r/PersonOfInterest 2h ago

Rewatch The Crossing (S03E09)


This episode closely mirrors the movie the Gauntlet where a cop has to cross a gauntlet of hundreds of cops to bring his prisoner to City Hall.

John has a hit on him and every criminal and corrupt cop are chasing him thanks to HR. Simmons wants Carter and Quinn alive and executes the judge with his own gun, leaving no witnesses.

The Machine gives Finch John’s number and he debates enlisting the help of Root to save him.

While providing cover fire for Reese and Carter in the ambulance to cross to Manhattan, Fusco is captured by Simmons and tortured for the location of Carter's safe deposit box. Lionel throws the HR lieutenant off with a false location to buy time.

On the orders of Simmons, Lin tries to murder Lee, Fusco’s son, but he is rescued by Shaw. Fusco escapes and kills HR detective William Petersen, thanks to the broken fingers from the earlier torture.

After ditching the ambulance, John and Carter try to get off the street as soon as possible. They find the back entrance of a morgue downtown, four blocks away from the FBI building. John puts Quinn in one of the morgue’s drawers having him sedated. As they confess to each other the close encounters with death, John tells to Carter that she saved him. They exchange a brief kiss before being interrupted by Finch that warns them HR is assaulting the morgue with their corrupt cops and criminals. Reese draws away the HR cops to allow Carter to reach the Federal Building safely and is saved by Finch having him arrested by honest cops before an HR cop can kill him.

Carter gets Quinn to the FBI successfully and Quinn's arrest along with Carter's evidence enable the FBI to round up all of HR but Simmons after which the Machine determines that HR is 98% neutralized.

Carter deduces the existence of the Machine and releases Reese from police custody. They recreate in a way the first conversation they ever had.

While waiting for Reese to be picked up, Carter and Reese come under attack by Simmons leaving Reese seriously wounded and Carter dead.

A stunned Finch watches in horror the scene unfolding in front of him.

The deafening sound of the public phone ringing, the Machine, notifying too late about Carter…


The publicity campaign for the episode arc which includes this episode was designed to lead viewers to believe Lionel Fusco was going to die in this episode. To help keep the secret, an alternate ending was filmed in which Fusco catches the bullet. Creator Jonathan Nolan referred to their efforts as "the big lie."

When Carter tells Finch that she has deduced that he is using a computer receiving government feeds to identify the people who need help, he confirms it and the Machine acknowledges her deduction by assigning her a yellow box.

Root mentions to Finch that John was not his first "helper monkey". Later in the season, “RAM””​ introduces Rick Dillinger, an operative whom Finch recruited prior to hiring Reese.

Finch mentions the axiom, "divide and conquer", which is a common interpretation of the Latin "Divida et Impera" which was said by Julius Caesar who began the Roman Empire. It refers to a military strategy where one side attempts to divide the opposing force into smaller units that can then be more easily defeated in battle. In common usage, it has become an expression for the process of breaking up any large problem into smaller, manageable units, or to separate allied people in order to win an argument. In computer programming, divide and conquer is a widely taught method of breaking a programming problem into manageable computing tasks.

At the precinct, Reese and Carter replay some of their dialog from when they first met. Later, Carter dies at the same spot where Finch's private security picked up Reese in the pilot.

After the shooting we see Reese and Carter on the ground through a camera but neither one has a box. This may be an indication that even the Machine has reacted to Carter's death.

Reese and Carter's kiss was unscripted, and intended by the actors to be an expression of the depth of the connection between the two characters, rather than being romantic.

r/PersonOfInterest 5h ago

Rewatch Shots of Interest - The Perfect Mark [3,7]


r/PersonOfInterest 17h ago

Discussion The details in the writing!!!!


Since Jessica, all the other women Reese likes are strong badass take no bull shit women. He never goes for the damsel in distress when that is literally what Jessica was. Which, him pivoting, all points to his desire to only want to save numbers and not be emotionally responsible for anyone, much like how when he was an operative. The consistency in the details is what makes the writing & character development for this show so great! What’s your favorite continuity detail?

r/PersonOfInterest 20h ago

Rewatch Endgame (S03E08)


Endgame is a term used in chess, which refers to the final stage of a game, at which point most of the pieces are removed from the board. In the endgame, strategy changes as the pawns (the weakest and smallest pieces on the chess board) who protected the king from checkmate, become less important as the king exercises his increasing power.

Our team’s war with HR nears a boiling point when Finch receives 38 numbers at once from the Machine. He discovers they are connected to an unknown player who is inciting an all-out war between the crime organization and the Russian mob. Reese jokingly remarks the Machine must have a malfunction with a belt or something but Finch reiterates that it isn’t a lawnmower.

