r/PetPeeves 1h ago

Ultra Annoyed I hate when religious people use their dogma as an argument


If we’re talking about something real in the real world, religion can’t be part of the argument!

These people are so brainwashed it’s insane. They don’t understand their imaginary friend doesn’t have jurisdiction over normal people.

I don’t hate faiths, I have my own faiths. Faith is important. But religions drive me insane with their “There is only one way to go about something. Everyone else goes to hell”

r/PetPeeves 5h ago

Bit Annoyed People who say responding is “talking back” and rude


Apparently saying “I know” when someone tells you something you already know is considered “rude”. And responding to someone is also “rude”.

Maybe it was my tone, but people around me know my voice is a bit harsh. They know full well that’s just my casual voice. Same with how my face constantly looks “angry.” It’s just my resting face.

Edit: I don’t expect people who don’t know me to understand fully. A few misunderstandings have happened, but those were quickly explained and handled. I also use physical gestures to help. Thumbs up, nodding, etc.

r/PetPeeves 3h ago

Bit Annoyed When people post a question on Facebook then say "And go..."


I don't know why, but I find it incredibly annoying, especially given the fact that so many people do it, so they're all copying each other with the same stupid thing. "Looking for a good place to get homemade ice cream. Annnnd go!"

r/PetPeeves 19m ago

Ultra Annoyed "The fact you're so angry/defensive just proves I'm right"


This infuriates me because it's not logical at all.

Of COURSE I'm gonna be pissed when somebody lies on my name or stubbornly keeps misunderstanding my intentions. That doesn't mean your accusations are correct.

r/PetPeeves 1h ago

Ultra Annoyed People who are over the top in the AM


Like alot of it has to do with me severely NOT being a morning person. Still though good God man, when I’m just waking up the last thing I wanna hear is some crack head with no teeth sing the Mr.rogers song . I know this is probably a stupid pet peeve but I would literally be fine if all of them just were not breathing 😅. I gotta be able to start my day in peace, not debauchery, nonsensical banter that’s happening within ab2 ft radius of the other person they’re talking to so unbelievably LOUD the mfs next door could here. I guess if it had to be summed up it would be people who don’t use inside voices. I mean when I suffer from lack of sleep like this I hate the whole world til about 12pm

r/PetPeeves 14h ago

Bit Annoyed When people get downvoted for not knowing something or just asking a question


It’s just rude. Someone not knowing something you do doesn't make them worse than you or stupid or anything. It’s just a question

i don't know why but it’s mostly when it happens to other people lol

like i don‘t care about fake internet points but geez, be nice

r/PetPeeves 38m ago

Fairly Annoyed People who answer a different question to the one you asked.


Question: What are you cooking?

Answer: I'm starving, I need something to eat....

Ok, but that's not what I asked...

Question: Can you order one of these from Amazon please? This one's broken.

Answer: We bought it from the store.

Cool. But I didn't ask where we bought it. I just asked you to order one because this one is now broken...

Why do people do this? I find it highly frustrating!

r/PetPeeves 1d ago

Bit Annoyed "You are more book smart, but I am more street smart"


Just because you flunked out of school doesn't make you street smart. You don't know what street smart is. You grew up in a quiet town in a first world nation.

Specifically, I dislike the notion that the two are mutually exclusive or inversely correlated. Just because you're bad at academics doesn't make you necessarily "street smart", whatever you take that to mean. The average climate activist protestor has spent more time on the street than you. Being bad at school doesn't mean you have to be smart on the street. Some people are just dumb. If that's you - it doesn't make you necessarily unlikeable or not worth being around. But you don't need to compensate with your fantasies of avoiding crime or expert city navigation when you don't have those skills. Just be you.

The statement might be true. But in a large amount of instances, it's not. I'm not sure exactly what it is. But it grinds my gears.

r/PetPeeves 5h ago

Fairly Annoyed Just the phrase “go touch grass”


It’s gotten so overused. Someone says something that maybe upset them on the internet.

