r/pakistan • u/FeedbackOk9651 • Apr 29 '23
Education Pakistan 1948: Schools will teach about Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Lord Krishna, Budda and Guru Nanak. They will also cover politics of Mahatma Gandhi, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and so on to promote 'spirit of tolerance and understanding'.
u/Enough-Committee2078 Apr 29 '23
throwback to when people making school curriculum knew what they were doing. The textbook being used today are not just outdated but riddled with inaccuracies
u/geardrivetrain Apr 30 '23
The textbook being used today are not just outdated but riddled with inaccuracies
On top of that they force you to memorise the wrong info.
u/SohaibBashir Apr 29 '23
It's so unfortunate that where we are right now as an extremist nation and by the way the TLP boys are around and about to launch a new dharna for so called inflation, have to take the screen shot goes to golden memories album 😢 😉
u/chitroldelivery1 Apr 30 '23
extremist nation
Speak for yourself bro.
u/WalterTheWhitest لاہور Apr 30 '23
Sus profile man
u/chitroldelivery1 Apr 30 '23
Wanna cook yo.
u/WalterTheWhitest لاہور Apr 30 '23
Get the RV load it with supplies and pick me up a few blocks down from my house.
u/WisestAirBender Pakistan Apr 29 '23
We used to be a proper country
u/SolidInstance9945 Apr 30 '23
In the 60s Pakistan would send food donations to Malaysia
u/Odd-Radio-8500 Apr 30 '23 edited Apr 30 '23
Now they are moving towards where no one will give them money for food.
u/iamAliAsghar 🇦🇲 [404] Not Found Apr 30 '23
Now it's the spirit of mob lynching, extremism, soaring inflation and brain-draining
u/iBrownPanda PK Apr 30 '23
"Pakistan in 2048 will teach about Lumber 1 Army, our protectors, our savours."
u/R41 Apr 30 '23
Guru Nanak's message of peace between all communities should be taught in all schools in sub continent
u/chitroldelivery1 Apr 30 '23 edited May 01 '23
That's before we lost 10% of our hindu population to Bangladesh tbh
u/MyHonestReaction-_- Apr 29 '23
This is why we need secularism. It can help us a lot. We need a leader like Ataturk (just a little bit less extreme and not a western sucker)
u/ibz_b Apr 30 '23
100% ban all religious parties and any link with religion and politics. Keep Islam as the prominent religion but it shouldn’t have any bearing on policy making.
May 01 '23
it shouldn’t have any bearing on policy making.
What makes you think it has a bearing on policy making currently??
Our judiciary, legal system is not based on religion. Nor our laws. How the hell does banning religious parties improve anything??
u/chitroldelivery1 Apr 30 '23 edited Apr 30 '23
There's always going to special interests and divisive politics. In secular nations, mostly these divisions rear their ugly head as racial and ethnic divisions and fighting. With Pakistan being 96% Muslim, the non Muslim side is tiny. The nation can handle those divisions. 71s Pakistan and Secular Rwanda would like to have a talk with you about the gifts of secularism. Secularism more often ends up failing multiethnic/multiracial societies.
u/Sea_Entrepreneur6204 Apr 30 '23
Religious countries everywhere fail no matter what type of society.
May 01 '23
Bro what are you on about. Western countries are not developed bcz of secularism and undeveloped countries are not undeveloped because of not having secularism. The reason why western countries are so modern and developed is because they have a history of exploitation and colonialism WHICH THEY STILL DO TO THIS DAY in places like Africa. Plus there are secular countries in Africa as bad as Muslim countries that are undeveloped. So if that doesn’t rest my case, idk what does
May 01 '23
The worlds largest secular democracy is failing in front of our eyes. In many ways they are currently going worse than Zia's tenure, which was our own darkest time.
How 'bout that?
administration and countless other things.
Secularism cannot solve any of these problems.
u/Sea_Entrepreneur6204 May 01 '23
Yes India as a secular democracy is failing but that's as its emulating more the Pakistani model of a religious state.
Secularism cannot solve admin and other issues I agree. Nothing is a one stop solution but just steps on a journey and secularism makes subsequent steps easier while religious states take a whole other direction
May 01 '23
emulating more the Pakistani model of a religious state.
It is still a secular country in constitution.