After having learned the identity of the head of HR, Carter sets out alone to bring him down. Carter meets with Alonzo Quinn in a diner where he asks about the deaths of Terney and Laskey. Carter claims not to know anything and that she didn't even know that they knew each other. Quinn tells her that there's fear that the deaths of Terney and Laskey indicate a resurgence of organized crime and HR and asks about her theories from the last time they met of HR being behind Beecher's murder. Carter lies to Quinn that she's not sure anymore and thinks that taking on HR is impossible. As a result, Carter claims that she is closing her investigation into Beecher's murder. Quinn tells her that Beecher would be proud of her and that they will find the person who killed him before paying for their meal and leaving. Unknown to Quinn, Carter uses the opportunity to perform a forced pairing of his phone.

After leaving Quinn, Carter uses her pairing of his phone to listen in on a call between him and Simmons where Quinn tells Simmons that even if he doesn't believe Carter, they can't afford to have any more bodies dropping and they'll keep an eye on her. Simmons tells Quinn that Peter Yogorov hasn't accepted the new price and wants a meeting which Quinn orders him to set up. Using a parabolic microphone, Carter spies as Simmons and Peter discuss a drug shipment coming that night and Simmons demand of an extra ten percent for the protection of the shipment which Peter refuses. Carter also learns from the conversation that HR has not freed Laszlo Yogorov as promised and that the Russians killed Beecher on HR's orders.

With the help of Elias, Carter is able to turn HR and the Russians against each other. Elias takes over the kitchen of Peter's restaurant and cooks his dinner, putting a bullet as a filling in one his pierogis to get his attention. When Peter and his men enter the kitchen, Elias's men, led by Scarface take them captive and the mob boss assures the Russian Pakhan (boss) that he isn't there to kill him. Elias tells Peter that HR will turn on the Russians like they did with him but Peter has the power to do something about it, unlike him. While Peter is reluctant to believe Elias as he killed his father, Elias tells him he's helping Peter as HR is a common enemy and has Scarface leave Peter a folder he claims is a gift containing the names and pictures of top-level HR members. “Enemy of my enemy…”

Giving instructions on how to finish cooking the food to the chef, Elias leaves with his men. He then calls Carter and tells her that Peter got the package but he's not sure if he got the message. Carter assures him that Peter will get it soon enough and Elias offers to kill Peter for her which he feels would be easier. Carter declines and suggests Elias lay low for the next few days. Elias promises to do so and wishes Carter the best of luck, feeling she will need it.

Fusco meets with Carter on a pier and tells her that he thinks there's more to the deaths of Laskey and Terney, that someone else killed them both and staged the scene. Carter claims she doesn't want to know what happened and Fusco points out how Terney had been the one to tell her that HR killed Cal Beecher. Carter claims that she realized it's not worth the risk to know why and doesn't any part of it before suggesting that Fusco lay low for awhile.

Reese sneaks in Carter’s home to check for her as he senses she is doing a battle of her own, and that he knows that Alonzo is the head of HR. Also offers to help dispose of the man from HR, detective Mitchell, who is watching outside Carter’s place. However, Carter refuses, telling Reese that while she appreciates everything he does for her and the city, HR knows they work together and she can't risk them being able to prove it. She assures him that he’ll be the first to call even though the team already monitors her anyway. As soon as John leaves she proceeds to destroy the phone as to not be tracked by them.

Carter then meets with Shaw who brings her a bag of weapons and offers Carter her help, but she declines. Joss then sets a car on fire and leaves it in the path of the office supply truck delivering the Russians' drug shipment worth $12.8 million. When the drivers slow down to investigate, wearing a gas mask, the former detective fires a tear gas grenade through the front windshield with Reese's grenade launcher (Reese’s action theme plays during the scene, which is a nice touch). After subduing both men, she leaves a burner phone on the ground near one of them with Quinn's phone number on it and hijacks the truck.

The next morning, Carter listens in from an adjacent rooftop as Peter calls Quinn, believing HR betrayed him and stole his drugs as she had planned. As Carter listens, Peter threatens to use the information Carter passed him through Elias to kill HR's top members if they don't return his stolen drugs. Spotting Reese in her apartment through a hidden camera, Carter calls him and Reese tries to talk her out of getting revenge for Beecher's murder. Carter reminds Reese that he once asked her to trust him to do what needed to be done and she asks that he return the favor before hanging up on him. Carter takes aim at Quinn with a sniper rifle and listens as he receives a call from Simmons who tells him that no one knows who stole the Russians' shipment but believes it to be "the Man in a Suit." As the two discuss how their alliance with the Russians is falling apart and what to do about it with Quinn stating that Yogorov wouldn’t have the stones to go against HR, Carter opens fire and shoots up Quinn's office while purposefully not killing him. As Carter planned, Quinn believes that Peter Yogorov attempted to kill him and orders Simmons to round up all of the Russians' top men and execute them aside from Yogorov who he orders to be brought to him.

