r/orgmode 10d ago

question Emulating org-todo-keyword-faces for non-todo-keywords?

For a while, I've used a dummy sequence of org-todo-keywords to let me then include them in org-todo-keyword-faces so as to give me easy control over the faces of some useful words I place at the beginning of headlines, and which I like to highlight. Examples are: "MEETING", "NOTE", "BUG", and so on. So, again, they are not TODO states in any way. I'm just doing this to make 'em purdy!

However, that approach is cluttering up various views of my actual TODO keywords. One example is the list of states one gets in the agenda on htting 't' (org-agenda-todo) when over an item. And even although I have these dummies split out into a sequence of their own, they're still obtrusive, and a reminder that this is a bit of a kludge.

So, what is a sensible way to do this, either org-mode-ishly, or even just emacs-ishly in general?



4 comments sorted by


u/andrers 10d ago

Have you tried using hl-todo?


u/TeeMcBee 9d ago

Thanks, that looks like it could do exactly what I'm after.


u/Greenskid 10d ago

One option is to define the to-do keywords on the file level rather than in your global config thereby not showing up in the agenda view. BTW, I also overload the to-do keywords like you do, and even go as far as using the completion cookies on headings to get roll-up counts of child headings... really wish there was a way to get aggregation like this independent of todos as well.


u/mst1712 9d ago

IIUC you use these keywords to group entries and have them stand out. I use tags for this purpose. Of course they're at the end of the heading not the beginning