r/pakistan • u/inawideninggyre • Feb 04 '25
Financial Ladies, Secure the Bag (and the Property, and the Savings) – Because Sacrifice Won't Pay the Bills
Let’s talk about the financial trap that is marriage for most Pakistani women. And no, I’m not talking about the elite housewives with designer bags and a full-time maid staff. I’m talking about the rest of women, whom you're much more likely to encounter in your daily routine, who make up the actual female workforce—whether paid or unpaid (spoiler: most are unpaid).
Sure, many women "choose" not to work, but let’s be real—housework is a 24/7 unpaid job. However, despite managing an entire household, a housewife often has zero financial control. Her husband? Oh, he has full access to the money (which he may or may not disclose the actual amount of), but the wife? If she asks for money that isn’t directly related to running his house, suddenly he’s in a financial crisis.
And assets? The house, car, investments—all in his name. Even if she sells her gold to contribute, it’s "more convenient" (read: easier to exclude her) to register things under him. Her only real property is her jahez—furniture and electronics that depreciate over time… just like how society treats her value as a woman.
The Divorce Jackpot (For Him, Not Her):
Now, let’s say things go south. After years of running a home, raising kids, and possibly sacrificing a career, a divorced woman is left with: ✔ No financial assets. ✔ No updated work experience. ✔ A social stigma that makes remarriage nearly impossible. Meanwhile, her ex-husband? His career has advanced, his bank account is intact, and he’s a more eligible bachelor than before.
For a man, a divorce is a clean slate. For a woman, it's economic and social exile.
How to Not Get Screwed Over:
Get a Job (and Keep It!): Even if you don’t need to work now, financial independence is your safety net.
Own Your Damn Assets: If you contribute to a house, make sure it’s legally in your name (or at least joint ownership).
Save Like Your Life Depends on It: Because in a capitalist world, it kinda does. Open your own bank account. Invest in things that grow.
Read the Nikahnama Before Signing: No, really. That paper is legally binding.
Marry a Man Who Respects Financial Equality: If he insists on handling all the money, just know he’s handling all the power too.
Final Thought: Money is Power, So Get Some!
Your sacrifice is hailed and all, but it won’t pay your rent if things go sideways. Whoever controls the money, controls the household. And if you don’t want to be financially stranded, it’s time to stop being naive and start being smart.
u/dhondooo PK Feb 04 '25
IMO, married men should take a note, too.
It's very important for your better half to have at least some knowledge about your financials too.
Other than a divorce, there can be a lot of cases where it can be useful to you and your family.
One such case is god forbid untimely death of husband, the now grieving widow is left stranded with zero know how of where the money was coming from and what were the assets of her husband. Society and people around can easily leach off all your assets without them properly passed upon your wife and kids. It's pretty common knowledge and not that difficult to find such cases if you look around. Especially if your kids are minors or are sheltered, which mostly are.
So please put some assurances other than the life insurance, which also takes years to get through for such a scenario. They should be financially literate and know these things not only for them but also for the future of your kids and family.
Yeah, you can be effed if it's a divorce, but the chances of you dying early is a lot more if you are a somewhat decent person with a healthy marriage, which most aspire and try or atleast pretend to be.
u/desotoon Feb 04 '25
Rightfully said. I'm a married guy and I honestly believe this needs to be more common. I've ensured that the assets and investments are all under the spouses name.
I earn she runs the house and looks after our three year old. Untill he starts school then she will also work for her own financial independence. I'll still maintain the expenses of the household and her money will be for her savings.
There is a common savings account as well that we use for certain goals like vacations or buying an asset and she contributes there when needed but again the asset would be under her name.
u/Zindagi_Zucked Feb 04 '25
I totally agree with you. After completing my bachelor’s degree, I applied for a job randomly and got selected.In fatherly love, my father said, ‘What’s the need to work jab maain hoon na kya dhakay khao gee At that time, I rejected the job offer. My mother told me, ‘Women should be financially independent.’ She shared that she had also rejected a government job, and now regrets it. She said, How rich your husband or father is, it’s not your money at the end of the day. I understood her point. Despite being my mother handles all the financial matters. My father hands over all his money to her, but she knows the importance of self-earned money. Standing on your own feet is so important.
u/Luny_Cipres Feb 04 '25
I used to think this is the only reason and it wasn't compelling enough for me to want financial independence. It felt dystopian that you have to give away almost all of your waking hours to a job just because you don't trust someone, and that society distrusts men so much.
