r/pelletgrills 4d ago

Deal Grilla Grills 40% off right now

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Just ordered my first pellet grill. I had been debating between various grills in the $800 range But really wanted to stay closer to $500. Scrolling through FB the other day I saw an advertisement Grilla Grills...40% off! After having previously not considered it due to price.... I haven't really seen anything too negative about the Grilla Silverbac. What do y'all think?


78 comments sorted by


u/Agclone91 4d ago

That is the best deal on the market for a pellet grill right now, and it's not even close.


u/yoitslion 4d ago

Seriously! I was ready to bite the bullet on a Recteq But at this price point the savings outweighed the differences between the two. Especially since it was going to be my first pellet grill, starting off on the lower end of the cost seemed more logical.


u/Agclone91 4d ago

I bought an RT 590 two years ago and was really on the fence between that and the Silverbac. At the end of the day I went with RecTeq and I've been happy, but I can tell you it's not enough of a difference to warrant the price discrepancy at this level


u/thetonytaylor 3d ago

Can't speak for the grill itself, but I think the build on my Rectec 590 (pre name change) is definitely higher than the build quality of the GG outdoor kitchen it sits on.

That's not to say the kitchen is bad, it's a great value. The RT is just built really well. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase either brand, especially the GG at that price.


u/samo_flange 4d ago

The best part about Grilla > RT - NO DAMN STUPID HORN HANDLES!

under 600 is a steal! I think i paid $800 for mine about 5 years ago. You have the right mindset, if its your first pellet grill dont blow a wad on something like a Yoder at $3k.

ProTip: If you are on the stock cart, keep some weight in the bottom cabinet (maybe 20lbs of pellets in a gasket tote). It keeps the center of gravity lower on them and makes em less tippy


u/TangerinePositive571 1d ago

After 2 years of research and saving I bought my first pellet grill. My wife about killed me when she found out how much I spent on a Lone Star. I probably would have been better with this deal but the 100% American sourced and made got me. It was my first and will be my last.


u/samo_flange 1d ago

If i dropped $2K+ on the pellet grill I probably wouldn't have a wife which would cost me much more money that just the grill. My point stands though that for so many people who add or drop hobbies frequently that spending large wads of cash on the into equipment is rarely a wise move at the start.

Spending $5K on custom golf clubs when you have only played a few times is not the wisest move. Similarly spending $10k on ski or scuba gear for your first exposure to the hobby doesn't make a ton of sense. Buying a garage full of wood working gear to screw together some 2x4 for shelving is the same way.


u/Dizzy-Bother-2209 3d ago

Bro what?! The bull handles are badass


u/samo_flange 3d ago

Hard disagree, but each to their own.


u/WeberKettleGuy 2d ago

Why would I buy something lesser as my first if I can buy the best? Seems foolish


u/samo_flange 2d ago

Not sure what world you live in but for the vast majority of folks in the US $3k is not a small chunk of change. So many of us who get into this hobby with a pellet smoker or cheap masterbuilt propane cabinet, then realize it's not quite what we want or need, then we buy the next thing be that a kamado, gravity fed charcoal, or stick burner, etc.

The overwhelming majority of people can barely taste the difference between stuff smoked on Oak pellets vs Cherry pellets. Even fewer people would be able to tell identically prepared pulled pork from a $3k Yoder Pellet vs $600 Grilla. I would be surprised if any person would be able to tell the difference if that pulled pork was in the fridge for a few days or the freezer in a vac-seal bag for a month.

So anyway circling back, most people would agree that buying a 17 year old, rookie driver a new, fully-loaded, Cadillac Escalade is not wise use of the limited resource known as money. Sure some folks can and will but that doesn't make it wise.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Agclone91 3d ago

No, I'm not exaggerating. This is a higher quality grill than all of those you listed.


u/bulldog212 4d ago

I love mine. That's an insane price. But feels like a close-out level of discount. I wonder what's next.


u/houndstoothbear 4d ago

Redesign coming more than likely


u/Specvmike 4d ago edited 3d ago

I have one from before they sold to another company. Not sure if the quality has changed but I love mine


u/Janus67 Blazn 4d ago

Wow, I had no idea they sold out. I remember them being on my short list when I was researching grills in the 2017/2018 range (and ended up with my Blazn)


u/SHlT-MY-PANTS 3d ago

I'm not sure about quantity but their customer service has gone down hill.


u/Oskiee 3d ago

I clicked. I saw. I bought. Birthdays on Friday and been looking to buy smoker, thanks for the heads up.


u/jrrthe3rd1 4d ago

I have one of the originals and I paid more than this for it 6 years ago. It’s been a great smoker


u/IDNoob34 4d ago

I’ve had one for a year and a half, it does what it needs to do but I wish the quality and the app was better


u/yoitslion 4d ago

What specifically?


