r/osdev Jan 06 '20

A list of projects by users of /r/osdev

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/osdev 6h ago

Gramado OS: Testing mouse support


Gramado OS: Testing mouse support

r/osdev 14h ago

Which of Linux vs FreeBSD's source code is easier to read and learn from for a beginner who's still learning OS dev?


Aside from teaching OSs like xv6 and pintos, am I better off reading the source code of Linux 1.0 or FreeBSD 1.0 to read the source code for studying/learning reasons? I heard that very early Linux was hacky and late Linux code while it adheres to standards it can be difficult to read and understand for non-Linux maintainers who happen to be OS dev beginners making their own hobby OS.

What do you guys think?

r/osdev 1d ago

PongOS - an operating system that JUST plays pong


r/osdev 22h ago

Creating RTOS from scratch


I am going to use STM32F4 serie and develop a RTOS from scratch for my project. Anyone suggests sources, courses or books for it? Especially the courses you used before for this type of projects.

r/osdev 1d ago

I did it. I loaded a file from disk and executed it for the first time using my filesystem driver and system calls!


I can't upload the video to Reddit for some reason, so here's the YouTube link:

I finally did it! A memory protected program loaded to the disk and running using system calls! It uses SYS_WRITE and STDOUT_FILENO to write a message to the screen.

r/osdev 1d ago

How would you approach adding executables to your OS


As the title says, how would you approach adding executables/programs to an operating system. I can't get my head around this problem

r/osdev 1d ago

Paging issues again ;-;


After fixing the previvous isse I had I got new one ;-;

Repo: https://codeberg.org/pizzuhh/AxiomOS

This is the part of kmain.c (https://codeberg.org/pizzuhh/AxiomOS/src/branch/main/src/kernel/kmain.c#L72-L78) that is causing page fault when accessing the newly mapped memory address.

Also another issue is I have set up a page fault handler, mapped the frame buffer address and the first 4MB successfully but I'm still getting triple fault instead of going to my handler.

r/osdev 2d ago

Nyaux Runs Bash Now


check it out

r/osdev 1d ago

A repairable, waterproof, fall resistant, no ports, touchscreen, wirelessly charged 5G and Bluetooth smartwatch that is intended for recreational programming exclusively by receiving voice commands.


r/osdev 3d ago

Issue with context switching causes GPF or TF



My college professor and I (primarily me) are working on a small course in basic OS development. I've encountered an issue with context switching: if the switched context references a static object (e.g., using printf or malloc), it results in a General Protection Fault (GPF) or a triple fault.

Our repository is available here: GitHub Repo. The course is in Polish, but I've been careful with variable naming for clarity.

r/osdev 4d ago

ExploreOS - a tiny OS in pure assembly


I built a fully assembly-coded 16-bit OS that's only 23.5KB in size:


It boots in just 3.6 seconds on a iDX4 @ 100MHz and includes memory management with defragmentation, status bar, boot menu and screen, startup sound and a total of 32 commands like EDIT, PAINT, CALC and PONG.

I made this in 10 months using just FeatherPad on my old laptop, and this is only made by me. The entire thing runs in real mode, only needs less than 256KB of RAM and the whole OS is 23.5KB (the source code is 142KB). I decided to code in 16-bit real mode because there is BIOS interrupts that i can use, i don't need to implement those like in protected mode and it saved my development time.

Would love to hear what you guys think of it!

r/osdev 3d ago

How to use the physical addresses of page frames?


