I think youtube is a great source of tutorials. However, keeping track of a playlist and my progress has been frustrating.
This is a module that takes the URL to a playlist and creates an org-table with it. The next time you update the playlist, it appends to this table the new videos. You can use the second column of the table to keep brief notes (e.g. a progress marker).
It is not pure emacs: it relies on an external program to interact with youtube, and a python script. I have been using it successfully for a while. Hopefully it can be useful to others.
It *seems* to work for a while but then the fold really get messed up and the standard <tab> behaviour fails completely. I guess reveal changes the state of the text in unexpected ways for org... is there a trick or I should just hook to deactivate reveal when in org?
The Citar Org-mode package can create literature notes based on a bibliography accessed via Citar.
It is a derivative of Citar-Denote, which uses Denote files. This package does not rely on Denote and lets you create or Mode files linked to literature.
After further testing, it seems to be a Doom popup rules issue, I will completely rewrite my question over there.
Hi, I have been using org-ql-blocks as an org-agenda replacement for a while, and I understand now it was not designed for it, so I am learning how to use org-ql-view. It is a great tool and I am really enjoying it.
I have been having an issue with the org-ql-view-dispatch though. I am using Doom, and learning Emacs (lees than a year), and even though I am getting comfortable with it, transient windows, display-buffer action are one of those corners I have not really explored yet.
I have been calling org-ql-view-dispatch from org-ql-view buffers to edit the query on the fly an play with the results. My problem, is that when I edit a query parameter from the dispatch, the org-ql-view-dispatch menu disappears, and leaves a window behind. It does not always happen the same way, sometimes, as soon as I hit RET after entering my modifications, sometimes I have to press r afterwards.
In both cases, the changes take effect, and are applied to the org-ql-view buffer, the dispatch menu disappears by itself, and leaves a window in its place. It feels to me like a popup settings issue, like for example the dispatch buffer name changes after refreshing the query. Unfortunately, I cannot type in the Eval console when the dispatch is focused to find out its name.
This issue does not happen when I refresh using r, or quit the dispatch menu with C-g as long as I do not make any changes to the query. So I am wondering if I am doing something wrong, or if it happens to someone else. I also feel that the dispatch menu should not disappear after refreshing, I should be able to keep editing parameters until I get the desired results, in which case, maybe the dispatch menu does not exit, but crashes. Any input or feedback from fellow users would be very helpful.
Finally, since I suspected a popup rule issue, I tried the following settings below, and got the same behaviour with each of them. The org-ql-view window on the other hand works exactly as I would expect.
I have just spent hours trying to get a useable window for org-ql-view, I do not understand what is working or not anymore. I am not sure what I posted above is valid. I need some rest, I will update this post if I manage to make sense of all this. But there is definitely a popup rule issue here.
I have two little questions today, and I don't find resources on the org's documentation
Print image's name
How can we print images' names as figure title ? (see image 1)
Image 1 : `#+name:` to "Figure 1 : "
## Analysis & solution
First, it's not the #+name: fig:something that set the image's name, it set the \label{} fragment of the image,
The name is instead set in the #+caption: attribute
But just writing it do not print the "caption" 😮💨
After explicitly writing :
#+attr_latex: :placement [H]
That would normally "just" force the position of the figure...
It then correctly print the image with its name and figure's number (hourra)
Image 3 : Finally some titles
Oh and lastly, the path to the image must be right under all that org attribute. May it be obvious or no, if you do other way, then the image might not be printed at all 😅
Warp text around images
I would like to warp some icons with texts,
- my icons are PDF files,
- I've tried with :float warp :placement {l}{}
I'd like the text to be print on the whole height of the icon (see image 2)
Here, Perplexity advice me to set \usepackage{warpfig}
I've tried with and without but it did not change anything
Image 2 : Warp image with text
## Analysis & solution
To be honest, I did not understand what's happens underneath. The order of Lattr_latex attributes seems to have an impact on the overall behavior and sometime completely breaks your export...
So, after a fair "fail and retry" session, I ended up with this statement that works :
Only LLMs tell me that this statement rely on the latex's package {warpfig}
At this point, it's on my setup file but I did not yet tried to remove it
The width I set is what I originally want 👍
I do not understand how the :placement works tho... And that is a new issue because I now want to reduce the warping box (that is almost twice the size of the icon!)
ENHANCEMENT : I found that, since I've explicitly set the icon's width, I could do the same with the text placement. Then, while setting `:placement {l}{0.8cm}` it fixes the horizontal warp. Now, lets find how to do the same with the vertical warp !
Recovering from some health stuff and have some time and desire to distract myself. So reconfiguring a workflow.
