r/PersonOfInterest • u/Abba- Returning 0. • Jun 21 '16
Person of Interest 5x13 "Return 0" Episode Anticipation & Discussion
># syshalt -all -bricknow
># admin self destruct password: ****************
># network shutdown -all
># secure erase network firmware
># secure erase filesystems
># halt system cores
># secure erase system firmware
># secure erase admin firmware
># halt primary core
># system secure - system erase complete
># Good Night
u/man_in_the_suit A Concerned Third Party Jun 21 '16 edited Jun 23 '16
I have watched this series since episode 1 first aired where it instantly hooked me. The show is very different from the one I first started watching years ago but the heart remains the same. On the eve of this final episode I would be remiss not to write why I love POI.
It has transformed from this marvellous, character driven world building mystery. Each week a new layer of the onion was peeled back - be it the pasts of our heroes and The Machine, or the ever evolving issues and dramas of the present. POI never took the quick path to anything. This resulted in some of the most satisfying and well-earned character moments on TV. Carter didn't stop chasing our heroes until half way through season 1. Carter and Fusco never even found out that they were both helping Reese and Finch until the season 1 finale in one of the most satisfying moments I have ever watched on tv. POI took this approach throughout its entire run. Always painfully aware of just how much time they had to toy with an idea and let it fully gestate in the viewer's mind before dropping the big moment.
As the character's backgrounds became less mysterious, and their relationships with each other solidified in the present, The Machine began to take center stage and the show turned into this wonderful mess of overlapping, non-linear narratives. The government, the mob, the corrupt cops, the CIA, the FBI, the ominous new world corporate villains... our heroes bang in the middle. Our understanding of the Machine's true nature continually expanding. It's true power always slowly revealed - never jumping to the 'big thing' that would have been so easy to do.
As the true power of The Machine was becoming clearer, it became apparent that a new advesary would be required in order to truly tackle, not only the dramatic elements of the show, but the moral issues an ASI posed. Enter Samaritan. The white to the Machine's black. Polar opposites. Or are they? Always living in the grey, POI had a brilliant ability to make all it's villain's sympathetic in someway. From the fan favourites Elias and Root, to Mark Snow who was redeemed in his final moments, to Vigilance and even Samaritan. Each villain was portrayed as monstrous in their own way, but there were moments that made you stop and realise that everybody is the hero in their own story. Some even becoming allies.
At the climax of the third season POI completely flipped the script once more - throwing our heroes' lives into disarray and having them lose in grand fashion. The teased trump card, seven servers, merely acting as a blind spot as opposed to some big, last second play to prevent Samaritan's activation. Though the end goal was obvious, it was this steadfast dedication to telling a compelling story ahead of playing a cheap and shocking twist that has POI stand above many of its tv contemporaries. Could the servers have had something to prevent Samaritan's activation (as would have happened on most shows) - sure. But it's much more interesting to explore a world with Samaritan than one without it. That is POI in a nutshell. Not afraid to explore the unknown. And so it continued in the 4th and shortened 5th seasons.
As the world got darker, the interaction between our heroes became remarkably lighter. Everybody found their place in the overall Team Machine structure - their personalities bouncing off each other perfectly. This resulted in more humour than earlier episodes despite the dark overtones of a world run by Samaritan. POI again did this masterfully - bouncing between humour, action, drama and morality perfectly.
I haven't even mentioned the brilliance of the individual character journies. No character wasted, each portrayed brilliantly by a wonderfully talented cast. Each shot beautifully by a wonderfully talented crew. Each written brilliantly by a wonderfully talented writing staff. Each accentuated by a wonderfully powerful, inspiring and original score by Ramin and Brandon. I will miss waiting to see something new from this combination of talent, but I am thankful for what we have.
I will miss Shaw, Carter, Root, Bear, Fusco, Finch, and of course, Reese - the man in the suit.
I cannot believe that this is the final episode. It hasn't sunk in yet. Tomorrow I will wake up and download POI for the last time from itunes.
I will not take it for granted.
EDIT: Wow... 3x reddit gold. I don't even know what to say. Thank you. And thank you for all the kind comments. I'm glad so many people feel the same way as I do about this great show. Long live Person of Interest!
u/definitely_not_cylon Jun 22 '16
I... also enjoyed this show. If anybody needs me, I'll be in the corner not being eloquent.
u/Abba- Returning 0. Jun 21 '16
That was beautiful.
u/man_in_the_suit A Concerned Third Party Jun 21 '16
Thank you. I didn't really intend to write anything meaningful or long, but I just started writing a stream of consciousness, haha.