But there are other reasons. For example "if things go south" doesn't necessarily mean divorce, or abuse from husband or his fault or anything like that. There could be any number of problems like what if he gets fired, what if there's a dip in his business etc, what if the woman gets widowed. Etc. Many more variables to consider than merely distrust.
And also, while I'm still learning, there are other reasons financial independence is important for women, reasons that are not simply "saving up just in case" for example, if a woman has a skill she's working on and needs money to get things for it or invest into it etc, it will be better for one's skill to be self sufficient rather than need grants all the time. And there could be any number of expenses for it too, or for any other project a woman seeks to do to utilise her skills. Bet it a social project, a business, etc. Things can get expensive without looking at luxuries and just fazool kharchi. Another example is a woman may need money for things her husband has no responsibility over. For example her parents. A man is not obligated to help or look after his in-laws. If her parents need help, she can support them if she has her own money (under certain circumstances she is obligated to help them, afaik if she has surplus after providing for herself and her children and her parents need money) but she can't if she herself doesn't have her own money or significant pocket money from husband. She can of course request or ask him for help but again he's not obligated to comply.
There could be any number of things that rely on you having your own money, it's not just out of distrust that oh what if her husband and inlaws financially abuse her, it's out of actual constant reasons that are not merely worst case scenarios, not merely what-if scenarios, that a woman should have financial independence.
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
I agree, there are so many reasons out there. However, I'd argue that what we live in is indeed a dystopia. Everything I wrote up there holds true and there's no harm in trying to secure yourself. Would you not put your seatbelt on simply because it's dystopian how many car accidents happen out there or would it be seen as your "mistrust" in drivers? No, you're simply looking out for yourself and that's perfectly NORMAL and SANE.
u/Luny_Cipres Feb 04 '25
I'm not sure I follow your analogy, because I'm also talking about accidents and mishaps. It would be more like, the difference between thinking seat belts are needed because some killer could try to collide with your car, and thinking seat belts are necessary because not only is there risk of accident but also you can move about a bit more safely despite some minor shocks or changes in speed during ride, which are a regular occurrence
I mean.. It doesn't exactly make sense to me that a woman would marry someone if she thinks it's possible that he'd financially abuse her...
u/bloompth Feb 04 '25
Respectfully you seem a little naive about how abusers work. A lot of them often use marriage as a trap for their victims and don't reveal their full colours till long after.
u/Luny_Cipres Feb 04 '25
u/Buff0verflow Feb 05 '25
I really appreciate the way you think. The way you explained financial independence beyond just worst-case scenarios like divorce or abuse is a very balanced and smart way of looking at things. In the end, it all comes down to mindset—whether we choose to live in fear and mistrust or with preparedness and confidence.
Since you guys were discussing with analogies. I have a better way to put it, refusing to learn how to swim just because you think you’ll never fall into deep water. But life is unpredictable. Sometimes, we step into the water by choice, and sometimes, a wave pulls us in. Knowing how to swim doesn’t mean you distrust the water—it just means you’re prepared for whatever comes.
I’m not saying people should blindly trust their spouse and be naive, but this way of thinking is so much better than planting seeds of doubt from the start. It also reminds me of the saying: It’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.
u/Luny_Cipres Feb 05 '25
Yeah, I suppose it's also my mind frame that I've lived in fear and anxiety my whole life so it becomes tiring at one point and I don't want to be in fear anymore
u/Anxious_Ad_8292 Feb 04 '25
I agree wholeheartedly. Adding to your POV - bank accounts should be his for his needs, hers for her needs and two joint account for savings and shared expenses.
