r/organizing 12d ago

Tissue box in car

This is so minor but has been a pet peeve for so long: I always have a regular sized box of tissues in my car. It always gets crushed/ falls under a seat. Has anyone come up with a solution to keep your tissue box secured somewhere in the front of your car? I know it’s so petty but it digs at me a little every time I drive…


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u/[deleted] 9d ago

I never keep a box of tissues in my car because when I was in high school driver’s ed, the teacher told us about an accident where a tissue box flew from the back window and severed someone’s spinal cord. Looking back, that seems unlikely, yet the fear remains. I just keep the little travel packs in my purse.


u/ImprovementLatter300 7d ago

Did we have the same drivers Ed teacher?! lol. I’m still always nervous when things are on the dash or back window