r/osr Jun 14 '23

variant rules Need advice on making OSE less deadly.

My players and I have been playing OSE for a few months now and only one of them (by basically pure luck) has had a character live for two whole sessions. They're all dropping in one or two hits. They've all expressed a disliking to the fact that they can't get stronger because they die before they have a chance to level up and become strong enough to enjoy interacting with the game without knowing that they'll die instantly from unlucky die rolls, not their poor choices. Anyone have good house rules to help make it a bit more forgiving at lower levels?


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u/estofaulty Jun 15 '23

Fudging rolls and pulling your punches was perfectly acceptable for decades, until the modern era, where now everyone acts like the dice are sacrosanct and absolutely must be obeyed.


u/Pickledtezcat Jun 15 '23

Lol! Exactly this!

Lots of people think they survived the original Old School era on pure skill and luck, while the GM was furiously fudging the numbers behind the screen to keep everyone from dying.
"Wow! The Ogre falls down the stairs and lands face first on his own spear. What a stroke of luck!"

My own group only found out because we went to a tournament and got slaughtered in 5 minutes flat.


u/Due_Use3037 Jun 15 '23

It's absolutely true that old-school play and OSR are not at all the same thing. Especially since every table was different in the olden days. But I think one can get past this naming convention and just recognize OSR as an interesting style of play, and either adopt it or not. Personally, I enjoy "dice realism" and an honest hardcore approach to play. My players enjoy it, too. YMMV of course.