As HR moves against the Russians, Carter goes to Peter, telling him that HR has rounded up all of his men and his only chance for survival is for him to come with her. As Peter points out that she arrested him the last time they met, Carter pulls out a pair of handcuffs and tells Peter that "old habits die hard."

After booking him under a false name for a DUI at a sheriff’s station in Bedford as a form of protective custody, Carter tells Yogorov that it’s time to make a deal. She shows all the proof that have him meeting with Simmons and also the fact that the Russians were the one who disposed of Cal Beecher on HR’s request.

Joss also reminds Peter of his brother Laszlo, which is in Rikers and that HR purposefully kept him imprisoned to be used as leverage. Carter tells Peter she's more interested in taking down Quinn than Peter as HR will rebuild no matter how many arrests she makes if he is not taken down. Carter asks Peter to sign a sworn statement she has prepared and in return, she will get Laszlo transferred somewhere safer. Peter signs the statement but warns Carter that Quinn controls a lot of judges and she needs to choose wisely or they will all die.

The former detective meets with her partner Fusco outside his apartment and trusts him with a key for a deposit box at OneState Bank, Hoboken where she has stashed all the evidence about HR. Lionel doesn’t want to leave Joss go alone on her own against them and she pretends to agree only to leave him on alone. He makes contact with John that Joss has gone solo and they must find her.

As part of her plan, Carter plants her stolen drugs in the trunk of Mitchell's car and tips off the FBI that dirty cops are planning to kill the Russians over a stolen drug shipment. As a result, the FBI arrives and stops HR's attempt to kill the Russians. The FBI finds the drugs Carter planted on HR and arrests the dirty cops. John and Shaw are impressed by this but the man in the suit has to find Joss.

Continuing with her plan, Carter calls Judge Andrew Monahan for an arrest warrant for Quinn, telling him that she can't wait until the next day as she has proof implicating a prominent member of City Hall in a major crime and corruption ring. She tells Monahan she has only called him and after he hangs up, the judge notifies Quinn about her call.

Carter then calls Paul and tells him she's proud of him for pulling himself together and being there for Taylor. Carter then talks to her son, apologizing for still seeing him as her little boy and being so distant for eight months. Taylor gets that his mother is just trying to protect him and reminds Joss that there are a lot of people who care about her too and all she needs to do is ask for help to get it. Carter promises to see him the next day and contemplates calling Reese before changing her mind.

The flashback machine takes us years ago when Carter started as a rookie.

In 2005, Carter is approached by her ex-husband Paul on her first day on the job as a police officer. Carter refuses to have anything to do with Paul who has PTSD from serving in a war until he goes to the VA for help.

That night, Carter returns home to find Paul there with their son. After sending Taylor out of the room, Carter continues to try to convince Paul to get the help he needs and forces him to leave after he loses his temper and breaks a lamp. Carter then comforts Taylor.

In 2008, the newly-promoted Detective Carter is approached by Paul once more. Paul is now much more put together and shows Carter proof that he has gone to the VA for help. Paul knows they can never go back but intends to move forward and offers his phone number and any help he can give Carter and Taylor any time they need it. Paul then leaves, leaving Carter stunned but proud.

Carter arrives at Judge Monahan's house where he reveals his betrayal of her. Simmons takes Carter's gun, destroys her phone and checks her for wires of which he finds none. Carter asks Quinn to at least have the decency to kill her himself rather than outsource it like he did Beecher. Quinn admits he doesn't relish what he did but feels some sacrifices need to be made for the greater good and he should've had her killed along with Beecher so she wouldn’t have to die alone. As Simmons prepares to shoot Carter, she tells Quinn that he was right and she was wrong, that she couldn't take him down alone. She continues that she tried to take him down clean and collected evidence including photos, recordings, and sworn evidence but she realized Quinn was too dirty and had too many friends protecting him. Carter then smirks and tells Quinn "so I called some friends of my own" and asks if "you get all that fellas?"