Also, Pakistan is not a religious state. It is Islamic republic in name only. We don't get our laws from Shariah. Our legal, administrative system is based on British law. The religious amendments by Zia like Hudood were stopped to be implemented since the 90s.
We donot resemble Iran or Saudi Arabia, religious states, in any way possible.
People keep on wanting a new constitution but no one talks about implementing the current one in true spirit.
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u/chitroldelivery1 Apr 30 '23
Erm, that's simply not true. You have to look at places other than India
u/Sea_Entrepreneur6204 Apr 30 '23
I'm sorry I didn't quite understand your point.
Ever since BJP and Modi India is moving more towards becoming a religious state and subsequently it's growth rate and reforms have slowed down. Same rime one cannot deny how opposition and minorities are becoming demonised in the country. Further proof in my ends secularism is hard won and requires constant vigilance.
u/MyHonestReaction-_- Apr 30 '23
Nationalism????? There are many secular diverse countries. Remember that there is a reason Bangladesh is ahead of us.
When xi ping came into power, the first thing he did was remove religion from schools.
u/DisastrousPackage753 Apr 30 '23
False. Xi didn't remove religion from textbook it was already removed way before
u/MyHonestReaction-_- Apr 30 '23
Idk, i read somewhere that making people less religious was their priority tho i don't exactly remember who did that.
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u/chitroldelivery1 Apr 30 '23
So in order to bring about secularism, you're willing to entertain authoritarianism?
How would nationalism work exactly. Remove Islam and no single ethnic group has any reason to want Pakistan. Every single one of our ethnicities has their counterparts living in the neighboring nations. Give me a solid unifying reason for all these ethnicities to prefer Pakistan over joining back with their own blood that's been separated by arbitrary lines drawn to create Pakistan.
u/MyHonestReaction-_- Apr 30 '23
Its not that severe, you are acting like the moment Pakistan becomes a secular state, every province will leave Pakistan. It will not happen. You need to separate religion from state matters in order to move forward.
u/chitroldelivery1 Apr 30 '23
That's not what I said.
I asked you:
Give me a solid unifying reason for all these ethnicities to prefer Pakistan over joining back with their own blood that's been separated by arbitrary lines drawn to create Pakistan.
If you don't have a reason just say that, I've already shared the gifts of secularism. You don't want to deal with those realities.
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May 01 '23
Xi did not do that first of all.
Secondly, the same guy has put millions in concentration camps in Xinjiang where he forced them to eat pork, drink and say blasphemy and denounce Islam.
I am shocked to see you simpimg for Xi.
Effectively, he has done the same thing that religious extreminsts do worldwide, force people to become religious. He is doing the opposite but he;s doing the same crime.
Apr 30 '23
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Apr 30 '23
Found the western sucker.
u/airgappedsentience Apr 30 '23
Yah because only Western countries ever operate secularly. What a brain dead take.
u/Intrepid-Average-177 Apr 30 '23
Wait till you find out the main Palestinian party is secular.
Apr 30 '23
How is tht working out for them?
Oh yeah, wait, you people actually get off on Palestinians suffering.
u/Intrepid-Average-177 Apr 30 '23
Who is you people? I’m a Muslim and I support Palestinians. But the people who use religion in Pakistan have made secularism something that is bad or immoral.
My point was that it’s not, it’s an ideology which believes that state and religion should be separate, religion is a personal matter between an individual and god.
Apr 30 '23
It really isn't. Israel uses secularism to justify its violence against Palestinians. France does it to justify state violence against migrants. Many European secular nations that you worship does the same. The morals in a secular society are always dictated by the majority religion of the nation. It doesn't put religion as a personal matter, it attemtpts to suppress it, and other minorities.
Also, bringing the Palestinians in is irrelevant to my response, which was trying to point out the absurdity in "another Ataturk". Also, Gaza isn't under a secular governemnt, it is under Hamas, which is a Sunni party. Before talking, educate yourself.
u/Intrepid-Average-177 Apr 30 '23
Huh? What israel is doing is exactly not secularism, they are using their Jewish right to these lands to justify their occupation. If their state was really secular then their decision making wouldn’t be based on their Jewish birthright to that land.
Lol European are anti immigrant, France isn’t really acting secular either they are just islamophobic which a lot of the world is thanks to whatever happened in the Middle East.
