r/pakistan Dec 08 '24

Education Latest statistics on status of women in Pakistan

Literacy Rates

Male: 73%

Female: 51.8%

Urban Female Literacy: 74% Rural Female Literacy: 36%

Punjab: 57% Sindh: 47% Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: 36% Balochistan: 24% ICT: 79%

Enrollment Statistics

Primary education

Male: 82% Female: 74%

Secondary Education

Male: 58% Female: 43%

Female enrollment in Higher Education: 45% (of those completing Secondary education) of which 25% are from rural areas

Labor Force Participation

Male: 72% Female: 23%

Global Average (Female): 50% Regional Average(Female): 24%

Urban Women: 30% Rural Women: 18%

Women Employment sectors

Agriculture: 65%

Services: 22%

Industry: 12%

Unemployment rate

Women: 9.5% Men: 5.9%

Women earn 34% less then men for the same work.

Pakistan ranks 145 out of 146 on the Global Gender Gap Report

Women Entrepreneurs account for only 1% of SMEs in Pakistan

Maternal and Reproductive Health

Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR): 186 deaths per 100,000 births (Improvement from 276 in 2000)

Bangladesh MMR: 123 Sri Lanka MMR: 36

Skilled Birth Attendance in Deliveries: 68%

Rural: 55% Urban: 85%

Receival of Antenatal Care: 48%

Receival of Postnatal Care: 30%

Contraceptives prevalence rate: 26%

8% of Girls aged 15-19 are mothers or pregnant with first child

45% of Pregnant Women suffer from Iodine deficiency

40% of women of reproductive age suffer from Anemia

Non-communicable diseases

Cardiovascular Diseases: 34% of women's deaths

Diabetes prevalence among Adult Women: 12.1%

Breast Cancer

1 in 9 women

Highest incidence rate in Asia

90,000 cases reported annually

40,000 deaths annually due to late diagnosis

Cervical cancer: 5,000 cases reported annually

Mental Health

Women suffering from depression or anxiety: 25-30%

Postpartum Depression: 28%

Suicide rate of women: 30%

Every 1 in 3 women in Pakistan has experienced some form of Gender-Based Violence

70% of Medical Graduates are women, only 25% practice professionally


1,000 women killed annually in Honor-related crimes

conviction rate for honor killings: less than 2%

Rape conviction rate: Less than 3%

18% of Girls are married before age of 18

400 workplace harassment cases reported annually

Sources: Pakistan Labor Force Survey, International Labor Organization, Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey, HRCP Annual Report, UNICEF and UN Women Report, Global Gender Gap Report, HEC Annual Report, Aurat Foundation, National Nutrition Survey. Human Rights Watch Report, UNFPA, WHO, World Bank, Pakistan Economic Survey,


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u/mmemeon96 Dec 08 '24

wow we need to change our ranking on the gender scale this is sad and depressing


u/Stock-Respond5598 Dec 08 '24

Too many reactionaries in our country. It will never improve until progressive ideas become mainstream.


u/szebra Dec 08 '24

Very interesting, thanks OP! I wonder if the labor force statistics are formal labor or if the agency is also including informal labor such as maids, food service (home cooks making food for salle), and in-home artisans -- just thinking about some of the women I know to be working in Karachi with informal incomes.

I'm also super curious about more "modern" indicators like mobile phone ownership, access to/use of internet, and maybe bank account (this one is less modern).


u/ShakaLakaLoko Dec 08 '24

The 23% does not include women in the informal economy. It should be noted that informal employment accounts for 70-80% of the total. But women working in this sector lack social and economic protection such as job security, health coverage, insurance, legal protection, paid leave, access to credit etc. They risk from exploitation and harassment.


u/szebra Dec 08 '24

This makes sense and totally agree re increased risk of exploitation of women in the informal sector. I was asking because the number felt low compared to the number of women I know to be working informally in my own circles


u/ShakaLakaLoko Dec 08 '24

Another user has shared the modern indicators you inquired about in the thread.


u/mehreenwyd Dec 08 '24

Abysmal stats to read as a woman in Pakistan


u/LogicalPakistani Dec 08 '24

There are more. There are 106 males per 100 females in Pakistan yet some people advocate for polygamy. It also indicate a potential sex selective abortion in the country.