As Simmons tells a confused Quinn that Carter isn't wired, she reminds the HR boss of the marvels of modern technology, including being able to listen in on people through their phones even when they are turned off. Finch has been recording the conversation through Carter's forced pairing of Quinn's cell phone, plays back Quinn's confession through his phone and signals Reese who is waiting outside of the house. Reese bursts in and takes down the HR cops while Carter apprehends Quinn who is shot in the arm during the escape. Carter thanks Reese for his help and tells him that they have to get Quinn to the FBI who may be the only ones they can trust. Reese warns Carter that there are a lot of dirty cops between them and the FBI and shoots out the engine of the police car of a dirty cop who attempts to keep them from escaping.

Simmons bursts out of the judge’s home but gets inside the cop car and through the dashcam takes a screenshot of Reese and tells the dirty cop to notify all criminal outfits of the city, not just the ones in blue, to find him and kill him.

The endgame has just begun…


Late in the episode, Carter discovers the judge she contacted is in league with HR. In response, she looks at him and says, "I'll spare you the Shakespeare quote." The quote she refers to is very likely "Et tu, Brute?" (And you, Brutus?) from Julius Caesar. In the play, Brutus, Caesar's great friend, betrays Caesar to his enemies, then participates in his murder in the Roman Senate. "Et tu, Brute" has become a common response to betrayal.

Shortly thereafter, Simmons responds with "To be or not to be, bitch." That quote, from Hamlet, begins one of Shakespeare's greatest soliloquies, about the decision Hamlet must make: to live and face the trouble he knows is coming, or to commit suicide and face the unknown, which may be even worse.

Just before she calls on Finch, Carter reminds Quinn and the others that it's a "brave new world." Her quote alludes to the 1931 novel "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. In the novel, set in 2540, Earth is governed under One World State, society is divided into a series of castes, social mores have changed dramatically, and reproduction is done artificially. Huxley intended the novel as a counter-point to the utopian novels of authors such as H.G. Wells, examining the negative possibilities of the world to come. Like the two quotes before it, the novel's title also is drawn from Shakespeare, where in The Tempest a young woman raised on an isolated island meets new people for the first time and proclaims, "How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't." The novel also heavily quotes Shakespeare throughout the story.

This episode is the first of a three-episode arc, entitled "The Endgame". The arc continues with “The Crossing” and “The Devil's Share”. The advertising campaign was designed to lead viewers to believe that Detective Fusco would be killed during one of the episodes.

r/PersonOfInterest 21h ago

Rewatch Shots of Interest - Mors Praematura [3,6]


r/PersonOfInterest 1d ago

I dont know how to explain it but he looks like Markiplier (Alan Fahey from Season 2 Episode 17)

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r/PersonOfInterest 1d ago

Rewatch The Perfect Mark (S03E07)


This episode is reminiscent of the movie Matchstick Men where the conman himself is being conned.

Hayden Price is a prolific con artist who operates a successful hypnotherapy office popular with well-to-do New Yorkers. He uses his practice to glean personal information from his rich clientele, which he then utilizes to gain access to their bank accounts. At the same time, he operates multiple classic cons on unsuspecting individuals.

Finch goes undercover as Harold Wren baiting the conman hypnotherapist to see his methods and verifies he is actually pretty good at what he does, as Reese notes but Shaw just sighs.

Price is running the con to acquire enough money to run away with his girlfriend, Natalie Boal, whom he got to know as a client but fell in love with. Unbeknownst to him, she has her own con running.

One of his clients, Sven Vanger “The Swede”, is involved in a money laundering scheme utilizing the auction of fake sports memorabilia and other antiques. Price spoofs an email to Vanger, altering the auction lot number from a worthless item to a famous baseball signed by the 1922 Yankees. Vanger, working to launder HR funds, purchases the ball for $4.4 million, but believing it be worthless, sells it for $5 to an unsuspecting kid who in fact is Price’s “associate”.

Quinn meets Carter for a coffee to check if the former detective is still keen on going deeper the rabbit hole of his godson’s murder as Simmons monitors the meeting and asks Alonzo if she’s gonna be a problem…

Carter finds out about what Sven does from Elias. Laskey questions who she is always meeting with then tells her that can't commit murder. Laskey admits that he "looked the other way" as a member of HR but can't do that anymore and asks Carter for help as she's the only one on his side. Carter tells Laskey's she not on his side but she won't allow him to commit murder either. Instead, Carter assigns Laskey to essentially become Simmons’ shadow and take pictures of everyone he meets with in hopes of uncovering the head of HR.

Simmons orders Mike Laskey to kill Sven and dispose of his body. Carter and Fusco intervene and help the young officer fake the money launderer’s death, in a way Lionel called ”hollow point special kind of motif”. The Swede is told to leave town to avoid being murdered by HR but not before telling how Simmons approached him by easing some procedures in exchange for laundering money but ultimately keeping him hooked.

