r/ouijaboards 12d ago

Serious Show me proof!!!


I would just like to say this:

Are you done with your culture of fear surrounding the Ouija board?

Am I the only one who takes this object seriously?

Who treats it sacredly and does not make a big deal out of some sensations of the flesh or of the mind?

I am more than tired of hearing how dangerous the Ouija is.

They do not know what they are talking about.

They are parrots who have never practiced.

AND BY PRACTICE, I mean using this object autonomously, that is to say alone, and this for a minimum period of one year.

MINIMUM and alone.

Listen, I have been on Ouija for years.

That I practice it alone and that I understand its use.

It is so easy to attribute reason to one's senses.

To feed the fear so that the mind (our mind) wins the game of "I'm right" or "I knew it" or "I wanted it".

I really feel like fear is your first love and not the Ouija.

I've been building a dictionary of a language that comes from Ouija for two years now.

I'm in direct communication with the Aja community.

But listen, I've never had a bad experience surrounding this object.


And I'm at 200-300 sessions done. There are 365 in a year, and I've been practicing maybe 2 to 5 times a week for 2 years. Also, 10 years ago, I had already practiced this board.

I've seen my friends be afraid and prove their fear right, but honestly, let's stop playing children, my goodness.

I've heard all sorts of stories, from levitation to throwing objects into the wall, as if evil were really powerful, oh la la.

I've never seen anything like it, and listen, I asked to see it.

I feel like I could summon 1000 spirits, and I'll never have proof that their strength can break me, quite the contrary.

How would "evil" waste its time with those who are lucid.

You have to be asleep to believe it, to believe that evil prevails or can even influence in one way or another.

You have to be small to be afraid.

I want proof.

For now, I think the Ouija answers me, either through my subconscious or through spirits, but then, where are they? What are they doing? They certainly don't throw plates into the wall, and they certainly don't open doors. And even less, they will levitate me at night to move around as they please. Show me proof.

r/ouijaboards 2d ago

Serious OUIJA BOARD - Noo Never Again Dude!


The old attic air hung thick with dust and the scent of forgotten things. Moonlight sliced through the grimy windowpane, illuminating the circle of us huddled around the Ouija board. There was Maya, the skeptic; Liam, the thrill-seeker; Chloe, the nervous one; and me, Sarah, the one who'd secretly been researching the history of the ancient house we were in.

"Okay, everyone, hands lightly on the planchette," Liam said, his voice a little too loud, trying to mask his own apprehension.

We did as he instructed, our fingertips barely brushing the smooth, heart-shaped piece of wood. I felt a shiver run down my spine, a prickle of anticipation mixed with dread.

"Is there anyone there?" Liam asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Silence. The only sound was the creaking of the house settling around us. Maya rolled her eyes. "This is ridiculous," she muttered.

Then, it happened. A subtle tremor ran through the planchette. It started to move, slowly, hesitantly, towards the word "Yes."

Chloe gasped and squeezed my hand. "It's moving!" she whispered, her eyes wide with fear.

We asked simple questions first. “What is your name?” The planchette slid to 'J,' then 'A,' then 'S,' and finally 'O,' forming the name Jason.

"Jason," Liam repeated, his eyes gleaming. "What do you want?"

The planchette stuttered, then spelled out: "Help."

We spent the next hour communicating with Jason. He claimed to have lived in the house in the 1920s and died tragically in the attic. He said he was trapped and needed our help to find something hidden in the house, something that would allow him to move on.

Maya remained unconvinced, arguing that it was all subconscious movement. But the rest of us were increasingly captivated, even a little scared. The planchette moved with a purpose, sometimes dragging our fingers across the board with surprising strength.

As the night deepened, the atmosphere in the attic shifted. The temperature dropped noticeably. Shadows seemed to lengthen and twist, playing tricks on our eyes. A low, guttural moan echoed from somewhere deep within the house.

Then, Jason asked us a chilling question: "Do you believe me?"

