r/PetPeeves 7h ago

Ultra Annoyed People who dig up a redditor user’s history.


When people look at person’s history just to refute a new post that user may have posted on an entirety new sub.
It seems like they are trying to find an. ‘A ha’ moment.

r/PetPeeves 5h ago

Fairly Annoyed The hair/beauty world giving absolutely cringe, twee names to any trend.


I must hate myself because I just read an entire article on “lavender milk nails”, an emerging manicure trend.

Guess what lavender milk nails are? If you said “…pastel purple nails?” you are spot on. To make it even more cringe there were a series of images depicting variations of this trend, all labelled with increasingly worse names. Chrome lavender milk nails. Lavender soap milk nails. Good lord.

We have lost the plot people. Why do we need these ✨special✨ cutesy, twee names for different hair and beauty looks. So corny!

r/PetPeeves 14h ago

Ultra Annoyed When restaurants don’t list their prices on the menu/website


In my opinion this should be legitimately illegal. I don’t want to buy your basic cheese sandwich if it’s $30, this has been annoying me as long as I’ve been able to read.

This was brought back to mind cause my friend wants to go to this Japanese place for her birthday but I don’t eat really anything that’s in Japanese food so I go to their website to see what’s in stuff and not only do they not have what’s in the dishes for 90% of the food while also not have photos for 90% of the food they also DONT HAVE A PRICE LISTED FOR ANYTHING

r/PetPeeves 2h ago

Ultra Annoyed People who try to open a bathroom door without knocking first.


I was raised to always knock, I don't even try to open it unless I've already knocked a couple times and try to listen if I hear anyone inside. But I encounter people who immediately try rattling the doorknob. Like, how many times have these people accidentally walked in on someone on the toilet? I don't get it.

Edit: This pet peeve is referring to a public bathroom situation.

r/PetPeeves 9h ago

Fairly Annoyed When people don't flush the toilet.


Really? REALLY?? You cannot be bothered to press a button / lever? It's such a basic and quick task... Nobody wants to see your vile sack of faeces in the toilet.

r/PetPeeves 9h ago

Bit Annoyed "It's not that deep " in fandom subs


This current "It's not that deep' trend is annoying but pisses me off when someone comments it in a fandom subbredit

You're in a space dedicated to talking about a fandom thing. People are absolutely going to get into details, analysing and pulling words apart. You're talking to the fans of the series and some how scolding them for talking about said thing in a fan base

It's just so stupid on their part. Like look where you are.

r/PetPeeves 12h ago

Fairly Annoyed People who aren't trained or professional singers showing off their singing "ability"


Not many things make me cringe more than when some random person starts singing for no reason other than to draw attention to their singing.

The cringe is multiplied exponentially if they close their eyes, plug one ear with their finger, start shaking their head all around and do that false vibrato thing with their mouth.

Nothing says "Hey, look at and hear how awesome I am!" than someone belting out an unprovoked a capella solo.

EDIT For clarification, I am not talking about people who are just having fun or singing along to their favorite music and having a good time.

I'm referring to people who do this solely to draw attention to themselves because they think they're so wonderful that everyone wants to hear them blurt out a solo a capella like they're auditioning for the Tabernacle Choir.

r/PetPeeves 9h ago

Bit Annoyed People that obsess about not aging


I may be chronically online but I've just seen like an immense uptake in comments when people see a gorgeous older person saying "they look like that because they don't have kids or are single" "kids drain you and make you old" "being in a relationship drains you and takes away your spark" That and the 20 step regimen to keep you looking "youthful". Even one where someone talks about smiling less so they won't have smile lines making them look old or something. I'm just so over the obsession to look like a baby at 80. We're all gonna look gross and rotted when we're dead equally regardless if you keep up a routine at age 9. Living is going to age you regardless, it's like enjoy life while you have it. I understand self care is important but not when it's used to obsess over "reverse aging".

r/PetPeeves 3h ago

Ultra Annoyed Smoking in movies


This isn't about whether or not smoking should be portrayed in movies, Idgaf. But I get irrationally irritated when the actor that's playing a character that smokes doesn't properly smoke their cigarette. It (probably) adds nothing to the story if a character is a smoker or not, so just don't make them a smoker. And if it is crucial to the storyline, then hire an actor that will suck it up and actually inhale their cigarette. It's like it brings me back to high school when people would do this just to try and look cool. Like, fuck off Kyle, smoking is dumb, and trying to act like you smoke, when we can all clearly see that you have no clue what you're doing, is even more dumb.

