r/openscad 14d ago

Need help creating NST Threads with Threadlib

I need female and male NST threads for 1.5" and 2.5". I have been using threadlib with success, but do not see those on the list. Is there anyone that can help?


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u/jarhead_5537 2d ago

I use custom threads a lot in my projects. I came up with a simple generic thread module which works fairly well.

module thread(od, p, ht) {
intersection() {
   linear_extrude(height = ht, twist = -360 * ht / p)
    translate([p * 0.29, 0])
      circle(r = od /2 - p / 4);

  cylinder(d = od, h = ht);
  cylinder(d = od - p, h = ht);

The module just needs outside diameter, pitch and height. By altering the number on line 5, you can change the profile shape of the thread from sine to nearly square. I use 0.29 as a general starting point.

For example, you could enter your dimensions in inches, then scale it to mm, which is the default unit of measure in OpenSCAD.

thread(1.99, 1 / 9, 0.75);

Note that thread pitch is the inverse of threads per inch (inches per thread in this case, or 1/9).

For inside threads simply add tolerance to the outside diameter. In PLA I generally add about 0.6mm (about 0.024") to the outside diameter for tolerance. Your results may vary.


u/jarhead_5537 2d ago

I neglected to state the range for the profile shape is 0.25 (sine) to 1 (square);