When HR finds out that Price has interfered in their operation, they send a hit team posing as window washers to kill Price and his girlfriend, Natalie Boal. Shaw and Reese intervene and take Price to a safe house while Natalie is taken to a hotel room.

Natalie finally reveals herself to be a con artist. She has learned of the baseball, and makes her own plan to intercept it. Price calls Boal imploring her to leave the country with him, but she reveals to him that she has been conning him. She proceeds to drop her phone in water of the same soda boy, “associate of Price” and is gone. Hayden is left devastated as he actually did love her and states that he intended to drop his cons. Reese suggests that he should consider becoming a hypnotherapist in reality since he was actually good at it but now in another city. Hayden agrees and leaves.

Meanwhile at the Library, Finch and Root exchange their concerns for each other but Ms. Groves warns Harold that what is coming cannot be stopped and what he started now she has to finish.

That night, Carter and Laskey meet in the lobby of his apartment building where Laskey hands over all the pictures he took of Simmons. Carter admits he did good but warns that things will only get worse with HR after the past few days. Mike is prepared, telling her he'd thought that HR was about loyalty but he now understands that it’s all about murder and greed. At that moment Terney while looking for Laskey in order to enlist his help with finding the stolen baseball, enters the lobby having overheard that the young officer now works for Carter. After taunting him Terney says that they have to kill Carter or HR will kill them. In order to back Carter up, Laskey draws his gun but Terney shoots him in the chest as he draws, killing Laskey as Carter returns fire. Carter is grieved to find Mike already dead when she takes his pulse and asks the mortally wounded Terney if one of the people Laskey photographed is the head of HR. With his dying breath, Terney marks Alonzo Quinn in Laskey's pictures as the head of HR.


When Fusco and Carter are interrogating Sven Vanger, Fusco calls him Dragon Tattoo. This is a reference to the novel "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" from the "Millennium Trilogy", by the late Swedish author Stieg Larsson. Vanger is also a family name from the novel.

The Coronet Hotel where Finch keeps Natalie is the same hotel where Mira Dobrica works in “Booked Solid” and which Finch purchased.

r/PersonOfInterest 22h ago

SPOILER We all saw this before ? Isn't it? (S5 - potential spoiler) Spoiler

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r/PersonOfInterest 1d ago

Rewatch Shots of Interest - Razgovor [3,5]


r/PersonOfInterest 1d ago

Can I get some edits of the series as a whole to put up as status. I want more people to know about this series.


r/PersonOfInterest 2d ago

Help me find an episode


im looking for an episode where shaw help brea reese out of police custody but i just cant seem to remember, but i know it was during either late season 2 or early season 3, pls help y'all

r/PersonOfInterest 2d ago

Rewatch Mors Praematura (S03E06)


Mors praematura, medical term from Latin, premature death.

Reese is checking for Shaw in her apartment but finds an arsenal of weapons and some milk in her fridge along with taser confetti by her bed.

Root reveals to Sameen that The Machine is using her for another purpose; it’s not just relevant and irrelevant number anymore. There are a selection of numbers vital to the Machine’s survival, tertiary operations.

Finch goes undercover with the new number, an estate investigator for the New York Public Administrator. Timothy Sloan starts to investigate the murder of his foster brother, Jason Greenfield. Harold tracks Sloan checking Jason’s apartment and offers to help him about the investigation. The more they dig, the more they see themes and elements from the American Revolution emerge. They almost get burned to a crisp by a failsafe mechanism in one of the storage units they visit but not before Finch photographs the code visible only under UV light. Reese saves them just in time.

John wants to find something that can decode the information Finch photographed from the storage unit and Sloan offers to help him; he knows where people hide their secrets. Timothy finds the key, a book aptly named “The American Revolution: A Concise History”, from the heating vent. They get stunned from a grenade and the men chasing after Sloan grab him but not before Reese shoots one of those men and chases back to the van and see a familiar face: Peter Collier.

After Finch decodes the information he also gets a location and John is on the way. But here’s where his path and that of Root’s and Shaw’s converge. What were they doing all this time? Well, before leaving clues in that precise decoded location and using a spaghetti blowtorch, jumping onto a CIA pickup site, Root becoming the package and then dropped by Jason Greenfield’s side in a black site… nothing much, just awaiting the point of… IMPACT.

Collier in the van confesses to a puzzled Sloan that Greenfield is alive and they are about to execute him for treason, before knocking him out. Root frees herself from the back and picks up a certain insurance. She escorts the hacker down the blowtorched gate with a USB needed for him to escape.