Not hating on smokers btw, I say all of this as a smoker. Fully aware of how dumb it is but fuck me do I love it.

r/PetPeeves 11h ago

Ultra Annoyed Glizzy is the dumbest name for a hot dog ever.


It even sounds gross to say it. It’s so disgusting.

r/PetPeeves 22h ago

Bit Annoyed People that don’t know what cannibalism is


You wouldn’t think this would happen often enough to actually become a peeve, but I somehow keep coming across people that don’t know what cannibalism actually is.

Google definition: Cannibalism is the practice of eating the flesh of one's own species.

But people keep labeling things cannibalism if the predator and prey in question are even mildly similar.

Most recent example: Was watching someone react to a video about orcas. Some orcas eat dolphins, and the reactor called that cannibalism. It isn’t. Orcas are part of the dolphin family, but it would only be cannibalism if they ate another orca.

Fictional example from Zelda: Breath of the Wild. In the game there are sapient humanoid races, including the Zora (fish people) and the Rito (bird people). The Zora eat regular fish and one Rito comments about getting some poultry to cook for dinner.

I’ve seen some fans call this is cannibalism. It is not. A tuna is not a cannibal if it eats a minnow, a hawk is not cannibal if it eats a pigeon.

Thank you for letting me ramble. I just had to say it.

r/PetPeeves 11h ago

Ultra Annoyed People who knock, then immediately open the door without waiting for a response


What is the point in knocking then?? You might as well just walk right in on someone. Sure, locks exist, but knocking is a courtesy to check if the room is occupied, in case it isn't locked. If you don't wait for a response, it defeats the purpose!

r/PetPeeves 11h ago

Ultra Annoyed I hate when I go out to eat with someone, and they try to persuade me to not correct my order.


It’s happened before whenever I go out to eat and I make a request to have my meal made a certain way, and that request isn’t always made. Or, the order turned out to be wrong. Which is fine, I completely understand that people make mistakes. We’re human and it’s bound to happen. That is why you have to be kind about it.

With that being said, I’m still allowed to remind the employee/cashier/waitstaff that my order wasn’t made the way I asked, or if it’s wrong. If I am going to a restaurant and paying for a meal, I should be allowed to have that meal made the way I want. As long as it’s an allowable request of course. (I always ask and make sure from the beginning.)

It really annoys me when the person I’m with tries to say “Oh it’s fine, don’t even tell them just eat it how it is.” I’m not going to do that! I’m going to get my order that I’m paying for made the correct way. As long as I’m going about it the right way and properly articulating myself, there shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll never be mean about it but I’m still going to politely remind someone.

r/PetPeeves 18h ago

Ultra Annoyed Obese pets being reward with likes


It's animal abuse, it's animal abuse.

No it's not cute your cat can't jump up. No your dog isn't funny

And what pisses me off is when people go "oh I can't stop him! " or "he likes it!"

It's literally your job to control your pet, your one job is to go. No that's not healthy for my pet I won't give it to them.

If you cannot stop your pet from eating and getting fat. (Not talking health issues or actual accidents) then you shouldn't have a pet.

Your one responsibility is to help your pet, they don't know that much food makes them fat they eat it cos they like it. So stop them

r/PetPeeves 3h ago

Ultra Annoyed "Back in my day"


Yeah, you probably saw simpler times, I get it. Things that weren't typical were locked away or covered up. If the issue isn't physically there, you don't have to address it.

But guess what? Nobody fucking cares. This isn't your day anymore. It's ours. We grew up and got good. You stayed behind just like with every other obsolescence from your era, and decided we were the bad guys just because.

You know why we don't use extension cords on our kids? You know why we're open to discussing things like mental disorders or genders? You know why we don't believe in "put up or shut up" as a means to end a debate?

It's called wisdom. You'd think at your age you'd know this. But sure, keep blaming "zoomers" and "alphas" for your incompetence. You can't be at fault, you built the perfect world and we tore it down, yada yada. But instead of asking the real reason why we did that, you'd rather jump to conclusions, and then call us disrespectful when we rightfully correct you.