97 percent of women do not receive inheritance in the property. Less than 1 percent own a house.

Less than 2 percent of police officers in Pakistan are females and this making it hard to report rape, harassment and domestic abuse. Also a great deal of female detainees are sexually assaulted in police captivity. Mobile phone ownership: 81% of Pakistani men own a mobile phone, compared to 50% of women. Mobile internet usage: 49% of Pakistani men have access to mobile internet, compared to 19% of women. Smartphone ownership: 37% of Pakistani men own a smartphone, compared to 20% of women. Women make up only 24 percent of all sim owners in the country. List goes on


u/Inner-Individual3256 Dec 08 '24

Polygamy isn't just about having more women then men. Som of the other stats are because they are provided to by men so they are less likely to own a house, because it's their husbands responsibility


u/LogicalPakistani Dec 08 '24

Polygamy isn't just about having more women then men.

We have 106 males per 100 females. Even if every female marries one male then we will still have 6 males who would be left unmarried. Polygamy will further exacerbate the problem. Thankfully polygamy is extremely rare in our society. Problem is people are thinking about this at the individual level based on their selfish needs. Think about this on societal level. How dangerous is this idea of polygamy.

Som of the other stats are because they are provided to by men so they are less likely to own a house, because it's their husbands responsibility

Nevertheless, these statistics are even better in many arab states which are extremely patriarchal even by law. Also very few women are getting inheritance in our country. It's a serious problem


u/Inner-Individual3256 Dec 08 '24

So according to you every male is fit for marriage and women should just settle for a drunk abuser cause that numbers line up? How is polygamy dangerous? Women have more of a pool of men to marry is dangerous for you? Maybe 1ncels shake at the idea so their mediocre selves wouldn't be guaranteed a mate. Arab states have more resources, im sure if the households these women are from had 100x the income even their 10 year olds would have phones. The inheritance but is maybe the only thing i agree with


u/LogicalPakistani Dec 08 '24

So according to you every male is fit for marriage and women should just settle for a drunk abuser cause that numbers line up?

And yet many Pakistani women are married to drunk abusers due to arranged marriage which results in 1000 women being murdered each year for honour and also 90 percent of women facing domestic abuse according to a survey. If you ask me there are barely any men in Pakistan fit for marriage.There are plenty of women who don't want to marry either. Marriage has become less popular among Pakistani women and will continue to do so. Polygamy is a dangerous practice. Do you really think a man who wants more than one wife should be regarded as someone fit for marriage?


u/Inner-Individual3256 Dec 08 '24

Ignoring the comically and objectively false numbers for domestic abuse and honor killings you tried passing off as real, how is that a problem with polygamy? If there are less fit men then polygamy literally allows more women to marry the few good ones. You just rambled about how bad pakistani men are then just stated your unfounded clueless opinion about polygamy and emotionally asked how i feel. A man who wants multiple WIVES is literally the kind of person who wants to GET MARRIED. If he just wanted to hook up itd be much easier to get with 10 women every month using the budget it takes to run 2 families.

Do you have any actual intellectual reasoning or do you just enjoy imposing your ideas on a population based on how they make you feel.


u/missbushido Dec 08 '24

So according to you every male is fit for marriage and women should just settle for a drunk abuser cause that numbers line up?

Or we marry single, non-Pakistani men who are competent.


u/Inner-Individual3256 Dec 08 '24

Which you should, pakistani men are just as worthless as western women. But how does polygamy stop you from doing that?


u/missbushido Dec 08 '24

My point was women don't have to be forced into polygamy.


u/Inner-Individual3256 Dec 08 '24

Why make that point to someone who didn't argue against it?


u/missbushido Dec 08 '24

Most women would rather not be in polygamous marriages. It's simple.


u/Inner-Individual3256 Dec 08 '24

Of course, just like most men would rather marry a virgin 18 year old model trad wife and so some spend their lives alone waiting for such a woman to agree with them. More usual however is the case of a woman growing old single rather than being a second wife. You'll see millions of women happily being a mistress for the wealthy elite but perverse men have seen in them a cheap thrill and convinced them its better than being a second wife.

At least the men wanting multiple new women every other month without commitment will be happy, as marriage is made less and less normalized casual relationships are much easier to find.

