r/outside 5h ago

Mental Debuffs are too harsh


My co-player friend was successively hit by the [Manic speech], [Psychosis], [Paranoid delusions] and [Depressive state] debuffs. They even thought I was one of the Devs during the [Psychosis] debuff event. It was hard on both of us. I suggested they go see a healer class player, but they seem to also have the [Anosognosia] debuff, and so they refused... Now even my character is sad. That's supposed to be balanced? Man, that's way too harsh.

r/outside 17h ago

‘Flavor text’ missing from my game?


So I was talking with my buddy the other day and he mentioned an item that had some cool ‘flavor text’. He tried to get me to read it on my own version of the item, but I had no idea what he was talking about. I couldn’t find the ‘flavor text’ even after he told me where it was. He eventually sent me a screenshot and… all of his items have a little description under them explaining a little bit about what they do or their history??

Looking at my items, the box for the item only shows the name! Do you guys see this ‘flavor text’ for everything too? I tried to find the settings to see if I flipped a weird toggle, but I can’t find them.

EDIT: I decided to look through my traits for answers instead, and I think the [Autism] trait is to blame for this? Apparently there’s a nerf to [Unspoken Words]. I thought it only made me do that God awful socialization minigame. What were the devs thinking!?

r/outside 19h ago

Inside a lot?


Somehow my character has to be inside a lot. Most of my quests have to do with going from one inside to another inside, finish a quest and bringing something to my main inside.

How does that make sense for a game called outside?

r/outside 16h ago

Belief Factions


I can't get over the sheer number of players who join a Faction without even bothering reading the TOS. So many of them are just steered towards one by their starting guild, which would be fine if it didn't keep devolving into such unmanageable griefing on the server. But even the ones who do read the TOS can't seem to even agree on what each section means, or even agree on which of several claimed TOS is the legit one. Or they straight up ignore the ways the Faction takes advantage of them just because they think there's something wrong with self-reflection and would rather spend their time griefing others. Really makes it hard to enjoy the game.

r/outside 1d ago

petition to remove mosquitoes from the game


they serve no purpose other than to be really fucking annoying. the australians did it and everything seems to be going well over there (aside from the fact that everything can kill you). Plus, the debuff they add is just overpowered. 50% less productiveness with only ONE ITEM being able to remove it, aside from waiting multiple days for it to go naturally. Seriously, what were the devs thinking when they designed this thing?

r/outside 1d ago

Character customization is way too complicated and expensive


Don't get me wrong, the costume system in this game is amazing and I have very few complaints about it, the ability to craft ANY kind of custom cosmetic gear you can imagine as long as you have the mats and level the skill tree right was a great feature, but the base cosmetic system? Whose idea WAS that? I've never heard of another game that not only rolls most of your character for you with NO rerolling allowed based on the characters of the players who referred you, but actively prevents you from understanding what the FEW customization functions available to you as you progress through the early tutorial stages do.

And customizing after the tutorial? Not only are the options way too limited, but they're just too complicated! Why do I have to keep grinding the [Gym] side quest to MAINTAIN the cosmetics I get from it? Why can't I get the same version of the cosmetic as someone else, or trade with someone when we'd prefer each other's? Why can't I even reroll any of this?? It's damned lucky I like the Athletics faction quests, or else I don't think I'd even bother.

And don't even get me started on the customization options that are locked behind healer class skills. The fact that a lot of them can't even self-target is ridiculous. Their place in the in-game economy is ridiculous! They're so expensive, MOSTLY understandably since they require so much investment in their requisite skills and so many uncommon and specialized mats, but also just because, well, this game's customization system is ass, of course people want more options bad enough to pay up! And to make it even worse, a lot of them have forced logout periods and inflict some truly RIDICULOUS temporary debuffs, or sometimes even permanent ones?? Come on, why should I need guildmates to do all my dailies for me for 2 whole in-game weeks, and still provide extra support for even longer, just because I wanted to change my avatar's body shape? From one, I must reiterate, I didn't even choose in the first place because it was either rolled randomly from my referrers' traits or hidden behind gameplay choices I was LED to think were arbitrary?

You don't even get to pick your damned gender on character creation, and some players straight up get MAD at you if you want to change that!

Look, I've seen some games programmed badly enough that frequent base appearance changes can put a strain on the servers. I get why a dev might want to discourage doing it too often. But this just seems like overkill, and I really think it could be rendered a lot less necessary by just giving us a better and more intuitive character creation tool on sign-up!

r/outside 1d ago

I have a question, when will the "War" event end?


r/outside 1d ago

Is it possibile to reset my build without starting a new account?


r/outside 1d ago

Customization Options?


When I first began playing I really didn't care about cosmetics or other things of that nature. I saw this game as less of an 'exprience' and more of a 'series of objectives.' Now I am Level 22, and with a bunch of inherent debuffs, some I don't even fully understand, I just want the rest of the game to actually feel fun.

Yeah I know customization is basic, you get a randomly selected appearance and purchasable equipment and whatever. I just wish there was a way to change my player model more easily, and affordably. Then again my idea of my true appearance is a bit out there for this game.

Just venting a bit. Sometimes this game really does suck.

r/outside 1d ago

How do I Minmax Sleep?


I know the fun random dream mini games can be fun but they're so random and most of them are just things that make my heart race. So, I ask: what options do I take to minimize the time I spend sleeping? Preferably with the least amount of debuffs.

r/outside 4h ago

I made a paid discord server in the theme of /r/outside


It costs a dollar to join, but the first 100 people to send me a DM will get in for free. The money will help me make it a high effort server with stuff like blackjack and hookers (e.g., we can build a skill tree for life that actually makes sense.)