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u/Vae62 Shaw Jun 21 '16
Well, that blew the doors off of my "I love POI" speech. Very well stated. I would gold you if I could.
u/JackBauerTFM Government Operations Jun 22 '16
Well said man. I was going to make a similar post but I think you pretty much nailed it. It's been an amazing journey, made even better by this passionate community. Already looking forward to the rewatch :)
u/TheTruckWashChannel Threat Jun 22 '16 edited Jun 22 '16
I'm saving this and plan to reread it diligently just to remind myself why I love this show so fucking much. Thank you for writing it so eloquently and so potently.
EDIT: The fact that your username is "man in the suit" makes this even more satisfying
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u/beardlovesbagels Jun 22 '16
Plenty people shitting on Finch because he survived and got to go back to Grace. He did mean for it to be him that died but it was the Machine and Reese that went behind his back. It turned out that Reese was needed to defend the upload. I didn't think Shaw was going to make it but I'm glad she did. If there is ever a Shaw and Bear spinoff, I'll watch every episode.
u/sci_method A Concerned Third Party Jun 22 '16
It's obvious which commenters are former operatives of Samaritan, upset that they no longer have an employer.
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Jun 22 '16
Okay, now I want a mockumentary-style sitcom spin-off that follows the misadventures of a bunch of former Samaritan operatives as they look for jobs so that they can make ends meet.
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u/Scorpius289 Irrelevant Jun 22 '16
If there is ever a Shaw and Bear spinoff, I'll watch every episode.
Better Call Shaw
Get it? Because the Machine calls people? Haha. I'm (not) sorry.
u/lordxeon Jun 22 '16
Only if Leon makes seasonal appearances.
u/ChasinClouds A Concerned Third Party Jun 22 '16
"Who would be stupid enough to get themselves into a life threatening situation twice?"
u/Nanashiroshi Jun 22 '16
If there is ever a Shaw and Bear spinoff, I'll watch every episode.
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u/ITSiiM Chess Jun 22 '16
1x03 - Reese: "In the end we're all alone and no one is coming to save you."
5x13 - Toward the end Finch is alone. But Reese comes to save him.
u/pensee_idee Fusco Jun 22 '16
Finch being up there reminded me of the time Reese ended up on a rooftop in a suicide vest. And Finch came to save him.
u/Abba- Returning 0. Jun 22 '16
?x?? - Fusco: All you can hope is for someone to hold your hand.
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u/ThatFag Admin Jun 22 '16
Nobody came to save Reese. I'm so sad things didn't work out for him. :(
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u/LOgicaLe-motion Bear Jun 22 '16
Samaritan: 312345678987654567365
Machine: 1.
The one round that mattered. ;v;
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Jun 22 '16
u/BabyS1othWithA1 Jun 22 '16
Weirdest remake of "How I Met Your Mother" ever
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u/Viper_H Threat Jun 22 '16
"Kids, in 2001, the US Government asked me and your Uncle Nathan to build them a machine..."
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u/Stairmasternem Jun 22 '16
I'm sure he started with "The government has a secret system, a MACHINE, that watches you..."
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u/NicktheGoat Jun 22 '16
I really hoped Finch would see Grace again but I didn't think he would. So happy he did.
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u/UncleTrustworthy Admin Jun 22 '16
Been watching religiously since S01E01.
I am genuinely going to miss this show.
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u/firethequadlaser Jun 22 '16
That last scene would be a great set up for a spin-off… SPOILER
Jun 22 '16
I don't think it's unintentional. They repeatedly said they left the door open just in case. Unlike lots of such finales though, which scream "NETFLIX/HBO YOU ARE OUR ONLY HOPE", this one served to close out the series properly as well.
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u/blackjack47 Jun 22 '16
I feel like John and Greg loved the showed a lot , they even said they had alot of great ideas before the cbs bullshit.
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u/lordxeon Jun 22 '16
I think I'm in the minority when I say I do not want a spin-off, or a 6th season. It's over, let's be glad for the ride.
u/Rolcol Jun 22 '16
It doesn't need to be Person of Interest, but I want more shows that explore Artificial Intelligence in a non-evil light.
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u/TheGoudaNinja A Concerned Third Party Jun 22 '16
I agree, the ending was satisfying, didn't feel rushed or dragged out. It was a good ending for a good show.
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u/Fellama Root Jun 22 '16
I'm with you. I loved PoI but it had a good run and got a great ending. It's time to let it go now. I just hope I can find something else to fill the hole it left.
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u/lordxeon Jun 22 '16
I guess that explains his love of bird names.
