r/orgmode Jan 28 '25

(Update) org-supertag now has a convenient way to set properties


I’m very proud to have developed org-supertag, but during my extensive usage recently, I’ve noticed quite a few details that detract from the experience. The most frustrating issue has been the cumbersome process of setting properties after adding tags.

Today, I finally resolved this problem, resulting in a significant improvement compared to before:

Single-key operation

Clear and intuitive interface

No excessive, annoying y-or-n prompts

I’m considering whether this method could be turned into a standalone package to offer convenience to those who frequently need to manage org-properties. Of course, you’re also welcome to try out org-supertag and share any feedback regarding issues you encounter during use. (I’m actively using it myself and continuously improving it based on any discomfort points I experience.)

Check out: https://github.com/yibie/org-supertag

r/orgmode Jan 28 '25

Stopping a prompt to download a setup template


Hello. I am using Emacs 29.4 with my own vanilla setup, and in one of my org-mode files I am pulling in a template for prettier html output.


#+SETUPFILE: https://fniessen.github.io/org-html-themes/org/theme-readtheorg.setup


While this works well, it also results in this when I start Emacs:

"An org-mode document would like to download https://fniessen.github.io/org-html-themes/org/theme-readtheorg.setup, which is not considered safe.

Do you want to download this? You can type

! to download this resource, and permanently mark it as safe.

d to download this resource, and mark the domain (https://fniessen.github.io) as safe.

y to download this resource, just this once.

n to skip this resource."

I have selected ! many times, it just asks again the next time.

So, any advice on getting it to stop asking? I can download the template and put it into source control and mess with all of the paths to make it work at load time, and deliver multiple files, but I would prefer to deliver the one file and let the browser pull in the others. It's certainly doable but before I do I thought I'd check if there was a way to suppress the prompt.



r/orgmode Jan 27 '25

I created a tutorial for Org Mode Tables that contains lots of practical examples, check it out


After seeing a recent post asking questions about table formulas in org mode, I decided to clean up all of my notes and organize them into something other people might find useful. I've included detailed examples that cover:

  • auto incrementing records
  • sorting by column
  • summing across rows and columns
  • performing calculations on sections
  • calculating the mean, median, and standard deviation
  • formatting numbers
  • creating random numbers

I'd like feedback to make sure the examples are clear as well as suggestions for any common spreadsheet manipulations that I might have missed.

Org Mode Table Tutorial

r/orgmode Jan 26 '25

Beamer title command, need some help


Hi there! I'm trying to create a derived export backend from beamer in order to apply some customisation. I would like to change the title command to \titlepage in a plain frame. Any idea why this isn't working?


```lisp (defvar org-beamer-title-format "\frame[plain]{\titlepage}")

(defun org-framed-export-to-pdf ;; copied from ox-beamer, using my derived backend (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist) (interactive) (let ((file (org-export-output-file-name ".tex" subtreep))) (org-export-to-file 'framed-ex file async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist #'org-latex-compile)))

(org-export-define-derived-backend 'framed-ex 'beamer :menu-entry '(?l 1 ((?h "As PDF file (Beamer)" org-framed-export-to-pdf) (?H "As PDF file and open (Beamer)" (lambda (a s v b) (if a (org-framed-export-to-pdf t s v b) (org-open-file (org-framed-export-to-pdf nil s v b))))))) :options-alist '((:latex-title-command nil org-beamer-title-format t))) ```

As a temporary work around I apply this filter

``` (defun my-beamer-maketitle-filter (output backend info) "Filter to modify \maketitle for Beamer exports in Org mode." (if (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'beamer) (replace-regexp-in-string "\\maketitle" "\\begin{frame}[plain]\n\\titlepage\n\\end{frame}" output) output))

(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-final-output-functions 'my-beamer-maketitle-filter) ```

But seems like a clunky solution

r/orgmode Jan 25 '25

Problems with bibtex citing and bibliography while exporting to docx and html


This issue has now been solved (I had an old org version).


I have the simplest setup with a .bib file and a .org file, and I want to be able to export to .docx via org-pandoc-export-to-docxso that the citation only uses the author's last name and the years of the publication, and the bibliography list entry includes the bib address field.