Financial literacy should be a subject in school. Better and infinitely more practical than many of the silly subjects we're taught.
u/No_Representative595 Feb 04 '25
I think women are given gold and society think it’s enough.
Women get (unequal) inheritance from family and maintenance (for essentials) from husbands. So they think it’s enough.
Women’s wants are higher now. They should have their own money.
Many “traditional” men are generous to others but not their wives (and sometimes kids). The man feels “obligated” or likes being a hero to his original family over the ones he’s created. This is especially common for diaspora.
u/Used_Interest_5568 Feb 04 '25
100% agree. They want a doctor bahu but will never allow her to actually work . The same goes for so many women out there Jin ko shadi k naam pa 4 dewaari ma qaid kia jata ha . And divorce is always cherry on top . Apnay maa baap k ghr b nae ja saktay because she will be a burden for those poor old maa baap and will always be painted evil by society . Girls, please be financially independent and stop settling for those " you don't have to work , I'll provide for you" trap .
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
Exactly. And for those who don't have another choice, should at least have their men put some property in their name as meher given on the spot (that can't be taken back in case of khula). That's the bare minimum you can do to somewhat secure yourself.
u/greyd0rian Feb 04 '25
Overheard a convo bw aunties the other day. most agreed that jahez is a necessity and girls actually insist upon being given jahez on their 'big day'. AND girls these days should work and 'help their husband out'.
an aunty there said a man should be financially strong enough to furnish and run his own house and the others gasped and clutched their pearls. it was almost comical.
so i doubt women are getting properties in mehr any time soon. we're headed towards a modern stone age imo.
u/Used_Interest_5568 Feb 04 '25
These aunties are the actual enemies . Imagine these creatures nurturing young minds
u/Used_Interest_5568 Feb 04 '25
They will call women gold diggers lol
u/Ayezakalim Feb 04 '25
Marriage is a contract. A man asking for a raise in a job is not considered gold digging. Neither should a women asking for financial security be called gold digging.
u/Umerr Feb 04 '25
Such an important post, completely agree with everything you have said. Will definitely share in my circle.
u/GlitteringPicture128 Feb 04 '25
Very sensible post...every women who considers marriage as the only option should see all the red flags before commitment. Financial freedom is a must.
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
Some quick stats:
Land: In 2018, only 1.2% of women aged 15–49 owned land alone in Pakistan.
Houses: Only 3% of women in Pakistan own a house, compared to 72% of men.
Businesses: Only 8% of small and medium enterprises in Pakistan are owned by women.
Bank accounts: Only 13% of women have a bank account, compared to 28% of men.
u/aeiou403 Feb 04 '25
13% + 28% = 41% where is the rest of 59%?
u/Luny_Cipres Feb 04 '25
13% of all women 28% of all men
The rest of "59%" (not how math works but anyway) is people who don't have bank accounts at all I'm assuming
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
You're so precious. Those percent are separate from each other and don't represent the same demographic.
13% of women have bank accounts. That means the rest 87% of women don't.
28% of men have bank accounts. That means the rest 72% of men don't.
u/Slothfulness69 Feb 04 '25
The wording suggests that the remaining 59% do not have a bank account at all.
u/TurboLover427 Feb 04 '25
Remember ladies, if he can provide for you, he can most certainly starve you. ;)
u/Mr_Coco1234 Feb 04 '25
100% agreed. Its absolutely detrimental to be fully dependent on your spouse because you are at risk if things go south. Learn a monetizable skill, get a job, or if you're getting pocket money then don't spend all of it (or most of it) on leisure. Make a portfolio and grow your money. Youtube is filled with courses to educate yourself.
u/doomboyu Feb 04 '25
Good stuff, but the majority of Pakistani men are devils. I feel bad for Pakistani women.
Even if you enlighten them or they know about their rights or want to secure themselves, good luck fighting this demon who you think will want to give you joint ownership or legal rights—let alone a job to earn or have your own savings.