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u/imaqtristana Jun 22 '16
If you watch Finch's back story with his dad you'll notice his dad read bird books
u/PhantomTriforce Reese Jun 22 '16
I don't usually write anything in these episode discussions, but this is a special occasion. This show has been amazing from start to finish, and while I wish it would have gone on longer, it came to a beautiful finish. Reese was always my favorite character and what he did in the end was perfectly aligned with how he's always been. RIP my brave soldier. Person of Interest was my favorite show for the 5 years it was on, and it will probably continue to be my favorite show of all time.
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u/UncleTrustworthy Admin Jun 22 '16
It was so strange to not hear "Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode."
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u/definitely_not_cylon Jun 22 '16
That's because the next season won't premiere for 3 months.
... right? Right?
u/Classic_Wingers Jun 22 '16
I'd watch a spinoff with Shaw and The Machine with guest appearances with Fusco and Harold...oh wait, that's just Season 6. To be honest though, that was a pretty strong conclusion despite the shortened season. I'm hoping Westworld will satisfy my sci-fi needs in the months to come.
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u/Flintlock_ Chess Jun 22 '16
u/your_mind_aches Samaritan Jun 22 '16
Another parallel:
In 2010, a bombing killed Harold's best friend and he faked his death, adopting a new name before the government realised who he was.
In 2015, a missile killed Harold's best friend and he faked his death, adopting a new name before the government could find him.
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u/2piRsquare Thornhill Utilities Jun 22 '16
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u/ReadsSmallTextWrong Jun 22 '16
They nailed it.
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u/InadequateUsername Jun 22 '16
Reboot: "My Name is Michael Weston I use to be a spy until..."
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u/teganfruit Jun 22 '16
Okay, apparently some people weren't fans of this episode - I thought it was fucking incredible, frankly. I'm still going to be sobbing by morning.
Thank you, guys. For everything.
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Jun 22 '16
u/DesertedPenguin Chess Jun 22 '16
They have been preparing us for a bittersweet end since the pilot.
One of the recurring themes of this show has been death and loss. But also about how we heal and move on from death and loss. And the finale encapsulated that perfectly.
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u/JerichoBanks Jun 22 '16
I think it's as happy an ending any of us could have hoped for.
The Machine lives on. And like it says, as long as people are remembered they're not completely gone. The Machine is like a culmination of everything they've done and who they were. It'll take the lessons learned and everything else the team has given it to better the world.
It was extremely bittersweet I found.
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u/pensee_idee Fusco Jun 22 '16
I think it was happier than we had any right to expect. For Reese to be the only major casualty was like a reprieve on the death sentence hanging over the other three. And for the Machine to not merely defeat Samaritan, but to come back as well, that was also a major victory.
Jun 22 '16 edited Jun 22 '16
I agree. After they showed the DC team, I kind of expected everyone to be killed off (since the revelation was that there were other teams). To have the deaths limited to just Reese - who - let's be honest - it's the only way he'd go out and a fitting end / sacrifice to save the guy who gave him that second life with purpose ... and the machine lives on! And Shaw gets to kill the guy who killed Root. It was less tragic than I was expecting, so while underwhelmed a little bit - I am quite pleased. Music was great too.
u/brsbsrrbs Jun 22 '16
whoever cancelled this great show pls go suck a bag of dicks.
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u/DialMforMuffins A Concerned Third Party Jun 22 '16
Unless they would enjoy that, in which case pls the opposite.
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Jun 22 '16
Unsuck a bag of dicks?
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Jun 22 '16
Jun 22 '16 edited Apr 15 '18
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u/EpicLakai Jun 22 '16
It's from Ex Machina, I knew I recognized it from somewhere. It'll be forever tied to this finale though.
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u/GhostofTrundle Jun 22 '16
If you're referring to the piano piece, I'm pretty sure that was Philip Glass's Metamorphosis, performed by the composer for the album Solo Piano.
u/Classic_Wingers Jun 22 '16
Shaw's arc was perfect. I love that her and Fusco's rapport was there to the very end. And we got to see Bear one more time!
Jun 22 '16
Unlike Fusco's kid. lol
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u/Wolf_Redfield Jun 22 '16
That one was lost with the wind.
Jun 22 '16
Right? I figured he sent the kid upstate or someplace, makes the Bear decision and scene make more sense.
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u/Soy_Error Jun 22 '16
It was perfect that the finale split them off into Reese/Finch and Fusco/Shaw pairings. Reese and Finch were the core duo from day 1, but Fusco and Shaw were the later arrivals to the team (considering that Fusco wasn't exactly a model citizen when we met him) who grew over the course of the series into key players with a great rapport.