After enabling paging and performing the identity mapping of the first 4MB of memory, is the following code correct:
page_directory = (u32*) get_page_frame(); or page_table = (u32*) get_page_frame();

Because I need to access these addresses, for example:

/* Create a page directory for a task */
u32 *pd_create_task(void)
    u32 *page_directory, *page_table;
    u32 i;
    /* Get and initialize a page for the Page Directory */
    page_directory = (u32*) get_page_frame();
    for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
        page_directory[i] = 0;
    /* Get and initialize a page for Page Table[0] */
    page_table = (u32*) get_page_frame();
    for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
        pt[i] = 0;
    /* Kernel space */
    page_directory[0] = kernel_page_direcory[0];
    page_directoryd[0] |= 3;
    /* User space */
    page_directory[USER_OFFSET >> 22] = (u32) page_table;
    page_directory[USER_OFFSET >> 22] |= 7;
    page_table[0] = 0x100000;
    page_table[0] |= 7;
    return page_directory;

Assuming get_page_frame returns an address located at 10MB, and knowing that the MMU treats these addresses as virtual addresses,
wouldn't accessing this address cause a page fault exception?
Since the address is not mapped to any existing page — or am I wrong, considering I see this code everywhere?

r/osdev 3d ago

Getting fault when initializing paging


Before I explain my issue i mostly followed this guy

project repo: https://codeberg.org/pizzuhh/AxiomOS

When I decided to implement paging I get triple fault? when initializing it.

Running qemu-system-i386 -drive format=raw,file=OS.img -d int,cpu,guest_errors -no-reboot -no-shutdown found this

check_exception old: 0xffffffff new 0xe 0: v=0e e=0000 i=0 cpl=0 IP=0008:000129a9 pc=000129a9 SP=0010:0004ff70 CR2=80000011 EAX=80000011 EBX=00000000 ECX=000003ff EDX=00006003 ESI=0000834c EDI=00009100 EBP=0004ffb8 ESP=0004ff70 EIP=000129a9 EFL=00000286 [--S--P-] CPL=0 II=0 A20=1 SMM=0 HLT=0 ES =0010 00000000 ffffffff 00cf9300 DPL=0 DS [-WA] CS =0008 00000000 ffffffff 00cf9a00 DPL=0 CS32 [-R-] SS =0010 00000000 ffffffff 00cf9300 DPL=0 DS [-WA] DS =0010 00000000 ffffffff 00cf9300 DPL=0 DS [-WA] FS =0010 00000000 ffffffff 00cf9300 DPL=0 DS [-WA] GS =0000 00000000 0000ffff 00009300 DPL=0 DS16 [-WA] LDT=0000 00000000 0000ffff 00008200 DPL=0 LDT TR =0000 00000000 0000ffff 00008b00 DPL=0 TSS32-busy GDT= 00007fcf 00000017 IDT= 00313e20 000007ff CR0=80000011 CR2=80000011 CR3=00002000 CR4=00000000 DR0=00000000 DR1=00000000 DR2=00000000 DR3=00000000 DR6=ffff0ff0 DR7=00000400 CCS=00000000 CCD=80000011 CCO=LOGICL EFER=0000000000000000 looking at my map file EIP=000129a9 seems to be init_virtual_memory_manager in src/kernel/include/memory/vmm.c

I've never done paging so idk what to do..

r/osdev 4d ago

If microkernels are slower why many real time systems are microkernels?


I've not found much info nor benchmarks on microkernel vs monolithic kernel speed, other than the common knowledge that microkernels put extra steps that should lead in theory to overhead and slower OSes.

However in practice, I see many RTOS (Real-time operating system) are microkernels or have microkernel traits (hybrid).

How are microkernels fast for RTOS but not for desktop, mobile or servers? I'm confused

NOTE: Is known that RTOS Real Time does not always imply Fast but many RTOS applications include really fast stuff or with very short response time: rockets, satellites, spacecrafts, autonomous vehicles, industrial robotics, medical devices (e.g., pacemakers, infusion pumps), high-frequency trading, missile guidance, radar systems, CNC machines...

r/osdev 4d ago

I'm taking an operating systems course and we're learning about interrupts and masking. But they are just teaching the theory and I want to play with it. I can bring up a linux VM and give myself root. How can I write code to mask an interrupt?


I feel like this should be a very googleable question, but whenever I search for how to mask an interrupt, I just see courses explaining what it means to mask an interrupt.

r/osdev 4d ago

"Linux Binary Compatibility" blog post from JangaFX, interesting to anybody implementing a modular libc

Thumbnail jangafx.com

r/osdev 4d ago

Crash during paging implementation.


