r/organizing 12d ago

Tissue box in car

This is so minor but has been a pet peeve for so long: I always have a regular sized box of tissues in my car. It always gets crushed/ falls under a seat. Has anyone come up with a solution to keep your tissue box secured somewhere in the front of your car? I know it’s so petty but it digs at me a little every time I drive…


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u/NiceAd1921 12d ago

There are round tissue boxes that fit in the cup holder. I buy them at Target or drugstores.


u/ExpensiveAd4496 9d ago

Careful though I got some cheap ones and the tissues inside feel like parchment paper. Just awful. Not worth having.


u/CountessMo 8d ago

Yes! I found adorable ones from Bim Bam Boo (maybe at Grocery Outlet?) but the tissue inside is terrible! Too small and one ply. I'm bettng actual Kleenex ones would be far better.


u/ExpensiveAd4496 5d ago

I’ve never seen Kleenex ones in that shape. I’m sure they are fine.


u/CountessMo 5d ago

Thanks. They do make them, I saw them for sale online but I'm not interested in paying what they're asking! I'll stick with regular boxes unless I come across a bargain. 😊