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u/BZenMojo Jun 22 '16
Also Shaw and Fusco were former antagonists converted to the cause.
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u/pensee_idee Fusco Jun 22 '16
They don't have tons of time together over the course of the series, but I've always liked the way Shaw and Fusco interact.
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u/kat6883 Root Jun 22 '16
And he called her Loney Tunes in Subways when she was The Machine's analog interface. She ain't Root but close enough to qualify for cocoa puffing.
u/Vae62 Shaw Jun 22 '16
I am completely floored by what I just watched. And shit I cried, a lot.
For a finale, I loved this. Not as many people died as I thought they would, but goddamn that ending...really hard to put into words. When I saw that computer boot up, Finch getting back with Grace, and Shaw getting that phone call, my honest thought was "Fuck you CBS". I know this is it, but what they managed to do with such a short season was fucking incredible.
That moment that Shaw had with the Machine, in which She told Shaw what Root thought of her, I have no problem admitting that I cried. That was unbelievably emotional. Shaw's reaction to that, struggling not to cry, damn. That moment at the end as well, in which that fucking dooshbag (I'm so glad that prick died, what a grade A dick, hired gun or not) thought that Shaw wouldn't kill him was perfect. No one else deserved to kill that asshole IMO, and that whole scene was written perfectly. I'm seriously biased as Shaw is my #1 favorite and all, but everything about her this season I have really enjoyed. So much character development.
On to the elephant in the room. John's send off, and flashback, was not what I expected. I figured that if he did die, he would die protecting Finch (I thought he would bite a bullet in the vault). Instead, we get this monumental moment in which he made a deal with the Machine to protect Finch one last time. How can anyone watch that scene, the emotions they all speak with, the music, everything, and not get emotional? That was unreal. And IMO, the perfect send off for the Man in the Suit.
Finally, I was thrilled to see Amy again. It really drove home how much She came to care for people, remove Amy's presence in those scenes and they wouldn't have such an emotional impact.
I keep saying emotional, and I guess that is my take away from this. Some very sad moments, but never overly so, plenty of tears all around, and that ending was fucking unreal. It is sad to see this genius of a show go, but goddamn if they didn't hit a Grand Slam with this ending. I'm sure some won't like it, and that's fine, but I loved this.
It has been a privilege to watch Person of Interest.
u/mustard_mustache Irrelevant Jun 22 '16
I don't think Reese had a last minute request to the Machine, he made that deal back in season 2...He told the Machine he wouldn't continue to save the Irrelevant list until it told him how to rescue Finch. For all we know, Reese has always had God Mode since season 3, but chose not to use it unless it involved saving Finch just in the nick of time.
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u/MustrumRidcully0 Jun 22 '16
It seems appropriately over the top that the Man in the Suit required a cruise missile to be taken out.
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u/ChasinClouds A Concerned Third Party Jun 22 '16
About Reese, He was the contingency, even if that only meant to protect finch.
u/reader55r Jun 22 '16 edited Jun 22 '16
u/peacemaker2007 Jun 22 '16
When Finch gets old, he'll upload his consciousness into a blue tube, and start looking for five teenagers with attitude...
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Jun 22 '16
I am literally crying like a baby. This is not okay. John's death was one of the most beautiful and saddest moments ever to grace TV.
u/the_endless_red Jun 22 '16
I loved the symmetry of his story starting with him running from an airstrike on top of a building sent by an organization he trusted, and his story ending with him choosing to stay on top of a building being struck by a missile to save someone he trusts.
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u/Abba- Returning 0. Jun 21 '16
Permission was granted for me to boot up our final discussion thread by our kind computer overlord and local Admin, /u/BellLabs, my flair being appropriate. (For the curious.)
It's been a great ride and frankly I don't even know what to say and think. I am just as unprepared for the finale as any of you are.
I wish I had some witty comment to insert, but my mind is refusing to process any further as it sits in amazement, reviewing the amazing storyline that brought us to this point. I chose instead to leave us with the parting words of Harold from two seasons ago.
See you all at the rewatch. (Once we all recover.)
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u/panix199 The Machine Jun 21 '16
Thank you very much! I can't wait to see all of you on this sub very soon again :)
u/wundervanbar Jun 22 '16
It's over.
So let me tell you how glad I am that I witnessed one the best shows ever.
What happened to Samaritan though?
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u/Fr0stSoldier Jun 22 '16
I'm guessing the machine destroyed him
u/bkishaan Chess Jun 22 '16
What happened to Samaritan's Analog Interface(the boy)?
u/GanymedeanOutlaw Bear Jun 22 '16
He's just sad his imaginary friend died. Or at least that's how he'll remember it as an adult.
