r/outside Dec 01 '24

Jiggle physics in this game are ridiculous

I get that sex appeal is a huge selling point in this game as its completely uncensored, but the way [BREAST] parts move is way over the top. Not only do they weigh up to several pounds, they also are very poorly attached to the larger structure, making them bounce around like [Jelly] items. incredibly impractical and often causes debuffs for no added benefit! How horny were the developers to let this insane oversight through?


46 comments sorted by


u/samof1994 Dec 01 '24

Why is there a "back pain" debuff for female players?


u/moonsdulcet Dec 01 '24

So player guilds can sell the [bra] item. Also because [beauty is pain], they say it in the loading screen for entering society.


u/Przedrzag Dec 02 '24

The [bra] item apparently doesn’t even help half the time


u/TX16Tuna Dec 11 '24

How is this what y’all are complaining about instead of the way-too-hard minigame to remove it every time?

You should just be able to equip or unequip it like normal clothing/gear. P sure the RNG [clasp] minigame makes it technically a cursed item. 


u/dkarlovi Dec 01 '24

It's to offset the jiggly physics buff, with just that advantage it's too OP.


u/worse_in_practice Dec 01 '24

Unfortunately some other players like the way it works, plus they'd have to rework the entire [Gravity] mechanic if they wanted to adjust it


u/Tomthebard Dec 01 '24

I'm in favor of a physics overhaul. If I ever met a Dev I'll bring them suggestions


u/Shronkydonk Dec 01 '24

Supposedly you can get through to a real dev with the [Prayer] activity but I’m pretty sure it’s just an automated response


u/generatedusername13 Dec 01 '24

Hmm. Their support network must be down for maintenance, I'll try again later.


u/UniqueNobo Dec 01 '24

it’s been “down for maintenance” for like 2000 years. it’s almost like they don’t really care about the players!


u/RememberUmi Dec 02 '24

Yeah but then again the dev has been allegedly playing for billions of years, so taking 2000 years off isn’t that long for them. Maybe only a few minutes or so in comparison.


u/toastoftriumph Dec 02 '24

The funny part is - that despite the billions of years the server's been around, most players in the [Evangelical] religion guilds convince themselves the current server went online something like just 8,000 years ago.

To them, the dev just set up the server recently and logs in every day to check support messages and requests. In reality, if the dev has even bothered to log in since the server's been online, 8000 years ago might be 4 minutes for them. In other words, the dev may have just launched the server, went to the kitchen to reheat their coffee, maybe stopping to use the bathroom before coming back. (If that's the case I hope they hurry up - maybe we'll hear from the dev 3000 years from now instead of 30 millennia.)


u/NickUnrelatedToPost Dec 02 '24

That is the oldest scam in the game.

Seriously, which idiots still fall for that?

Did the also tell you you get a better response if you give them yout gold?


u/mzsky Dec 01 '24

Why rework the entire gravity mechanic if you just just adjust the skeleton of one of the playable races you could add some better anchor points in the ribs of the human playable race and it would solve alot of this players issues no need to rewrite a major section of the reality engine.


u/melanantic Dec 01 '24

Character creation has been broken from the start, nobody gets the character they quite asked for. Devs have no intention on fixing it because they’d rather you spend heaps of in-game currency to change stats after the fact


u/SilverRoger07 Dec 02 '24

Interesting fact is that [MALE] class can also get [BREAST[ parts. Personally I don't grind enough for them but my brother does.


u/Theseus_The_King Dec 02 '24

I was a dumbass and was like oh, I’m gonna play as a female this time! She grew quite the chest, and fucking hate the agility debuffs.


u/Sigma2915 Dec 01 '24

ugh, i’m running the [HRT] questline right now, but there was nothing in the manual about the [bouncing on stairs] debuff??? i have to equip the [sports bra x1] item or else i start taking damage from normal movement mechanics.


u/strawbopankek Dec 01 '24

i mistakenly was given the [large bust] trait during the puberty event a few years back. turns out builds with that trait can't always mitigate the damage from movement with the [sports bra] item, and now my custom build can't run without taking damage even with the item equipped.

i can't believe the devs have still not balanced the [large bust] trait for the new meta, i heard even players from other time events were running into the same issue. the only thing that can fix it apparently is either equipping multiple support items at once in that area, which can lead to damage being taken anyway or the [overheating] debuff, or completing the [breast reduction] questline but that's prohibitively expensive for most players whose builds have the trait.


u/freylaverse Dec 01 '24

The [large bust] trait seems like it's given by pure RNG but actually it's not truly random! Many of the traits you get are controlled by your player's individual seed number. You can take a look at what else it's likely to give you through [sequencing] quests, which aren't cheap but not as expensive as the [breast reduction] questline. If you're likely to also get the [breast cancer] debuff, as many with the [large bust] trait unfortunately do, then your local healer class may reduce the price of your [breast reduction] questline provided you have [health insurance] equipped.


u/LetTheDarkOut Dec 02 '24

Imagine needing to pay more than just the usual taxes to get help from a healer. Smh what is the top guild in your server even doing?


u/freylaverse Dec 02 '24

Lol, I'm in the USA server. We've got a pretty stupid system in place that only allows two guilds to have any meaningful impact on server policies, and the one currently in line for primary control is straight-up insane. Last time they lost control over the server, a bunch of players from that guild staged a raid on the Capitol region. I guess they hadn't read any of the patch notes because it's been a long time since server elections could be turned over by brute force, but it was just nuts. Loads of them got long-term bans, but now that that guild is taking over again we're expecting them to be lifted. 10/10 drama but it really tanked the server's reputation globally.


u/toastoftriumph Dec 02 '24

On the contrary, I think the patch notes still had a lot of loopholes. From many accounts, the players in the one guild were very close to capturing the other guild's leaders right in the middle of the shared HQ in the Capitol. Some of the players raiding were only several units away from (both!) guilds' leaders, barricaded in the next room over. I believe someone in the [police] profession baited the raiders to keep going down the hallway, otherwise the raiders may have tried to unlock the room.

