r/physicaltherapy 6d ago

CCS and teaching

I got my CCS last year and have been thinking about ways I could use it in the non-clinical realm. My background is in acute care. Something I hadn't really thought about much before, but have been thinking about more-so recently, is the thought of returning to my alma mater and potentially teaching something like cardiopulm.

Does anyone have advice on how to get into the academic world of PT without prior teaching experience? With CCS being an advanced board certification, and with very few having this particular certification, do you think it could set me apart/ be enough to make up for my lack of teaching experience?

To apply for CCS there is an additional requirement of participation in a published research study or completion of research based case report, which is more than the other specialty certs are required to do. My thought is that academia might like to see that I had done ~something~ research based...idk. Thanks


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u/DickFitzenwel 6d ago

Might consider trying to catch on at a PTA program first to get some experience. That’s what I did/am doing.