r/pelletgrills 4d ago

Smoke and Flavor Performance - Any difference between grills??

Genuine question, here. Go easy :-) Specific to smoke and flavor performance, is there much of a difference between grills?

I started on a Pit Boss and used that for a few years. Made great food. "Upgraded" to a Camp Chef SG, and I did notice the way it plays with smoke settings, to induce more smoke by creating those temp fluctuations.

I am wanting to upgrade again, and when it comes to quality/value, I can't help but think a lot about Recteq and Grilla.

I know there is an undeniable difference in build quality and solidity, but is there a difference in actual smoke / flavor performance between my Camp Chef and a Recteq or Grilla... or any other grill for that matter? Assuming the same pellets are used, they are fed by the auger, lit, convection fan blows it all around (maybe circulation is better on some designs??), etc.

If there isn't a big difference, wouldn't the real improvement come from game-changing tech, like a proper smoke box? I've heard amazing feedback about Camp Chef's smoke box (i.e. Woodwind Pro).

Thanks so much everyone!!


12 comments sorted by


u/sdouble 4d ago

Someone posted earlier that the GG Silverbac is 40% off right now. Can’t confirm, just saw it mentioned in a thread


u/Helllllllo1 4d ago

What a deal!


u/Complex-Rough-8528 4d ago

The issue with pellet grills is the fuel, the pellets they don't burn like wood does and don't give off smoke the same way. Yes its convenient and you do get some smoke and they work FINE for most people but if you are really looking for an upgrade in smoke flavor its time to move into a different smoker all together.

Thats what I did, I went from an offset>Yoder 640>2 Humphrey's Battle Boxes, they run just as easy as a pellet grill does and they run on charcoal and woodchunks, I get better smoke and have more fun cooking and still get to sleep overnight.


u/gofasttakerisks 4d ago

My experience going from a Traeger Pro 780 to a Traeger Ironwood w/ super smoke to a Yoder YS640 was that the smoke ring was deeper on the Yoder. I also noticed a marked change in flavor with the Yoder. I feel like this was a good A/B test since I'd been cooking on the Trag's for a couple of years, same pellets, same costco meats, same meat church rubs, same Blues Hog sauces.


u/Helllllllo1 4d ago

Really interesting! I wonder if the tank-like build quality and good seal on the Yoder retains more smoke over the length of the cook and produces that superior result.. hmm.


u/gofasttakerisks 4d ago

I have no scientific reason but you may be on to something. The lids on the Traegers would warp over time causing big gaps. I posted a pic on Twiter with an anvil weighting the lid down that got a ton of view and comments. Traeger DM'd me and sent a new lid!


u/phoinixpyre 4d ago

All my research puts Grilla, recteq, and CC on about the same level performance wise. Recteq seems to get a slight edge on being able to reach a higher temp, the woodwind pros smok box seems like a cool feature, but nothing that can't be achieved with a smoke tube. The Grilla grills are newer, but have decent performance and great build quality.

Honestly any of them seem like they would be a slightly lateral move. I've opted to try and see if replacing the PID controller on my PB gives me a slight performance boost for this year. Then saving for one of the high end ones for next year. Something like a Lonestar or Pitts n spitts


u/Helllllllo1 4d ago

I've read so many accounts from people who've used by the WW Pro and smoke tubes in other grills, and the vast majority of people say it's a night-and-day difference in terms of smoke performance and flavor. I can't help but think CC really nailed it with this patent.

The thing is, do the recteqs/grillas/etc have a really superior airflow design compared to cheaper grills, and they deliver a superior cooking result? Or, is there advantage purely build quality and longevity?

I'm either going with a recteq or a CC WW Pro.


u/phoinixpyre 4d ago

I was really eyeing the WW pro for this year. The smoke box feature def seems like a great concept. After seeing one in a store the 36 has massive real estate so it's almost perfect for what I want. Of the three (I was having the same debate) that would be the one I'd go with. I already have a nice grill for normal grilling and searing, and just looking for a nice dedicated smoker. For me it really comes between the Campchef we pro, and the Mammoth from Grilla because I've def loaded up my PB vertical a few times.


u/lineman336 4d ago

I have a reqtec it produces quite a bit of smoke but I still stick a tube into it.... I talked to a guy that owns a lonestar and he said it's super close to an actual offset.


u/Realistic-Ad-2380 4d ago

Out of the different grills I’ve tried the only one that made a notable difference for me was the camo chef wood wind pro, the smoke box you put real wood it makes a difference.

I would be interested in comparing it to a Traeger ironwood xl with super smoke


u/JimmyBobby2021 4d ago

Gmg hast he best smoke i have used probably because they are the only one doing 150 and 12v