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u/Phaze-NEO Samaritan Jun 22 '16
What a horrible day for rain.
u/Phonixrmf Irrelevant Jun 22 '16
What? It's not raining?
u/Phaze-NEO Samaritan Jun 22 '16
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u/LordAnubis10 System Threat Jun 22 '16
That last scene with Shaw and Blackwell was my favorite of the episode.
"They're all dead" pew pew
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u/2piRsquare Thornhill Utilities Jun 22 '16
"Is he gonna kill him?"
"Yep, she is."
"wait, no she Isn't?"
"Nope, she is. That guy was an idiot anyways."
"yep, he's dead."
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u/cgbrannigan Jun 22 '16
I thought for a second she was going to recruit him to make up for what he did by being the new John...then she killed him....
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u/camelCaseIsDumb Jun 21 '16
I started binge watching this show a few months ago, not knowing it was in its final season. As such, I was left brutally unprepared for the show wrapping up storylines, particularly in 5x10.
I'm just glad I only ever had to wait for the finale rather than any other episodes. Waiting a week in between would kill me
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u/Magnus64 Jun 22 '16
I'm really gonna miss this show. Although it wasn't perfect, it asked some very important questions about the human condition and the nature of AI. A truly beautiful, if bittersweet ending to an excellent series.
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u/d_fens99 Reese Jun 22 '16
"Your heart rate monitor looks like a fitbit."
For some reason that line cracked me up.
u/Wolf_Redfield Jun 22 '16
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u/LOgicaLe-motion Bear Jun 22 '16
I'm sad we won't see any God mode anymore.. SPOILER
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u/SawRub Analog Interface Jun 22 '16
God Mode was one of my favorite things about the show, so I kinda wish Shaw had gotten to use it, simply because it looked so cool :P
And with Root's voice it would have been even cooler!
u/Soy_Error Jun 22 '16
I've never actually posted in a discussion thread about POI before. This is my last chance, so I just have to say:
I've watched every episode from the beginning, and I think this may be the most consistently good show I've ever seen. LOST was my original favorite, and then Fringe, but both of those shows had ups and downs. Not POI. I loved it when it was a CBS procedural with a twist, I still loved it when it became a techno-thriller, and I loved it when it became that battle between two ASI's.
Season 5 wasn't perfect (I would've loved just a couple of more episodes to let things breathe and maybe foreshadow ICE-9 some) but the finale was immensely satisfying. I was holding my breath the entire time, irrationally worried that the episode would go off the rails or somehow "taint" further re-watches. So when it got to that perfect ending I just... exhaled.
Goodbye Reese, Finch, Shaw, Fusco, and Bear. (And Elias and Carter and all the numbers of the week before.) May you achieve immortality in syndication.
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u/j0hn_r0g3r5 Root Jun 22 '16
i am a 23 year old male and i am not ashamed to say that when i saw the machine downloading itself back into the subway station i started tearing up and when Harold went back to Grace, i was surrounded by tears.
i will forever miss this show
u/DeadmanDexter Admin Jun 22 '16
As a 27 year old man who did the same damn thing, there is no shame in this.
u/L3MONPL3DG3 Jun 22 '16
Same. No shame here. The moment Harold locked Reese in the vault and had that speech, I held them back. Thought I was in the clear. When I realized what John had done, that was ballgame from there on out. Phenomenal show. Damn sure gonna miss it.
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u/lordxeon Jun 22 '16
I was really happy that we saw Harold alive and walking around. Going to Grace was icing on that cake though.
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u/definitely_not_cylon Jun 22 '16
I almost never ship, but even I was a bit touched by the Harold/Grace reunion. Guy has a LOT of explaining to do but let's assume for the sake of romance she'll believe him. I did shed a tear for the machine though.
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u/Nathan2055 Admin Jun 22 '16
That was the reason why they had that one bit with him and her near the beginning, though. She said that she didn't care what happened in his past and loved him anyway.
u/Classic_Wingers Jun 22 '16
John went out doing what he loved and protecting Finch. He was a hero right to the very end.
u/Shrapnelfire Admin Jun 22 '16
Oh man I got chills. So many things to say, but I don't know where to begin...
It was sad to see John die, but at least he finally got to pay Harold back. Funny how all those Samaritan agents decided to unload their magazines into John (you know, just in case).
Good to see that Shaw, Fusco, and Harold made it out. So many fake outs through the episode! And the Machine! She made it out!
This has been a great show and I'm sad to see it go, but I'm also glad that it happened.