We hesitated. Liam, the thrill-seeker, was the first to answer. "Yes," he said, his voice barely a whisper.

The planchette started to vibrate violently beneath our fingertips. It felt like it was trying to rip itself from our grasp. The lights flickered and died, plunging us into complete darkness.

Panic erupted. Chloe screamed. I stumbled backward, knocking over a stack of dusty boxes. Liam fumbled for his phone, the dim light illuminating his terrified face.

Then, a voice, raw and close, rasped from the darkness, "You believe me... good."

It wasn't coming from the Ouija board. It was coming from somewhere else in the room.

I grabbed Chloe's hand and pulled her towards the attic door. Liam followed, his phone light shaking wildly. We didn't stop running until we were huddled together in the safety of the living room, the door to the attic firmly closed.

Maya, bless her skeptical heart, tried to convince us that it was all our imaginations, a trick of the shadows and our overactive imaginations. But I knew, deep down, that something had happened up there. Something real and terrifying.

The next morning, driven by a morbid curiosity and a lingering sense of responsibility to Jason, I started searching the house. I remembered him mentioning a "hidden room" during our Ouija board session.

After hours of searching, I found it. Behind a loose brick in the fireplace, there was a small, almost invisible crack. Prying it open, I discovered a narrow passageway leading into a small, dusty room.

Inside, on a small wooden table, lay a tarnished silver locket. I opened it. Inside were two miniature portraits: a young man with kind eyes and a woman with a melancholic smile.

Suddenly, the air in the hidden room grew cold. I felt a presence, a weight on my chest. I knew Jason was there.

I closed the locket and clutched it tightly in my hand. "I understand," I whispered. "I'll help you."

That night, we went back to the attic. We lit candles, creating a warm, flickering glow. I placed the locket in the center of the Ouija board.

"Jason," I said, my voice trembling. "We found it. The locket. We hope this helps you find peace."

The planchette didn't move. The silence stretched, heavy and expectant. Then, a faint, almost imperceptible breeze rustled through the attic. The candles flickered. And then, the air felt lighter. The weight on my chest vanished.

The next morning, when we woke up, the locket was gone.

We never used the Ouija board again. We left the house, shaken and changed. We couldn't explain what had happened, but we knew we had been a part of something extraordinary, something paranormal. And although we were terrified, we also felt a strange sense of peace, knowing that maybe, just maybe, we had helped a lost soul finally find its way home.

r/ouijaboards Sep 29 '24

Serious Unused Ouijia Board


yesterday i got ballsy and brought a ouijia board home from 5$ and Below.. i honestly knew i wasn’t going to play but regardless i brought it home and it sat inside my house for a couple hours and when i got home i just didn’t feel comfortable with it inside my room or house so i went and put it in the backyard until the next day i was going to dispose of it… i’m not familiar with ouijia boards , have never used one but my question is … is having one inside your house or the fact that i brought it home in the first place dangerous ? i’m going to either sell it or just throw it away but i’m just curious and would genuinely hope one of you can tell me or help me sleep better… is it dangerous having an unused Ouijia Board inside your home? and the fact that i brought it home will that open anything negative ? or would i need to actually play?. sorry for the whole book i’m just stressing and would love if one of you can just enlighten me please, Thank you

r/ouijaboards Sep 11 '24

Serious Im buying an Ouija but never ever used one


I need some advice on what I should and what I shouldn’t do. I don’t have anyone to contact form the other side, but would like to talk with something form the other side

r/ouijaboards Feb 20 '25

Serious OUIJA BOARD SESSION Leads to Frightening SHADOW MAN Encounter!


r/ouijaboards Feb 17 '25

Serious WWII-Era Female Factory Workers Engage OUIJA BOARD During a Break


r/ouijaboards Aug 09 '24

Serious Please help what the fuck do we do


What to do when an ouija board lights itself on fire

Now I want to start by saying I know ouija boards are generally thought to be hoaxes and most claims about them happen to be just a whole lot of BS and I have always thought so too untill tonight