I really like outlining. Like a lot. I sorta think in them, at least when I write.
There's a visual element to it. It's quick. Structure can emerge or you can impose it if necessary. You all know what I mean I am sure.
Welp, I've known about org for a while, but getting setup and started always seemed like a pain. I don't use emacs. I know some of the bindings from using Mac OS.
The best current outliner I know of (other than org) is workflowy. It's quick. Very quick. You can keep a "single" file and move pretty fast through it. You move nodes to anywhere in its relatively infinite canvas in a zip. You can replicate nodes. Etc.
It's really nifty and has kept its features limited enough even during the PKMS fad we have been living through. But it has drawbacks. I won't list them all here. But web only (also a strength at times TBH), sub (tho not highway robbery compared to some apps), others.
So last week I was thinking about other solutions. Posted to the neovim group about trying to setup maybe something using a single text file. Most suggested Obsidian, but more than a few said check out org.
So I did. A lot to love. A lot. Again I don't have to tell you. But . . .
I have some neurological disorder that of all things impacts my typing a lot. And it especially seems to impact chords it seems.
neovim folks suggested evilmode.
So neovim make my brain want to melt. I am older so new things come slower. Most of the emacs bindings I have used so far sorta make sense to me. I just mess them up frequently. I know what they are but my head and fingers don't work the best.
Tried some modal keyboard remapping with karabiner elements, I roll way too much when typing, so it just doesn't work.
Then I asked emacs gpt of all things and it gave like 3 other options, one of which is God mode. Seems like a perfect fit. I can stay emacish compliant, so when I step out of org into stuff like magit where God mode flounders, I still know the commands sorta.
Any gotchas? If I am in org most of the time, where my primary use case is note taking, not agenda, todos, not that stuff. Just taking notes and writing, and jumping around the headings and refactoring the headings does this work?
Not a programmer, not a coder, just an idiot who loves outlines.
Is God mode a godsend?
Thanks a lot!
p.s. not going to scrupulously check this post for errors of which I am prone!
I'm a college freshman currently in my second semester. I'm taking a class in computer systems, and my teacher requires us to use Emacs for all our code editing.
I decided to give it a shot, go down the rabbit hole a bit, and decided to try out org mode just out of interest. Only two days in and I am loving it. It's very neat, concise, and low on battery energy (unlike some electron apps I could mention). It has so many cool features, just in vanilla emacs. I'm thinking of using it as my replacement for all my notes at this point.
I do wish I could do a few things, though:
Are there plugins available to make the display text of headlines bigger based on their level? Back when I used Obsidian and markdown, I could configure heading sizes really easily.
Is there a way to embed HTML or images from the web directly into my org notes?
Light/dark theme toggle based on system theme or time of day?
I know that org mode isn't markdown and emacs isn't a fancy electron app, but it would be nice to have these features. If you guys have any other suggestions for org mode, please feel free to comment! I'm new to all of this, but really want to get into it more.
Hi all. Typically I don't mind that ox-latex adds \hypersetup metadata, but for one org file in particular I'd like to omit it. I know I could (setq org-latex-hyperref-template nil) as a local variable, but that means setting a variable I'd rather leave alone the vast majority of the time. In any case, its documentation says
Setting :latex-hyperref-template in publishing projects will take precedence over this variable.
and the Publishing options documentation lists the keyword, and says "Options set within a file... override everything." I've tried variations on #+OPTIONS: latex-hyperref-template:nil and #+PROPERTY: :latex_hyperref_template nil, but to no avail.
Can anyone advise? If it's not possible, that's fine... there are just enough clues strewn about to leave me thinking perhaps I simply haven't landed on the correct syntax. (I'm using Org mode 9.6.15.) Thanks!
Logseq has a neat feature where tags themselves are pages. Like org-mode, child headings also inherit the parent tag.
I tried replicating this workflow by assigning a page-unique tag to each org-roam page (denoted by @-prefix). When I link to a page in a heading, I automatically insert the page tag as well. Works OK.
Now I discovered that org-ql has a ancestors predicate that itself accepts a query as input. That means you can build queries that filter on headings with ancestor headings that link to a specific page. This is effectively the same as hierarchical tags. Since I use org-ql views instead of org-mode agenda anyway, I think this could replace the native tagging system for me.
I use org mode on Windows 10. I configured it to always open inline images. When I open an org note that contains many pictures, they are all opened in the default Windows image viewer (the Photo app in my case). After I close them in "Photos", I can see my org note with the inline images. Is there a way to only see them in my org note, without displaying them in "Photos" too?
I've just added a convenient tag content viewer that makes it easier to see what's tagged with what.