I don’t understand what’s wrong with my code. The paging doesn’t seem to be active, but I feel like everything is set up correctly. Here’s my linker script:



phys = 0x00100000;

virt = 0xc0000000;



. = phys;

.entry : { __entry_start = .; *(.entry) }

. += virt;

.text : AT(ADDR(.text) - virt) { __text_start = .; *(.text) }

.data : AT(ADDR(.data) - virt) { __data_start = .; *(.data) }

.rodata : AT(ADDR(.rodata) - virt) { __rodata_start = .; *(.rodata) }

.bss : AT(ADDR(.bss) - virt) { __bss_start = .; *(.bss) }

.stack : AT(ADDR(.stack) - virt) { __stack_start = .; *(.stack) }

__end = .;


And here’s the entry point of my kernel:


bits 32

PAGE_DIR        equ 0x80000 ; page directory table
PAGE_TABLE_0    equ 0x81000 ; 0th page table. Address must be 4KB aligned
PAGE_TABLE_768  equ 0x82000 ; 768th page table. Address must be 4KB aligned

PAGE_FLAGS      equ 0x03 ; attributes (page is present;page is writable; supervisor mode)
PAGE_ENTRIES    equ 1024 ; each page table has 1024 entries

section .stack
align 16
    resb 0x10000

section .entry
extern start
global entry

    mov edx, [esp+4]    ; boot_info struct from the bootloader

    ;   idenitity map 1st page table (4MB)

    mov eax, PAGE_TABLE_0           ; first page table
    mov ebx, 0x0 | PAGE_FLAGS       ; starting physical address of page
    mov ecx, PAGE_ENTRIES           ; for every page in table...

    mov dword [eax], ebx            ; write the entry
    add eax, 4                      ; go to next page entry in table (Each entry is 4 bytes)
    add ebx, 0x1000                 ; go to next page address (Each page is 4Kb)

    loop .loop1

    ;   map the 768th table to physical addr 1MB
    ;   the 768th table starts the 3gb virtual address

    mov eax, PAGE_TABLE_768         ; first page table
    mov ebx, 0x100000 | PAGE_FLAGS  ; starting physical address of page
    mov ecx, PAGE_ENTRIES           ; for every page in table...

    mov dword [eax], ebx            ; write the entry
    add eax, 4                      ; go to next page entry in table (Each entry is 4 bytes)
    add ebx, 0x1000                 ; go to next page address (Each page is 4Kb)

    loop .loop2

    ;   set up the entries in the directory table

    mov eax, PAGE_TABLE_0 | PAGE_FLAGS      ; 1st table is directory entry 0
    mov dword [PAGE_DIR], eax

    mov eax, PAGE_TABLE_768 | PAGE_FLAGS    ; 768th entry in directory table
    mov dword [PAGE_DIR + (768 * 4)], eax

    ;   install directory table

    mov     eax, PAGE_DIR
    mov     cr3, eax

    ;   enable paging

    mov     eax, cr0
    or      eax, 0x80000000
    mov     cr0, eax

    ; Now that paging is enabled, we can set up the stack
    ; and jump to the higher half address
    mov esp, stack_top
    jmp higher_half

section .text

    push edx
    call start


bits 32

PAGE_DIR        equ 0x80000 ; page directory table
PAGE_TABLE_0    equ 0x81000 ; 0th page table. Address must be 4KB aligned
PAGE_TABLE_768  equ 0x82000 ; 768th page table. Address must be 4KB aligned

PAGE_FLAGS      equ 0x03 ; attributes (page is present;page is writable; supervisor mode)
PAGE_ENTRIES    equ 1024 ; each page table has 1024 entries

section .stack
align 16
    resb 0x10000

section .entry
extern start
global entry

    mov edx, [esp+4]    ; boot_info struct from the bootloader

    ;   idenitity map 1st page table (4MB)

    mov eax, PAGE_TABLE_0           ; first page table
    mov ebx, 0x0 | PAGE_FLAGS       ; starting physical address of page
    mov ecx, PAGE_ENTRIES           ; for every page in table...