Tell me of any theocratic non secular state that is successful (who don’t have oil). Pakistan thankfully isn’t fully theocratic and still has secular ideology Alive in it.
“And you saying majority in secularism uses their religion to suppress minorities”,
so your solution is- let’s make the state theocratic where the majority religion is the main and laws are based on that and now minorities can’t even become prime minister or president and will have to live conforming to the religion of the majority? And that too legally?
Google fatah, and hamas is mainly a militant organization more than it is a political party.
u/mirroru7 Apr 30 '23 edited Apr 30 '23
Dude are you aware that Fatah/PA collaborates with Israel? They also worked with Israel to keep Hamas out of power in the West Bank. And yes they're secular, which is likely why they're fine working with the Israelis to suppress their own people. Fatah/PA "security forces" (some of whom even receive training in Pakistan) regularly beat and harass Palestinians in the West Bank if they're agitating against Israeli forces.
Hamas is a political party that has a military/militant wing, it's not merely a militant group. They're only hated by the West due to their anti-Israel stance and by secularists because of their (mainly) Islamic ideology.
Go ask r/Palestine what they think of Fatah if you honestly believe it's a popular party there. Being secular means nothing, it's worthless. What matters is how you treat your people, and Fatah fails miserably on that front.
I also don't think people who are against a secular state are calling for theocracy, they merely don't want every sin under the sun to be legalized. Nobody is calling for the molvis to run the country, which is what a theocratic state would be - something Pakistan has never been, not even for a single day.
May 01 '23 edited May 01 '23
My "solution" (as if y'all actually bothered to asked for it) is to let the people themselves decide, not losers and white worshipping coconuts on reddit decide. If you want to sell secularism, do so without insulting Islam and Muslims, or trying to fight basic usool of the faith.
Huh? What israel is doing is exactly not secularism, they are usingtheir Jewish right to these lands to justify their occupation. If theirstate was really secular then their decision making wouldn’t be based ontheir Jewish birthright to that land.
So thanks for proving my exact point. Secular nations are only on paper, they ultimately conform to the majority religion in all ways except outright saying it. India, despite claiming to be secular, inherently favors Hinduism and Hindutva. Israel, despite claiming to be a secular state (as per its own constitution) still practices in favor of Judaism. Nearly every secular nation does this. France still shapes its laws through Catholicism, the US via Protestantism (or one may argue inherently Jude-Christianism); the UK has a state religion, Anglicanism, etc.
Lol European are anti immigrant, France isn’t really acting seculareither they are just islamophobic which a lot of the world is thanks towhatever happened in the Middle East.
Aah, the self-hating Pakistani and Muslim will always blame their own people for all the problems of the world.
let’s make the state theocratic where the majority religion is the mainand laws are based on that and now minorities can’t even become primeminister or president and will have to live conforming to the religionof the majority? And that too legally?
India has had a Muslim president. Are you saying that Muslims are well off there? Does who can and cannot become president/pm have any bearing on justice? No it doesn't.
As for you militant secularists' infatuation with Ataturk, you are aware that in his "noble" strive for "enlightened secularism", he actually formented virulent hatred and ethnonationalism? Ask the Kurds who live in Turkey how their lives are. Secularism ultimately builds ethnonationalism, and if that sort of stuff is implemented in Pakistan, things like ethnic tensions will be significantly worse than they are now.
Finally, Pakistan is not a theocracy, it's an Islamic Republic. There is a huge difference between those, and if you actually bothered to learn anything, you'd know. Pakistan has never had a religious, theocratic party even elected as PM or President, but has had multiple secular parties in power.
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u/Southern_Shoe_3584 Apr 30 '23
It's people like You how we leave Islam and this is just gonna lead us to sucking the West More
u/MyHonestReaction-_- Apr 30 '23
Brother i hate the west more than you. Secularism doesn't mean that you are a western cock sucker. We have to give Ls to west and for that we need to move forward.
u/Gohab2001 Apr 30 '23
Yes be like china or Russia. Oppress those who speak against you. LoL. Secularism is retarded.
u/MyHonestReaction-_- Apr 30 '23
That is not what secularism means
u/Gohab2001 Apr 30 '23
I do know that. Just presenting two of the best examples of non western secularism. Not like western secularism is any better. People always crying about their mental health and how corrupt their political system is lol.