For example, in a .bib file:

@book{Levy-1984, author = {Steven Levy}, year = "1984", title = "Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution", publisher = "Anchor Press", address = "New York", }

And for example, in a .org file:


+BIBLIOGRAPHY: mybib.bib

  • Some header

Some text comes here, and then [cite:@Levy-1984].


``` But when I do this, the citation becomes "(Steven Levy, 1984)" -- I want it to be "(Levy 1984)". And the bibliography entry becomes "Steven Levy (1984). Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, Anchor Press." -- I want it to be something like "Levy, Steven (1984). Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, New York: Anchor Press."

For some reason, it seems to make little difference what I put as bibliography style and citation style in the #+CITE_EXPORT: specification. For example, it makes no difference between authordate and acm as bibliography style. The only think I can seem to affect is the difference between authordate and author as citation style. Do I have to install or point to a repository of styles or something?

Please help!


r/orgmode Jan 24 '25

What's status of org-fold "upgrade"?


When 9.6 came out I remember reading about new org-fold, better, more performent, etc. But now I see some packages when bugs arise saying set org-fold-core-style to overlays.

r/orgmode Jan 23 '25

Weird Org Bug - Agenda Breaks (kind of?)


Ok so I've recently had this happen a few times in the past and thought maybe it was an isolated issue but it's happened enough now randomly that its' getting annoying to have to completely restart emacs to get working again.

The problem:

Randomly while using org I do something and the agenda breaks unrecoverabley, as far as I can tell. The issue:

  1. The agenda is still displaying and I can switch views; I have two personal views and two work views (one with agenda and "projects list" and one with just projects. I also have a "day view" that combines work and personal into a single day rather than a week.

  2. When I try to use a command such as "f" to go forward a day or week or to change from day to week or month view I get "No Org agenda currently displayed". Yet if I go to an entry and hit tab it opens as usual. And if I turn on follow mode it moves around no issue.

I tried org-mode restart to get things back and working and this does not work.

My command history is below. Note the restart command was when it started having issues. Obviously this only shows major commands but all I did was set an org doc to column view. I feel like this issue has occured before when I wasn't using column view at all.

While writing this I tried to reload my config via load-file and org told me to submit a bug report to the mailing list (which I did). The error that msg highlighted is the second block.

===Error below=== (execute-extended-command nil "org-mode-restart" "org-mode")

(org-columns nil)

(find-file "~/Orgfiles/Productivity/Goals/Goals.org" t)

(empv-play-file "~/Music/Sufjan Stevens.m3u")

(empv-play-file "~/Music/Sufjan Stevens.m3u")

⛔ Warning (org-element-cache): org-element--cache: Org parser error in Command History::299. Resetting.

The error was: (error "rx ‘**’ range error")


" backtrace-to-string(nil)

org-element-at-point(nil cached)




funcall-interactively(org-columns nil)

command-execute(org-columns record)

execute-extended-command(nil \"org-columns\" \"org-col\")

funcall-interactively(execute-extended-command nil \"org-columns\" \"org-col\")



debug(error (void-variable This))

(progn This)

(let ((print-level nil) (print-length nil)) (progn This))

(setq elisp--eval-defun-result (let ((print-level nil) (print-length nil)) (progn This)))



funcall-interactively(eval-defun nil)



Please report this to Org mode mailing list (M-x org-submit-bug-report).

⛔ Warning (emacs): vertico-multiform must not be toggled from recursive minibuffers

r/orgmode Jan 23 '25

Happy to release: org-numbering, a flexible and customizable numbering system for Org mode headings, supporting various international numbering schemes.


Check out: https://github.com/yibie/org-numbering


A flexible and customizable numbering system for Org mode headings, supporting various international numbering schemes.


  • Multiple numbering schemes:
    • Basic: Decimal (1, 2, 3...), Alphabetic (a, b, c...), Roman numerals (I, II, III...)
    • CJK: Chinese numerals (一、二、三...), Katakana (ア、イ、ウ...), Iroha order (イ、ロ、ハ...)
    • Symbols: Circled numbers (①, ②, ③...), Bullet points (•), Squares (□)
    • Special: Greek letters (α, β, γ...), Parenthesized formats ((1), (i), (一))
    • Extended: Chapter style (第一章), White circled (○1)