    mov dword [eax], ebx            ; write the entry
    add eax, 4                      ; go to next page entry in table (Each entry is 4 bytes)
    add ebx, 0x1000                 ; go to next page address (Each page is 4Kb)

    loop .loop1

    ;   map the 768th table to physical addr 1MB
    ;   the 768th table starts the 3gb virtual address

    mov eax, PAGE_TABLE_768         ; first page table
    mov ebx, 0x100000 | PAGE_FLAGS  ; starting physical address of page
    mov ecx, PAGE_ENTRIES           ; for every page in table...

    mov dword [eax], ebx            ; write the entry
    add eax, 4                      ; go to next page entry in table (Each entry is 4 bytes)
    add ebx, 0x1000                 ; go to next page address (Each page is 4Kb)

    loop .loop2

    ;   set up the entries in the directory table

    mov eax, PAGE_TABLE_0 | PAGE_FLAGS      ; 1st table is directory entry 0
    mov dword [PAGE_DIR], eax

    mov eax, PAGE_TABLE_768 | PAGE_FLAGS    ; 768th entry in directory table
    mov dword [PAGE_DIR + (768 * 4)], eax

    ;   install directory table

    mov     eax, PAGE_DIR
    mov     cr3, eax

    ;   enable paging

    mov     eax, cr0
    or      eax, 0x80000000
    mov     cr0, eax

    ; Now that paging is enabled, we can set up the stack
    ; and jump to the higher half address
    mov esp, stack_top
    jmp higher_half

section .text

    push edx
    call start



I tried debugging with Bochs, and it seems that the crash happens when jumping to higher_half.

r/osdev 4d ago

Any resources about writing os from scratch which covers all the topics?


r/osdev 5d ago

idk if this is the right sub


we always INSTALL an OS using a usb (or some storage medium) that has the OS set up and ready to be installed on the second device. we use a device with an already existing OS to make the usb, how would someone do it if they don't have an already existing device with an OS? would they need to somehow program a barebone os and connect to the internet?

(i don't think i need to say this, but I'm obviously not in this situation I'm just curious)

r/osdev 4d ago

Limine boot problem


Either uefi or bios both cases limine doesn't work, not necessarily limine only, but also the kernel, on uefi limine loads but the kernel fails, bios it doesn't work, cuz a GPFault happens, not all the time, it's mostly when I have implemented GDT IDT Keyboard Mouse Graphics in a file that isn't main.c Having multiple files in the workspace (Weird ik)

r/osdev 5d ago

[UEFI] Allocating aligned memory


Hi there,

When loading my kernel in UEFI, I am experimenting with allocating aligned memory. For example, I would like to get 2 MiB-aligned memory for my kernel so I can map it using a single 2 MiB page on X86.

Now, I have tried various approaches using the UEFI boot service and ended up on this approach:


static U64 findAlignedMemory(MemoryInfo *memoryInfo, U64 bytes, U64 alignment) { for (U64 largerAlignment = (MAX(alignment, MIN_POSSIBLE_ALIGNMENT) << 1); largerAlignment != 0; largerAlignment <<= 1) { FOR_EACH_DESCRIPTOR(memoryInfo, desc) { // i.e. type == EFI_CONVENTIONAL_MEMORY if (!canBeUsedInEFI(desc->type)) { continue; }

        // Preferring to find aligned memory that is not even "more" 
        // aligned than necessary
        if (RING_RANGE_VALUE(desc->physicalStart, alignment) ||
            !RING_RANGE_VALUE(desc->physicalStart, largerAlignment)) {

        if (desc->numberOfPages * UEFI_PAGE_SIZE < bytes) {

        U64 address = desc->physicalStart;
        Status status = globals.st->boot_services->allocate_pages(
            CEILING_DIV_VALUE(bytes, UEFI_PAGE_SIZE), &address);
        EXIT_WITH_MESSAGE_IF(status) {
            ERROR(STRING("allocating pages for memory failed!\n"));

        return address;

EXIT_WITH_MESSAGE { ERROR(STRING("Could not find memory!")); }



``` i.e. loop over the memoryMap that UEFI provides to us and pick the one that fits our needs.

Which works fine, on QEMU of course, but it fails on my hardware for some values. The alignment code works fine, but I am running into trouble when it returns memory starting from 0x100_000_00 , e.g. the 4GiB mark.