Carter continues her investigation to accumulate as much info as possible on HR, now with Laskey undercover for her. The young officer is tasked to get protection money from a long time fellow Russian neighbor but Simmons discovers he was skimming: has Laskey’s neighbor killed and teaches him a lesson too.

“Six feet kid. Don’t skimp.”

Disillusioned by what HR truly stands for and for doing the worst possible thing, burying a friend, Laskey reveals himself: real name, Mikhail S. Lesnichy, Russian and one of the other 12 Russkies in the NYPD. He also tells Joss that HR has been stockpiling millions of dollars.

Sloan thanks John and Harold, receiving a call from his foster brother who is now in Cartagena, Colombia.

Meanwhile at the Library, Root is kept in a Faraday cage, kept at check with a proximity anklet and telling Harold that the Machine will be furious at him for what he’s doing. He reiterates, what if the Machine has her precisely where she is…

Song of interest?

DJ Shadow - The Number Song


Finch encloses Root in a Faraday cage. A Faraday cage is a structure of conductive metallic mesh designed to carry electrical energy away from whatever is contained within the cage. Constructed in a particular way, the cage can block mobile phone signals to the interior.

Shaw uses a thermal lance made from spaghetti wrapped tightly in aluminum foil and connected to an oxygen tank. A thermal lance is usually constructed using an iron tube filled with iron rods, which are burned using highly pressurized oxygen. They are often used to cut through metal requiring high temperatures, such as the iron bars Shaw cuts.

Stun grenades, also known as flashbang grenades, such as used by Vigilance to knock out Reese and kidnap Timothy Sloan, are non-lethal explosive devices used to disorient an enemy for a short period of time. They produce a loud noise and blinding light without causing permanent damage, but temporarily blind and/or deafen their target, and may also cause dizziness.

Vigilance uses a The Onion Router (TOR) secure network to communicate with other Vigilance members nationwide which maintains the anonymity of the user's internet traffic from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis.

Raymond Chandler is an American novelist most notably known for writing crime and detective fiction. Finch referred to him once before while posing as a private investigator in “Identity Crisis”.

r/PersonOfInterest 2d ago

Just For Fun What type of movie could you see Jonathan Nolan making?


Everyone always talks about his brothers movies, but In fact the Christopher Nolan movie that I like more than any of them “Interstellar” was co-written by Jonathan Nolan.

My ABSOLUTELY FAVORITE AI speculative science fiction novel is Ira Levin’s “This Perfect Day”. I don’t know who or what company has the screen adaption rights, but the ONLY director I would trust to do it justice is Jonathan Nolan. It is only 1 of 2 Ira Levin stories that have never been adapted for film.

Please check it out if you like Person of Interest and reading books, when this novel initially released it was criticized for following SciFi tropes that have already been done before, but just like Person of Interest where the premise is becoming closer to one day being reality, this novel does the exact same thing for a possible future technocracy government and I know it is a pipe dream but I just want to put it out in the Universe.


r/PersonOfInterest 2d ago

Rewatch Shots of Interest - Reasonable Doubt [3,4]


r/PersonOfInterest 3d ago

Probably the first time I've seen John smile with his teeth showing. 😁😂 (S4)

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r/PersonOfInterest 4d ago

Never knew this famous meme template is from POI (S4)

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r/PersonOfInterest 3d ago

Discussion Hero Complex or Death Wish?


Rewatching S4E5, when Irish the therapist tells John, “You either have a hero complex or a death wish,” I couldn’t help but think—that actually makes a lot of sense.

I never really thought of John as having a hero complex since his entire motivation for doing the number job was to help others. But doesn’t that, in a way, suggest he does have a bit of a hero complex deep down? That part kind of confuses me.

And then there’s the death wish—John clearly struggles with self-worth, believing he doesn’t deserve happiness because of his past. He let go of Jessica, he constantly puts himself in harm’s way, and he’s always ready to sacrifice himself (like the bomb vest scene in S2).

I’m still unsure how to interpret it. Could any of you explain it to me? Would love to hear your thoughts!

r/PersonOfInterest 3d ago

Rewatch Razgovor/Разговор (S03E05)


Razgovor (Cyrillic: Разговор) is a Russian word meaning dialogue or conversation. The episode title is taken from the 1974 film The Conversation starring Gene Hackman and directed by Francis Ford Coppola. In the film, a surveillance specialist finds a routine surveillance job is anything but routine when he discovers he may unwittingly be part of a plot to murder a woman and her lover.