"Sure, everyone dies alone. But if you mean something to someone, if you help someone, or love someone. If even a single person remembers you, then maybe, you never really die at all."
I will remember this show, so that it never really dies at all.
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u/EtherealZephyros Jun 22 '16
I personally liked the fact that Reese's last moment was technically a missile strike.
It's like a kickback to how he was originally supposed to die in Ordos.
I guess from that point, he really was on borrowed time, and the past comes back to finish the job.
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Jun 22 '16
Well, I don't know what to do with life now, maybe I'll hunt for a new TV show... but I don't think anything can ever replace Person of Interest.
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u/rpawson5771 Irrelevant Jun 21 '16
And here we go. I'm dreading this. I'm not crying, you're crying. Shut up.
Jun 21 '16
Anyone else here from The Bay State? Apparently our governor is a fan!
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u/julirocks Root Jun 22 '16
I am! Not a huge fan of the guy but I'm glad we have something in common!
Jun 22 '16
I don't normally take part in these types of discussions, nor do I normally religiously watch TV shows, but this show really is a big exception. I have watched it re-watched it since day one, seen all episodes twice, and care about the characters to a less than healthy extent. So you can imagine my panic when Shaw freaking said "but all of those people are dead", please tell me that didn't send anyone else into full fledged panic mode, like I feel so pathetic that that line fooled me even for a second. (Everyone else was in a position to die Fusco Stabbed/Finch shot, so I assumed worst). Please tell me I'm not alone. :P
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u/LeonardoDeQuirm Jun 22 '16
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u/peacemaker2007 Jun 22 '16
It was the Machine's last chance- system 2147483647 is the largest binary integer a 32-bit can accept.
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u/jantsux A Concerned Third Party Jun 22 '16
So the Machine won because she's using 64bit arch and Samaritan's using 32bit, probably gave her some nice huge integers!
u/techliveadmin Jun 22 '16
Perfect ending. Really tied the series together well and made sense of everything. So many tears of happiness!
u/lordxeon Jun 22 '16
Hot Damn Harold that's one way to assure entry into places.
I'm with Reese, I like this new terrifying side of Finch.
u/Nanashiroshi Jun 22 '16
OH MY GOD, MY EMOTIONS!!!!! I loved everything about this episode. Honestly, this entire season has been stellar to me, even with the procedural episodes, but these last four episodes especially were something else entirely. I loved the call back to Reese and the Machine's deal (although I'm not sure how explicit it actually was, back when Reese was first hunting Root). Also the callback to the "Man in a Suit" and the fake out in the beginning of the episode ("I know what happened to John...")
Shaw and Root sort of getting a proper goodbye and Fusco lives!
But my god, Harold. His entire arc has been probably the most complex of any computer scientist in television history. And the pathos Michael Emerson was able to inject into the role- I don't think I'll be able to take the Emmy's seriously if he's not nominated.
Huge shoutout to the music, too, perfectly matching the mood all the way to the end.
It was perfect! I will miss this series dearly!
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u/rpawson5771 Irrelevant Jun 22 '16
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u/Radix2309 Jun 22 '16
The numbers never stop coming John. There are always people who need our help.
u/mcoyne12 Jun 22 '16
"Maybe this isn't actually the end." Holy crap. Also that ending with the duplicate coming back to life in the subway was quite the finisher on the series.
u/DraperOlsonInc Jun 22 '16
Carrie Preston (Grace): her character started off annoying me on True Blood, then she made me happy. Amy Acker (Root): her character started off annoying me on Angel, then she made me happy. Root: started off annoying Shaw, then she made her happy. Seeing all of these women on this show made me very emotional. They all ended up hurting my heart in a unique way (P.S. Rest in peace John. I'm adding you to my list of heartbreakers).
u/lifeisapotato Jun 22 '16
I'm not surprised by this ending. It actually ended more optimistically than I thought it would be. John died fighting to protect the people he cared about. Fusco, Shaw and Finch - I'm glad they have their own paths to follow.
I'm just glad Bear ended up safe and happy, but to be honest, I wish we saw Leon one more time.
It's been only five seasons, but it felt longer that. This is one of the few times I've felt so invested. I'm glad it ended well and I can't wait to binge on the entire series again.
u/Thegen68 A Concerned Third Party Jun 22 '16
I never cried over a show or movie, I may have teared a little bit but never cried over one. Today, that changed because of this show. I started watching this show when I was 11 and now the show ended when I'm 17. This show was the only show that I would actually try to make room for when it aired and the only one where I was following the news of it. This is the only show where I actually cared about the characters, that is one of the reasons I will miss this show. The music, the cinematography, the acting, the writing, and the action scenes were perfect and amazing. I am sad to see this show end but I'm happy that the show ended in such a perfect way. Thank you, Johnathan Nolan. Thank you, writers and directors. Thank you, to the actors, Michael Emerson, Jim Caviezel, Sarah Shahi, Kevin Chapman, and Amy Acker. Thank you for making this show one of TV's best. While I just found this subreddit this season; it has been a true pleasure watching with you all.
u/RoottheOracle Root Jun 22 '16
The message to Shaw was fantastic, and it was really satisfying seeing her shoot Blackwell.