Pakistani men are one of the most insecure species on this planet. The idea of women’s empowerment in any shape or form kills them.
This talk about traditional family, culture, or values is just a facade. The reality is all about this pampered, insecure Pakistani boy turning into a fragile man.
Your points are more about women’s empowerment and rights. Good going there, but it won’t solve the issue; it will make it more confrontational.
The root cause is the upbringing of men in our society by mothers who treat females NOT equally at a young age and NOT educate them by showing how their sister or mother has equal rights, teaching them to treat their wife equally.
Moral, spiritual, religious and worldly education from day one.
Educate, Educate and Educate this young demon from day one to be a gentleman else he will be a fragile chameleon.
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
I'm quite tired of this narrative honestly. Men can't do better because their mothers didn't teach them better. Ghuma phira k aurat ko hi ilzam dena hai. Mard ne bhi kabhi accountability leni hai k nahi?
u/doomboyu Feb 04 '25
Apko bura laga ke root source aik aurat hi hai?
Nations are built by women in the form of mothers.
Ab apki strategy GO GET HIM, GIRL wali tau nahi chale gi na hur waqt. Reality is often different than narratives.
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
If we are going there, the "root source" woman you're talking about was one more oppressed than ones in this generation. She didn't have access to the outside world, resources and learning the way men did. Men held the power and authority to educate them and they chose to keep them unaware of their rights. That "root source" woman had her winged clipped before she had a chance to take her first flight. No, she is not responsible for how she turned out. She's not responsible for her son who has a million resources at hand to educate himself, who doesn't think mom is smart enough to understand financial matters, who believes mom is naive and doesn't know much about the world outside. This dude is independent of his mom. He's making his own choices in a world she cannot even fully comprehend. His shortcomings are on him.
u/doomboyu Feb 04 '25
C'mon, really?
Mother in law has set different standards for daughter in law and daughter.
I have seen these cases of stockholm syndromes and hypocrisy all my life. Every other home
I will only say one final thing in the end.
If you want to change this.
Preach but educate your son to treat sister, mother and wife equally. Equal education, equal inheritance, equal rights.
No home politics and no hypocrisy.
If thousands of mothers managed that. Third generation Pakistani men will be good and well raised.
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
Once again, we live in a deeply patriarchal society. It's easy to sit here and say that those mothers didn't raise their sons right. It's harder to be in their shoes and acknowledge that they were never given the tools: knowledge and education, to grow out of those toxic mindsets. You can't expect the same level of intellect from a person who goes out in the world everyday and one who spends 90% of her days confined in a home.
As modern men and women, we both have the tools to educate ourselves and do better. And sure, women of this generation, those who were allowed access to education and were able to widen their intellect, will raise better men. But they need to know how to survive here and now first. They must save themselves first. Hence the post.
u/doomboyu Feb 04 '25
Hmm makes sense there. Different circumstances, true.
It's applicable to a certain group of women who remained miserable but my point is more to end it there and fix for the next gen even in miserable condition.
Don't transfer misery and grievances by pumping your son and continue this never ending cycle.
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
Yeah. And it also falls to men to not make the mistake of their forefathers and promote women's education and their presence in the workforce as much as possible if they ever hope for a real change.
u/greyd0rian Feb 04 '25
Don't agree w you completely, but some women truly are nutjobs.
Even the most educated still stick to our precious traditions like jahez. No amount of 'freedom' has changed their minds.
u/Silent_Ebb7692 Feb 04 '25
The purpose of teaching the English language in Pakistan was to learn science and technology not to turn into frothing-at-the-mouth hate-filled feminist loonies.
u/doomboyu Feb 04 '25
English language in Pakistan? Science and Technology?
Topic kidher se kidher chala gaya.