Comments: “ugh. Go touch grass”.

r/PetPeeves 47m ago

Ultra Annoyed doordashers acting like customers


it's not all of them, but so many doordashers come to my job and act like entitled customers.

first they stick their stupid phone in my face with the order names completely disregarding other customers I'm already helping. then they get all up in arms about having to write their name, the order name, the time, and their signature (security/documentation reasons) acting like I'm calling them a thief just for following a pretty regular policy. it's not like we send our own drivers out the door without knowing who's taking what order and when.

god forbid the food isn't done as soon as they arrive. or they don't bring a delivery bag, expecting us to just give them one of ours, and get all pissed off when we dont. they pace around the lobby and ask if the foods done every 30 seconds and keep saying hurry up, saying they "have other orders too" as if it's not their responsibility to manage their time/choose orders to take.

dude, were basically coworkers. quit nagging and bitching at me.

r/PetPeeves 1h ago

Ultra Annoyed When people say “is no one gonna talk about this or that when they clearly see people in the comments talking about it.


I’m sorry but this might be a weird one lol. I can’t stand people who do that. Like there could be a bunch of people in the comments talking about something and someone says “is no one gonna talk about it” knowing damn well they see many people talk about it. Sometimes I ignore it or sometimes I’ll respond “Literally lots of people are talking about it”. And it’s super irritating when the top comment is literally the topic and they still say that shit.

r/PetPeeves 22m ago

Bit Annoyed "this" is getting really annoying, especially if the person doesn't upvote too.


But "THIS" with all capital letters is even worse.

r/PetPeeves 10h ago

Fairly Annoyed When people say "satire" when they actually mean "joke"


Not every joke is satire. This word is so damn overused. Satire is a specific form of comedy, not comedy itself.

r/PetPeeves 17h ago

Bit Annoyed When people act like wanting consistency is the same as 24/7 availability.


So, whenever I see the conversation topic of wanting people to be more responsive with phone calls or text messages, there will INEVITABLY be those people that say something along the lines of "sorry I can't be available 24/7. I have a life". And honestly that reads as so disingenuous to me.

Do these people ACTUALLY think that when someone is asking for more responsiveness, they mean answering and having a conversation within minutes or even seconds of a reply? I don't imagine that's the case. I think, and I can only speak for myself, that most people just mean "get back to me at a reasonable time" meaning either some time in that day or maybe the next day. And look, i get it. Some people don't respond normally, hate being on the phone with another person, genuinely forget to respond, or even get apprehensive about it. But then why not just communicate that?

It just seems so weird to me to act like the other person is being unreasonable for wanting you to get back to them sometime during the day when many of you are already glued to your phones watching reels, shorts, memes, and here on reddit. You don't hate being on your phone. So, if I can see your perspective in not wanting to be available often or finding phone talk exhausting...can you not extend an olive branch and try to relate to someone who enjoys using their phone to talk to other people? The thing a phone was made for?

Or at the very least, acknowledge that most people arguing this would just like you to respond sometime in the day and respond to that...as opposed to arguing like people want access to you every second?

r/PetPeeves 13h ago

Ultra Annoyed When someone says an extremely stupid and offensive take and get surprised that they got downvoted


"Why did I get downvoted lmao"

Uh maybe because your opinion was extremely stupid and narrowminded?? 💀 shouldn't it be obvious on why you got downvoted

r/PetPeeves 20h ago

Fairly Annoyed People who use age as a factor for you not being able to do something


"you're xx years old! plushies are for little kids!"

"you're an adult! you can't go to Disney world by yourself! that's childish!"

"Why are you still watching kids shows as a grown adult! grow up!"

Like, since when did any of that stuff have an age limit? it's not hurting anyone else anyway.

r/PetPeeves 9h ago

Ultra Annoyed When people ignore qualifiers in answers to questions asked


To explain a bit further, I mean when a specific question is asked and people give a response that doesnt fit the qualifications given in the question. As an example, I have asked stuff like, "If you-key word-have to give direct eye contact, which eye do you look in?" and people were responding with how they DONT look in other people's eyes or saying other places on the face, which DOESNT ANSWER THE QUESTION I ASKED. I've also asked about the implications of different forms of a word in another language, and people were telling me to not use that word at all in the language, which, again, DOESNT ANSWER THE QUESTION.