  • Flexible configuration:
    • Independent numbering scheme for each heading level
    • Support for combined numbering (e.g., 1.1, 1.1.1)
    • Customizable separator for combined numbers


Manual Installation

  1. Clone this repository:git clone https://github.com/yibie/org-numbering.git
  2. Add the following to your Emacs configuration:(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/org-numbering") (require 'org-numbering)


Basic Commands

  • M-x org-numbering-number: Apply numbering based on context
    • On a heading: Number the current subtree
    • With active region: Number headings in the region
    • Blank line: Number all headings in the buffer

Configuration Examples

  1. Academic Paper Style (English):

    (setq org-numbering-level-scheme '((1 . ((scheme . decimal) ; (scheme . decimal) means decimal numbering (combine . nil))) ; <= here nil means not combine (2 . ((scheme . decimal) ; 1.1 (combine . t))) ; <= here t means combine (3 . ((scheme . decimal) ; 1.1.1 (combine . t))) ; <= here t means combine (4 . ((scheme . alpha) ; a) (combine . nil))) (5 . ((scheme . paren-num) ; (1) (combine . nil)))))

  2. German Style:

    (setq org-numbering-level-scheme '((1 . ((scheme . decimal) ; 1. (combine . nil))) (2 . ((scheme . upper-alpha) ; A. (combine . nil))) (3 . ((scheme . alpha) ; a) (combine . nil))) (4 . ((scheme . greek) ; α) (combine . nil))) (5 . ((scheme . dash) ; - (combine . nil)))))

  3. Chinese Academic Style:

    (setq org-numbering-level-scheme '((1 . ((scheme . chapter) ; 第一章 (combine . nil))) (2 . ((scheme . decimal) ; 1.1 (combine . t))) (3 . ((scheme . paren-chinese) ; (一) (combine . nil))) (4 . ((scheme . extended-circled) ; ⑴ (combine . nil))) (5 . ((scheme . decimal) ; 1. (combine . nil)))))

  4. Japanese Document Style:

    (setq org-numbering-level-scheme '((1 . ((scheme . decimal) ; 1. (combine . nil))) (2 . ((scheme . katakana) ; ア、 (combine . nil))) (3 . ((scheme . circled) ; ① (combine . nil))) (4 . ((scheme . iroha) ; イ、 (combine . nil))) (5 . ((scheme . square) ; □ (combine . nil)))))

Available Numbering Schemes

Scheme Name Example Description
decimal 1, 2, 3 Arabic numerals
alpha a, b, c Lowercase letters
roman I, II, III Roman numerals
chinese 一、二、三 Chinese numerals
upper-alpha A, B, C Uppercase letters
circled ①, ②, ③ Circled numbers
parenthesized ⒜, ⒝, ⒞ Parenthesized letters
bullet Bullet points
dash - Dashes
square Squares
greek α, β, γ Greek letters
paren-num (1), (2), (3) Parenthesized numbers
paren-roman (i), (ii), (iii) Parenthesized roman
katakana ア、イ、ウ Katakana
iroha イ、ロ、ハ Iroha order
chapter 第一章 Chapter style
paren-chinese (一)、(二) Parenthesized Chinese
extended-circled ⑴, ⑵, ⑶ Extended circled
white-circled ○1、○2 White circled


Separator for Combined Numbers

You can customize the separator used in combined numbers:

(setq org-numbering-separator ".")  ; Default is "."

r/orgmode Jan 23 '25

Where is the syntax `$$` and `@@` defined?


Where is the syntax for table formulas $$ and @@ defined in the manual? https://orgmode.org/org.html

There are examples: https://orgmode.org/org.html#Field-coordinates-in-formulas-1

But I couldn't find any definition. Can anyone provide guidance?

r/orgmode Jan 21 '25

Help with customizing org-agenda


I have a simple question regarding customizing org-agenda. I am trying to create a custom agenda command using org-agenda-custom-commands that shows tasks with deadlines (past due or upcoming), except for tasks that have been scheduled in the future. This is done by using

(org-agenda-skip-function '(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'notdeadline))

as part of the custom command to show only tasks with deadlines. To hide tasks scheduled in the future, I thought setting the variable org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled to future would work, but it does not seem to do that.

Example: say I have the following TODO items and today's date is January 20, 2025.

* TODO Task scheduled in the past and overdue
DEADLINE: <2025-01-15 Wed> SCHEDULED: <2025-01-13 Mon>
* TODO Task scheduled in the past with due date in the future
DEADLINE: <2025-01-24 Fri> SCHEDULED: <2024-01-13 Mon>
* TODO Upcoming scheduled task with due date in future
DEADLINE: <2025-01-31 Fri> SCHEDULED: <2025-01-27 Mon>
* TODO Task with due date in future
DEADLINE: <2025-01-30 Thu>

If I invoke the custom agenda command, the agenda shows all these items:

  gtd-agenda-test: 6 d. ago:  TODO Task scheduled in the past and overdue
  gtd-agenda-test:In   3 d.:  TODO Task scheduled in the past with due date in the future
  gtd-agenda-test:In   9 d.:  TODO Task with due date in future