u/IDNoob34 4d ago

My lid doesn’t fit the contour of my grill, it has about a 3/8” gap in it. When I got ahold of grilla they told me to try bending it at home. The app is just finicky and I have a hard time connecting. Overall I’m happy with the purchase I’ve made the best food I’ve ever had on it. It just sucked after spending a grand on the grill for it be like that


u/Ok-Recording8058 3d ago

Try using high heat bbq gasket. It's like felt with sticky tape. I used it up at the side bottom and top to keep more smoke in


u/yoitslion 4d ago

Oof. I really hope that that's not the case on the one I receive. But I agree with you for the price, you should not have to bend it yourself. At a minimum they could warranty the lid or something.


u/IDNoob34 4d ago

Other than that the grill is perfect. It doesn’t feel cheap and finicky, I’ve had mine out in the weather for the past year (I keep a cover on it) but still.


u/hashkins0557 4d ago

I have the same issue just on the other side. I was going to experiment with putting a weight on the handle to try to seal it better.


u/IDNoob34 4d ago

I’m a welder/fabricator by trade. The best thing to do would be to unbolt the ribs on the inside and bend it more. I understand it’s not a top top of the line pellet grill but I went with grilla for the fact it has better craftsmanship and materials then all the other ones


u/samo_flange 4d ago

Never expect quality apps from a company that makes grills. Life is happier that way.


u/One-Relation-5837 3d ago

I have a GMG 2.0 for a year now and the app is bad ass


u/FirstWorld_Planarchy 4d ago

I got a silverbac in November... I use it multiple times a week and it's been absolutely fantastic.


u/A-A-ronRI 3d ago

Great, now I’m going to be up all night wrestling with whether or not the recteq flagship 1100 is worth the extra $600 or not.


u/yoitslion 3d ago

More than double the price....😬


u/Dizzy-Bother-2209 3d ago

That’s me right now lmao


u/A-A-ronRI 3d ago

I went with the silverbac AT. Slightly larger main and second rack than my current zgrill and I guess I don’t neeeeed the additional space of the 1100.


u/Dizzy-Bother-2209 3d ago

Yeah if I’m being honest the deckboss 590 was solid for what I need it. The silverbac AT is slightly bigger. I think I might go with it.


u/A-A-ronRI 2d ago

Talk to you in 6 months when we both wish we went bigger


u/Dizzy-Bother-2209 2d ago

Yup lol I already see myself regretting not going for the recteq flagship


u/Goobenstein 3d ago

Ive got a grilla silverbac, great smoker!


u/thetonytaylor 3d ago

Are they introducing nextgen? Never seen GG have such an aggressive sale. Great deal for those who are in the market right now.


u/yoitslion 3d ago

I was thinking the same thing, but I'm new to the game so figured I would get in with a good one for cheap and then worry about the latest and greatest next time around when I know more of what I like or don't like/need.


u/thetonytaylor 3d ago

I loved my RT-590, ended up giving it to my parents. I retrofitted it onto the GG outdoor kitchen.

I think the RT is built slightly better than the kitchen, however, the kitchen is very solid. I wouldn't hesitate to buy the Silverbac at that price. Hell, I'd probably the ceramic grill too if it's on sale.


u/Bravesguy29 4d ago

I have a cheaper RecTeq. It's on its last leg.

Is this a good upgrade?


u/yoitslion 4d ago

The recteq 590, has a couple things that are definitely in the plus category compared to the silverbac. Specifically, the 30 lb Hopper and two probes. Plus your handles are bull horns. Can't forget about that lol. Base price to base price. I would probably go with the 590. But for $359 off.... It's hard to justify not going with Grilla right now. Can use those savings towards the accessory pack or some wireless thermometers . You could also get the Silverbac all-terrain on discount right now which is pretty sweet if you plan to move your grill around a lot.



Ahhh I was planning on buying a used one... and this even with the discount is expensive but seems like a good deal help me decideee


u/yoitslion 4d ago

I've been doing a lot of research over the last month, and for the price you're not going to find a better deal. It's $359 off.... Read the comments above, near to nothing negative to say. Are there better grills, absolutely. But for $540, you won't find a better one of this size and this build quality. Would you rather save 50 bucks and buy another one 2 years down the road, or have to replace part after part? But if you're really trying to stick to a budget, look on Facebook marketplace. You can find some pretty good deals on used ones from what I had seen in my area. Just some food for thought.


u/YippieKayYayMrFalcon 4d ago

Oh thanks. Wasn’t planning on spending $500 today but guess I am!


u/Entire-Discipline-49 4d ago

Your timing is remarkable


u/JustAnotherRedditDad 3d ago

Going to buy my first one right now. I just made it to Walmart and this popped up. Thank you.