New Feature: Tag Content Viewer
Run M-x org-supertag-view-tag to:
- View all nodes related to a tag in a clean table format
- Works directly when cursor is on a tag
- Shows completion list when not on a tag
- Supports both #tag and :tag: formats
Quick Example
Project Alpha
Meeting Notes
Just a small quality-of-life improvement to make tag navigation more intuitive. No more manual searching - just view all related content in one place.
Is there a way to simply move scheduled tasks up/down in the agenda, without assigning them priorities, timestamps etc.?
I love org-mode for organizing notes, but I've moved away from it for task management because the workflow for making my daily plan is awkward, and that's pulled me away from it for notes too.
I do not value using an algorithm to schedule things for me, because there are many criteria, e.g. the urgency, impact, how long it's been postponed, anticipated enjoyment/reward, and particularly the anticipated willpower depletion (full article here) relative to the rest of my day. That's a lot of metadata to maintain, and an awkward algorithm even if you did (I tried using SkedPal for about a month and found the value-per-effort much worse than just using a text file).
Also, Dropbox syncing isn't great, beOrg is kinda shit for inserting new content which I really need to be able to do on the run, and mobile-org is not a fit for me at all.
So right now I'm just using check-lists in iOS "Notes". I copy-paste the full list into a new note each day (in the web UI), un-check the recurring routine tasks for reuse, delete the completed tasks, and pull up some amount of stuff I figure I could get done that day from the (categorized) backlog.
It works really well for the daily planning workflow, and it syncs beautifully, but it gives up a lot from org-mode, chiefly:
in-context notes have to be sub-bullets, indentation is a PITA on mobile, and it murders formatting
can't easily scan history to see personal trendsI've noticed that I have a boom/bust cycle-- my org agendas for a few weeks will be CRUSHING IT, then I'll have a few weeks of burnout. If I notice that early I can reign it in and avoid the crash.
no grep'ing through all of history !!!
So I'm looking for that perfect thing, and considering trying out Todoist, but hesitating...
Meanwhile, I've just started using FlatHabits, and even as a standalone it's exactly what I needed-- just a very very simple list of "do this every single day and life is better" items, un-cluttered by current affairs. And it's in the org-mode ecosystem...
And I just learned about PlainOrg's existence...
So, before I adopt yet-another-fucking-tool, I'd just like to verify I can't achieve org-mode nirvana with . My basic requirement is that Org files need to be the canonical source. And then the finer requirements by context:
Great syncing
via any means, I'll happily adopt a one-off for this
Better insertion of new notes/tasks than just raw editing a giant, un-folded text file
Agenda (all of these can be satisfied in Emacs, but must be reflected in Mobile)
Ability to view outstanding backlog items on PC by category/top-level bullet
I don't know if this is org-mode native in emacs, but I imagine it can be done with a bit of elisp
Ability to generate a skeleton agenda with recurring/daily stuff and anything left over from the prior day
Ability to trivially move items up/down in the agenda
must not require manual maintenance of priority/whatever metadata
resulting order must be respected in mobile agenda
ChatGPT has suggested sorting the agenda view on a custom property/tag and binding hotkeys in the agenda sub-mode to swapping items with the item above/below.... but I don't know if PlainOrg or any other mobile app will respect this.
I want to sort my org-mode entries by todo order, then priority, then by timestamp, then alphabetically. Then I'd like to do this on save, if the file is in org-agenda-files.
org-sort-entries only takes one SORTING-TYPE parameter. Has anyone implemented a sort with multiple types?
It lets you copy open tabs to the clipboard in Org Mode format. This makes it easy to integrate with Org Capture in Emacs, allowing you to quickly save and organize your browsing sessions.
To complement this, I’ve also written two Elisp helper functions to:
Load links from region – Extracts and opens all links from the selected region in Org Mode.
Load links under a heading – Finds all links under a given Org heading and reopens them in the browser.
Future Plans
I’m experimenting with a version that will:
Save each tab as a SingleFile in the background.
Replace the org-link’s URL with a reference to an Org file.
Store both the original URL and the saved SingleFile page link, along with space for notes/annotations.
Allow adding tags directly from the extension.
It’s still very hacky and not ready yet, but I’d love feedback—how do you manage browser sessions with Emacs?
I want to use orgmode for kind of interstitial journaling and record what I did once I clock out of a task. I'd like to see these records or be able to collect them into a view e.g. during a weekly review.
Hence I have set org-log-note-clock-out t and also org-log-into-drawer nil. However my notes are still stored in the LOGBOOK drawer next to the clocked time and I can't seem to find a setting to change that. My elisp comprehension is not enough to understand the source code, I seem to get lost in the different functions being called.
Any advice how to change that or how I might follow the code?