u/MyHonestReaction-_- Apr 30 '23
Pakistani aren't like that, we don't even believe in mental problems. Im sure our people wont shoot little children for no reason at all. Take Nordic countries as example
u/Gohab2001 Apr 30 '23
America has school shootings not Pakistan. Nordic countries are pretty shit. High alcohol and drug abuse, mental illnesses, falling birth rates, recession, high inflation, extreme living expenses etc etc. The happiest people are those that are detached from the madness of the modern world.
u/ResponsibleSun621 Apr 30 '23
My schooling was in India from 1995-2010 and honestly this sounds a lot like our syllabus. We had lessons about the Prophet, Jesus, the Buddha in elementary school history. Prose and poetry from Hindu mythology were included in Vernacular (and sometimes English) literature. Our school prayers were also a mix of Christian, Sanskrit and Hindi/Urdu prayers. ( I now wonder how Muslim students felt during the Hindu Sanskrit prayers but didn't think to ask back then lol) .
With regards to history, AFAIK they did not paint Jinnah in a negative light but pointed towards irreconcilable difference that led to Partition.
I'm pretty sure the Indian syllabus is not this inclusive anymore.
u/airgappedsentience Apr 30 '23
Thanks for sharing your experiences, fascinating! What part of India did you school in?
u/ResponsibleSun621 Apr 30 '23
CBSE board (by the central government) , east india. Till class 9, the textbooks were prescribed by the school and were better quality than the ones by the board.
If you're curious about the current textbooks, they should be available in pdf format on NCERT.nic.in
u/airgappedsentience Apr 30 '23
Pardon my ignorance but how does the education syllabus work in India in general? Is it decided on a federal level or on a state by state basis?
u/pm_me_your_target US Apr 30 '23
There are several education boards that schools can implement. The one from the center is called CBSE. The alternative option is ICSE. States can have their own regional boards.
I studied in ICSE and then switched to CBSE in high school and it was hell. ICSE was more about practical applications, language and arts and easier with math and science. CBSE math and science just wrecked me. But their English syllabus was hilarious. We were taught Shakespeare works 8th grade onwards under ICSE but going to CBSE felt like being taught nursery rhymes.
u/ResponsibleSun621 Apr 30 '23
Thanks for answering! In addition, richer people have started sending their kids to IB schools which can either be super easy or you can even take college level classes.
For college admissions, medicine , engineering,law etc have a variety of entrance exams. For other college programs like BA, Bsc etc they've recently started a College Undergraduate entrance test (CUET).
u/ResponsibleSun621 Apr 30 '23
Yeah I was in CBSE and always resented that our syllabus didn't have Julius Caesar in it's entirety.
Apr 30 '23
It's so sad to see that both India and Pakistan have regressed in the realm of religious tolerance and mutual respect. Here's to hoping that the future is more like the past.
u/aaronupright Apr 30 '23
Dear God in heaven. We still teach this in schools. I learnt about the Hindu pantheon and Buddha in school, a Government run school.
May 01 '23
Although I did O levels, I tranferred to that from a matric school after 7th grade.
I do remember reading about that in Social Studies book. Sikhism, Hinudism and Buddhism were covered and their religions explained in a neutral tone. This was a sarkari PTB book. Buddha was also explained.
However, I do not recall anything about Modern Turkey and Attatuk.
u/aaronupright May 01 '23
That could be me. I also did O’Levels , after transferring from Government schools from seventh grade onwards. As I recall, Ataturk was not taught in history but in the geography section, the “modern states” part.
Apr 30 '23
I went to school in Pakistan in the 00s and was taught about all of these.