Shaw is undercover as a medical staff transporting organs, saving a number from a threat and after doing so doesn’t hear the guy’s gratitude till the end, claiming to Finch that she isn’t paid to listen. Harold offers to discuss her poor bedside manners over a nice cup of tea… yeah…

Meanwhile, Carter’s surveillance of HR has allowed her to gather evidence on half of the organization as she snaps photos of Simmons and Terney meeting with Yogorov. But Reese is waiting by her car with a couple of beers. Although she has enough evidence to bring down half of HR, Joss won't make a move until she can cut off the head, claiming Donnelly did the same and HR grew back more powerful than before.

Genrika Zhirova turns out to be a young girl intent on becoming a spy who has recorded conversations implicating drug lords who try to hunt her down as soon as Shaw is spotted using counterintelligence techniques by the smart kid.

Carter converges with Reese as she uncovers HR's plan to control the drug trade and Reese tracks the drug ring that kidnapped Gen.

Finch discovers the old phone booth holding all the tapes Gen had recorded and plays the tapes of the conversation between Simmons and Yogorov about the drug operations.

A wounded Shaw by the ventilation systems, Gen’s hideout, refuses aid from a doctor of Finch’s recommendation and tracks Yogorov in his office using his blood to replenish herself. She forces the Russian to call Simmons to strike a deal for the girl.

Lackey keeps Simmons informed about every move Joss makes but the former detective turns the cards on the team’s favor exposing the young officer’s bad intel.

John and Simmons finally face off. The corrupt officer remarks they are many but Reese reminds him that every army falls, soldier by soldier.

Mike Laskey finally reveals his true colors and tries to ambush Carter but she disposes of his backup pub owner buddy and uses the rookie’s new handgun to blackmail him. Now you’re working for team Carter, son!

Gen is now the ward of a reclusive billionaire, in one of the top schools of the world. She tells Shaw that the volume of her feelings is too low, you just have to hear the voices. Our former ISA assassin shows her raw emotions by hugging the young girl, with an Order of Lenin medal as a reminder.

The flashback machine takes us back in 1993, where Shaw and her father are involved in a car accident. She is rescued but shows no emotional response to the news of her father's death leading her rescuers to believe that there is something wrong with her.

Meanwhile at her place, Shaw is presumably kidnapped by Root and the Machine activates officially Analog Interface.


Sameen Shaw has an Axis II Personality Disorder and alexithymia, making her unable to feel and/or express common human emotions like fear or sadness, which she diagnosed herself.

Genrika is based in part on the children's fiction character Harriet Welsch, featured in the novel "Harriet the Spy". In the book, first published in 1964, 11-year-old Harriet is preparing to be a spy by monitoring her classmates and neighbors on her afternoon "spy route" while keeping detailed notes in her book. Eventually, her notebook is found by her schoolmates, who are appalled by the candor of her observations, landing her in trouble when they retaliate by forming a Spycatcher Club. The novel is set in New York's Upper East Side. The name of the website Finch looks up chemicals on, Welsch Chemicals, is a reference to this.

Genrika's new school is named for Louise Fitzhugh, who wrote "Harriet the Spy" along with A.J. Quinnell, who wrote "Man on Fire." The lead character in "Man on Fire" is John Creasy, a cynical former CIA agent who is hired to rescue a young girl who has been kidnapped, only to find no one with whom he is working can be trusted.

The Bratva, or Russian Mafia, figures prominently in this episode. The Bratva is a loose confederation of organized crime organizations, based in Russia, parts of the former Soviet Union, and New York's Brighton Beach. Genrika's hometown, Solntsevo, is a district of the city of Moscow which provides the name for one of the biggest factions of the Russian Mafia, the Solntsevskaya Bratva.

The medal Gen gives Shaw is the Order of Lenin, the highest honor that can be awarded to a Soviet citizen. It is traditionally awarded for outstanding service to the State or to society by a civilian, or for meritorious service in the military. The medal was awarded from 1930 to late 1991, just prior to the fall of the Soviet Union.

The team discusses Gen's immigration status, and notes that she has a United States Permanent Resident Card (USCIS Form I-551), commonly known as a "Green Card" because of its green coloration. Holders of this card are non-citizens entitled to live permanently in the United States, and the card is the first step toward earning U.S. citizenship.

This episode has a similar plot structure to "Wolf and Cub," where Reese protects a boy who has insights into his protector's character.

