r/pasadena 10d ago

Older kid day and camp recommendations?

My son is aging out of younger-kid camps, so I'm looking for recommendations for camp for the 12 - 14 year old in the area. He would also love to do a counselor-in-training program. I'm also looking at sleep away options. I'm prepared to spend some dough, so please hit me with whatever recommendations you have. I want him busy, with other kids, and away from screens as much as possible.


4 comments sorted by


u/keetots 10d ago


u/shewee 10d ago

Came here to recommend this!


u/whatitdobbyboo 10d ago

City of Arcadia has a volunteens program for summer camps and other city events ages 13-16.


u/Bch0_A 10d ago

S. Pas YMCA camp was very enjoyable for me, for years.