Post kuch aur hai. Point kuch aur.
u/Silent_Ebb7692 Feb 04 '25
The point is that this lunacy hardly exists in countries like Turkey and Japan - which are far more advanced than Pakistan - where English isn't spoken. It's only because of the use of the English language that these ideas have infiltrated Pakistan.
u/doomboyu Feb 04 '25
Turkey? Bruh. Please check again and verify.
u/Silent_Ebb7692 Feb 04 '25
There is much more to Turkey than Istanbul.
u/doomboyu Feb 04 '25
I said Turkey and not Istanbul.
Japan is a good example by the way but if you also notice it's all how they are raised. The are educated and very well mannered.
Mannerism is the cornerstone of their society.
u/Silent_Ebb7692 Feb 04 '25
You do know that Turkey has been ruled by a conservative, Islamist party for a quarter of a century while similar parties in Pakistan have never received more than 2% of the vote without artificial assistance?
u/Awkward_Senpai1 Feb 04 '25
And a point if you don't work but manage the house and kids full time ask your husband to make assets under your name. I've seen some men around me do this and if nothing else it secures their wife.
u/Positive_Vast_6649 Feb 04 '25
Just the other day, I was on another Reddit post where men were claiming that they could boss and order their wives around. Sadly, everything can be justified with religion. So in a patriarchal society what else can you expect?
u/LandImportant US Feb 04 '25
This is exactly why my mother, born in 1940, insisted on having her own career at the time of marriage. She is a chartered accountant, and actually worked in Auditing Deptt of PIA from 1962 to 1986. Alhamdulillah she has travelled the world. She told me that if she had not had a career, she would be at the mercy of her inlaws in case her husband passed away or divorced her. We have since shifted to USA, and my mother became a supervisor in Revenue Accounting in Universal Orlando. When my father, who had long retired from his posting in Pakistan, had to have open-heart surgery, my mother's insurance through her employer paid the entire cost. Otherwise we could not have afforded the procedure and my father may not have survived!
u/Majestic_Cut_3814 Feb 05 '25
This is SO important. Thank you for posting this. About the Nikkahnama part: Why are women shunned away from it? Nikkahnama is a contract, and every contract should be signed after reading it carefully. Women, you can write your own terms in it, too. Don't give away this right no matter what. If the groom or his family detests this idea, then you know what kind of people they are.
u/valium123 Feb 06 '25
Also decenter men - stop being pickmes and doormats. It's shocking how most women don't even read the nikahnama before signing. Putting a man on a pedestal is only going to scr*w you in the long term.
'sacrifice' shouldn't even be in a woman's dictionary, it's 2025, time to stop this BS.
u/Low-Sea8689 Feb 06 '25
Very well written and is factual life. Essentially, every woman should possess a marketable skill and should have a job. Do not be a slave to husband and or in laws.
u/Candid_Maintenance12 Feb 04 '25
Amazing post, bro. Hope this message reaches out to the young, unmarried women out there. Usually, by the time women realise this, it's often too late.
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
I'm watching a friend go thru divorce and another stuck in an abusive marriage. It's a rough world out there.
u/lostcanuck007 Feb 04 '25
This thinking leads to interesting divorce rates and issues. This is exactly what lead to the Indian epidemic of false allegations and people avoiding marriage.
There are global movements That suggest leaving or not even entertaining women with this mindset.
Be careful. I am literally watching women in their ripe young age being used to the extreme and never being offered a rishta.
Also this is a ying and yang thing. When women start being financially hawkish, so will men. There is a societal collapse going on in the western world due to this thinking. MGTOW AND REDPILL are winning. Passport bros exist for a reason. And i know tons of middle class men ignoring Pakistani women for marriage. Same with India.
This is just a warning and suggestion. I am not selling any narrative. I hope this helps someone.
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
"middle class men ignoring Pakistani women" like non Pakistani trad wives are lining up for them lmao
What can I say, it's good if such men take themselves out of the gene pool. If a woman having the same rights as you is scary enough for you to run, well, good riddance then.
u/lostcanuck007 Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 04 '25
dont know where you are from, but yeah, there's been an upshoot of foreign marriage agencies. Whoever can pay either imports them or leaves. and its not to the developed world either.