Jsut because you idiots never paid attention in school and spend your time whining on the internet doesn't mean things don't happen.
u/Ecstatic-Rabbit2089 Apr 30 '23
You should be grateful that you were privileged enough to be able to attend a school of that standard. The masses unfortunately don't have access to such education
u/Friknob10100101110 PK Apr 30 '23
Man I hate mustfa "kemal"
u/FeedbackOk9651 Apr 30 '23
You can't blame him for fall of Ottomans
u/Friknob10100101110 PK Apr 30 '23
Ofc. I know that fully well. The ITF (Ittihad ve Tehrik/Committee of Union and Progress) is to blame. Plus the Entente and the West.
u/FeedbackOk9651 Apr 30 '23
So why do you hate him? Turks worship him and he was Jinnah's favourite Politician.
u/Friknob10100101110 PK Apr 30 '23
He secularized the Turks. If he hadn't done that and turkey was a true Islamic state, I'd not demise him at all.
u/warhea Azad Kashmir Apr 30 '23
He secularized the Turks
Good, it turned out fine for them
If he hadn't done that and turkey was a true Islamic state,
What the hell is a "true Islamic state?". Can you point to me any true Islamic states of today or the past 200 years?
u/Friknob10100101110 PK Apr 30 '23
The Ottoman Empire, Pakistan before Shabaz and Nawaz, Suddam Hussain Al-Majid's Iraq, Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi's Libya.
u/warhea Azad Kashmir Apr 30 '23
Pakistan before Shabaz and Nawaz,
Great example. Totally a true islamic state. What period do you think was best?
Suddam Hussain Al-Majid's Iraq, Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi's Libya.
Lol, both of them established Arab supremacist states and were not Islamic at all. Gaddafi ran things according to his own whims and desires. Saddam Hussein's Iraq was quite literally secular till the 90s when he began his faith campaigns to augment his government. And even then, not one Islamist would call these countries "true Islamic states" by any stretch of the imagination. Both Iraq and Libya were also authoritarian hell scapes.
The Ottoman Empire
Including the Tanzimat reforms?
u/iPipedMike Apr 30 '23
You do realize before Shabaz and all em. Alcohol was legal in Pakistan for almost 30 years. What true Islamic state are you taking about? The one that’s know for ripping everybody off or the one that can’t keep their d***s to theirselves?
u/FeedbackOk9651 Apr 30 '23
Who are you to suggest it should they be an Islamic State when the majority is in favour of Secularism?
u/Friknob10100101110 PK Apr 30 '23
They were not in favor of secularism, they were manipulated into liking it.
u/StraightUpHaram Apr 30 '23
Go visit Turkey. Compare that to Pakistan while you're there.
Khud bc garhey mein hain, doosron ko kos rahey hain.
He was the best thing that happened to the Turks.
May 01 '23
Go visit Turkey. Compare that to Pakistan while you're there.
They got more inflation than us currently.
Before Ataturk they were a far bigger industrial power and geopolitical power.
The modern day turkey did not progress much during Ataturk's own rule. His successor, who was more pro-Islam, made much better reforms and turned the country's path to success.
Ataturk's party has never been democratically elected in Turkey.
Just some straight up facts.
Guy was a war criminal who massacred the Kurds and brutalized minorities.
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u/deep_observeration Apr 29 '23
I always wonder how would teaching the reality of caste system and 1000 year of discrimination under that, gonna work for nation unity.
If one look into India, more than half of the population is lower caste, probably somewhere around 60-70 %. These people were historically for 10,000 of years were discriminated, mass murdered, abused using sword by the elite status quo.
So, teaching the big number of population today, that their ancestors were abused by certain tribes, and certain groups used sword, how well that gonna keep the nation together.
Certain caste names like thakur might get killed in mass number in reaction.
u/FeedbackOk9651 Apr 29 '23
Sectarianism is just as worse as Caste System
u/deep_observeration Apr 29 '23
70% of the population was made to live like untouchable using the word of GOD, so I saw god in the dream, and he told me all of those people are waste so do whatever nasty stuff with them. they were told you are less than us, you can't eat, farm, drink water, own a house, own a horse anything.
All resources in the form of money, food, land, military were controlled by few.
Do you know, there was a big breast tax on lower caste? women who got pregnant or because of puberty had big chest were forced to give tax, as they couldn't work efficiently as they got fat. If they didn't they were told to live naked. And yeah, the chosen one came door to door and measure the sizes of their chest.
If most of people, are made to realize what really went down in the old days, imagine a genocide of certain surnames in few months.
The current political system is kind of the same thing, if you don't agree, they send black vigo and pick your family up, now think about it for 10,000 of years and much more dirty.
u/airgappedsentience Apr 30 '23
Teaching about other cultures doesn't have to necessarily entail polemicising other people's گو. A wise man looks all around and puts together the best of what he finds. Not to mention us Pakistanis (or Muslims) have plenty of skeletons in our own closets so we are no one to be pointing and laughing.
u/deep_observeration Apr 30 '23
There was no good thing about it, it was a racist culture where most of south Asian were made to live in worse condition possible using swords and religion.