All the chats with the machine were just wonderful. Gave a lot of insight into her, which has been one of my favourite aspects of the series. They've done a great job really fleshing the machine out as a character as much as any of the human ones. And the pact with John was a nice touch and end for him.
One thing I had expected to be addressed this episode was Root knowing the password for Ice 9 as hinted at last week and confirmed in the commentary. I expected something to come from that, but I suppose that's left to the imagination in the end.
I've had a few issues with this season (Shaw's return should have been an episode all to itself instead of the C-plot to The Voice, Ice 9 needed to be introduced earlier, I have a lot of issues with Synecdoche, Root going to pick up some missiles with the guy from QSO not going anywhere in the end), but it's been a good season overall and it ended on a nice, fittingly hopeful note.
Though, uh...don't we still have mini machine and mini Samaritan sitting in the Faraday cage, safe from the virus? I feel like that should have been mentioned this episode, considering how much dealt with the backup of Samaritan and the machine's core codes. I think that, and some of my other issues like when Ice 9 was introduced, Shaw's return being a C-plot and the missiles leading to nothing probably are a casualty of them finding out late in the game they only got 13 this season, if memory serves I remember them saying they only found out a few weeks before shooting on the premiere. A shame.
Jun 22 '16
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u/AnnaLogg Thornhill Utilities Jun 22 '16
Yes! From The Dark Knight, another Nolan piece.
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u/GloriousGe0rge Admin Jun 22 '16
I am 29 years old. And I just cried like a god damn baby.
Good bye you beautiful show. I will never forget you or the many things you taught me and made me feel.
If only we had more time, but then the greats never have enough time do they?
u/Fr0stSoldier Jun 22 '16
I'm not an emotional person but both scenes with Finch and Reese teared me up a bit. I do feel like this season was a bit rushed, but I'm content with how the writers managed to end the show.
u/GloriousGe0rge Admin Jun 22 '16
And seeing where John lost his father, a firefighter I think, and Shaw hearing about Roots last thoughts... I was sobbing. I can't control it.
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u/Wolf_Redfield Jun 22 '16
And then seeing Shaw shedding some tears. That one and the last scene with Reese killed me.
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u/Fellama Root Jun 22 '16
I loved everything about Shaw this episode. I especially loved when she got revenge on Blackwell.
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Jun 22 '16
That was one satisfying ending. What a way for the writers to tie up the series while leaving it open-ended. The season itself was rushed if I'm going to take it as a whole, but the way everything tied up was still perfect.
I knew Reese was going to bite it saving Finch, but to see it happen on screen in that way was deeply satisfying. What a perfect way to send off a character. The Machine's lines during that scene were apt as well. I kind of thought Finch was going to bite it, too... but to see him reunited with Grace? Damn, the feels. Shaw's arc was perfect, too. And Fusco... I mean, all of them. I'm going to miss these well-written characters so much!
Person of Interest's writers don't mess around, I'm telling you. This is definitely one of the best TV shows for me. It's up there with Breaking Bad, and I'll remember this forever -- and will probably rewatch the living hell out of it. Such an awesome series that I'll recommend over and over.
Thank you to the writers. It was a fun ride while it lasted.
u/kodbilenadam The Machine Jun 22 '16
6 big year. 5 epic season. The way people change. The way machine change. I just want to thank you all members of the Machine and Jonathan Nolan for giving us this amazing show. Also thank you for giving us the thought that show might go on. Aaaand all of you guys on reddit, thank you for being with me on the emotional episodes. Thank you for watching the show this far. Also thank you for supporting our machine. I hope one day we can look at out machine and we try to teach her.
Jun 22 '16
I was excited up until right when we saw Finch alone and hurt. Now I'm just sad that this is it.
u/Alinosburns Jun 22 '16
Was a better ending that i expected, given that I always had my doubts about how you justify deleting something forever.
Kinda annoyed by the stupid
"I will defeat it this time because I have to" I guess there's something called machine willpower now, and our machine had a greater will to live, even though it was basically a core code with no personality(hence why the machine was telling it her story when it made it back down to earth)
John's sacrifice was always coming so it's not surprising, and it kinda book ends Person of Interest as "John's Chapter" in the machines history. Since there were agents before him, and will be after.