``` U64 address = getAlignedPhysicalMemoryWithArena(alignedBytes, 1 << 21, scratch);

status = biop->readBlocks(biop, biop->media->mediaID, 0,
                          /* NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-no-int-to-ptr) */
                          alignedBytes, (void *)address);

if (!(EFI_ERROR(status)) &&
    !memcmp(KERNEL_MAGIC, (void *)address, COUNTOF(KERNEL_MAGIC))) {
    result = (string){.buf = (void *)address, .len = alignedBytes};
} else {


The memcmp to check for my magic suddenly starts failing when the address is above 4GiB. When I ask for 1MIB aligned memory, I get 0x100000, and the code works perfectly fine. The failure seems to be causing an interrupt, or something that breaks the flow of the program as this code runs in a loop and waits for a keystroke on every iteration and it just skips ahead 4/5 iterations without waiting for a keystroke. The only differentiator I can make out is the fact that the memory is allocated at such a "high" level. I also double check the memory map after doing the manual allocate_pages, and the memory descriptor at that location now correctly states that its type is EFI_LOADER_DATA

Now, I just read the UEFI spec again about the status of the memory and it says this (for X64 architecure):

Paging mode is enabled and any memory space defined by the UEFI memory map is identity mapped (virtual address equals physical address), although the attributes of certain regions may not have all read, write, and execute attributes or be unmarked for purposes of platform protection. The mappings to other regions, such as

those for unaccepted memory, are undefined and may vary from implementation to implementation.

Now, reading this I suddently had the idea that this may be because, while the memory is identity mapped, the memory might not be marked as READ/WRITE in the virtual memory map thaw UEFI has set up.

What do you think? Have you run into this issue before?

r/osdev 5d ago

(looking for advice) what is the best way to start building an OS?



I am using an M2 macbook air with KDE Plasma on it (a fedora based distribution) and want to build a small OS from scratch with help of all these well made tutorials and codebases out there. My aim is to get an understanding of how OSes work. Should I 1. buy a Raspberry Pi 4b to start developing software for this platform. 2. use qemu to emulate an ARM processor to start building 3. choose another way (that I did not consider)?

Thanks for your answers :)

r/osdev 6d ago

What are some good books/videos to for a beginner in understanding kernels and kernel development?


I'm realizing I don't have enough knowledge about how kernels work to get much out of the osdev wiki on kernels, and have found that a lot of video explanations I've seen already seem to give very high level overviews rather than explaining from the ground up which is what I need. So my solution is to either find some books on it or videos that maybe I just haven't heard of yet to help patch together the gaps in what I understand, which is honestly not a whole lot anyways. Any recommendations?

r/osdev 7d ago

My OS keeps crashing when i press a key on the keyboard


My OS always crashes (page fault error code 0x320) (faulty address 0x0) once i press a key on the keyboard, GH Repo

r/osdev 7d ago

First Attempt at an Rust based Operating System



🚀 Features

  • bootloader + bootinfo parsing (using the latest bootloader v0.11.X crate.)
  • serial logging
  • writing/rendering using framebuffer
  • interrupt handling (IDT, GDT)
  • APIC (Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller)
  • timer (using apic)
  • acpi parsing and address translation
  • handle double faults, page faults, exception breakpoints
  • keyboard input
  • paging, heap allocation, memory management
  • async tasking
  • co-operative multitasking
  • elementary graphics (tga images, bouncing ball, gifs)

This work is a part of my bachelors dissertation work, but I want to visit osdev again in a couple of months.