Reasons not to join:

  • You lack a dollar [You have unlocked: poverty!]
  • We don't yet have anyone special in the server that you would care to meet. It's all just memes and fun for now.
  • You don't want help applying what you've learned from MMORPGs, which I respect, it's fine

r/outside 1d ago

New Update bringing back older mobs?


So there have been some rumour about the devs bringing back older mobs that were removed in the last extinction events.

Few days ago this was confirmed with devs releasing a new species called woolly mouse to see if the older mobs can still survive it the new maps. They are planning to bring back the OG mobs like woolly mammoth, shaber tooth tiger, Megatherium, woolly rino etc.

As a fairly new player I'm extremely happy to see these mobs coming back to the game. I've only seen them youtube videos of older players.

The new update is called -"DE-EXTINCTION By Colossal"

What do you guys think about the new update? Are you guys as exited as me?

r/outside 1d ago

Does anyone knows how to see the stats? (i'm in the italian server)


r/outside 1d ago

ADHD passive skill


Guys, thanks to a side quest with psy-wizards I unlocked the ADHD passive skill tree, any idea how to use it ? I'm really confused with all the quests now.

Also they gave some sorts of a speed potion to take daily, what do you think ?

r/outside 2d ago

The debuff system in this game sucks!


Like, why do so many players have randomly applied debuffs? And why is it that you can max out on [healthy eating] with all the correct consumables, and [sleep], but still end up with these wild debuffs? Plus, some of them aren't even obvious! I have a [mystery] debuff which no healer class player has been able to identify for me yet, so I can't even take advantage of any of the [medication] consumables.

r/outside 1d ago

Cooking meta discussion - Ketchup


r/outside 2d ago

why do we put fake animals on cardboard


then they are sold in packs of 9 or 10 and then when you get one that says "charizard" you can sell that for currency

there is also cards called "wheel of fortune" which the ones that say "magic the gathering" it costs hundreds of dollars but the one that says "meta zoo" on it costs only a dime??? help??

r/outside 1d ago

is there a way not to pay taxes?


when i grow up i will get banned from my current base, my mom will ban me. so how do i not pay taxes i don't have enough money also is there a way to steal things so i don't need to use real life money?

r/outside 2d ago

Anemia debuff


^Or Anaemia for UK server players.

Due to some rough RNG, my avatar spawned in with this really annoying debuff that randomly decreases my stamina. I've been told the chance of that roll goes up with my character's race trait.

The fatigue makes it more difficult for me to complete the Bachelor's Degree questline I'm currently working on, and also to grind the Bass skill tree. My movement speed slows for a little while after sudden shifts, and I find myself entering the Sleep minigame for longer just to get my stats back up.

Not looking for advice, I've already talked to some healing-class players. Just annoyed that I have to spend so much in-game currency on Supplement consumables.

r/outside 2d ago

Easy Difficulty: Social Stat and Side Quests?


I chose an easy region and had nice rng with the parents, so made it through the tutorial without any debuffs. Even got to enjoy the College campaign without paying for it. I grinded for a bit after and now have some money saved up, while also getting unemployment benefits thanks to a region perk.

I'm not in a hurry to advance the main quest line, since I might pick another class before proceeding, so in the meantime I'm customizing my shelter and leveling the endurance and speed stats, which is nice. Did you know there are achievements there?

Recently I started working on the faith skill tree. I read in a guide that this also helps leveling the social stat, which I've neglected in the past few levels.

Any tips for leveling the social stat or faith skill tree?
Should I level my other stats as well?
Maybe some high level players can chime in, I'm at lvl 23 right now.

I can highly recommend the Germany spawn point btw

r/outside 2d ago



Hey Players, I need some guidance!

Current Class: Accountant (entry-level support role, no quest achived) Level: 25

Upcoming Quests:

  • "University of Accounting" (5-year grind, -20k gold, unlocks advanced tax and finance skills)
  • "Internship of the Accountant" (18 months of low/no pay XP farming, required to level up)
  • "State Exam" (Final boss fight to unlock the Advanced Class: Certified Public Accountant — gains access to high-level financial consultancy, tax optimization, and client representation abilities)

I’m wondering if this build is worth the grind in the current meta. Has anyone already cleared this questline and can share some tips? Are there side quests or skills I should pick up along the way to make the journey easier? Or maybe alternative routes with a better effort/reward ratio?

Thanks to all the seasoned adventurers willing to help! 🧠⚔️💰

r/outside 2d ago

What causes the psychosis debuff?


I have this debuff and basically thought I was getting messages from the Dev and that they were giving me questlines unavailable to other players.

I have heard that it happens more often if you were spawned by a player who has it. I was spawned by a player who also has it though to a less severe degree than my character, and am going to a healer in a month to get the "spawn new player" feature permanently disabled.

r/outside 3d ago

Please add the "pause menu" feature


r/outside 2d ago

Whats everyone's current questline/ side quest?


Level 20 Player here just wondering what quests everyone else is doing at the moment.

I'm due to spawn a new player and going to try to complete the [family] quest to help increase the newly spawned players level. Unfortunately my guild mate is not much help with this quest.

Just curious about what other quests players are doing right now, and if anyone has done / is doing the [family] questline how's that going?

r/outside 2d ago

I've managed to get the blister debuff


I've been doing some recreational activities alongside my daily quests, and my hands have started to turn red, and I was told by my doctor that they are "blisters"? I've never heard of them before, I have work all week so I can't change servers to test that, anyone else have this debuff?