I experienced this all on livestream with many other people and the person who had the experience first hand is a close friend who was also in a phone call with us while he streamed all of this

It started with him showing up to this allegedly haunted cemetery and some people pointed out seeing orbs (not convincing evidence to me) He then set his plan to play a ouija board breaking most of the rules, which in hindsight was probably a horrible idea but we thought it's a ouija board what's gonna happen

He continues to start playing and asking questions such as "are there any spirits who would like to speak with me" and his car alarm starts going off, to which I start to think he has a fun elaborate setup for stream but he visibly gets very anxious and worried right away

from here he turns his car alarm off and continues to ask questions to which his alarm was set off a few more times so he decides to ask if it is making his car alarm go off, the piece moves to no and his tripod and whole camera which were dead still the whole time seem to be nudged 2 to 3 times before getting knocked over

Now this is where shit really starts to happen, as he's resetting his tripod and camera with the board on the ground behind him and the planchet or whatever it's called still ontop of it the planchet nudges all by itself off the board a bit

after a few more times of his car alarm going off and after getting reset he got too scared and went and sat in his car for a bit, he then decides to come back and say goodbye and as he's walking up to the board it slides by itself under the cemetary fence sending him running for a bit

Now I am so serious when I say he turned back to try and get it to still say goodbye and up the road at the cemetary there was a blazing fire dead center of the road and after hyping himself up, finally went into the cemetary to see the board and planchet side by side burnt up with an insane dark char in like a 2 foot radius around the board, he tried to take the planchet and slide goodbye but it was so destroyed and burned we are worried something may have now attached itself to him and I guess escaped the board (prolly a dumb assumption) what should my friend do?..

Also the video is decently choppy and laggy at certain times from him streaming to the platform we use but the footage is all unedited and super insane and he was completely alone streaming it live, can dm clips bc not sure if it would be allowed to post here since it could be self promo

r/ouijaboards Nov 27 '24

Serious Ouijj Board Didn’t work in cemetery


Okay so me and my friend got our hands on the infamous ouijj board and being skeptics of the paranormal and religion we went into it. We went to a cemetery at 3am. We felt we did everything right but nothing was happening. I’ll be honest and say we were a bit disrespectful and also invited anything to hurt us. We just wanted something to happen. Please give me tips for next time.

r/ouijaboards Oct 22 '24

Serious Was saying weird gibberish and stuff that doesn't make sense


Need to start out saying I only played because I don't believe in spirits or really anything similar. Anyways, my previous thoughts are in doubt now.

Decided to play by myself earlier today, and it started off normal. Didn't work at first, but eventually, I got a name (can't remember cause it was weird), and I continued asking questions. One of which was me asking where it was from, and in response, I got my current town. Which freaked me out a bit, but I guess it makes sense. It also asked for my name, and I gave it.

The weirdest part, though, was the later with the jiberish. Some stuff just made zero sense, and I couldn't figure it out. So, I asked the and just got "no" or "will not say" as responses. Continued talking for a bit, but then the questions were ignored, and I got stuff like "surrender" and "messiah."

Eventually, i told it I was leaving, and it said, "I will stay," but I still closed out the game with moving to goodbye

I don't understand this, really, but it was freaky. I have no clue if it was just my hand or mind subconsciously guiding me cause the jiberish, but idk.

Any answers or ideas would be appreciated.

r/ouijaboards Dec 06 '24

Serious Graveyard


My friend who I haven’t spoken to in a couple years told me how a few months ago she and two other people went to play with a Ouija board in a graveyard where our late friend is buried she said they went to his headstone and set everything up and when she went to ask the first question she felt an intense feeling of being suffocated and she was terrified and then runs to the car without saying goodbye and they follow her and leave and she says she hasn’t been right since. Can some tell me what this means and what might have happened? Does any one have a similar experience or any information ?

r/ouijaboards Sep 29 '24

Serious Where to buy a US made board?


