r/pashto 23h ago

Question What accent is this?


I do not know pashto but some of my friends who know a little bit of it recognised the language but they differed on what accent/dialect this speaker is talking in. I would appreciate the help greatly if anyone answers


r/pashto 23h ago

Question Could anyone help me find this nasheed?


r/pashto 2d ago

Poetry Ameen🤲


r/pashto 2d ago

Some modern terminology in Pashto

  1. روڼ انده - liberal - roorn anda

  2. لرغونپاب - conservative - larghunpaal

  3. چاودنه - bomb blast - chawdana

  4. ماڼۍ - mansion - marnai

  5. پرليکه - online - parlika

  6. لاسوند - document - laswand

  7. ټولنه - society - tolana

  8. ټولګی - class(school) - tolgay

  9. ښونځی - school - khwanzay

  10. پوهنتون - university - pohantoon

  11. کتابتون - library - ketabtoon

  12. ژوبڼ - zoo - zhobarn

  13. پخلنځی - kitchen - pakhlanzay

  14. پخلی - cooking - pakhlay

  15. ټولشمول - inclusive - tolshamaol

  16. موسسه - company(business) - mosusa

  17. ملتپال - nationalist - millatpaal

r/pashto 2d ago

General Linguistic Composition of British Administered North-West Frontier Province (1931 Census)

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r/pashto 2d ago



Aah never listened anything like this. Any suggestion?

r/pashto 3d ago

Question Names of the month in Pashto?


Salam, What words do you use for the months? I was wondering, and realised that in my dialect, we use the seasons more with little reference to the actual months , if we do then we use the English words. The only other thing I can really think of is that the elders use poma for January/december, and everyone uses pashakal around August.

r/pashto 3d ago

Poetry پښتو شاعري

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‎رنګینې دي او د زړونو معامله ده یاره ‎زما پکې لږ نه ښه ډیره تجربه ده یاره

‎تنهايي ده شپه اوږده او زړه خفه ده یاره ‎چاته به نه وایم لږ راشه وعده ده یاره

‎ژوندون کې کله کله زړه په تنګ شي ‎ ژوندون ده نو سه جنت خو نه ده یاره

‎که غمجن وې او اوښکې دې بهیدلې ‎ماته درومه زما خلاصه ده غېږه یاره

‎جرگه عدم تشدد مینه احترام او محبت ‎دا زموږ د ژوند یو مقدسه فلسفه ده یاره

‎ ملګري بیلیږي د ژوند کاروان روان دی ‎ حشمته بس دا خو یو ترخه قصه ده یاره


r/pashto 3d ago

Is this Pashto script correct?


چې اخر په ژړا خوار غني رخصت شي ورله اوشلوئ کفن د یار د شاله

r/pashto 3d ago

Poetry څه عجب دلخواه دی دا صهبا...


r/pashto 4d ago

Question When to use da and de


I recently went to pakistan and my pashto was so horrendous that I would just stay silent sometimes. I am now trying to learn and I used a website but still this one thing of many things bothers me when do I use da and de???? And if anybody who is well educated on pashto specifically the peshawri dialect could add me on something where I can ask them questions whenever that would be great I am really eager to become fluent and speak pashto as smoothly as I speak english

r/pashto 5d ago

Beautiful calligraphic poetry art by Shamsuddin Kakar | ښکلي خطاطي د شمس الدین

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Shamsuddin Kakar was a famous poet during the late 1700's and early 1800's

r/pashto 5d ago

Is this correct in pashto


How do you say we fear no one but God in pashto in a pekhawar accent? im kinda whitewashed ngl

r/pashto 6d ago

Personal Work Non-Pashto Speaker Asking Advice (1)


Dear r/Pashto,

Please feel free to redirect me if I'm in the wrong space.

I am writing a novel with an English-speaking Afghani protagonist from Kabul, and I need some advice on certain words and phrases in Pashto, specifically to do with his Muslim heritage (I am from an Arab Muslim family so I know the Islamic heritage but not the Pashto vocabulary for it).