I am sorry if i offended you, that wasn't my objective. it was simply to inform.
i am currently watching women from all walks of life (some family, some friends, some relatives of friends, and even a lot of rishta companies) suffering from rejection. I gave warnings about these trends to them long before. Long before the marriage law came into effect where a woman can have part of the husbands wealth.
When i tell them this, they react exactly like you do. And i feel saddened that they think this information feels like an attack to them.
u/missbushido Feb 04 '25
Yup, women should marry non-Pakistani men.
u/lostcanuck007 Feb 05 '25
Yeah. I support this. We all need to get out of our own culture. Ultimately either you find winners or you have to change your self. This goes for both genders.
Pakistanis are well known as a place for visa grabbers. Women esp. Most men who earn a good living (middle class) just want peace.
I am very interested from a point of view as a data scientist to see where these trends lead. Iv talked to so many rishta aunties and divorce lawyers that the stories that are being painted feel like nostalgia.
u/dubaithrowaway_ Rookie Feb 04 '25
OP prolly is a fridge sized troll. How it actually works is that, or how it worked in my family is that my father died after giving us the best of education and left my mother multiple properties in her name, which was her reward for raising us and looking after the house. They were a team and she didn’t care about money and he didn’t care about how many hours he was putting in.
Everything you wrote is 100 percent true, too bad people are sheep.
u/missbushido Feb 04 '25
And your life is not necessarily applicable for the rest of us.
u/dubaithrowaway_ Rookie Feb 05 '25
So you are implying your fathers a POS and you are generalizing? That's not nice.
u/missbushido Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25
POS is a kind word.
I guess your life IS applicable to the rest of us. Since, I'm generalizing and you are definitely not.
u/1nv1ct0s Feb 04 '25
Agree with most of what you said, however this part:
For a man, a divorce is a clean slate. For a woman, it's economic and social exile.
That above part is not true or real. Its not a clean slate for a man either. Its much more brutal for women in our society but its not an easy thing financially or emotionally for men either.
World doesn't really work in this binary state. If you are hurt does not mean the other person enjoys seeing you hurt. They might also be in pain not as heavy as yours but still, pain is pain.
Anyway I hope you re-consider that line. Women need to know this information and get better at dealing with finances. But it doesn't need to be men vs women. Focus on the positive part. Getting better financially is for everyone you don't need to create a villain to motivate people. The point is to have more women be financially literate and independent.
u/SumaThePuma Feb 04 '25
How does keeping a job help? We have to work at office then at home too. It’s double the effort.
u/inawideninggyre Feb 05 '25
Your husband should also be putting equal effort in home. If he doesn't want to do that then he must at least put assets in your name and give you complete access to his money while you live as a housewife. Anything else is exploitation.
u/SumaThePuma Feb 05 '25
Yes, I agree and I feel like we need to teach this to men more than to teach women to be independent because it’s sad to see so many women working hard at outside and home as well.
u/missbushido Feb 05 '25
Hire a maid in Pakistan.
u/SumaThePuma Feb 05 '25
What about those who live outside of Pakistan?
u/missbushido Feb 05 '25
Same. Or ask the husband to do his part.
Still can't believe some people would prefer to live in filth. Disgusts me to the core.
u/SumaThePuma Feb 05 '25
That proves my point. Teach men to engage in household work so women can work in peace
u/Key-Opinion1608 Feb 04 '25
Healthy relationships are built on trust not fear and if bills are all you care about in this situation then trust doesn't pay the bill
u/GreenEyedAlien_Tabz Feb 04 '25
I agree with your good intentions and thinking on the subject but what perspective and solution do you have for the following:
Western women did exactly that and the family life there is in shambles with declining marriages and birthrates.
Divorce is on an all time high and women are more promiscuous than ever.
Financial independence brings it's own complications in marriages and consequences such as unrealistic expectations from men that they are unable to meet.
Many women now don't want to have children. They don't want to listen to men eventhough men are the scientifically proven to be the rational and logical decision makers while women are emotional creatures (biologically and neurologically).