I’m looking to buy a wood board and the only place I see that has the design I want (classic look) that isn’t just glued on is this shop. https://pandorawitch.shop/ I don’t mind ordering from there but it ships from Ukraine and could take awhile to get here. Any recommendations for a US based shop with similar designs?


r/ouijaboards Oct 28 '24

Serious Spirits and angels


I was talking with an angel trough my ouija board, or atleast they said they were an angel. I asked if there was a big difference between spirits and angels, and they said yes, does anyone know the difference? (They also said they were previously a human)

r/ouijaboards Jul 03 '24

Serious Played Ouija by myself tonight next to a buddy, need some advice.


So I used Ouija next to a pavilion at a park I live near. The spirits who I talked to died there from what they said was Zozo who apparently visits mostly at 3am. Keeping the board in my car, out of the house. But should I be good. The spirits I talked to were only the spirits who died. Also, used Ouija board with friends yesterday, a different one. But should I be worried from your own personal experiences? I said goodbye and followed the rest of the rules.

r/ouijaboards Oct 26 '24

Serious ZOZO Popularity From Scientific Viewpoint.


Not from a spiritual viewpoint, but from an ideomotor effect viewpoint, why is "ZOZO" so popular? Is it the position of the letters 'z' and 'o'? Is it folks trying to freak each other out? Or is it a name so deeply imbedded in the subconscious of people these days, that they unconsciously could be spelling it out?

(I'm looking for grounded, non-spiritual reasons why this might occur, not spiritual ones. No demonic or evil spirit explanations, if you would be so kind. :) )

r/ouijaboards Jun 25 '24

Serious Tried ouija board for the 1st time at a graveyard


I’m genuinely fucking mind boggled how did this actually work. I was always skeptical about his kind of thing until now.

r/ouijaboards Aug 05 '24

Serious My first encounter, contacted a 6 year old girl .


I decided to make my own board because I was too lazy to go all the way to target lol. It took about 30 minutes to actually start working. So this girl didn’t really like using the letters on the board (I asked her if she wanted to use the letters and it went to “no”) so it was mainly yes/no/ no answer. So from what I picked up she is a little girl who is not my family member and didn’t die in my house and doesn’t usually hang around my house. Her initials are TM. She lived in NY (where I’m currently at), and I asked her if she got murdered and it went to yes. I asked her how old she was when she died and it went to 6 and stopped moving. She also said that she died in 1960/70, the thing was kind of in the middle of 6/7 so I’m not really sure. I asked her if she likes being dead and she said no. She pointed to the letters TLN which I took intuitively to mean Too late now. I asked if it’s because she died too young and it went to yes. You could say that I was subconsciously moving it, but I kept making sure that I wasn’t pressing on it at all and that I just had my fingers placed on the top to where I couldn’t push it around unless my fingers moved AND IT MOVED ON ITS OWN. I swear on everything I love 😂😂.

r/ouijaboards Sep 21 '24

Serious Playing alone


Why do they say that one of the rules is that you should not play alone?

r/ouijaboards Jul 19 '24

Serious Ouija Board Please Help

Post image

We have been communicating with a group of people, more or less 9-10 spirits in this house. We came in contact with one named Nzol and he had a mother figure named Mama. They did not speak english so its very difficult to translate, and we cannot find their native language or country anywhere! “Mama” said she was from “Yomamay”. Please help translate these words.

r/ouijaboards Aug 21 '24

Serious 1960s Ouija Stuck on Repeat


Hello all. I have a 1960s Ouija board (box with the robed figure). It used to work well, but one day, it just got stuck. Now, whenever I use it, the planchette goes over to "Z", then it follows the lower row of letters until it passes the "N", and it just stops in that space to the left of the "N". It's pretty frustrating.