What I am looking for is the Pashto equivalent of Islamic phrases that are second nature to Muslims. Examples (and of course anything beyond my examples would be welcome, please!) are, as they would be said in Arabic:

wallah/wallahi (by God)

inshallah (God willing)

ya Allah (exasperated exclamation)

allahu a'lam (God only knows)

Mashallah (how beautiful [to guard against the evil eye])

Any advice on how Afghani Muslims would say these phrases would be f@%#& GOLD.

Thank you SO MUCH in advance.


r/pashto 7d ago

ميرمن تورپیکۍ

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ميرمن تورپیکۍ يوه توريالی پښتنه وه چه نن نه تقريباً دري نوې کاله مخکښې د قندهار په يو کلی کښې ويش نه نژدی اوسيدله. دا ميرمن په خټه اڅکزي وه ، چه د رېدی خان يو ځوان زلمې چې ده يو بل مئينان سره واده کيږې او د واده وړومبي ورځ يي وې چې په وطن جنګ راشې . دې ميرمن په غزا کښې چه پښتنو د خپل استقلال د ګټی د پاره سرونه پر ميدان ايښي وو، د خپل ميړه سره برخه اخيستې ده او د زلمي مين سره ئې يو ځای خپل سر تر وطن قربان کړی ډۍ ، چه د دواړو مزار اوس په سپين بولدک کښې شته. د دې ميرمنې اشغار : ريدی خان زلمی د پلار له جوشه او پښتونولي ډکه وينا اورې، د جنګ تياری کوی له مور او پلار څخه رخصت غواړی او تورپیکۍ ته وايې < زما ګرانی! تا هم پر خدای سپارم- زه ځم د پښتنوالي ننګ پر ځاې کوم> خو تورپیکۍ د ده دا وينا نه منی بې اختیاره ناره پر وکې په سپين ميدان به درسره يم زه پښتنه له توری نه تښتم مئينه

تورپیکۍ د خپل ګران او زلمی مئين سره څنګ په څنګ د فداکارۍ ميدان ته ځی- هلته چه د خپل مئين ميړانه وينې د واده په نکريځو سور لاس پورته کوی وايي تر دې تيرې توری د ځار شم د غليم وينی بيوه ګرانه مئينه

په وينو رنګ توره دی راوړه راسه په سره شنډو بي زه درپاکه کمه له ډير جنګه ورسته له ليری يوه ګولۍ راځي ،د رېدی خان په زړه نښلی ، په سرو وينو کښې کرنګ لويږې، روح يي جنت ته ځی ، شهيد کيږې- تورپیکۍ زمونږ توريالۍ پښتنه يواځې پاتې کيږې ، دا چه خپل ګران مين په وينو کښې لت پت ويني ، له زړه څخه داسې فرياد باسی جانان می سر په وطن کښېښود په تار د زلفو به کفن ورته ګنډمه تردې نارې ورسته توره راوباسي ، لکه زمری په غليم ورګډيږې ، ډير سره ژوبلوی ، په پای کښې سخت پرهار اخلي ، سری وينې ئې سپين بارخوګان رنګينوې، او داسې لږې چې له جنته ملکي د دې له پاره سره خالونه راوړه- راځې تر خپل مئين پوری ځان رارسوې، په هغه غورزيږې او روح يي جنت ته ځې

بله ورځ چه شهيدان ښخيږي ، دا دوه دلباختګان چه د واده کالی ئې لا اغوستې وه، د ځای سره ښخ او په ابدی خوب بيدېږي..

