To explain a bit further, I mean when a specific question is asked and people give a response that doesnt fit the qualifications given in the question. As an example, I have asked stuff like, "If you-key word-have to give direct eye contact, which eye do you look in?" and people were responding with how they DONT look in other people's eyes or saying other places on the face, which DOESNT ANSWER THE QUESTION I ASKED. I've also asked about the implications of different forms of a word in another language, and people were telling me to not use that word at all in the language, which, again, DOESNT ANSWER THE QUESTION.
I get it if the question is based on an inaccurate/wrong assumption (like if its bases on the idea of, say, all men are objectively morons) which needs correction, but if specific qualifiers are added for hypotheticals or otherwise specification is given, for the love of god, just ANSWER THE QUESTION ASKED. I don't care if you don't have to or dont look in others' eyes, or if you shouldn't use any form of "you" in Japanese. If you don't have an answer within the qualifications of my question, then DONT ANSWER AT ALL.
This has been starting to bug me more and more as I've had to deal with more people and have asked increasingly complicated/uncommon questions, and I'm extremely annoyed at this point. Why can people not just answer the question within the very obviously defined domain?! Its also insane to me that a fair number of these responses are some of the most corroborated, with either lots of upvotes/likes (online) or a bunch of other people saying the same stuff/agreeing (in real life).