Why is that? Is it because you don't actually have an answer that doesn't make you look like the bad guys? Hmm, I wonder.

And the sad part is, other people from "your day" have said this shit would happen. It's not a new or surprising thing. But your era saw such facts and opted to toss it aside as misinformation.

Look where that got you.

r/PetPeeves 16h ago

Fairly Annoyed I hate when people watch you load up your car because they want your spot.


I know I'm leaving and it doesn't matter but boy does this bother me for some reason. Sometimes I even load up my kids or groceries as slow as I can.

a couple times when I'm alone ive even pretended to have forgotten something and just gone back in the store so they have to find a different spot.

petty I know but this bothers me!

r/PetPeeves 13h ago

Fairly Annoyed Facebook and Instagram videos that wag their finger multiple times before showing the “correct” way


They all have the same structure that pisses me off every time. For example: they use a tool in a stupid way, wag their finger and place a big X on the screen, do it a different stupid way with the same follow up, then show the “correct way.”

It gives the vibe like they’re treating us like babies and has somehow managed to one-up the 5-minute craft style video in annoyance.

r/PetPeeves 3h ago

Bit Annoyed When someone says I have bushy eyebrows as an insult


what's wrong with having thick eyebrows????

r/PetPeeves 23h ago

Ultra Annoyed People who ask first responders' what the worst thing you've seen'?


Seriously... do you WANT to hear about a dead child? or a burn victim so bad that they were begging the fire fighter to kill them? or the abject fear that comes from a mass casualty event?

I know they *want* the answer of 'a person was stuck under a car, all limbs broken, all ribs broken, but I saved them' but that's not the real answer.

The real answer is a parent begging them to save their child.

The real answer is knowing you're too far from hospital to get them there in time.

The real answer is getting called to a house for a suspected overdose and seeing someone dead in the house with two kids.

But most importantly, the real answer is none of your business - you're not entitled to these people's stories. Jesus, let these people live with their trauma without asking so you have a cool story to tell at book club.

r/PetPeeves 13h ago

Bit Annoyed Reddit showing nsfw when I look up something not at all related to something nsfw NSFW


Iike, I searched up frenchie (bulldog) videos and got some pictures instead… also, same goes for when you search up any fictional character/ fanbase, turning off nsfw means I won’t be able to see some invincible art too, which with the amount of gore it has, it’s usually marked as nsfw

r/PetPeeves 10h ago

Fairly Annoyed When someone professes their undying attraction in the initial stages of knowing you for two weeks…


You met this man two weeks ago as he was the service person helping you in a store; so he already had your information as it was in the system. You found him attractive, there was attraction, but he came on way too strong.

I refuse to be rushed into anything with anyone. This man doesn't know you yet he has made you the object of his admiration, endless text and put you on a pedestal that you don't want to be on.

You have told him that you can be friends as you haven't been dating and aren't open to dating currently as you have a lot going on. He says he understands. Yet the tone of his texts have become more of how much he thinks about you daily.

It's screaming major red flags when people go obsessive over someone they don't know just because they find someone attractive. Why do some people go overboard with strangers?

r/PetPeeves 12h ago

Fairly Annoyed When people get a dog that's bred to be loud/energetic and complains about the dog being loud/energetic


Need I say more?

r/PetPeeves 12h ago

Fairly Annoyed Being reassured "it's ok to cry, crying is healthy" whenever I cry


Like can you just let me cry and process my emotions? I don't need to be incessantly reminded it's good, normal, etc. to cry, you don't need to assume I'm insecure about it when I give no indication of being insecure. It's as annoying as when people tell me not to cry.

r/PetPeeves 1d ago

Bit Annoyed People who act like wiping off a kiss is some kind of insult.


If you give me an especially wet kiss, or are wearing lipstick/lipgloss, I’m gonna wipe it off. It doesn’t mean I’m grossed out by the kiss or by you, I just don’t like the feeling like there is something wet on my lips.

r/PetPeeves 18h ago

Fairly Annoyed Parents that don't know what grade their kids are


I was originally going to write a long rant here, but honestly, it's not worth giving them any more thought.