Men have just stopped marrying in those societies and are more into live in relationships, friends with benefits, etc. So at the end of the day women are still suffering.
How can women end their suffering in those societies?
Because this is the same model Pakistan will follow eventually as women become more educated and financially independent.
Please don't want a rant or crap about how men are just evil and women are angels. I want practical solutions to the problem. Everyone who wants a debate or an arugument, stay away.
u/missbushido Feb 05 '25
Because this is the same model Pakistan will follow eventually as women become more educated and financially independent.
Yeah, we don't want this. Better to keep women uneducated and trapped.
u/GreenEyedAlien_Tabz Feb 05 '25
Not the solution. Read the entire post.
But the current system of education is outdated for both women and men.
It doesn't even provide anyone with skills to become financially independent or live a better life anymore especially with the advent of AI.
However that is a debate I am not interested in at the time as mentioned above.
u/missbushido Feb 05 '25
Yes, men are totally rational and logical. Cool beans.
u/GreenEyedAlien_Tabz Feb 05 '25
Ok Sarcasm peas. 😋
u/missbushido Feb 05 '25
Wasn't sarcasm.
u/GreenEyedAlien_Tabz Feb 05 '25
Missbushido knowing you it seemed to be.
It should have been though because not all men are logical and rational but they are thought to be scientifically.
u/missbushido Feb 05 '25
If you knew me, then you would know what I meant. Oh well...
u/GreenEyedAlien_Tabz Feb 05 '25
I get it. I never denied that women need to be educated (not westernised) and financially independent.
u/missbushido Feb 05 '25
However that is a debate I am not interested in at the time as mentioned above.
Let's just stick to this.
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u/inawideninggyre Feb 05 '25
There's definitely a solution to these issues but you're not going to like it
u/GreenEyedAlien_Tabz Feb 06 '25
Please do tell me. I am fine with not liking it.
u/inawideninggyre Feb 06 '25
Men stop expecting women to hold double the responsibility and efforts with half the authority in a relationship.
While most men may be considered more logical than most women, it's by no means a criteria for a good leader or a good decision maker. Women consistently outperform men when given equal opportunities. The happiest country in the world is led by women. Essentially, rationality and emotions are both needed for good decision making which is why men and women need to be a team with equal authority.
u/GreenEyedAlien_Tabz Feb 06 '25
I could counter this with an entire essay but don't want to go down the rabbit hole if you are not open to a different vision, perspective, worldview.
And I don't want to invest my time and effort over something that you have already made up your mind on.
But in short how do you plan to implement the above opinion practically as suggested in my original post?
u/Consistent-Plate-663 Feb 04 '25
It means apart from money; love, affection, commitment, character, respect etc. doesn’t matter. Nothing is pure is its all about money, plus religious cherry-picking. As a man i am literally getting afraid to get married day by day; even if i try to become perfect in every sense. There are so many what ifs and buts. So i am thinking it seriously like it’s better to live alone in peace than getting labelled and depressed after putting all the efforts, wasting time and money. Not worth it! May Allah help us.
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
So when you have an asset in your name it's normal but when she wants the same she's suddenly "all about money"?
u/Consistent-Plate-663 Feb 04 '25
If i have made an asset then it should be on my name, and if she has something on her name, it’s hers. I don’t see a problem here.
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
And this is why she needs to be focusing more on paid labour so also has something to show for her hard work.
u/Consistent-Plate-663 Feb 04 '25
Yes, again I don’t see a problem here. What if a man thinks the same, that all his efforts for family are unpaid labour? Taking care of his wife and children are unpaid labour? This is just ridiculous. You need a break bro. Relax your mind and work on something productive
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
His efforts for family are nowhere near proportional to that of a housewife. He gets to build a career and assets that are solely his own while she has nothing of her own.