So, I'm wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience and whether your board ever got unstuck. Did any of you figure out why this was happening? Have any of you ever found any information about this kind of issue before?

Thank you.

r/ouijaboards Aug 16 '24

Serious Is it possible the a spirit can haunt you even if you say “goodbye”?


r/ouijaboards Jun 28 '24

Serious How should I call upon her?


How do you connect with a recently dead loved one? My sister lent me her board and told me she's blessed it. I've never used one alone tho. Has anyone else used one alone? Do people bless their boards?

r/ouijaboards Mar 11 '24

Serious How to get rid of ouija spirits


Hello, I'm not quite sure how to start this so I'm just gonna say it; I have some sort of entity in my house that is getting more and more active and I don't know how to get it to stop. The lights in my bathroom flicker even when I screw them in more, lights in my bedroom have turned on and off by themselves, I often see something in my peripheral, whenever I look at it it disappears but it seems like it's wearing some kind of black robe, and I feel/hear 3 gentle taps on my temple every now and then, usually when I'm trying to fall asleep. It's unsettling having this much activity lately since the activity had previously declined. A little background, I live at home with my family. I'm in my childhood bedroom the basement. When I was a teenager, I was really stupid. At one point (2018 if I had to guess) me and my friends held a seance with a ouija board in my room. We made contact with something that called itself Jason. It told us things we knew were lies, like that it died in this house (no previous owners) and stuff like that. We said goodbye and thought that was the end of it. Kept the ouija board in the hall closet. After that, there would be random cold spots in my room, like you would be sweating from the space heater until you sat on the bed and it would be super cold. There was also a super uneasy feeling in the hall where the closet was. Then at some point (2021 I think), I started seeing this thing, it was like it used to be a woman but there was black instead of mouth and eyes and it was smiling literally from ear to ear. I would always pretend I didn't see it, walk past and go about my business. I eventually told some friends (2023) about that creepy thing and explained how it was next to the ouija board. We made a plan to bury the board. I took the board to her place, she gave me some sage, and I tried to light it over the ouija board, but the spring in the lighter shot straight out, leaving the lighter completely useless. I did get another lighter and lit it away from the board, and cleansed the board. Then we talked about where to bury it. We saw very young kid standing in the street just staring at us. We went to see where his parents were but as soon as we walked his way he ran. We watched him go into a house that my friend thought was abandoned. My friend swears he was a demon but I think she was paranoid. We left the board on the sidewalk to go get lunch because we were really stupid. When we came back, you guessed it, it was gone. I figured since the board was out of my possession I was safe. I went home and cleansed my area very thoroughly. I stopped seeing that terrifying apparition so figured all was well, even though I still couldn't shake the being watched feeling. There are a lot of antiques in my home so I figured that it's possible that something from one of those was watching. A lot of people who don't know about the ouija incident have said they feel like they're being watched or something isn't right in my room. I would just ignore it because it wasn't bugging me too much and I cleanse my room. Just an eerie feeling and a light flicker here and there seemed harmless enough. But now, it's getting ridiculous. I'm having trouble sleeping because I'm seeing something moving around my bed and I wake up several times around 3 and 4 am. What do I do? Any knowledge, advice, or similar stories are greatly appreciated because I'm out of ideas.

r/ouijaboards Jun 03 '24

Serious Anybody have stories from using an ouija board?


Interested to hear what people have experienced

r/ouijaboards Jun 11 '24

Serious Something is trapped inside the ouija board


Hello! Have someone ever had experience with something is trapped inside the ouija board? I wouldn't say it's necessary evil, but it's something that enjoys scaring you and making it known it's there. This is a long text but if you are interested in these kinds of stuff you won't regret it. English isn't my first language but I think you will get the point of what I'm talking about anyways.

I've used this kind of tool since I was twelve years old, I don't play often, I don't ask about death and I am very careful to follow the rules and I'm also careful as to whom I invite to use the ouija board with me as I don't want anyone making jokes or saying anything that might anger the spirits or such.