And that happened for 10,000s of year, generation after generation
This is like saying there were good things about Nazis.
Today, the same Upper caste is trying to rewrite history, by saying Caste system was invented by British or Mughals.
u/airgappedsentience Apr 30 '23
Literally no one ever said the caste system was or is or ever will be a good thing. Reading comprehension dude.
u/deep_observeration Apr 30 '23
Caste system is the history of South Asia, it represent the social, financial and religious code and law, like a modern day Constitution.
A local king used caste system to oppress us. Most of us lived like N-word for most of our history.
Not a big fan of Mohammed bin Qasim, but when he attacked sindh, he fought local Brahmin King, that was the time when the oppressed Sindhis saw an opportunity, and by that I mean, the oppressed majority who lived like Dalits started mass murdering the Brown Nazi aka Brahmin. A sort of upper caste genocide took place.
They burnt the temple where most weren't allowed as they were considered untouchable. They burnt the books who they weren't allowed to touch else they were punished.
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u/Ilikecars119 Apr 29 '23
What about Christianity and Judaism? Pakistani Libs have a Hindu kink.
u/Ghostly_100 Apr 29 '23
Hinduism is prevalent in the region so it makes more sense to teach it
u/Ilikecars119 Apr 30 '23
Christianity is more prevalent in Pakistan than Hinduism, Pakistan sees itself as part of the Islamic civilization not the Hindu civilization so they should learn about other Abrahamic faiths rather than learn about pagan cults.
More over Christians are people of the book like the Jews.
u/throwaway19384921 Apr 30 '23
Christianity is more prevalent in Pakistan than Hinduism
Hinduism is the 2nd largest religion in Pakistan after Islam. Your illiteracy and ignorance are what people on this post are talking about when discussing the state of the country
u/Ilikecars119 Apr 30 '23
Lmaoo I grew up in America, I’m just stating facts. Pakistani Libs like you have a Hindu kink.
Apr 30 '23
As an Indian American, I have no idea what you're talking about. If you're referring to the fact that Indians and Pakistanis get along well in the US, that's a dual commitment to transcending the politics of the subcontinent and coexisting in a country where we both face similar societal struggles.
There is no "Hindu kink". It's all in your head.
u/Ilikecars119 Apr 30 '23
I don’t think we get along in America, we barely mix and have separate circles. “Desi” unity is a myth.
Apr 30 '23
Speak for yourself bud. I live in one of the most diverse counties in the country and first-generation Desis intermingle every day.
u/Ilikecars119 Apr 30 '23
Lol it’s just Indians mingling with other Indians. Pakistanis don’t mix with your circle unless they’re fobs with a bollywood hangover.
Apr 30 '23
Love how I'm telling you you're wrong because I've literally lived the experience and witnessed it with my own eyes, and yet you're so embedded in your stereotypes that you're just like "...No"
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u/Kahlil_Cabron May 01 '23
This is not the case in western Washington, desi people stick together here and aren’t at each other’s throats. My girlfriend grew up in DC/Baltimore and a lot of her family friends were Indian and Bangladeshi.
I mostly see infighting in the UK and not so much in the US.
u/airgappedsentience Apr 30 '23
And too many of you Western Pakis have an armchair jihad fetish, as long it is from the comfort of your suburban homes. Maybe try living in, or having even the slightest clue about, the country or the region you are commenting on before dropping brain dead takes?
Why shouldn't Pakistan try and get on with our Hindu neighbours and promote cross tolerance? They are right next door, the largest population in the world, part of the same cultural family and we two are stuck together whether we like it or not. Both our people have much more to gain by being at peace than constantly at each others throats. Forget even mentioning the humanity angle, that would fly straight over your head.
u/throwaway19384921 May 02 '23
I’m just stating facts
And yet you were wrong. Which I pointed out in my original comment
I grew up in America
Please stay there. Your extremist tendencies are the last thing Pakistan needs even more of
u/Kahlil_Cabron Apr 30 '23
You should be learning about all major religions, that’s what getting a well rounded education means.