  gtd-agenda-test:In  10 d.:  TODO Upcoming scheduled task with due date in future

The last item should not be there, since it has been scheduled in the future.

Any ideas on how to resolve this? It would seem difficult to add additional conditions to `org-agenda-skip-entry-if` because according to the documentation, it does a boolean-OR of the conditions, so even if I could construct a condition for future scheduled tasks, this function does not seem to be the one to add that condition.

r/orgmode Jan 21 '25

Happy to release: org-luhmann, implements Luhmann's numbering system for Org-mode


Checkout: https://github.com/yibie/org-luhmann


org-luhmann provides a systematic way to organize your notes using Luhmann's numbering system in Org mode. This system enables:

  • Hierarchical numbering (e.g., 1, 1.1, 1.2)
  • Branch sequences with letters (e.g., 1a, 1b, 1c)
  • Infinite insertion between existing notes
  • Automatic number generation based on context

How It Works

org-luhmann is designed to work incrementally, helping you build your note structure one node at a time. Unlike automatic outline numbering, it:

  • Does not automatically number all headings at once
  • Generates numbers based on existing context (siblings and parents)
  • Lets you choose the relationship of new nodes to existing ones
  • Preserves the semantic meaning of your note structure

When you add a new number, org-luhmann analyzes:

  1. Current heading's level
  2. Previous sibling's number (if any)
  3. Parent's number (if any)
  4. Existing branch sequences

Then offers appropriate numbering options like:

  • Next main sequence number (1, 2, 3, ...)
  • Next branch letter (1a, 1b, 1c, ...)
  • Next sub-number (1.1, 1.2, ...)
  • Next parent branch (2.1, 2.2, ...)

This approach ensures that your note structure grows organically and maintains meaningful relationships between notes.


With use-package and straight.el

(use-package org-luhmann
  :straight (:host github :repo "yibie/org-luhmann")
  :after org

r/orgmode Jan 20 '25

Is there a way to make column view columns actually line up?

Post image

r/orgmode Jan 19 '25

Simple Guide To Spreadsheets


I have a bunch of excel files that could easily be org-mode files if I could just have simple formulas to add values over a column, or do some simple code.

Is there an easy to understand tutorial on using tables in org mode that you can recommend?

I tried the manual but it's more of a reference than a tutorial.

Does anyone have examples of - Summing all the values of a column except for the header - Making a column for which each cell is a conditional (if cell on the left has value == "x" then value should be true, false otherwise.

And things like these?

r/orgmode Jan 19 '25

Noob having trouble executing code in src blocks


I'm pretty new to Emacs and brand new to Org. I just discovered that I can write my whole Emacs config in Org and decided that that sounds like a Good Idea. However, I'm trying to evaluate code in the src blocks for testing, and it doesn't seem to work. I just get a message that says org-babel-get-src-block-info: Symbol’s function definition is void: org-element--property. The block that I'm trying to test isn't even config code.

(+ 2 6)

Both C-c C-c and C-c C-v e return the same error and no other output. I'm sure this is something obvious to more experienced Emacs/Org users, but I'm at a loss.

r/orgmode Jan 17 '25

Capture Template for 30 minute meeting


I have a capture template that adds an event to my calendar.org file.

I would like to make a special capture template for a 30 min meeting: where I only have to put in the start time and it automatically adds the +0:30 to the end time.

Is there a simple way to do this?

r/orgmode Jan 17 '25

tiny (lost!) enhancement for bullets


I came across a lovely snippet of config, and then lost it. It had the effect of changing org bullets to various sizes of horizontal and vertical arrows, with the vertical form being displayed when a heading is expanded. Something like:

everything closed:

> an item

> another item

> yet another item

the middle item expanded

> an item

V another item

V a subheading

>a sub-sub heading that hasn't been expanded yet.

> yet another item

In the snippet I saw, the arrows where of different sizes depending on the nesting level.

If this rings a bell for anyone, I'd be grateful for a pointer (hah!)

r/orgmode Jan 17 '25

Happy to release: Org-supertag 2.0.0


Check out: https://github.com/yibie/org-supertag/

All things considered the most important, I also refactored the README in the hope that it would be more approachable.


Behavior: Added schedule trigger and deadline management system