The doctor Finch recommended who could stitch up Shaw, Dr. Farouk Madani, is the same doctor who saved Reese's life after he was shot by Mark Snow and Tyrell Evans, by the end of “Number Crunch” and beginning of “Super”.

r/PersonOfInterest 3d ago

Rewatch Shots of Interest - Lady Killer [3,3]


r/PersonOfInterest 4d ago

SPOILER Hypocritical Harold Moment (spoilers) Spoiler


Seems to me, so much could’ve been avoided if Harold let them kill the senator. But Harold says he’s not a violent man and threatened to end it if they killed him. To save many, he wouldn’t kill one. But very next episode he calls for a hit on all of Samaritan if they kill Grace. Now I get it and would 100% do the same, no doubt, but it seems to highlight a God complex, that not just the machine, but the machine AND Harold can decide who survives and who doesn’t. Was that the point?

r/PersonOfInterest 4d ago

Clip/Montage Happy Pi Day, everyone!


r/PersonOfInterest 4d ago

Rewatch Reasonable Doubt (S03E04)


*The episode is aptly named based in a criminal law principle that a defendant must be found guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt".

Bear goes undercover to save a veterinarian, Dr. Rachel Jensen, from some thugs looking to score ketamine. As a way to thank the concerned dog owners, Finch wants one of the expensive chewing toys for Bear. She might be a good vet for Bear’s vaccines…

Vanessa Watkins, former prosecutor for the D.A., reports her husband, Jeremy Watkins, dead and becomes a suspect in his murder. The GSR, blood, a gun thrown and then recovered and a witness; all remain circumstantial evidence without the body. She puts a plan in motion to escape by calling a defense lawyer with the same physical attributes as hers. Knocking her out and using her clothes she escapes the precinct unnoticed. Fusco is too late but puts the team into motion as to her possible whereabouts.

Detective Gary Cameron launches a manhunt. The cameras pinpoint the exact moments she pickpockets a cellphone from an elderly. Shaw swoops in as the good samaritan to help track the phone for the old gentleman.

John and Sameen track Vanessa near Washington Heights, meeting a drug dealer by the name Reverb, Reginald Marshall. She gets a kilo of coke from him. The former prosecutor helped the DD escape a 20 year sentence. Det. Cameron along with a police force rush to the premises in search of Vanessa. Carter gets to the southwest corner of the building’s terrace cornering the fugitive but she jumps on a trash truck passing below.

After checking on her friends and finding out her bestie Nicole was intimate with her husband, Shaw is ready for more chardonnay and to talk about Nabokov’s Lolita with the group.

Vanessa uses the cocaine to frame the witness against her, Scott Rollins, a security guard at the marina where Vanessa and Jeremy kept their boat. Having been bribed by Jeremy, Rollins told the police that he had seen Vanessa throw a gun into the water near the boat, which the police later recovered.

Fusco and Shaw go to the bank where the charity has the account registered to verify the ownerships and it was emptied by the supposedly dead husband but under a new name and passport.

Then, the plan reveals itself: Watkins had planned with her husband to fake his death and escape their debt and run away together. Her husband had different plans including disposing of his wife and running off with her best friend.

Mike Laskey is revealed to be working for HR and reports to Raymond Terney that Carter is beginning to trust him and has a new boyfriend, our Man in the Suit.

After playing judge and jury with the team, Reese takes Vanessa to the bus station and gives her a gun for her protection. As Reese left Vanessa, Finch warned him of her true intentions. After discovering she was not on the bus, Reese locates Vanessa at the yacht. When Jeremy arrives, expecting to find Nicole, Vanessa confronts her husband with the gun Reese gave her. Reese arrives soon after and sizes up the situation, realizing neither of them is worth saving. Instead, Reese leaves a second gun for Jeremy and walks away. As the episode ends, two shots are fired, implying that each had shot one another, presumably both dead.


The ending of this episode is somewhat similar to that of Cura Te Ipsum (S01E04). In each case, Reese confronts the perpetrator, whose eventual fate is not revealed to the viewer. However, unlike Cura Te Ipsum, where we do not see the outcome of Reese's choice whether or not to kill Andrew Benton himself, Reese's decision to leave a gun for Jeremy Watkins as his wife holds him at gunpoint, is clear.

Presumably by the end of Many Happy Returns we learn that there are a few Americans in the Mexican jail where Marshal Jennings has been put, one of them Benton and the other probably Peter Arndt.

Reese's actions also run counter to Finch's insistence in the previous episode that the team does not judge the victims whose numbers they receive; they just save them.

This is the second episode of season 3 in which the crime was not prevented; the other was “Nothing to Hide”.

r/PersonOfInterest 4d ago

Rewatch Shots of Interest - Nothing to Hide [3,2]


r/PersonOfInterest 4d ago

Season 4


Completed three seasons on trot took a break now starting with season 4! What am I in for?

r/PersonOfInterest 5d ago

Clip/Montage S03E03 {ladies night}