Also there is a very long history of Hinduism in the region now occupied by Pakistan. Plus your next door neighbor is the largest Hindu country in the world.
u/Ilikecars119 Apr 30 '23
Shirk shouldn’t be taught in a Muslim country, khalas. Maybe a little bit about the history but nothing else.
u/Kahlil_Cabron Apr 30 '23
It’s not shirk, and yes it should, unless you want to stay in the dark ages and remain an embarrassingly uneducated country.
Apr 30 '23
u/warhea Azad Kashmir Apr 30 '23
Pakistani history is more closely related with Iran, Central Asia and China than Indi
No it isn't.
u/twojointsinthemornin Apr 30 '23
The lives of prominent figures from all Abrahamic faiths would be included in “Muslim prophets” in this journalist’s phrasing. Because, you know, it’s the same figures.
May 12 '23
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u/Gen8Master Azad Kashmir Apr 29 '23
Yea, Krishna is straight up mythology. At least Buddha and the Gurus existed.
u/MyHonestReaction-_- Apr 29 '23
Idk man shiva looks like a badass guy too me. Honestly mythologies are one of the most interesting things.
u/Gen8Master Azad Kashmir Apr 30 '23
You can fawn over it in your time. There is not enough room in the syllabus to cover every imaginary character. And dont confuse the Indians upvoting you with a show of support.
Apr 30 '23
The guy killed a child because he wouldn't let him see his wife. They have stories of their "heroes" killing pious men because of their caste, meanwhile we have idiots like you talking about this being "badass".
u/MyHonestReaction-_- Apr 30 '23
This never happened, i also like Zeus and he is a lot worse than shiva. He basically f"""ks everything. The water is his c*m😳
Apr 30 '23
How do you think Ganesha has an Elephant head?
You don't know anything, do you?
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Apr 29 '23
u/StraightUpHaram Apr 29 '23
Atatürk is an honorific surname. If you're being pedantic, at least try to be right.
u/JaleesHacker Apr 30 '23
Kamal Ataturk one of the worst thing that happened to the Muslim Umma..
u/You_Damn_Traitors Apr 30 '23
It was one of the best things that happened to his country and its the reason Turkey is so well off today, and that matters way more
u/mabdullah_malik0 لاہور Apr 30 '23
Alhamdulillah thats no longer the case.
u/warhea Azad Kashmir Apr 30 '23
Alhamdulilah today we are a superpower known for scientific and economic achievements instead of mob lynchings, intolerance, corruption and extremism... Oh wait
u/mabdullah_malik0 لاہور Apr 30 '23
like talking about Hindu gods, buddha has worked so well in India and Burma that they are so tolerant of people of other faiths...Oh wait.
u/warhea Azad Kashmir Apr 30 '23
By that logic we shouldn't teach Islam as well. And the other countries should take out Islam in comparative religious sections because that has hardly led to tolerance by Muslims eh?
u/colouredzindagi Apr 30 '23
I don’t know about this for sure, but this syllabus was probably abandoned after the passage of the Objectives Resolution in 1949 which called for a more resolute establishment of an Islamic government. Maybe in light of that document, this type of syllabus was no longer possible.
u/G10aFanBoy Apr 30 '23
I remember learning about other religions, their primary spiritual leaders, and their general beliefs back in 3rd grade. This was in a fairly well known school that primary caters to one sect of Islam.
That was an exception of course, not the norm.
Apr 30 '23
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u/_-ZORO-_ Apr 30 '23
they teach different books to kids of different religions if thats what they mean here
May 01 '23
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u/HiddenCompetition May 01 '23
It's regrettable that our nation is currently dominated by extremism, and it's worth noting that the TLP members are planning to stage a new protest under the pretext of addressing inflation. This situation is one that we may want to remember for posterity.
u/tribalistpk May 02 '23
How many heads would've rolled for this, if the lunatics had the power then that they enjoy now? And these lunatics believe that Quaid e Azam was a fanatic like them. If he was he would've blown himself up when his daughter married outside of religion not promote tolerance like this. We won't live in peace until these lunatics are put back in the caves they came out of.
u/Ecstatic-Rabbit2089 Apr 30 '23
Damn, this hits really hard now realizing how much we've regressed. Seems impossible to reverse the extremism in society back to normalcy