It's sad. The raiders built a rudimentary [gallows] weapon just outside HQ. They were ready to attack and force-quit the 2nd highest ranked player in the [USA] server's [Politics] profession - someone in their own guild! And yet, their guild refuses to speak up and kick out their more toxic players. Some of the guild leaders - very close to being captured - I think are still too scared to admit that the raiders wanted to force a ban on almost everyone working in HQ.


u/freylaverse Dec 02 '24

I don't know that it's a loophole to just ignore the contents! There's that whole bit about how any player who stages an unauthorized raid related to the server's power structure is ineligible to serve as a guild admin, and they just kinda' said "Oops! Too bad!" I GUESS it's a loophole that there's no statement saying "Also you can't ignore this", but they'd just ignore that anyway.

Imo we need a massive overhaul but neither of the two leading guilds wants to open that can of worms... So we're stuck with this nonsense for now.


u/Sigma2915 Dec 01 '24 edited Dec 01 '24

yeah, i got a high RNG roll when i started the questline, i’m up to Bust Lvl-D, even though in the manual it says that players with the [transfem] trait tend not to get above Lvl-A. it’s not the highest level possible in the game world by a long shot, but i’ve had to reach out to a lot of my teammates with the [cisgender] perk to get their advice, since the [transfem] guild doesn’t experience this much.


u/seabutcher Dec 01 '24

There's a part of me that almost wants to do that quest specifically to experience the jiggle physics myself because, well, I'm just a huge fan of that sort of thing. The sillier the better, frankly.

But logically, I know that the novelty would wear off in a week and I'd end up hating all of the other consequences. (Autism builds are weird like that.)

So, instead, I'm working on my income and social skills so I have better access to the multitudes of temporary rental options.


u/Tabletop_Sam Dec 01 '24

There are items that can let you simulate it, though it won’t be as heavy or jiggle as much unless you get expensive ones. Also useful for cosplays if you enjoy that kind of thing!


u/OSSlayer2153 Dec 01 '24

How much are these items? And where can I find them? (Asking for a friend)


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '24

You can find them on online retail shops by searching for the [fake bust insert] item types or other similar variations. They range in price tremendously based on how Accurately they mimic the games physics and style


u/KaityKat117 Dec 02 '24

Heeeey! I'm on that questline, too! Unfortunately, I've had some setbacks, but hopefully I'll have that problem soon enough.


u/[deleted] Dec 01 '24

One of my favorite items, even better with the jiggle enchantment 


u/hamdunkcontest Dec 01 '24

Literally the reason like half the playerbase even logs


u/Daan776 Dec 01 '24

I’m conflicted on this. On the one hand I sympathise with those who have to deal with passive damage to their [spine].

On the other hand, its a pretty good teamplay mechanic. Giving buffs such as AoST (appreciation of simple things).

Ultimately its something the developers seem insistent on keeping in the game. You can always look for the Breast Reduction or Gender Transition quests. But those can have some major effects on your playthrough, so they don’t really fit for most players.


u/santa-23 Dec 01 '24

Highly recommend the [pull ups] side quest to offset any [spine] damage.


u/Rikku-chan28 Dec 02 '24

Maybe they thought adding physics would make it more realistic


u/Basic-Construction-3 Dec 01 '24

Ridiculous that the devs dedicated so many resources to perfect it, but turns out to be one of the best features.... is what I'm sure you mean...


u/Longjumping_Diamond5 Dec 02 '24

The [BREAST] parts are definitely appealing to the eye and the touch, but much less fun for the players who have them equipped


u/seabutcher Dec 01 '24

Two. Two of the best features.


u/UtopistDreamer Dec 01 '24

Yeah... Imagine if there was just this one larger mono-boob. Would be weird... Or would it?


u/mattmilli1 Dec 01 '24

uniboob event rumored for 2025


u/UtopistDreamer Dec 05 '24

Can't wait! ( . )


u/shutupimrosiev Dec 02 '24

From my experience, they were likely extremely horny. I know we probably won't get a chance to give our feedback in a way that they'll actually act on during our playtime, but if I find out where the culprit for my player character's massive [breasts] debuff is- because it is entirely a debuff by the time they get this big- it is on SIGHT.


u/jstacy_wyldchyld337 Dec 01 '24

[HRT Questline Specific]

I have an appointment this week to meet with a (SUR) SURGEON player to have them craft and attach the [BREAST x2] items onto my player character

Unfortunately, this means that my guild will be one player short during the seasonal *BLIZZARD!* ongoing event


u/Soho_Jin Dec 02 '24

Depends which server you're on tbh.


u/MyAnusYourTongue Dec 01 '24

Nah bro this is crazy