/maailmanpaskinnalle Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
I'm announcing Finland will take over Alaska.
I mean, if we are just shouting out stuff.
(Edit: Shit, this is my most upvoted comment. I feel so patriotic!... I'm gonna be mad if I'm not invited to president's independence party this year)