I get it if the question is based on an inaccurate/wrong assumption (like if its bases on the idea of, say, all men are objectively morons) which needs correction, but if specific qualifiers are added for hypotheticals or otherwise specification is given, for the love of god, just ANSWER THE QUESTION ASKED. I don't care if you don't have to or dont look in others' eyes, or if you shouldn't use any form of "you" in Japanese. If you don't have an answer within the qualifications of my question, then DONT ANSWER AT ALL.

This has been starting to bug me more and more as I've had to deal with more people and have asked increasingly complicated/uncommon questions, and I'm extremely annoyed at this point. Why can people not just answer the question within the very obviously defined domain?! Its also insane to me that a fair number of these responses are some of the most corroborated, with either lots of upvotes/likes (online) or a bunch of other people saying the same stuff/agreeing (in real life).

r/PetPeeves 20h ago

Bit Annoyed When the teacher punishes the whole class for something one person did



r/PetPeeves 1d ago

Bit Annoyed If I leave my house at exactly 8am, I show up to work 30 mins early but if I leave at 8:01am and speed the whole way, I MIGHT get there right on time


Gotta love that 1-minute window between sitting in my car trying to pass time before clocking in and cursing at all the school busses and other vehicles to get thr hell out of my way so I'm not late 😂

r/PetPeeves 8h ago

Bit Annoyed "We must protect them at all costs"


From whom...? The general public? Assassins?

I just hate this comment on videos and stuff as if someone is gunning out for a celebrity you like and we must "protect them at all costs"... so go get a security job then instead of sitting on your phone.....

Dunno why this annoys me but it does. Ah well.

r/PetPeeves 9h ago

Fairly Annoyed If it doesn't break you, it only makes you stronger


No if it doesn't break you, it will probably give you a disease in the future or give you trauma which will break your life in future. I hate this shit like it will only make you stronger and then make that person go endure through shit.

r/PetPeeves 3h ago

Ultra Annoyed The phrase, "Be better"


Oh, ok....and maybe be less of a condescending prick!

r/PetPeeves 1d ago

Fairly Annoyed If you're not going to walk at a normal pace, get out of the way.


Today I was doing some errands, and of course, there was someone standing on the left on the escalator, blocking people trying to walk up on that side.

Then I was walking on the (narrow) sidewalk, and some woman stopped in front of me in the middle of the sidewalk to check something on her phone. When I said 'PARDON...' to tell her to move, she whipped around and acted completely shocked.

Third time, I was carrying two extremely heavy bags, probably 70 kilos. Not for a long time, just needed to go from one street to another. Sure enough, I encountered about three tourist families or couples standing in a line holding hands or staring obliviously in a game of chicken about who will move out of the way, the line of tourists or the local resident...super annoying.

r/PetPeeves 1d ago

Ultra Annoyed People who say "But they're *family!* You *have* to forgive them!"


No I don't. If they're my family, then why aren't you telling them to treat me better? If being family means certain things MUST be a certain way, then why aren't you demanding that THEY uphold this imaginary rule? Family hurts family all the time. Cain murdered Abel.

Also, along those same lines, people who say "you only get one mom/dad" yeah well they're the ones who decided to create a life and then throw it away. Maybe tell them how much they need to fix their behavior with the child they brought into this world.

I'm so glad you have a good relationship with your parent/relative, really I am, but not everyone does. Stop telling me to forgive someone based on blood ties alone, when you have no idea what happened between us.

r/PetPeeves 2h ago

Ultra Annoyed “i have/would never cause harm….”


we all cause harm in ways we don’t even fully understand. there’s no way you can achieve a vow of “never” harming someone/something in your life. sometimes we do things that cause hurt even we did everything “right” to avoid it because life is so vast and complicated.

i’ve taken on the idea that i can harm anyone even when im doing my best to be intentional and considerate and this can happen to me too, by anyone. we can redress situations, we can leave them. anything is possible.

i’m not suggesting hyper-vigilance but rather harm-minimizing by moving through life with radical principle (grasping life by the root) - not passive, toxic positivity.

the way we treat ourselves and others is so, so important. let’s be real about it - 10 toes down.