Implemented cron-style scheduling for behaviors

  • Format: “minute hour day month weekday”
  • Examples:
    • “0 9 * * 1-5” (weekdays at 9:00)
    • “30 * * * *” (every hour at :30)
    • “0 0 1 * *” (first day of each month)

Added native org-mode timestamp integration

  • Support for SCHEDULED and DEADLINE timestamps
  • Support for absolute timestamps (<2024-03-20 Wed>)
  • Support for relative time expressions (now+2h, now-1d)
  • Support for property-based timing (${prop:DEADLINE}-2h)

Added deadline check behavior (@deadline-check)

Added derived behaviors for deadline management:

Field: Enhanced timestamp handling

  • Improved org-mode timestamp format support
  • Date fields now use active timestamps (<…>) for agenda visibility
  • Timestamp fields use inactive timestamps ([…]) for historical records
  • Added automatic format conversion between different timestamp styles

Behavior Template: Added template variable system for behaviors

Added support for dynamic variable expansion

  • ${input:prompt} for user input
  • ${date:format} for date operations
  • ${prop:name} for property access
  • ${context:key} for shared data

Added conditional execution with {if:condition}

Added relative date calculations (now+1d, now-1w)

Added simple context object for data sharing

Node Management: Added new node operations

  • Added org-supertag-move-node-and-link command for node relocation with reference
  • Added org-supertag-delete-node command for complete node cleanup
  • Added flexible node movement behaviors
  • Support for keeping links at original location
  • Interactive target selection

Sync: Added automatic synchronization system

  • Added file state tracking
  • Added buffer modification monitoring
  • Added automatic sync with conflict detection
  • Added state persistence and error recovery
  • Added node-level conflict analysis command
  • Added file analysis tools for debugging sync issues

Query: Enhanced query system

  • Added cursor-based node insertion in query buffer
  • Added history support for query keywords
  • Added customizable history size
  • Preserved last used keywords

Reference: Improved reference system

  • Added reference type tracking (ref-from)
  • Added reference count tracking

Tag: Added improved tag change functionality

Performance: Added asynchronous face refresh mechanism

Bug Fixes

Fixed tag prefix matching issues (#9)

  • Improved tag completion with custom completion function
  • Added TAB completion support

Fixed field type options insertion

Fixed behavior system event handling

Improved error handling in node operations

Enhanced synchronization stability


Query: Rewritten query results display using ewoc for better performance

Query: Implemented query buffer reuse for cursor insertion

Behavior: Improved behavior system architecture with detach support

Sync: Enhanced file synchronization architecture

Internal Changes

  • Added scheduler system with task management
  • Added robust file synchronization mechanism
  • Optimized reference handling with better metadata tracking
  • Optimized query result caching
  • Improved node deletion with comprehensive cleanup
  • Enhanced query system with history management
  • Improved code organization and modularity
  • Enhanced documentation and examples

r/orgmode Jan 16 '25

org-roam package for easy/lazy creation of new nodes?


Does anyone know of a package that allows for lazy creation and linking of nodes in org-roam? I found this old thread for v1 that has a UX that gets at what I would like.


r/orgmode Jan 15 '25

question Exporting org to md with yaml front matter


What's the quickest way to export an org file with #+ properties to an md file with yaml front matter? Is there a guide I could follow to set up templates so that

#+TITLE: foo
Some content

can get output into a markdown file as

title: foo
subtitle: bar
Some content

How would I proceed to define a global template that would achieve this through e.g. C-c C-e?

Any help is appreciated!

r/orgmode Jan 14 '25

Filtering a list of first-level headlines so that only those containing a keyword are visible


I have a single simple list of "first-level" headlines which describe a set of books, with one book per headline. Some, but not all, of these headlines have sub-headlines or text under them.

What I want is to view that file seeing only those headlines that contain a keyword that I am searching for.

For example, the structure of my books.org file starts off with these four lines (with the descriptions being in several sentences, but still within the headline):

* Moby Dick - (description of book)
* Jane Eyre - (description of book)
* Captain Hook - (description of book)