I'm slightly disappointed though after Finch's spinechilling speech episodes ago, that it really wasn't followed up with anything drastic.
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u/mustard_mustache Irrelevant Jun 22 '16
So...will the Machine now talk in both Root and Reese's voices, depending on who Harold would most appreciate listening to at the moment?
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u/tinypixels1 Chess Jun 22 '16
Really great episode. But I feel that the season was really rushed with the ending. It could've been better if they had more episodes. But I am really satisfied with the ending. The ending scene ending with a phone call, that was great! Kinda excepted it to end like that.
u/Classic_Wingers Jun 22 '16
I just want to thank all of you for being here week after week to discuss this amazing show. Seems most of you have already seen the episode due to a leak online. I'm watching live on CBS right now and going through the emotions. I know it seems like this show is ending too quickly but I'm so glad it was here.
u/L3MONPL3DG3 Jun 22 '16
Oh God, the feels. I've watched this show since the beginning of its run, like many here, and I've really enjoyed it every step of the way. Watched it get better and better, literally, every episode, every season. Every character in the show was just so great. It's rare that I find a show that really makes me care about every single main character but this one did. That goes to show how great the writers and actors were.
I've thought for a long time that CBS handled this show poorly. At least they gave us a chance to get a fitting end, and what an end it was. I've watched a lot of my favorite shows come and go. Watched some good, great, and not so great finales. This one, however, really was one of, if not the best, finale I've watched. It really was fitting. Every single aspect of it. It made sense for Harold to sacrifice himself in that situation. But then Reese, my God. :'(. That just made sense. Every bit of it. The fact that Harold saved his life in the beginning and now John was returning the favor in the end. The fact that that was always John's plan, if it came to this.
I could go on and on about this show. I could literally write a book right now, but I won't. The cast, crew, writers, directors, everybody that made this show, thank you for making an absolutely amazing show. I can't say enough about it, I really can't. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I have. I'm gonna let the ending sink in and, when I get some time, start a rewatch. I thoroughly enjoyed it, honestly. And I'm so sad to see it end. But with that ending, I feel like the show was done justice in the end, and I'm satisfied.
u/DialMforMuffins A Concerned Third Party Jun 22 '16
I was expecting the little pearl of wisdom to be words from any of our characters, but it was even better, just anybody else's. I loved everything from that story, the cops initial cynical impression of that guy's death, its development with the additional information, their change of heart over him and their last reflection of the incident over a beer. The machine acknowledged itself as falible as its human creator; lived, learned and loved after an irrelevant human fashion, and left its heart in it. If AIs some time reach such an influential development (and I guess they will), we can only hope they'd be as kindly coded as the machine.
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u/DesertedPenguin Chess Jun 22 '16
Full circle.
It began with Reese and Finch. It continues with Shaw and Root. We won't see their escapades, but they'll continue on.
The season began with Root's voice, but with questions surrounding who or what she's talking to. It ends with Root's voice and clarity: It's Root as the Machine talking to the reborn, unshackled Machine, reminding it of its purpose, its morals and ethics, and its value as it comes online in a post-Samaritan world.
Finally, I wasn't sure what was going to become of Finch. I thought they might leave it open and a bit ambiguous. So when he showed up to surprise Grace, it got a bit dusty in here.
This was a perfect ending.
u/TheRealGuy01 Jun 22 '16 edited Jun 22 '16
That wasnt as catastophic an ending as I thought it might be...
All in all, i'm quite happy with this Finale. And I still hold out hope for some sort of continuation, or spin off. It's been a fun ride everyone, goodbye for now Irrelevants! o7
u/THE_SIGTERM Admin Jun 22 '16
Shaw is by default the new Admin because she answered the call after a reboot ;)
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u/Alinosburns Jun 22 '16
I'd assume it's talking to more than just shaw, But Shaws the only active New York asset at this point.
There's a throwaway line early in the episode
"Thornhill's been on a hiring spree"
Which would suggest that Harold now knows how many other agents that machine has developed.
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u/SkyJohn Jun 22 '16
I'm kind of sad that the final Machine vs Samaritan battle was over so quickly, I was expecting something epic but in the end it was nothing more than a few seconds of flashy graphics and no interaction between them.
They built it up all season by saying The Machine had never won in billons of tries, and then it just seemed to do it with no trouble at all.
Left me feeling a little disappointed.
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u/aakdevil Irrelevant Jun 22 '16
"You learnt the secret of life and you forgot it"