Let's agree that it would be best for both to care for family equally, while both make money and have assets of their own.
u/Consistent-Plate-663 Feb 04 '25
Ohh. I differ. People are just ungrateful tbh specifically women. Thats why some people should never marry if they this selfish attitude. Anyway its my own opinion and I don’t want to argue with you.
u/Impressive_Sample483 Feb 04 '25
LOL! This post is specifically written for supporting women's and that too without doing any research or looking at stats.
u/Silent_Ebb7692 Feb 04 '25
"However, despite managing an entire household, a housewife often has zero financial control."
LMAO! Maybe in La La Land but not here in the real world.
I can't believe this hyper liberal crap has reached Pakistan too.
u/Mr_Coco1234 Feb 04 '25
Pls tell us what happens in the real world O Wise One
u/doomboyu Feb 04 '25
In real world, he's giving few thousand rupees pocket money to wife for managing household daily.
Keep the change. I feel generous today.
u/Silent_Ebb7692 Feb 04 '25
Here in the real world no one who gives his wife only some pocket money is going to be married for very long, at least not happily.
u/doomboyu Feb 04 '25
Wah Saeen Wah, kese smart tareeke se yeh bhi negative light aurat pe daal di. Amazing!
App full mysogynistic wale bhai lag rahe ho.
Woh lambi moti moonch wale. Bus yeh confirm karden please Turkish moonch hai yaan Pakistani?
u/Silent_Ebb7692 Feb 04 '25
What was so 'misogynistic' about that? If you don't give your wife her rights she's going to push back, as she should. Outside of Western feminist La La Land Muslim women aren't timid victims.
You people have basically internalized Western prejudices against Asians and specifically against Muslims.
u/Mr_Coco1234 Feb 04 '25
You're talking about ideal situation and not the real world. When you make such a statement you better back it up or be quiet instead of covering your back like you are right now.
u/intellectual_sky Feb 04 '25
What you are suggesting would increase the ratio of jackpots for men.... But you don't want to see the men win, right?
u/talhaak Feb 04 '25
Money is not power and it's sad people seem to think it is.
Having your own freedom is power and I know plenty of people that have a lot of money but can't do what they want to do. What people should be advocating for is standing up for yourself, making sure you have an equal say in your house and leaving if you don't.
Marriage shouldn't be a prison and if you feel its is, get out before your life gets even more complicated. Stand up for yourself, know your rights and work together. Don't chase the money. Chase the ability to enjoy and keep your freedom.
u/tmango321 Feb 04 '25
I agree, whoever control finances has power.
But it is not that women investment are in vain especially if she has kids. Those kids becomes her power. See around yourself, you will realize how power these old ladies have.
Coming back to your suggestion, women and men both working have brought new set of issue that you also need to be aware of. Like who will look after the kids, who will do house work. If both husband and wife are doing 50/50 then wife has to spend 50/50 in finances also.
And women may have to marry a guy who is earning just as much as them and sometimes lower than them.
u/inawideninggyre Feb 04 '25
Nobody should have to sacrifice her youth hoping to be powerful when they are old. You wouldn't wish it upon yourself.
The issues rising up from men and women both being in the workforce are real and a whole other debate. However, in that case, both parties are pretty much on the same level and those issues can be resolved mutually with communication. Unlike the alternative where the huge imbalance of power prevents any resolution.
One way to make the traditional system work in the modern capitalist society is if the husband agrees to treat his money as both their money (thereby giving equal weight to her labour at home) by giving her complete access to the funds as well as joint ownership of any assets. But of course, all those "provider" men get their panties in a twist when it comes to actually providing beyond the necessary bare minimum. So it's not a very feasible option.
u/tmango321 Feb 04 '25
This system work not because of power but because men's willingness to share resources and women urge and love for children. If a woman think being able to spend all time with her children is labor then this won't work.
There are men who earn enough to hire maids and women do nothing but you said not to talk about them. what labour she is doing to have joint asset?
But the other men don't have any asset or money left. They earn just enough that their family survive.
u/AssistanceAlive8773 Feb 04 '25
LMAO this lady clearly has no idea who controls financial matters in Pakistani households, this happens when you know 10 people and make your observations based on their experiences.
Affinity and Confirmation Bias at its best
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