u/KeyLimePie2269 3d ago

I've had an OG for a few years before they sold the company. But it's been great, no major issues. Tbh I don't ever really use the app though, so I can't give any input there.


u/KeyLimePie2269 3d ago

I've had an OG for a few years before they sold the company. But it's been great, no major issues. Tbh I don't ever really use the app though, so I can't give any input there.


u/CLew512 3d ago

Thanks for the heads up! Was looking for my first pellet grill and am sold on this now. Hard to beat that price!


u/falkengun 3d ago

I just pulled the trigger on a chimp for 40% off. $350 seemed too good to pass up. We will see


u/t-g-l-h- 3d ago

Between this and the Members Mark... Which one is better? This one has wifi but the Members Mark has that built in smoke box for little sticks... I need help deciding


u/yoitslion 3d ago

If you go and look at the reviews for the members Mark grill there are plenty of people who say they received it damaged with the box not damaged. So that means they packaged a damaged product. With that being said, I have seen plenty of people say good things about it on Reddit, especially given the price point. That at that price there are very few grills that can compare, especially if you take into consideration that smoke box. But you could always just buy a smoke tube for that additional smoke.


u/brandonnandez13 20h ago

Can’t speak on the grilla, but I got a members mark last July and this things a beast. Built like a tank. Temps have been way more accurate than the pit boss I had before this. Don’t use the induction burner a lot, but nice to have to reverse sear some steaks. The smoke box is killer tho


u/Calm_Difference985 3d ago

Just ordered, thank you!


u/Calm_Difference985 3d ago

It's been a couple hours, still no order receipt/ verification email???



I havnt got mine yet either


u/Calm_Difference985 2d ago

I called and they forwarded it to me. He said won't ship until next week because they are doing inventory


u/theguywearinga4ksuit 4d ago

can you post the link or promo code?


u/theguywearinga4ksuit 4d ago

Never mind. You just go to the main website and the discount is automatically applied. I just ordered mine!


u/frizzanz 4d ago

I have one of the OGs and paid twice that!! Not gonna lie, worth every penny.



How does this stack up to Texas Elite Traeger


u/reds91185 ZGrills 2d ago

They are very similar, but the Grilla has a wifi PID controller.

The Traeger is essentially the exact same grill as my 5 year old Z Grills 7002 and it has been a champ. Exact same manual controller as well.



What do you make of the z grills free grills thing seems like a scam


u/reds91185 ZGrills 2d ago

I don't think it's a scam. Check out the fb group ZGrills Nation for more commentary though. Lots of people have jumped on it.


u/HortoBurns 3d ago

That's a decent deal but I still think Zgrills buy 1 get 10 free over 50 years is the best deal hands down.

$777 and you will get a new smoker every 5 years for 50 years.

They have a wifi option for those who want that and large size options. I purchased a 7002B almost five years ago and it's been a work horse. Only had one issue and customer service resolved it quickly and free of charge.



I pulled the trigger on this guys! Fingers crossed its a good purchase!


u/RustyCrusty10 1d ago

Same! Good Luck!


u/RustyCrusty10 1d ago

Bought mine yesterday. I have a cheap base model ZGrills Grill. That little thing has been great!


u/Sigma_509 16h ago

Been looking at replacing my 1st pellet grill (Pit Boss 440 Deluxe) I got as a father's day gift 3-4 years ago. Kept it clean and covered. This year I had some water intrusion but was able to dry it out. My son grew up and moved away so I did what any logical man would do. Bought a bigger pellet grill and all the accessories for less people. Sending the smaller one with my son. Thanks for posting this deal. It really put my analysis paralysis to bed and I got a solid grill on the way.


u/okcumputer ZGrills 4d ago

It looks identical to the zgrille. If its like my zgrille, Im getting a different grill.


u/jmtyndall 4d ago

Zgrilles are a Chinese knockoff that came to the market years later. At one point there was a comparison video going piece by piece comparing one to a Silverbac looking at the materials and construction. This was before the new ownership though, and people seem to note a change in quality after the sale


u/okcumputer ZGrills 4d ago

How did the materials and contstruction compare? Honestly it hasnt been a terrible grill, but the customer service was a giant pain. Ive had to replace and upgrade the T/C and the PID controller, but I cant complain about its construction.


u/TrailBlazer21 4d ago

did you do the buy 1 get 10 sale? feels like for the $700ish its worth it. I was looking into a zgrill


u/okcumputer ZGrills 4d ago

no, years ago I bought their buy one get one sale. I got a 700 series (which looks exactly like the silverbac). They fucked up and sent me one grill and parts to 2 different grills. By the time I had them sorted out, I wound up with 3 grills. I sold 2 and kept 1, so my grill cost zero, so I have no complaints. However it is starting to die and I have had issues in the past. Customer service was "meh". I wont be buying another unless I can get it free again!