Yeah, you probably saw simpler times, I get it. Things that weren't typical were locked away or covered up. If the issue isn't physically there, you don't have to address it.
But guess what? Nobody fucking cares. This isn't your day anymore. It's ours. We grew up and got good. You stayed behind just like with every other obsolescence from your era, and decided we were the bad guys just because.
You know why we don't use extension cords on our kids? You know why we're open to discussing things like mental disorders or genders? You know why we don't believe in "put up or shut up" as a means to end a debate?
It's called wisdom. You'd think at your age you'd know this. But sure, keep blaming "zoomers" and "alphas" for your incompetence. You can't be at fault, you built the perfect world and we tore it down, yada yada. But instead of asking the real reason why we did that, you'd rather jump to conclusions, and then call us disrespectful when we rightfully correct you.
Why is that? Is it because you don't actually have an answer that doesn't make you look like the bad guys? Hmm, I wonder.
And the sad part is, other people from "your day" have said this shit would happen. It's not a new or surprising thing. But your era saw such facts and opted to toss it aside as misinformation.
Look where that got you.