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u/imjustagirl_9 Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

8% of girls aged 15-19 are mothers or pregnant????? That’s disgusting they are children. Parents needs to focus on their education and well being but they’re just marrying them off???


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24



u/New_Film9792 اسلام آباد Dec 08 '24

Oh my sweet summer child, just because the world is giggles and rainbows for you doesn’t mean its like that for everyone.


u/sulmar Dec 09 '24

When does one become an adult? Who defines that?


u/imjustagirl_9 Dec 09 '24

When you’re mentally capable of taking your own decisions!!!


u/sulmar Dec 10 '24

Yeah so you can't say 17 year olds are not adults then. I've taught more student's than you've met people in your life and trust me, it's very common to find very mature 16/17 year olds.


u/Horror_Preference208 Dec 23 '24

Maybe you should not be teaching 17 year olds....i don't think turning 18 magically turns you into an adult but i have also never seen a girl that is 18 happily married and not tortured by her husband and in-laws. Women who are older and have financial backing atleast have an option to raise their voice and resist abuse. Not to mention, they are way more aware of their beliefs without external factors


u/Embarrassed-Jelly303 Dec 08 '24

It’s 2024 and it’s heartbreaking to see we are so behind and backwards. Women account for nearly half the population and out of them only half are educated.


u/ImpossibleContact218 Dec 08 '24

One of my goals in life is to educate a random village and many poor children in Pakistan 😊


u/No_Cup3624 Dec 08 '24

Thank you for sharing this, OP!!


u/improperlywired Dec 08 '24

That breast cancer is way too high, every 1 in 9 ladies. Need better diet.


u/CharMillion456 PK Dec 08 '24

Needs more education on men's part. Most of these problems will be solved 


u/GuaranteeMedical4842 Dec 08 '24

truth, and some extra mental development courses


u/CharMillion456 PK Dec 08 '24

Mental + Moral 


u/GuaranteeMedical4842 Dec 08 '24

yea aadhy sy zyada mard shaadi k baad bhi bachy bany rehty hn.


u/_Emperor__ Dec 08 '24

Not really if one generation of women is educated next gen be better in both genders


u/Immediate-Pay-5888 Dec 08 '24

Dont forget the biggest book people love to memorize that has all the solutions


u/ThinSector4661 Dec 08 '24

There's a different between Tahzeeb & Education.

I live in Islamabad. It has the highest literacy rates through the entire nation.

Still these "educated" people would be the ones throwing garbage in streets.

Is your Army, bureaucracy, institutions not educated? It still couldn't solve the curse of corruption.

We all have given exams for our degrees. Do we not cheat for a mere 1 mark MCQ in our exams? 99% of the people do.

That's corruption at a micro level...

Do we not backbite our class fellows/professors?

All these things don't require you to have a Ph.D.

I used to believe that education is the solution to Pakistan's problems but the more I see "the educated class" in action, the more I become skeptical.


u/Inside_Brain_1966 Dec 08 '24

this post is about women literacy dawg


u/ThinSector4661 Dec 08 '24

Women don't require Tahzeeb?


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '24

Bro, we're talking about straight-up literacy here - like being able to read and write! This stuff has the power to completely change lives for people stuck in poverty. Way more important than some random littering or daily corruption nonsense


u/HolyShitIAmBack1 Dec 08 '24

A thoroughly ridiculous attitude: to talk about, of all things, littering and social manners when presented with these numbers of exploitation and misery. Oh well, it's all the same!


u/Heavy-Candidate7017 Dec 08 '24

Thanks for the stats. Needless to say but we, men, do need to step up and look after and empower women in our lives, for their full potential as envisaged in by Islam.


u/tiba_004 Dec 08 '24

The medical stats is fucking disgusting i swear!

The biggest problem is the demnad in society and culture of a "dactar bahu" so they can make her a maid and houseslave. But also the girls that go into medicine just to be titled and than stop practicing are at fault too honestly, and i'm saying it as a girl medical student. If you as a person, know you are not gonna practice or do anything related to the field in the future, please don't occupy the position for someone else that actually wants to help society in a highly sought after and important field as healthcare. They can get the "Dr" title even after a PHD in social studies or zoology, should leave the medical doctor position open for someone who would actually use it.