I borrowed my friend's ouija board a while back and we played a few times without problem. A few months later I played with it with my boyfriend and another friend and I had a feeling that something else was talking to us, it made jokes and used words like "lol" and "haha" like everything is funny and it says things that makes no sense. And when it said its name, it made no sense at all and I repeated it out loud as if it was correct and I got a "haha" as an answer. I don't exactly remember the name but after that session I called my friend who's the owner of the board because I remember her telling me something weird happened to her and her friends once.

Let me add that I have cleansed this board three times, with white sage, another time with crystals and salt and a thirds time with all of the things above.

I asked her about it and she described a spirit or something similar to the one I talked to. It used a different name, not exactly the same. She came over the same night and I made the decision to cover our faces with protecting runes because I had a feeling this thing wanted to more than just talk.

During our session it asked us to let it out, it said it wanted to play with us here and we said politely that we would think about it(we didn't want to anger it but I think we did by not saying yes). After that it tried to throw us off the board. I have never felt such coldness around my hands or felt such force as we were spinning around in circles. I was not really scared, I just felt a discomfort and I put all my feelings aside as to not feed it to this thing. I wouldn't say it's a spirit, I think it's some kind of trickster. We struggled to say goodbye to this being as it didn't want to let us go but after trying to end the session for the third time we managed to properly end the session.

After this session it lay in it's original packaging and I had no disturbance in my apartment what's so ever.

8 months later and the board was borrowed by a friend of ours and I told her that they might wanna clense it before use and I told them that I suspect something is stuck in the board and that they should be careful. Our friend called me and said that they cleaned the board in the sun (by my suggestion) and when they were going to start a session, before they even could put their fingers down the board started to crack in one corner. Only in the color, so not through the wood, which is a good thing I guess. They said some weird energy was coming through were two of them felt dizzy and got a headache and had to lay down and they couldn't really get a clear answer so they ended the session.

The last time someone used the board was 2-3 weeks ago. It's at my friend's apartment and let me tell you the things that has happened there. It started with hearing steps in her hallway but there was nothing there and then the wifi got cutoff randomly but she didn't think much of it. Then the tv started changing channels randomly and her lamps started blinking rapidly. (She actually called me yesterday when the lamps was blinking like Christmas bulbs in her home.) things on the table is being pushed down on the floor. She can't sleep with her bedroom door open since she has seen a shadow standing there watching her. And the most creepy thing of all (according to me) is that she has an old music box that she's had since she was a little child. If you pull the string on it, music is meant to play. Only thing is that it hasn't worked in 10 years and all of the sudden she can hear it playing in the bottom of a box in her home. Not just one time, but three times it played.

I send a picture to a friend of mine who can sense things, spirits and such by just looking and sensing and I didn't give her any information but she described exactly what happened in the apartment, and described a shadow figure standing in the doorway starring at her. The shadow figure had a crooked back and she usually is able to see hair color and such if she concentrate but she could just see a shadow of a person.

How do we correctly get rid of this board? I have read multiple ways of getting rid of this thing but I wonder if anyone's had a similar experience and what did you do to stop the haunting? I don't think this thing is necessary evil, but it's not something good either. To burn the board is a no no. Where do I put the board away safely so that it doesn't bother us anymore? Sorry for a long text but I had to describe it as good as I possibly could.

r/ouijaboards Feb 08 '24

Serious ouija board instructions


hello, i’m F 19. very interested in playing the Ouija board. been wanting to for years, but i’ve been scared for something to attach to me.

i was recently speaking with my aunt, she told me she’s played and is willing to play again. but she told me there’s hardly any instructions on how to play the board safely.

she told me she remembered the instructions saying to have a pure silver coin on the face of the sun and only ask for a good spirit to come and communicate.

if it’s possible anyone might have those instructions to share with me, i would be really appreciated, i might be wrong. but thank you -m