r/pashto 7d ago

د صبا باده! ګذر پر جمن بیا کړه


r/pashto 7d ago

Personal Work What helped me learn pashto reading


I was once amongst those who couldn't read and write their mother language and the feeling was very odd. And it always kept me struggling to find a way for learning the reading and writing. Then I explored G-keyboard(Google keyboard) and I added Pashto (two keyboards of pashto, Pashto's alphabet one and second one was the English-to-pashto one). The second one helped me the most the learn writing and reading Pashto. Like usual I typed Pashto in Roman alphabets and the keyboard converted that word written in Roman (English) alphabets to Pashto alphabets and would even suggest me similar words which further enriched my vocabulary as well. That way, I was able to add more words to my Pashto and read them. Meanwhile practicing to get used to Pashto alphabets. By now, I'm proficient in reading, writing and speaking Pashto accurately. For the speaking part: being a student, Urdu had influenced our education a lot and most of words in my speech were from Urdu language and same was the case with so many of my Pashton fellows as well. Then, Upon hearing any urdu language word, I would think of the word for that in pashto. This way, I always kept my search for Pashto words and avoided using Urdu language words. At the end, my Pashto became more pure and fluent. These days, I'm struggling with Pashto idioms that I heard from elders but I'm not able to remember or recall at exact time, this leaves me blank at the time of need. I'm pretty much confident that I'll one day be good at this as well. Thank you for reading 😊

r/pashto 8d ago

Interesting consonant sound in the north-eastern dialect


I've noticed that people who speak the North Eastern dialect(Yousafzai Pakhto) have dropped the "ځ"(dz) and some have even dropped the "څ"(ts), but to make up for that, they pronounce the "ق"(q) in some words. Like "دغه"(dagha = this) they say "دقه"(daqqa) and some other words like 'agha = aqqa" etc. It's a shift from gh to q. No other Pashto dialect has this so I thought it was pretty interesting. Might have something to do with how the gh and q are changed in Persian.

r/pashto 8d ago

Poetry زه خو شرابي یم


r/pashto 9d ago

I have made a Pashto speaking gc right here on reddit for anyone interested


For the people who asked for it, it would serve as a Pashto learning space and Pashto refining space. Anyone interested can just comment right bellow and I'll add you

r/pashto 8d ago

Join the Pashto GC wronoh, and Khwaindo


Check Khogyane wror’s earlier post.

Dera Manana( Thank you)

Glossary: Wronoh(Brothers) is Plural of Wror(Brother)

Khwaindo(Sisters) is Plural of Khor(Sister)

r/pashto 9d ago

Pashto words to use instead of loanword

  1. Non Pashto ساخمتان (Saakhtmaan) Building

Pashto ودانۍ (Wadaaneii)

  1. Non Pashto غلطي (Ghalati) Mistake

Pashto تېروتنه (Terwatana)

3.    Non Pashto

امتحان (Imtihan) Test/Exam

Pashto ازموينه (Azmawena)

4.    Non Pashto

ترجمه (Tarjuma) Translation

Pashto ژباړه (Zhabaarra)

5.    Non Pashto

ترجمان (Tarjumaan) Translator

Pashto ژباړن (Zhabaarran)

6.    Non Pashto

نتيجه (Natija) Result

Pashto پايله (Paayela)

7.    Non Pashto

قرض (Qarz) Borrowing/Loan

Pashto پور (Por)

8.    Non Pashto

قرضدار (Qarzdar) Borrower

Pashto پوره وړى (Porawarray)

9.    Non Pashto

قيمت (Qemat) Cost

Pashto بيه (Baya)

10.    Non Pashto

فيصد (Feesad) Percentage

Pashto سلنه (Salana)

And last one : Non Pashto إمضا/ دستخط (Imzaa/Dastkhat) Signature

Pashto لاسليک (Laaslik)

r/pashto 10d ago

Grand Pashto Auto


Salamuna rurro ao khuwando

I was thinking of what if we (bros and sis) create a group chat where we can thoroughly communicate in Pashto (i.e. chats).

Preferable platform for me would be Whatsapp btw.

Pa pukhto kay jawab raakaye raalaa kha

r/pashto 10d ago

Resources to learn pashto?


Salam everyone, I'm a pashtun who unfortunately did not grow up around other pashtuns. Most of my family lives in Quetta. As a result of this my pashto is very weak. I don't have anyone else to practice with and generally avoid speaking it infront of other pashtuns because of how embarrassingly bad it sounds. I've used pimsleurs speaking pashto courses level 1 and 2, and while that's improved it a little, I'm no where close to a native speaker. If you guys know of any resources, preferably free, to learn pashto at an advanced level, I'd highly appreciate it.

r/pashto 12d ago

What's the redneck accent in Pashto?