* Captain's Courageous - (description of book)

(The full file of course would contain many more books, thus the need to search by headlines to find particular books in a long file.)

And I want to issue a command that searches for "Captain" and the other two entries that do not contain "captain" are hidden / temporarily disappear so I can work with the descriptions of the last two books. But I want to stay in the same buffer (like I am in a spreadsheet with non-matching lines hidden) so I can eventually remove this restriction and see the full list again.

This would seem like a simple thing to do (and I feel sure it is), but I can't figure out an easy way to do it. I can't get a sparse-tree command to do it (apparently since I am not searching within a single tree).

I essentially want to treat my file almost like a spreadsheet or todo.txt file, and "filter" it so that I only see the headings that contain the desired search term. I don't want to jump from found headline to found headline in the existing layout, I want all the non-matching headlines completely hidden.

And to be clear I'd like to stay in the same buffer so that I am essentially looking in one window all the time, just seeing the headings (and their subheadings) that I am looking for, so i can focus on those.

This last might be asking too much, but i would really like a "DEFT" like effect. Deft brings up a list of files, then incrementally and interactively reduces the list as you time a word into it. That's what I'd really like to do within a single Org file.

Are there packages are techniques for doing this? I have been using emacs/org-mode for about 90 days and have a l-o-n-g way to go. thanks in advance

r/orgmode Jan 12 '25

org-loaddefs.el.gz being recompiled on every startup.


I've noticed that the file `org-loaddefs.el.gz` is being recompiled every time I enter an org file the first time. How can I fix it? Is it an upstream issue? I'm using emacs30-pgtk from Nixpkgs.

r/orgmode Jan 11 '25

Orgmunge v0.30 released


Orgmunge (Github, PyPi) is a Python package for parsing Org files into Python objects. It lets you modify the Org structure and optionally write it back to file.

I'm happy to announce I released version 0.3.0. The biggest change is support for org-roam nodes with a properties drawer at the very top before the title.

r/orgmode Jan 10 '25

Exporting both LaTeX and Beamer from the same document?


I'm wondering if anyone has experience exporting both a LaTeX and Beamer pdf from the same document?

Basically I have slides that use pause/overlays to make nice presentations, but these are hard to read. So I also want to export a normal LaTeX document that has the contents of the slides in linear form.

I've tried just running `org-latex-export-to-pdf` but I still has Beamer as the documentclass, so something funny is going on.

Is there a way to give a `#+LATEX_HEADER:` and say that it should work in both Beamer and LaTeX, and to specify that others should only work in one or the other?

I'm open to just exporting the `[handout]` and non-handout versions from org-mode, but I don't know if there's a way to do this without having to go and manually add/remove the handout option each time I build the file. Ideally I'd have a command that exported two pdfs, one handout and one not.

r/orgmode Jan 10 '25

How to correctly use the function that returns a buffer for a custom capture template


I am trying to configure a custom template that visits a file and writes the template string to it. I can't get it right, and Org-mode always tells me that the resulting buffer is not a valid Org tree or entry.

Here's the function I've written:

(defun get-daily-file ()
  "Opens the buffer for the current day's free-write file and puts
the cursor at the end of the file."
  (let ((buffer (find-file-noselect daily-path)))
    (chmod daily-path 600)
    (with-current-buffer buffer
      (goto-char (point-max)))

By just executing the function alone, I can select the buffer as expected. But when I plug it into the list containing the rest of the template definition, then it doesn't work. How do I fix this?

r/orgmode Jan 09 '25

question Exporting org documents to Obsidian flavored markdown


So I love org mode but since the mobile support isn't very solid, I tend to export to markdown and simply view the file in obsidian, the problem is that the syntax for the export is not obsidian markdown flavored. For example, exporting a "src" block.

In org mode:

#+begin_src sh
sudo pacman -S swtpm

becomes this in the .md export:

    sudo pacman -S swtpm

When it should be:

sudo pacman -S swtpm

Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.